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January 4, 2021

I hope you had a safe New Year’s weekend and didn’t get burned setting off fireworks while stuck at home on your couch. But it’s time to leap back into the fast-moving news, since this promises to be a historic week.

Tuesday will be the Georgia runoffs, where the balance of power in the Senate, and therefore, in the entire federal government, will be determined. The very next day, President Trump will attend a massive rally in Washington, DC, to protest alleged vote fraud, while Congress is voting on whether to accept the results of the electoral college vote for Biden – and we already know that there will be challenges to that from both House and Senate Republicans.

Sen. Josh Hawley is no longer the only Republican Senator who plans to join about 140 House Republicans in challenging the certification of Biden’s electoral vote victory. The momentum seems to be shifting toward fighting to hear the evidence, after a conference call Saturday between Trump and Congressional Republicans.

Sen. Ted Cruz has joined about a dozen Senators in saying they will call for a challenge that sparks an automatic debate. Here’s more information about that

And video of Cruz on Maria Bartiromo’s show, explaining it in person…

Cruz made some good points, such as that the Supreme Court should have done its job and taken the cases presented to it, and that claims that there’s no evidence of voter fraud mostly come from people who haven’t seen all the evidence gathered or have refused to look at it. He also said that Congress faces two “lousy” options: accept a vote that tens of millions of Americans have no faith in, or reject it and be accused of setting aside an election because their candidate didn’t prevail. So he said the Republicans will push for a third option: perform a 10-day, bipartisan and transparent audit of the vote, which will expose corruption if there was any or reassure Americans that Biden’s win was legitimate if there wasn’t any.

(This is not unprecedented: there was similar concern about fraud in three states in 1877, and Congress appointed an electoral commission to look into it.)

Tune out the howling from the media and ponder that, and I think you’ll see it’s not only in the best interests of America, but if the media and the Democrats (pardon my redundancy) are so certain of their adamant denials that there was any vote fraud (well, not enough to sway the election, at least; just an “acceptable” amount of vote fraud), then here’s a great way to prove that, show up their critics and remove any lingering suspicions that will surely dog a Biden Administration for as long as it lasts. If only some prominent person had suggested this solution right after the election! Oh, wait, someone did: me.

I would remind Democrats who would oppose a 10-day audit that when they claimed the 2016 election was rigged by Russia and Trump was an illegitimate President, they got to spend two years and 30 million of our tax dollars letting Trump’s worst enemies investigate him and everyone connected to him with virtually no restraints, legal or otherwise. If they prefer, we could go that route. But when you look at it like that, doesn’t a simple, 10-day audit of the vote sound a lot better?

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  • L

    01/06/2021 10:52 AM

    Please get rid of all dominion computer systems.

  • Myrna Millet

    01/05/2021 12:00 PM

    This needs to have the audit, there is some things very wrong with this election.

  • Renee Kendrick

    01/05/2021 01:26 AM

    Continuing to pray for the outcome of the presidential election! God's will be done!

    Praying for the GA senatorial elections, too. Today's the day!!!