
Latest News

February 1, 2021

Recently, we ran a poll that asked, “Now that Joe Biden has been inaugurated, do you accept him as President of the United States?” As reported on Saturday, with over 122,000 votes cast, the results are in:

YES: 4 percent

NO: 94 percent

UNDECIDED: 2 percent

So, 94 percent of the respondents to our poll do not accept Joe Biden as President. We are shocked --- shocked! --- that so many of our readers are domestic terrorists! Why, you’re probably already plotting right now to storm Washington DC and take the Capitol Building by force.

Do we really need to keep thousands more National Guard troops on duty indefinitely, just to keep the small number of QAnon crazies and white supremacists away from the halls of power? Their numbers don’t appear to be large and diminishing as their views are out of step with constitutional conservatives who reject racism and unsourced conspiracy theories. But if that’s really the fear of the left, then clear out the parking garages so the Guard can get a nap from time to time. And somebody bring them some blankets, for gosh sakes, and order them some pizzas with extra cheese! This is our national security we’re talking about.

All 94 percent of you –- and even the 2 percent undecided –- will have to be removed from Facebook and Twitter immediately. That’s not necessarily because of anything you’ve said, but about what you might say if they allowed you the forum everyone else gets to have, something incendiary that might conceivably cause OTHER people to storm the Capitol, but that YOU will have to be help accountable for, because if there’s one thing our federal justice system stands for now, it’s accountability. Just ask Kevin Clinesmith.

(Pause for insane laughter.)

So, 94 percent of respondents said they don’t “accept” Biden as President. What does this actually tell us? At the risk of sounding like former President Bill Clinton, it depends on what the meaning of “accept” is. Among those who answered our poll, that will vary from person to person. Of course, there's deep, unquestioning acceptance –- “I ‘accept’ Jesus as my Savior” –- but there's also very grudging acceptance –- “I ‘accept’ that my business has been ordered closed and there’s nothing I can do to avoid bankruptcy.” And there's a whole spectrum in between. From a random sample of the over 50,000 comments we received –- we’ll be highlighting some of those responses later in the week –- I think even the tiny amount of “acceptance” Biden is getting from the right-leaning half the country is the grudging kind. There's an outcome you deeply suspect is wrong but are powerless to do anything about, so you think the best thing for the country is just to move forward.

Here’s one example of that: “I think I fall within the 4 percent of folks who say Biden is my President, because he is currently the President of the United (?) States. He stole the election, granted, but there he sits, in the Oval Office. It pains me to even type that, but until we can legally get the Democrats out of office, I will have to deal with Biden making pronouncements.”

Maintaining even that level of “acceptance” might become increasingly difficult for Biden as he continues to act as if he had a huge mandate, issuing 40 such “pronouncements” in the form of executive orders and actions in just his first nine days in the White House. This is three times the number signed by Presidents Trump, Obama and George W. Bush at the same point in their terms of office.

For the word “accept,” the working definition that I think makes the most sense here is from Oxford Dictionaries: “believe or come to recognize (an opinion, explanation, etc.) as valid or correct.” Synonyms: believe, trust, give credence to, credit, give credit to, put confidence in, be convinced of, have faith in, count on, rely on, depend on. Informal: buy; go for; fall for; swallow; swallow hook, line and sinker; take as gospel.

The Free Dictionary has these: To regard as proper, usual or right; to regard as true, believe in; to endure resignedly or patiently, as in “to accept one’s fate” (also, to tolerate or accommodate oneself to); to receive officially, as in “to accept the committee’s report.”

It is true that President Biden sits in the Oval Office and functions, to the best of his cognitive ability, as President. It could be said that he has been received officially. Those few on the right who say they “accept” him likely also mean this in the sense that they are resigned to it, enduring it.

But going back to the Oxford Dictionary, do they believe this was the correct outcome? Do they have faith or confidence in the outcome? Do they take it as gospel? Doubtful.

Millions of Americans are going around with a dark feeling that something is amiss, that needs to be put right. It’s not the same as Hillary and her supporters carping for four years about Trump’s election being illegitimate, when Trump clearly won in 2016. The 2020 election was very different, with millions and millions of mail-in ballots, unconstitutional rule changes, razor-thin margins in key states, numerous anomalies that just haven’t been explained and much more that we’ve been over. “Fact”-checkers who try to debunk these claims by saying they “lack context” still have not really debunked them. That’s not proof the election was “stolen,” but suspicions still run very deep, and justifiably so.

In case you didn’t see it over the weekend, we’ll re-post this excellent piece from about the difference between what the so-called “debunkers” in the media say about the election and what the real story is. They really are trying to make us all say that 2+2=5.

The fact that social media and most broadcast media are censoring any talk of this makes it that much worse. Adding insult to injury by impeaching President Trump and putting him on trial after he’s been removed from office is another big banana-republic-style slap-down. We know that what is being done to Trump is also being done, in effect, to us, his supporters. We see the entire nation under siege by the left, with no sign of it letting up. Happiest of all: probably China.

When leftists keep piling on, after an election we don't trust, with one more grave injustice after another (again, I’ll cite the legal double standard and the Kevin Clinesmith case), I have to wonder if they realize what this could be building up to. Are they naive, do they just not care, or is that what they want? How long can they lie to us, lie ABOUT us, calling us deplorables, domestic terrorists and white supremacists? We can’t have upwards of 75 million people feeling abused like this at the same time Washington DC, the media, social media, the universities, the public schools, major corporations, the entertainment world, and even the justice system are telling us essentially to shut up or they will cancel us, ruin our lives. It's McCarthyism to the tenth power. Nothing like this has ever happened before in this country.

And none of of us should “accept” it.


