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November 9, 2023



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

Hebrews 9:27-28

War in Israel update

Here is today’s Fox News link to the latest on the war in Israel and the rising anti-Semitic threats worldwide.

The latest developments: Israel reports that 130 terrorist tunnels have been destroyed, and a fighter jet strike has killed Ibrahim Abu-Maghsib, the head of Hamas' anti-tank missile unit in the Central Camps Brigade who was accused of directing many attacks against Israelis. Israeli authorities are also interviewing witnesses to gather evidence about the gang rape and murder of a young woman by Hamas terrorists on October 7th.

For those accusing Israel of not caring about Palestinian lives because the human shields Hamas uses may accidentally be hurt or killed, the IDF reports that it found a Hamas-operated weapons production and storage facility inside a residential building next to a child's bedroom. Who is it who doesn’t care about Palestinians’ lives?

The Biden White House has been criticized for not taking serious action to stop Iran-backed factions from launching attacks on US troops. There have been 42 attacks since October 7th, with two in the last 24 hours. So on Wednesday, the US launched an airstrike on a weapons facility in Syria in retaliation.

This story is so shocking that I’m going to withhold judgement until we learn more. But if it turns out to be true, there had better be some major consequences. is raising serious ethics questions about Gaza-based photojournalists who work for news outlets such as AP and Reuters, and freelance for CNN and the New York Times. They were on the scene early on October 7th, capturing photos of the Hamas terrorists as they invaded Israel and murdered unarmed civilians. The questions: Were they tipped off in advance about this invasion; and if so, did they do nothing to warn anyone about it, other than show up and tag along with the terrorists to photograph it?

If so, that’s not journalism, that’s complicity in genocide.


The third GOP primary “debate”

Last night was the third GOP primary “debate,” hosted by NBC News and moderated by two liberals and Hugh Hewitt (Breaking News: The next one will be moderated by Megyn Kelly.) The participants this time around were whittled down to Ron DeSantis, Nicky Haley, Chris Christie, Tim Scott and Vivek Ramaswamy. The general consensus was that there were no breakthroughs. DeSantis did the best, with Haley second. Vivek started strong with a flamethrower opening about NBC News and the repeat loser RNC, but went downhill from there.

You can read more about it here:

This is a good analysis by Guy Benson…

And just for fun, scroll back through the comments on’s live blog…

I’m not going to do a blow-by-blow recap, or recount who got called “scum,” or who called whom “Dick Cheney in three-inch heels,” or other petty in-fighting. That just plays into what the media wants: turning these events into divisive sideshows that make Republicans look bad. Why else did the moderators wait until an hour into it, when many viewers had no doubt tuned out, before even addressing the major domestic issues most important to voters, like the economy or the #1 issue for many, our wide-open border? That’s taken on even more urgency, now that people are finally waking up to the dangers of letting terrorists pour across it.

I’ve stood on the presidential debate stage many times, and in 2016, the moderators tried to get me to attack Trump. I refused, and for the same reason I’m not going to critique this (not really) debate. I follow Reagan’s 11th Commandment: Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican. Just as I said then when we were running against Hillary Clinton, we might have our differences, but there’s not a single person on that stage who wouldn’t be an exponentially better President than Joe Biden.

Besides, I’ve already said I back Trump, he’s ahead in the polls by up to 30 points, and as one commentator said, it’s likely most of the candidates by now have resigned themselves to the idea of Trump being the nominee, and they’re just auditioning for Cabinet posts.


Latest Trump news

As is his SOP, Trump didn’t show up for the debate, which he dismissed as the “undercard,” instead holding a competing rally in Florida. The biggest piece of news that came out of that is that he received the formal endorsement of America’s best Governor.


Donald Trump also made some news by posting the document he wanted to show in court that he said exonerated him on real estate fraud charges for overvaluing properties. But the judge refused to allow it, saying he’d already ruled that it wasn’t a defense.

The document was a copy of the extensive disclaimer that appeared at the beginning of every financial statement to lenders. It warns that “considerable judgment is necessary to interpret market data and develop the related estimates of current value,” and that the estimates herein were not necessarily indicative of amounts that could be realized by selling the assets. It adds, “Users of this financial statement should recognize that they might reach different conclusions about the financial condition of Donald J. Trump.”

