
The Trump Interview

September 15, 2023

On Thursday, former President Trump sat down for a lengthy interview for Megyn Kelly’s podcast. You can see the entire interview here:

The subjects ranged from Trump’s famous response to a “nasty” question Kelly asked him during a 2016 debate to the classified documents case against him to his opinion of Biden’s mental capabilities (he wouldn’t say Biden is too old for the job because some people are very sharp in their 80s while some people lose acuity in their 40s, but he did say that Biden is incompetent. That seems like an uncontroversial choice of words.)

While Democrats are ripping Trump's answers, as expected, he’s also getting some criticism from the right for his response to Kelly’s questions about his handling of COVID and whether he regrets some of those decisions, like putting Dr. Fauci in charge and letting him have too much power. His denials suggested that he still doesn’t grasp the problem. It has some conservatives expressing concerns that he might make the same mistakes again if he gets back into office. Paula Bolyard at PJ Media sums up those concerns well.

I’m not as inclined as some to blame Trump for the wrongheaded, heavy-handed and freedom-crushing power grabs that the pandemic inspired, or for overreacting to the threat and making bad decisions early on. From the start, I understood that this was a new, potentially deadly disease, we didn’t know much about it, and I’m sure most medical experts were acting in good faith and trying to protect the public with very limited knowledge (remember when we were told to disinfect our groceries? I miss disinfectant-flavored oatmeal.)

But it soon became apparent that much of what we were being told was nonsense (churches shut down while liquor stores stayed open, people arrested for walking alone on the beach without a face mask, the government pressuring social media to silence any doctors who questioned their extremely questionable dictates.) Once it became obvious that people were exploiting pandemic fear to increase government power, then common sense criticism was fair game (even though it got a lot of our newsletter articles banned by Internet gatekeepers – and I stand by all of them.)

In short, it’s not a sin to say you did your best, but you got some things wrong. Mistakes can be positive, if you learn from them. But first, you have to admit they were mistakes. I think admitting he got some things wrong then, knows better now and will never let it happen again would help Trump much more than denial and braggadocio. And I think we’d all like to hear him say he’s very sorry he never said, “You’re fired” to Dr. Fauci.

My debate thoughts

August 24, 2023

I have a suggestion for Fox News for the next GOP primary debate, if it’s anything like last night’s. See if you can get Maximum Strength Excedrin headache pills to sponsor it. I wish I’d had a couple last night. I don’t know if I would have swallowed them or used them as ear plugs. I haven’t heard so many people shouting at once since the last time a real conservative appeared on “The View.”

I hope no voters who want the GOP to return maturity and decorum to Washington tuned in. The moderators couldn’t control the debate, and some of the participants couldn’t even control themselves. They should’ve let Tyrus moderate it. He would’ve asked better questions, and he knows how to deal with booing Wrestlemania crowds.

I won’t go into detail on this debate because I know everyone else is talking about it, and most people see it as nothing more than an audition for Trump’s VP or cabinet or a book contract or a spot on Fox News or MSNBC, depending on whether they supported or slammed Trump.

But here are a few random thoughts, for what it’s worth:

Joe Biden and his minions are literally dismantling America, but he was barely mentioned by the moderators in the first hour. Instead of substantive questions about illegal immigration, inflation or corruption of the legal system, we got questions about Trump, January 6th (did the DNC write these questions?), and in a historically embarrassing moment, UFOs. I was also glad that DeSantis called them out on those stupid “Raise your hand if…” questions, scolding them that “we’re not school children.”

The fact that the other candidates didn’t attack DeSantis could be read as both good and bad news for him. Good, because it allowed him to make his points without being piled on, helping him turn in a solid if not inspiring performance that might have helped shore up his slipping poll numbers. A number of conservative pundits thought he came across the best, even if he didn’t bowl anyone over. Bad, because the lack of attacks suggests that the others no longer saw him as their biggest threat.

Judging by that standard, they must think Vivek Ramaswamy is their young J. Pierpont Finch and they had to “stop that man.” So the knives were out, with Chris Christie tearing into Vivek out of the gate as if he were a cheeseburger. I don’t think his slam on Vivek as sounding like Obama when he jokingly called himself a skinny guy with a funny name was the burn Christie thought it was. As Vivek reminded him, Obama won.

I doubt that the attacks on Ramaswamy as a wet-behind-the-ears amateur played as well with the audience as they thought. Trump was a political outsider in 2016, and between him and Biden, we’ve all seen that a half century of political experience is hardly the key to being a good President. Also, all of Christie’s vaunted experience didn’t keep him from leaving office in New Jersey with an approval rating lower than that of bed bugs. Nevertheless, I was disappointed that Ramaswamy stuck to his promise to cut off aid to Israel, although he did go into some detail about his support for Israel, reviving the Abraham Accords and stopping a nuclear Iran.

