
Latest News

October 18, 2021

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! 

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - 1 Corinthians 13:13
  • The anti-audit "TRUMP LOST" billboard campaign, explained
  • America the Beautiful - Philadelphia, PA
  • Follow-up
  • Unelected bureaucrats, even smart ones don’t get to order us how to live
  • Liking this lady more all the time
  • Worst mayor ever
  • Redrawing the map in Illinois
  • Damage control
  • Hymnal - Because He lives


Mike Huckabee


And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13:13

The anti-audit "TRUMP LOST" billboard campaign, explained

By Mike Huckabee

While driving on I-30 towards Dallas over the weekend, one of my staffers saw a rather startling billboard that said, “TRUMP LOST --- NO MORE ‘AUDITS.’” It featured a glum-looking picture of the former President in massive side profile, unattractively hunched over, looking down in disappointment and disgust.

It was one of those brightly-lit, changing billboards, and there wasn’t enough time to read the tiny lettering that showed who had sponsored it. Of course, the first thought when seeing something like this would be that some leftist group had paid for it, maybe some organization with deep pockets filled to overflowing with Soros or Zuckerberg money. Well, it's not a leftist group per se, though I can see how leftists might certainly support it strategically and donate money, and perhaps they have.

It was sponsored by Republicans. Or, more accurately, “Republicans.”

The small print said “PAID FOR BY REPUBLICANS FOR VOTING RIGHTS, A PROJECT OF DEFENDING DEMOCRACY TOGETHER,” and then gave the photo credit. The billboard first appeared in Times Square, and it’s gigantic.

It’s part of a campaign that will run in all states where Trump is encouraging vote audits. (We haven’t heard anything about anyone calling for an audit in New York, so the huge billboard in Times Square was apparently just to kick off the campaign with a big promotional splash.)

As reported by BUSINESS INSIDER, as of this weekend there were 36 “Trump Lost” billboards across 9 states. There’s a map at the Republicans For Voting Rights website.

“Republicans For Voting Rights is launching a quarter-million dollar billboard campaign across the country to call on state lawmakers to reject frivolous audits of the 2020 election.,” they say on their website. They list Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Florida, Texas and Virginia in addition to the one in Times Square. In Texas, the one near Dallas is shown, along with other billboards in Austin, Houston and San Antonio. Florida has five of them.

It’s interesting to see that they’re so opposed to audits in states that Trump easily won. The purpose of targeted audits in red states is obviously not to change the electoral outcome in those states, but to identify and address problems in major metropolitan areas such as Houston. Why would real Republicans be against that?

There’s a place on that same page to join the organization, with the headline, “Don’t sit quietly and surrender one of America’s great political parties.” I assume they mean surrender to Republicans who...want transparent elections and more confidence in the system?

On their home page, the group says, “The evidence is clear: Republicans need to reject these fraudits.” Then there are rows of testimonials from members. Here are a few samples:

“They [pro-Trump Republicans] are morally bankrupt on just about any democracy issue. Anything that made this country what it is, they’re doing everything they can to destroy it.” --- Alfred, in Ohio

“Do I stay in the party and fight against Trumpism, or do I just completely go independent? I don’t know, it’s been tough.” --- Lisa, in Ohio

“The Republican Party was founded by a guy named Abe Lincoln --- a guy who wouldn’t want the Proud Boys.” --- Migdalia, in Florida

“The election was secure. The election was safe. The election was honest. Donald Trump is a sore loser.” --- Nitin, in New York

“Anything that the government can do to encourage people to get out and vote is the best possible way.” --- Judy, in Texas

“Another reason why I left the Republican Party is the restriction on voting rights.” --- Julie, in Texas.

“Liz Cheney didn’t really change her beliefs. Everybody else changed theirs.” --- Anna, in Georgia

“If there is any chance of the Republican Party surviving this, it’s going to be because of Cheney and [Illinois Rep. Adam] Kinzinger and people like them.” --- Kim, in Florida

“The Republican Party of Donald Trump is destroying our democratic institutions by telling the Big Lie that the election was rigged.” --- Gary, in Rhode Island.

I could go on with these, but you get the idea. Speaking of Rep. Kinzinger, he’s in the news right now, and he might be sorry that he thought he could trust and work with Democrats.