Granted, I’m not an expert in the laws of New York, but I find it hard to understand how someone can be guilty of fraud for not accurately valuing a property when the contract says on page one that the property values might not be accurate so you’d better check them yourself. It’s like the left’s allegation that Trump only ran for President to enrich himself: if that was his intention, he sure had a weird way of going about it.

Related: In a court win for Trump, the Minnesota Supreme Court dismissed the lawsuit seeking to keep him off the ballot under the 14th Amendment ban on “insurrectionists.” Unfortunately, like so many judges these days, they dodged ruling on the salient issue behind all these dumb lawsuits: that Trump was never charged with nor convicted of “insurrection.” They just found that there’s no state law barring any major political party from putting anyone it wants on the ballot whether they’re eligible to hold office or not.


Another reason why consumers don't want EVs

With car manufacturers sounding the “Mayday” alarm after losing billions of dollars building electric cars that are gathering dust unsold on dealers’ lots, here’s yet another reason consumers don’t want them that doesn’t get much press. It’s a Tik-Tok video showing a long line of cars at a charging station in Burbank, waiting at 11:15 p.m. so they can finally get to a charger and spend another hour recharging their batteries so they can get home by 3 a.m. It will make you miss Jimmy Carter-era gas lines.

Just a reminder: the same party that claims to be the “party of women’s rights,” and that’s pushing for men to steal female athletes’ trophies and scholarships and put them in hospitals, also thinks it’s a great idea for women to have to wait for hours in the dark to recharge their low EV batteries with no way to flee sexual predators released by Democrat DAs who might be hanging around these target-rich areas.

And here’s another welcome sign that some sanity and reality are finally starting to permeate the great “electric vehicle” mandatory revolution.


The messaging problem that pro-lifers and Republicans have on abortion

There’s no way to deny the sad truth that Democrats had a good election day. They see the results of the Ohio vote enshrining the “right” to abortion as their golden key to turning out voters who will ignore all other issues just for that. So expect to see a lot more demagoguing about abortion in 2024, and attempts to put more laws and constitutional amendments on the ballots in swing states to turn out Democrat voters. It might even turn off some moderate Republicans, who’ve been swayed to think of abortion as a “personal freedom” issue.

Paula Bolyard at PJ Media has more on that Ohio vote, what it might mean, and what it doesn’t really mean. And yes, a large reason for it was that a heavily-funded pro-abortion lobby frightened voters by lying through their teeth about what pro-life legislation would do, while the Republicans did virtually nothing to counter their false narratives.  

I was on Sean Hannity’s show last night, talking about the messaging problem that pro-lifers and Republicans have on abortion.

We need to stop playing defense and go on offense. We need to start fighting back against the left’s false rhetoric about killing babies in the womb being “women’s health care” and that anyone who isn’t all-in on abortion wants to harm women. We must make it clear that we recognize that an abortion has two victims: both the baby and the birth mother, who in many cases got talked into the abortion by the father, a relative, or even the abortion providers themselves, for whom dismembering unborn babies is a lucrative business.

We must let women know that we are not out to punish the mother, but to help her, whether it’s to keep her baby or to find a loving adoptive home, but never to condemn her. And to counter the slanderous claim that we don’t care about women’s health, we need to talk about the fact that women are exploited by abortion proponents. They’re not told about the long-term consequences of abortion, physically, emotionally or spiritually.

And instead of getting bogged down in arguments over “how many weeks,” we should talk about something everyone understands and can relate to, like the heartbeat. We all know that when your heart stops beating, you die. It stands to reason that if a baby’s heart has started beating, it’s alive. Everyone gets that.

Remember: surveys show that most people agree that there should be limits on abortion, but they vote for the “no limits” crowd because they’ve been led to believe that pro-lifers are extremists when it’s really the pro-abortion crowd who are far more extreme than most Americans.

We need to stop making the mistake of acting like we need to be afraid of this issue. We don’t. We need to say, “We are for life. We may disagree on how exactly we’re going to make that work, but all of us agree that if an unborn child is in the eighth month of development, nobody should be allowed to slice it to pieces and call it 'women’s health.' It isn’t healthy at all, for the baby or the mother." 


