
Latest News

December 12, 2021

President Biden’s poll numbers continue to roll downhill faster than a marble on Mount Everest. Latest numbers:

Despite a blizzard of anti-Trump propaganda blaming him for every COVID death, Rasmussen reports that Americans now believe Biden has done a worse job of handling COVID than Trump did by a 49-39% margin.

But the poll that’s giving Democrats more nightmares than Freddy Kruger is the new Wall Street Journal poll. This poll is more extensive and has a far larger polling sample than previous polls, and the results look even worse for the Democrats.

Biden’s approval rating is 41%, with disapproval at 57%. Among Independent voters, it’s a staggering 30%-66%. When asked to name the most important issue to them, voters chose immigration, the economy and inflation as the top three, and Republicans have huge leads over Democrats in which party can handle all three better. And on the 2022 Congressional generic ballot, Republicans are preferred by 44-41%. That sounds close, but generic ballot polls usually undercount Republicans, so that even a tie can mean a red wave is coming.

And if Democrats think hammering away on abortion rights is going to turn things around: only 1% of respondents chose that as their #1 issue.

This is where I have to mention that the election is still nearly a year away, things can change, don’t get complacent, keep working and volunteering and donating to take back and save America. And if I had to give any sage advice to a Democrat, it might be these two words: “Switch parties.”

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    12/28/2021 09:46 PM

    Joe Biden and his administration are the worst in the history of this country. He is incompetent and a disgrace to this nation both at home and abroad. Thank God the midterms are less than a year away.

  • Cliff Garrison

    12/27/2021 11:44 AM

    I do not believe Biden's ratings are even that high. Try cutting those rates in half; that would be more accurate.

  • Ronald Smith

    12/26/2021 04:34 PM

    Mike how can the Dems sit ald lie and commit crimes with impunity and no one does anything ? Is there some one some where that has authority over some of that manure or is everyone corrupt ?

  • Lisa Peterson

    12/26/2021 03:04 PM

    How does your saying go? I read the news so you don't have to? Thank you ??. Even during the Christmas weekend I am glad that you are analyzing and reflecting on the news, gives me a chance to deflect and reflect on the reason for the season, Jesus Christ the newborn King. Thanks and Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

  • Nick Cicali

    12/26/2021 02:48 PM

    Dear Pastor/Governor Huckabee,
    If your "sage advice to Democrats was meant for "elected Democrats", I would have to disagree. I would advise them to resign and get out of politics. We don't need them in the Republican Party, as they would probably be RINO's (Republican in name only, i.e. Congresswoman Cheney, and Senators Romney and Murkowski, to name a few.) Even Senator Manchin can't be trusted, if he were to change parties, not to vote with Democrat lunacy. Watering down Democrat legislation right now is still way too far left and detrimental to America.

  • Daphna Yurfest

    12/26/2021 12:06 PM

    And he is seriously thinking of running for re-election… that only proves his mental health…


    12/22/2021 03:59 PM

    Not suprised one bit Evrything he dose turns to Crap He will be down to 20-25 buy end of Febuary.

  • Paul T. Reed, MSgt, US Air Force Retired

    12/21/2021 12:28 PM

    You know I've never been prouder of a President in my entire life and that President is not Joe Biden, It's Donald Trump. Seeing Biden do everything just the opposite of President Trump in an attempt to show that Trump was wrong has done ABSOLUTELY nothing but prove that President Trump is one of the greatest presidents of my lifetime. Since he's done that his approval is so far down he has turned many democrats into republicans. I have honestly gone head to head with folks over what did Donald Trump do that is so wrong. No one to date has given me anything. At the same time I have been able to list hundreds of things that President Trump did to improve our country an way of life. Now those of you who even remotely support Joe Biden, if you like to debate the issure, bring it on. Hillary? Pelosi? Schummer? Harris? Hunter? Come on, face to face I'm ready.

  • Lloyd W Moore

    12/20/2021 04:31 PM

    The best thing Biden can do for our Country is to get out and take all of the Minions with him. He has done nothing but to make our Country weaker and so much unsafe to live in.

  • Linda Olds

    12/19/2021 10:04 PM

    I've been hearing and reading for months now that Biden's approval numbers are sinking, and they're at 41% or even 38 or less, depending on the poll. I don't know how anyone, even diehard Democrats, can approve of what he's doing. In my opinion, his approval should be at zero.
    But I guess the Dems have to pretend that someone approves of him. Otherwise it would look fishy when he wins the next election with a record number of votes.