To Gary in Rhode Island (and, really, all the people on this website expressing similar views), I would suggest picking up a copy of the new book RIGGED, written not by a Proud Boy but by the extremely reasoned Mollie Hemingway of THE FEDERALIST. Her book, which is just out, details all the ways in which the election was hijacked, not just at the ballot box but in the media, by Big Tech, and in the manipulation of a public health crisis to change the rules for voting. We’ll have more on this soon; her book has just arrived.

The people who've joined this group have bought the line that checking the honesty and accuracy of our voting systems is somehow suppressing the vote. Have you heard of even one actual case in which the vote of a qualified voter was suppressed in any way? Me, neither. And would you want that to be happening in our system? No. On the other hand, have you heard of many thousands of ballots being mailed en masse to outdated addresses and collected willy-nilly by partisan vote harvesters and unsupervised drop-boxes with no demonstrable chain of custody? Of course, many cases of this. Are you concerned by the post-election lack of transparency? Yes. Do these problems need to be assessed and reformed so we don’t have to deal with them next time? Absolutely. Every fraudulent vote suppresses someone’s REAL vote.

The director of this ostensibly Republican group is Amanda Carpenter, a political commentator for CNN and the author of “GASLIGHTING AMERICA: Why We Love It When Trump Lies To Us.”

The chairman and founding director of Defending Democracy Together is Bill Kristol; he’s also chairman of the board for the Republican Accountability Project. He is about as much of a conservative Republican as I am a leftist Democrat. He describes President Biden as a "moderate." To give an idea of where his head is, here’s an article he wrote for his publication THE BULWARK this summer.

The great Kurt Schlichter has Kristol's number, along with that of every other pseudo-Republican who actually thinks the way to "save" the GOP from conservatives is to vote Democrat.

“We believe that Republicans in federal, state, and local government should protect the right to vote, protect our election systems from partisan or foreign interference, and help build trust in our democracy,” they say on their site. Funny, I thought that was the very purpose of conducting these audits. Do these people just not get that, or is something else really going on?

America the Beautiful

This feature returns with images of America's cities, landscapes and people.


By Mike Huckabee

Not unexpectedly, Democrats are going absolutely bonkers over being told by Biden’s own SCOTUS Reform Commission that they can’t expand and pack the Court to give themselves ultimate power. Because preventing them from assaulting democracy is an assault on democracy, or something…

Unelected bureaucrats, even smart ones don’t get to order us how to live

By Mike Huckabee

Great news for those of you who want to take your kids trick or treating or attend a Halloween carnival at your kids school! Dr. Fauci said it will be okay to have Halloween this year. I really hate to bust his bubble, but I honestly don’t need Dr. Fauci’s permission to have Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or for that matter, going to church or a football game. When this whole pandemic started and President Trump was doing daily press conferences and answering hours of questions, I thought Dr. Fauci was an expert and we ought to listen to him. But as time moved on, I noticed that he changed his mind about as often as a baby changes a diaper and pretty much for being filled with the same stuff. Remember he adamantly told us NOT to wear a mask. It would be useless to protect us against the virus, and in fact would be dangerous for anyone but medical people to use a mask because we’d be touching the mask and our faces and it would be bad to wear a mask. A few months later, the same Dr. Fauci told us we had to wear a mask—and later even said we ought to wear 2 or even 3 masks. He told us if we shut everything down for 2 weeks, we’d flatten the curve. We’re going on 2 years and we’ve flattened the economy and destroyed a lot of small businesses. He told us it wouldn’t be safe to go to church if there were more than 10 people. A church with less than 10 people is probably a dead church anyway. But while church or a small mom and pop store was too dangerous to keep open because if we went there we would DIE, it was fine to go to Walmart or a big supermarket and be wall-to-wall with thousands of strangers. We’d be okay there. Fauci said sporting events in open air stadiums were too dangerous, but he never said that Antifa and Black Lives Matter riots where people crowded together to burn government buildings and police cars was a problem. He told us not to even think about having Thanksgiving with our families last year. Early on, he told us to wash all the vegetables, fruits, and canned goods coming into our homes. By summer, he said, “never mind—you can’t catch Covid by touching stuff.

The more this thing has gone on, the more I think Fauci enjoys being on TV and telling people what to do and if he changes what the “science says” then he gets to go on TV again and tell us that the science has changed. I wonder if he wants to really control the very real threat of Covid, or if he wants to control US? And if we are supposed to FOLLOW THE SCIENCE, but the science seems to keep changing and zig-zagging all over the landscape, how do you follow it? And if science is so unsure that it changes every few weeks, what does that say about the so-called science of climate change? When I was in college, we were told of a coming ice age in 10 years; 10 years later, we were told the ozone layer was disappearing and we were going to get toasted in 10 years; 10 years after that, global warming was going to melt all the glaciers and we’d be drowned by flooding in 10 years; 10 years later, it’s just climate change brought on by flatulence of cows, having cars, and flying in planes. If science is that uncertain, following it seems like following a 5 year old around in a toy store.