Is This Even News?

Hillary Clinton compared Donald Trump to Hitler and claimed it will be the end of America if he gets elected in 2024, I guess like it was the end of America when he got elected in 2016 instead of Hillary.

This might be more persuasive if Democrats hadn’t compared every Republican candidate since Thomas Dewey to Hitler, and if a large portion of their own base hadn’t suddenly revealed themselves to be admirers of Der Fuhrer and his work on the Holocaust.

Kurt Schlichter has more on the Democrats’ existential problem that half their base want to murder the other half of their base, and their leadership is so scared, no more than 22 of their House members had the guts to vote to censure Rashida Tlaib for spewing blood libels and chants for the eradication of Israel.

A couple of rays of sunshine on the local race front from Tuesday’s dismal election results…

In Loudoun County, Virginia, voters barely elected a Republican DA over a Soros-backed Democrat. Maybe they’ll now have someone who will actually prosecute the sexual assault of female high school students, and hopefully, any school board members who aid and abet them.

Meanwhile, some surprise victories for Republicans in New York. A surprise because I assumed all the Republicans had already moved out of New York.

Two new J6 stories

I shudder to think how much we might know about the January 6th Capitol riot if we’d had a legitimate January 6th investigating committee instead of a one-sided kangaroo committee that existed for the sole purpose of smearing Trump. We’re coming up on three years since it happened, and we’re still getting new information that contradicts what we’ve been told. There may be even more if Speaker Johnson goes through with releasing all the security footage, which should have been released years ago.

For instance, here are two stories that came in just this week:

Time-stamped video from inside the Capitol building on J6 shows that David Lazarus, a Capitol Hill police officer who testified that he witnessed a "very antagonistic" interaction with four Oath Keepers, couldn't possibly have been around to see it, at least if the testimony of another officer, Harry Dunn, is correct.  Lazarus apparently didn't get to that location until after those four guys had left that area and were exiting the building.  So why did he testify that he saw it?

No video from that day was shown to jurors in the Oath Keepers' trial, so the possibility that testimony against them was provably false could be grounds for appeal or reversal.  Georgia Rep. Barry Loudermilk, chairman of the House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight, released the video to the public after Blaze News investigative reporter Steve Baker looked at it and saw the problem.


Investigative reporter Julie Kelly also has a detailed report on a J6 mystery: How does a judge she has dubbed “the Forrest Gump of J6," U.S. Circuit Court Judge Cornelia Pillard, keep turning up on all the most politically-charged three-judge panels connected with J6?  Since these are supposed to be randomly-assigned, what are the odds?  Kelly is skeptical to say the least.

Pillard, an extremist who once compared pro-life activists to the Ku Klux Klan, was appointed by Obama in 2013, and he really wanted her. So much so that it was her confirmation that led to Dems exercising the "nuclear option" and using a simple majority vote to halt the filibuster and vote her in.

Kelly also shows links between Pillard and Fatima Goss Graves of the $100 million National Women's Law Center.  They're the ones trying so desperately to get Clarence Thomas off the bench.

You just have to read about the close political and professional ties of these two women.  And guess who Goss Graves is married to?  Matthew Graves, the U.S. Attorney for DC who is in charge of prosecuting all the J6 defendants! Wow, the coincidences just keep piling up like poker chips.

This is a serious injustice. With her conflicts of interest, Pillard should have recused herself from all these cases, yet she was assigned to all of them, which in itself is so unlikely as to be highly suspicious. Again, if only there had been a real investigation of January 6th. Maybe someday, we’ll actually get one out of Congress.

Texas has a plan

Some liberals are green in the face over the news that Texas plans to use half a billion dollars of “carbon reduction funds” in Biden’s infrastructure spending bill on building highways, which the last time I looked were actual infrastructure.

The leftists are complaining that this barely meets the minimum requirement for using those funds, to which I’d reply, “So you admit it meets the minimum requirement.” Texas officials say that better highways mean fewer idling cars in traffic jams, which reduces emissions. Makes sense to me, certainly more than blowing the funds on more well-connected green crony companies that will go belly-up the minute the government subsidies run out. At least Texas will have some highways to show for all that federal money.