I think the other candidates also misread the room when they attacked Ramaswamy for saying we should be guarding our own border, not the border of Ukraine. We all feel for Ukraine and want that war ended, but that doesn’t mean depleting our own military and Treasury to keep an endless war going that’s just going to inevitably end in Ukraine’s defeat and hundreds of thousands of fatalities. Thinking endless war is a bad policy doesn’t make you a naïve bumpkin, and most Americans share that opinion. It was also good to hear someone dare to say out loud that the “climate change emergency” is a hoax and the lack of fathers is a serious problem.

Likewise, when Ramaswamy was attacked for talking about trying to revive the love of America among the young generation, his critics sounded out of touch with today and helped reinforce the notion that it’s time for fresh blood in DC. There really is an anti-patriotic trend in that generation, stoked by bad leadership and anti-American schooling. Vivek understands that, since as he pointed out, he was born in 1985 (another moment that made me wince, but for entirely different reasons.)

Moments like that were depicted by some pundits as devastating for Ramaswamy, but several voter focus groups ranked him as the winner.

I was also glad to hear some discussion of abortion, since that’s an issue the Democrats are counting on to turn out their base (they’re already lying about not supporting abortion up to the moment of birth, which they absolutely do: The questions of whether there should be a federal anti-abortion law, what it should be, and how to justify it after years of arguing that it’s a state issue need to be discussed.

Asa Hutchinson who is my friend and governed Arkansas competently surprised me when he parroted the bogus Democrat narrative that January 6th was an “insurrection.” No, it was a protest that turned violent. Even Joe Biden mocks the very idea that the 44% of Americans who own guns could overthrow the federal government yet expects us to believe that a handful of unarmed protesters, including a fairly large contingent of selfie-taking grandmas, came THAT close to doing it.  Even liberal Democrats like Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley reject that Jan 6 was an “insurrection.”  I didn’t expect Asa to sound like the bitter Liz Cheney.  For even Never-Trumpers, that was not a good moment for him.

Finally, I think many people will agree that the real winner of the debate was Trump, for choosing not to show up.

Here are some more comments on the debate from various pundits. The best line is from my recent “Huckabee” guest Michael Knowles: "Hutchinson exceeded expectations inasmuch as he didn't trans a child onstage.”

Polls show that once again, indictments against President Trump have been followed by a boost in his poll numbers.

One poll in New Hampshire found that 62% of the state’s Republicans would support him even if he’s convicted, and 57% would support him even if he were sent to prison.

There’s also a lot of chatter recently about voters feeling “indictment fatigue.” Democrats hope this means that they are turning away from Trump because they don’t want to have to deal with all these legal issues. There may be some of that, but I believe more and more Americans are starting to wake up to the obvious partisan motivations of the prosecutors and the flimsiness of their charges and are fatigued with partisan prosecutors abusing their power to "get Trump." Studies have shown that social media posts about the indictments have been dropping with each new charge as people realize what a joke it is and are shrugging it off (not to say it doesn’t represent genuine peril for Trump, especially with the legal systems and jury pools so stacked against him.)

The Dems have been railing about what a monster and criminal Trump was from the moment he came down that escalator, and we’ve since learned what a crock most of their accusations were, with the “evidence” manufactured by his political opponents. Now, they seem to be indicting him for everything he does: Make a phone call? Indict him! Possess his own presidential papers? Indict him! Speak out about what he thinks was a rigged election? Indict him! Defend himself against being repeatedly indicted? Indict him! All while they completely ignore real criminals committing real crimes. No wonder people are fatigued with this charade.

Long before Trump came on the political scene, I was writing about how we have way too many laws, so many that every citizen breaks ten before breakfast without even knowing it. The Democrats are determined to prosecute Trump for every one of them. But the only thing that makes our society livable is that we don’t prosecute every piddling infraction of some arcane law, or worse yet, one of the millions upon millions of regulations with the force of law.

In the United States of America, there should never be such a thing as a “regulation with the force of law,” a de facto law made by a bureaucrat who was elected by nobody.

With their mindless fury against Trump and their ever-more-obvious partisan abuse of the legal system on full display, Democrats are showing Americans that we have too many laws and that the people in charge of prosecuting them have too much power and not enough impartiality or judgement. That’s something they shouldn’t be demonstrating if they want to stay in power because nobody who wants less of that kind of abuse of government power is going to vote for a Democrat.

Not guilty on all counts

August 9, 2023

You might remember Mark Houck, the pro-life activist whom the Biden FBI arrested in a guns-drawn raid in front of his children, then tried to railroad into federal prison for 11 years for shoving an abortion activist who was harassing his young son. Fortunately, the jury found him not guilty on all counts. Well, Houck is back in the news. He’s running for Congress in Pennsylvania’s 1st Congressional District.

Naturally, his views are pro-life, but his campaign is based on more than that. He says on his website: “I have seen first-hand what an out-of-control government can do to its citizens. I will fight to protect all people and their rights under God & our Constitution. My platform is based on common sense.”

Someone who’s experienced Biden’s weaponized “justice” system first hand and who also believes in common sense? Sounds like the left’s worst enemy! Let’s hope and pray he gets elected.