I do believe in science. Real science. But I also believe the Bible and this world won’t end until God is done with it. In the meantime, I’ll be happy to listen to the scientists, but I want them to listen to me—we are going to have Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas whether they say it’s okay or not. It’s still America, and unelected bureaucrats, even smart ones don’t get to order us how to live.

Liking this lady more all the time

By Mike Huckabee

MMA star-turned-actress Gina Carano was fired by Disney from “The Mandalorian” for refusing to toe the PC line on her own social media account. The Daily Wire’s new film studio quickly snapped her up, and she began producing a thriller called “White Knuckle.”

But when Hollywood film unions started pushing for vaccine and mask mandates on the crew, she told the studio, “Nah, I’m not doing that.” Carano said, “I don’t believe anybody gets to make your medical choices for you, and I’m not willing to force masks and vaccines on anyone else.” She told them she’d quit the union and go make a Western in a non-union state before she’d give in to that.

The Daily Wire stood by her. So be looking this spring for “Terror On the Prairie,” currently shooting in Tennessee.

Worst mayor ever

By Mike Huckabee

With just three “counting-the-seconds” months left in his term, New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio is making every second count in his effort to make history as the worst mayor of all time. Having presided over the complete destruction of the clean, safe, booming city that he inherited, he’s finishing out his term doing demolition detail work, like scrapping the schools’ talented and gifted program (I guess he figures no Democrat voters will ever come out of that) and now, likely removing a statue of Founding Father Thomas Jefferson from the City Council chamber where it’s stood for 187 years.

This is backed by the Council’s Black, Latino and Asian Caucus because Jefferson was a slave owner (another thing Trump correctly predicted would happen if we let Civil War monuments be torn down.) DeBlasio tried to pass the buck for the decision to a design commission he appointed, and hedged to reporters about how Jefferson’s legacy was “complicated.”

Yes, everyone’s is, except people who never do anything right (looking at you, Bill.) Only one perfect person ever walked the Earth, and leftists won’t let His statute appear on public grounds, either.

It's true that Jefferson owned slaves; but it was his words from the Declaration of Indepence ("We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness") that were the foundation of the abolitionist movement. Unfortunately, New York's current political leaders don’t have the time, brains or inclination to consider history in any broader context than a Twitter tweet.

Personally, I’m amazed that the statue of Jefferson didn’t come to life and demand to be removed from the New York City Council chamber.

Redrawing the map in Illinois

By Mike Huckabee

More proof that Democrats hate gerrymandering, unless they’re doing it themselves. In this case, Illinois Democrats plan to steal two districts from Republicans by redrawing the map. One of the losses, however, isn’t making many Republicans upset.

Damage control

By Mike Huckabee

This is a story that could run just about any day, but the Biden Administration was forced to do damage control after President Biden opened his mouth.

Sometimes, it could run twice in one day…


Because He lives 

To Listen:

God sent His son, they called Him, Jesus;

He came to love, heal and forgive;

He lived and died to buy my pardon,

An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives!

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,

Because He lives, all fear is gone,

Because I know He holds the future,

And life is worth the living,

Just because He lives!

How sweet to hold a newborn baby,

And feel the pride and joy he brings;

But greater still the calm assurance:

This child can face uncertain days because He Lives!

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,

Because He lives, all fear is gone;

Because I know He holds the future,

And life is worth the living,

Just because He lives!

And then one day, I'll cross the river,

I'll fight life's final war with pain;

And then, as death gives way to victory,

I'll see the lights of glory and I'll know He lives!

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,

Because He lives, all fear is gone;

Because I know He holds the future,

And life is worth the living,

Just because He lives!

By Bill Gaither

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Comments 21-25 of 25

  • Doug Arndt

    10/18/2021 12:44 PM

    Thanks for the info on the "Trump lost - no audits" .... saw one this past weekend while traveling north from Chicago, through Milwaukee and farther up the lake. (In Wisc in other words)
    Knowing it was from "republicans" makes it all the more interesting.
    That won't work well for them I predict.