Possibly related: A new study found that from 1999-2018, Antarctica has cooled by about 1 degree Celsius, while Western Antarctica is 1.8 degree C. cooler.


Finally:  House Oversight Committee subpoenas Bidens and top associate

The subpoenas for in-person testimony have finally started flying, now that congressional committees have had some time to pore through long-awaited Biden family bank records.

“Unlike the many lies President Biden has told the American people about his family’s business schemes, bank records don’t lie,” said House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer of Kentucky on Wednesday.  “The House Oversight Committee has followed the money and built a record of evidence revealing how Joe Biden knew, was involved, and benefited from his family’s influence-peddling schemes,” Comer said.  Now it’s time to question them on this evidence.

“These records reveal how the Bidens sold Joe Biden around the world to benefit the Biden family, including Joe Biden himself, to the detriment of U.S. interests,” Comer said. “The House Oversight Committee, along with the Committees on Judiciary and Ways and Means, will continue to follow the facts and deliver the transparency and accountability that the American people demand and deserve.”

Ah, transparency --- how we’ve needed some of that in the disingenuous America of 2023.  As for accountability, it’s yet to be seen whether there will be any and what form it will take. But keep in mind that transparency has to come first, and that’s where we are in the process.

Comer signed subpoenas for Hunter Biden, his uncle James Biden, and business partner Rob Walker to appear for questioning.  Others asked to come in voluntarily for transcribed interviews include James Biden’s wife Sara, who wrote personal checks for up to $200,000 to Joe Biden, designated “loan repayment”; Hallie Biden, widow of Hunter’s brother Beau and one-time girlfriend of Hunter; Elizabeth Secundy, Hallie’s sister; Melissa Cohen Biden, Hunter’s current wife; and Tony Bobulinksi, Hunter’s former business partner.  Comer says there will be more.

Here’s the subpoena for Hunter, who has been “commanded” to appear at 9:30 a.m. on December 13 and “not to depart without leave of said committee or subcommittee.”

Bobulinski has already been open about the Biden family business, since his name first turned up in emails found on Hunter’s laptop in October 2020.  From the start, he has acknowledged that “the Big Guy” is definitely Joe Biden, but Democrats and the media (pardon the redundancy) ignored him. That Democrats can still say there’s “no evidence” Joe had anything to do with his family’s shady foreign “business” is testament to the amazing power of denial possessed by the human mind, which borders on scary at times.

Those of us who have been paying attention knew about this since BEFORE the 2020 election, in spite of the “Justice” Department’s dedicated cover-up efforts on many fronts.

As the Oversight Committee detailed in a press release Wednesday, they have evidence that the Biden family, their companies and business associates received over $24 million over five years from foreign nationals from China, Russia, Ukraine, Romania and Kazakhstan.  In what can only be an effort to conceal these transactions, the Biden family set up over 20 shell companies, most of them during the time Joe was Vice President.

In addition to bank records, they also have the testimony of former business partner Devon Archer, who has told them Joe Biden was “the brand” sold around the world for its access to power and influence.  He gave detailed testimony about the specific personal involvement of Joe Biden.

We don’t need to go over all the evidence again, because you pay attention and already know about it.  But last month, the Oversight Committee released records showing two checks that had been cut to Joe Biden from James and Sara Biden’s personal account, one for $40,000 and the other for $200,000.  Both bore the handwritten note, “loan repayment.”  The Biden family is apparently not even making a move to document that these actually were loan repayments, as the White House has out-and-out refused.  Try that approach with the IRS and see how far you get.

(Contrast this with the transparency of the two IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joe Ziegler, whose testimony about the so-called Biden “investigation” has been borne out by new evidence.)

Comer says the $200,000 check to Joe appears to be tied to $600,000 in payments to the Bidens from bankruptcy-bound rural hospital operator Americore Health in 2018.  From bankruptcy court records, we know that James Biden was using Joe’s magic name to try to get a big infusion of money from a Middle Eastern investor for the financially troubled business.

Comer has already showed --- we had the flowchart --- how a $400,000 money transfer to the Biden family from a Chinese company associated with the CCP-connected energy company CEFC translated into a $40,000 check to Joe, which, conveniently enough, is “the Big Guy’s” 10 percent cut.  It has been “held” by Hunter, just as specified in the infamous memo found on Hunter’s laptop.

“No one should be shielded from legal scrutiny based on their last name,” Comer said.  That has absolutely been the case, though, and it has to stop, even if it means the entire “Justice” Department has to be shut down and fumigated.  Those are our words, not Comer’s, but he’d no doubt agree.

Missouri Rep. Jason Smith, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee (which has the authority to deal with personal tax information), said, “Congress has a constitutional duty to conduct oversight to determine whether our nation’s elected leaders have used public office to enrich themselves or their families, or more importantly, whether those public officials may be compromised by their family’s foreign business dealings.  Subpoenaing key members of the Biden family influence peddling operation is the next logical step in this investigation.”

The testimony of Biden business partner Rob Walker might shed some light on that CEFC transaction, the one that netted Joe $40,000.  In 2017, his company Robinson Walker LLC received $3 million from State Energy HK (assumed to stand for “Hong Kong,” but it’s a Chinese company) and sent $1 million of that to Biden family accounts.  Another $1 million went to a company linked to former associate James Gilliar.  The FBI interviewed Walker in December 2020.



RELATED:  The report released Monday by the House Judiciary Committee about the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) working with social media to shut down conservative opinion (including Team Huckabee’s --- even jokes!), includes a look at FBI Agent Elvis Chan.

Recall that Chan, who was a member of the Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF), has repeatedly failed to show up for questioning by Congress.  The last time he didn’t show, Jordan was weighing contempt charges, but this was during the time Congress didn’t have a Speaker and no business could be brought to the floor.  Chan ran the San Francisco field office; is that where he currently is?

According to the Judiciary report, Chan wrote in an email in October 2020 that his “mandate” from the FBI was to coordinate with social media platforms on censoring speech.

The “Twitter Files,” compiled after Elon Musk bought that social media giant, revealed Chan as a conduit between the FITF and various social media platforms.  Matt Taibbi put that particular information together, as reported by the DAILY CALLER late last year.

“The idea of the FBI acting as conduit for the Intelligence Community is interesting,” Taibbi wrote at the time, “considering that many agencies are barred from domestic operations.”

This new story from the DAILY CALLER details all the times Jim Jordan tried in vain to get Chan in for questioning by Judiciary, even with subpoenas.  Chan is a consistent no-show.  Could the real reason be that he knows he’ll get in trouble on the stand, because Jordan has accused him of lying under oath concerning his role in suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story?  That was in Chan’s deposition for the Missouri v. Biden lawsuit.

So where is Chan?  And now that we have a Speaker, why hasn’t he been charged with contempt?


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Comments 1-6 of 6

  • Margaret Evanna

    11/11/2023 11:32 AM

    Thanks for summarizing these issues -- the media is getting very tiresome (yes, even Newsmax); Although it is not completely their fault -- so much talk and not enough action. It has been proven beyond doubt that Joe Biden (actually Barack O'Bama) is now and has always been a corrupt, evil bigot. Why has he not been banned from the fake office he's fronting for? O'Bama admitted he wanted to have a puppet to direct & of course, he has two of them. The "Cackler" & the "Idiot" as we refer to them. Americans are in grave danger & the Republicans are complicit!

  • Mary Manley

    11/10/2023 11:58 PM

    Hope you say your opinion these Republicans and hope RNC help this town out of this contract "Michigan Town Votes Out ENTIRE Township Board Over Deals with Chinese Company". All Republicans board.

  • Stephen Russell

    11/10/2023 01:44 PM

    Mid East War Pause:
    4 hours per day
    Never did this in any war save 1914 Christmas truce then among Allied & Germans.
    Dislike this:
    Have to announce Pause
    Give Hamas time to arm up
    More politics
    Hostages NOT freed

  • Bruce Obermeyer

    11/10/2023 12:47 AM

    Don Surber had a great point about the abortion issue. It has now been taken out of play in Ohio with the passage of the constitutional amendment, so it will NOT be an issue for Democrats to turn out their base for 2024. It may be losing its usefulness in every Blue state and in swing states in the near future if they follow Ohio's lead.