  • Neal Adam

    10/18/2021 12:43 PM

    I’m responding to the Newsmax headline (below), as well as your comments about how things will be less available at Christmas.
    “Biden Supply Chain Woes Worsen”
    This is NOT “Supply Chain Woes Worsen”, which implies that things just aren’t working right – this is merely another deliberate step:
    • Shutting down internal energy supplies so we are dependent on external energy (the ‘leadership’ has to know that green energy will never be adequate to allow us to defend ourselves!)
    • “Canceling” to silence those who would/should speak up for what it right (“right/truth is relative”)
    • The CLEAR evidence (regardless of weasel words – there are enough indications that anyone in their right mind would have to agree) of voting fraud, which WILL continue
    • Weakening our military in various ways, such as, LGBT, CRT, vaccine mandates, lack of accountability of leadership (Afghanistan) and silencing/prosecution of those who call them out on it
    • Christians/conservatives allowing ourselves to be intimidated/allowing others to tell us how Christians should respond (“Christianity is about forgiveness and meekness”, and not about taking a stand on what is right). Further canceling by coming down harshly on conservatives while letting militants go.
    • Protests to show our cops are hamstrung, i.e. that they will not be supported by the ‘leadership’
    • Changing the border policy/Ignoring the borders to show we are vulnerable and can be invaded, even inviting invasion
    • Disastrous pullout to show our allies that we cannot be trusted, and so that they will not provide support for us when (not if) it comes to that.
    • “Supply chain woes” presented in these words to hide the obvious – deliberate disrupting of our supply chain to weaken our ability/will to resist. Even I, who am not in the military, know that this is a key military strategy…
    We are quickly reaching the point of “… a piece of bread could buy a bag of gold.” (I’m sure you remember that song). And as I’m sure you are aware, the US does not figure into the end times at all.
    This is not the bumbling of one man – as I have told you before, there is no way to fit that much stupid into one little head, no matter how demented he is. This is a deliberate tearing down of the US from the inside, i.e. by those who control Biden. Obama was in office 8 years and he knows exactly which strings to pull, and which ones to cut, and some of those that he appointed/trained are either still in there or are influencing those that are in there now.
    We have been and are being betrayed by treasonous leadership who must be exposed. Obama’s activities need to be exposed for what they are (and his masters as well – maybe Soros and China?). This includes our Republican leadership and their failure to take a stand and act. It also includes our religious leaders, such as John Piper (I don’t think he’s the only one, but he’s the one I remember, and he serves as an example of a misled Christian), who came out as not voting to avoid supporting Trump, which is sheer stupidity because it is a vote FOR Biden, which NO religious conservative should have been fooled into supporting. And yet he was fine with knowing that his decision to act in that fashion would influence other Christians.
    We need a point of rallying, and your standard response that we need to make our voice heard at the polls is inadequate – that will be too little and MUCH too late. Even if we get the voting system corrected, which is unlikely, it will still be too little too late.
    After all the talk of Russian Collusion, what about the collusion to destroy the US?

  • Guy Hicklin

    10/18/2021 12:17 PM

    Your comments today echo what I have stated, that the Republican Party was a major factor in Trumps defeat and fought his agenda while he was in office. Perhaps that should be "Republican Party", because it is looking more and more like these are nothing more than liberal (perhaps democratic liberal) infiltrators. These people are so anti republican/conservative, they should not be allowed anywhere near the Republican Party. They should be clearly called out for what they are, part of the media disinformation crowd, before it's too late and they actually gain a grip on the party.

  • Marilyn Madore

    10/18/2021 12:01 PM

    Hi Governor Huckabee-Thank you for your daily newsletters. Just a comment on the "republicans" against Trump-I really believe it is jealousy-he was able to accomplish what the rest of them only promised during campaigns and then did absolutely nothing-for years. I went and registered as an independent after witnessing the abandonment of President Trump by the party after the election when there were clear signs of voter fraud in the swing states. Maybe we could have "cleared the air" sooner if republicans could just for once have stood together. God bless.

  • Sharon Faulkner

    10/18/2021 11:51 AM

    This crap against Trump will backfire of course.
    These "Republicans" are just Blue Reich collaborators who, together with their masters, want fraud "Elections" which is the only way the "Democrat" Blue Reich can win.
    But these are the kind of "Republicans" that Abe Lincoln and the founders of our party would reject in disgust : they lie and they kiss DNC butt.
    NOW you KNOW why Trump and MAGA are the future of the true Republican party .
    I wish them well with their Blue Reich masters -- I only hope they are as loyal to the Reich as they have been to the Republic.