  • Mary Manley

    11/09/2023 07:40 PM

    GOPs & RNC not not going to the people, and flip flopping "The messaging problem that pro-lifers and Republicans have on abortion". Look at KY AG flip flopping changed his ProLife so did Trump.
    GOP/RNC get boots on ground, door to door, ......Flyer with no photo of them..back sheet name .....only. show videos as yes it's true horror,
    & there videos. How about this one there are more So do you believe these GOPs/RNC on ProLife but flip flopping.
    Human life is born by conception growing to reach born by been birth human birthday born outside the womb you would not exist if you was not born by conception. Govt wants to abort American& unwanted to reduce population of Americans/unw be replaced with those who became criminals when they crossed the border illegally and the refugees only population Govt wants.
    This what I sent Trump&Cameron team:
    No, so believed 3 exception child to be aborted get the death sentenced by the barbaric torture on the day of conception born to birth born (a child is born by conception human being life starts grows in the womb to the time of born outside the womb the birthday) being legally murdered by law.

    The child is innocence of any crime that the child's father did the crime of rape and/or incest along with risk of mother (if the mother/father knows risk of the mother's life, mother/father needs to save the child even if they didn't know the risk).....These rapists and incestists father's may get prison sentence if so either they get to walk the streets alive by bail... Oh no not the child innocent and defenseless has to pay for it.

    Do search (these are the only one, search of others) Pregnant From Rape At 11, My Mother Rejected Abortion After becoming pregnant from rape at just 11 years old, Kathy's mom rejected abortion and embraced her life. Their profound story is a testament to why every preborn child must be protected by our nation’s laws. OH Rep. Jean Schmidt“Rape and incest is an ugly, ugly, ugly act of violence, and that woman is truly harmed and scarred, and those wounds will never go away and we need to make sure that she has all of the love and help and support. But to end the pregnancy of the child is not going to erase those wounds or those scars. That child still has the right to life.”

    Ask Tim Tebow's mother on life of the mother and the not life of the child. Etc.

    It's science proves human life begins the day of conception PERIOD. Read Scripture also definition of abortion is a sin, it applies to all areas of abortion. Blood the innocent, sacrifice child for Satan/NY statue the god/goddess abortion reproductive system of murder. One of the Scripture says of thus shall not murder, read about one many on the innocence in one Jeremiah

    An innocent person has a voice, hire an attorney...... The defenseless child conceived living in the womb growing until time birth outside the womb. Innocent of no crimes gets the death sentence without any arrest, indictment, in front of a judge, no trial jury nothing. Just the barbaric torture of abortion. View the videos, talk to former abortion doctors......what the child experience include the mother, . View your self what UK showing people the truth.

    Dr. Mildred Jefferson — the first Black woman to graduate from Harvard — was passionately pro-life. Listen to her searing words against abortion.
    "The unborn child cannot escape, can not riot in the streets, and can not vote... I became a physician to help save lives, not to destroy them. And listen to Dr. Carson.. Listen to her video.

    Each church need to preachers sermon on God's words defines Abortion not the word abortion if numerous sin even those who vote for candidates r promotes/support, also have picture the Abortion goddess they have worship.......salute in NYC. If these voters said they don't support ask them they vote for these people u are just as guilty of this sin. This is about political it's about a child born in the womb.

  • JC Holland

    11/09/2023 03:56 PM

    Since studies now are showing our planet is actually cooling over the past 2 decades, why aren't Republicans educating people to how phoney Climate Change bs really is?
    Why aren't they referring to all the facts about how bad EVs really are?
    The RNC, GOP, and most of currently elected Republicans are the worst marketers I've ever seen.
    They can't even address what a beating heart in the womb means.
    They also get out spent in nearly every campaign. Why aren't the so called conservative billionaires stepping up like the socialist democrats do? Where are they?
    Why is that billionaire NFL suite owner who got kicked out of a game for supporting Israel still a democrat? Shouldn't the GOP be courting him and his brother in the House to join the right side?
    Republican leadership is full of incompetent idiots. Sadly they are still better than the socialist alternative.