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Comments 51-75 of 465

  • Mary Dodd

    02/02/2021 12:22 PM

    So well said, I agree 100% with your assessment of the current situation. I cannot believe this has happened in my lifetime, but I hold onto hope that light will prevail over the darkness, which we ar surrounded with now at every turn.

  • Kelea Nevis

    02/02/2021 12:14 PM

    President Trump was NOT removed from office. He completed his first term as President of these United States. BIG DIFFERENCE. Words matter.

  • Betty thomas

    02/02/2021 12:10 PM

    Until the voting abuse by the democrats is cleaned up we the conservatives will never win another election

  • Timothy Harmon

    02/02/2021 11:36 AM

    He's not my president and this is a government coup

  • Susan Crabtree

    02/02/2021 11:32 AM

    I have been grieving, grieving, grieving over the loss of this election (Having it stolen from us) and feeling helpless. Now when a person feels helpless, feels like they are a victim, feels trapped they are constantly searching for a means of relief from such feelings. And believe me I have been angry beyond words.

    I am a retired psychologist and I have watched the Left project their own beliefs and actions onto the Right. I've watched the Capitol become a military encampment using our OWN troops! And I can't even use the word "unbelievable" anymore. There is no word to express my disbelief in how rapidly this happened. I am also angry at our Republican representatives, milk toast, scaredy-cat, back stabbing Rhinos. AND they have the guts to still be asking for donations!

    So I have become a grassroots activist. I am no longer on social media of any kind. I am actively writing letters to my representatives and to companies who are boycotting people who supported Trump and I am spreading the word any way I can that we must find a means to start get our elected officials into office anywhere we can including School Boards and County Commissions.

    We need a way to fight back and I have yet to hear one of those Senators like Lindesy Graham speak about that. What a disappointment he is.

    Thank you for speaking the truth and for standing up for Christians. I fear we will be attacked soon.

  • William P Rhoades

    02/02/2021 11:31 AM

    Of course he is the president of the United States. "We the People" need to stop struggling and dwelling on this. He was sworn as president and that fact need to be respected. Of course Obama was right elections have consequences; whether his performance goes right or wrong for the whole country "We the people" regardless of political affiliations need to move on hope for the best and do our best as working citizens to plan 7 juggle our near future .Probably the 4 or 8 years. Every four years, we go through this same kind of narrative both parties fighting each other. Most of Americans are tired of this negative and obvert narrative, All politicians from both parties need to stop seeing him as an enemy and try to work across the aisle in all areas that affect the constituents their represent.

  • Curtis Hakes

    02/02/2021 11:28 AM

    Asland is on the prowl.
    He will expose the Truth! They will melt oh way By His roar of Justice. The Righteous will stand firm against all odds! And the Righteous Judge will rule over the judges that are evil. The wicked will be shaken to their bones, and they will wish them selves as dead! Their guilt will find them out. Their stomachs will burn in grief. And out of their agony their mouth will proclaim their guilt.

  • Richard Wolfe

    02/02/2021 11:14 AM

    Governor, I have only subscribed for a couple weeks but I have never appreciated articles more than yours. You are spot on to America's pulse and feelings since the sham of an election we are now suffering through with "Beijing" Biden's wild signings that are killing any hope of an American dream. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and God bless and keep you going. Richard

  • Donna Effertz

    02/02/2021 11:05 AM

    Not only that, but we now feel that so many other elections in this country were stolen. Democrats in key positions, judicial and governmental, even in Republican states like Texas and Arizona. Who was watching all of that going on? Absolutely no confidence in a free election system in this country. We should watch future elections EVERYWHERE. However, the other things we don't have confidence in is Republications being proactive instead of just reactive. There should be an oversight committee organized for ALL elections in this country. There should be a mandate on how much money can be spent in an election so that regular,, honest people can run and not just corrupt people with money!! Where's the leader now that Trump is gone???? Who's watching out for America now? Thank you, Mike, you do a great job!

  • Ottie Gregg

    02/02/2021 11:04 AM

    I didn’t vote for Biden and I don’t believe he is legally won this election, so no I don’t accept him as our president.

  • Tracy Beavers

    02/02/2021 10:57 AM

    The problem isn't just what they did. The big picture is the courts, the justice dept. that seems to happy to cover it up, not hear the cases and certainly not abode by the constitution. If evidence is uncovered and nothing done about then why keep trying. Corruption is sadly very deep and your costitution tramples on like a piece of paper dropped on a busy sidewalk.

  • Sharon Keel

    02/02/2021 10:52 AM

    Well said Mr Huckabee. I hope we the American people never get complacent enough to accept what has happened and what is happening. If we do, we are doomed. America was founded on different values than we are seeing now. Of course no one wants to accept injustice and racism.

  • Sally Scherrer

    02/02/2021 10:51 AM

    I continue to pray throughout each day. I keep asking what more can I do? I have emailed our 3 guys in DC, to no avail. Have they drank the koolaid?!!! What can we do when they have control of the White HOuse, the Senate, and the House?!!!! It is imperative that we do something, but what is it? I'm not convinced that 2 yrs from now will be soon enough!!!!

  • James Constantine

    02/02/2021 10:45 AM

    When something is illegal, such as poaching, I do not accept that as a legitimate part of hunting. I do not accept Joe Biden as do so would be acknowledging that the election was legal and above board; just because the few courts that ruled there was no provable evidence does not make this so. I will voice my displeasure with this verdict by always referring to Joe Biden as Joe Biden....not "President" Biden.

  • Paul Boatman

    02/02/2021 10:19 AM

    Hi Mike,
    I, like a lot of other Americans do recognize Joe Biden as our president because that's the way our country runs. Do I think there were some improprieties that went on to get him there? Absolutely, but we'll probably never be able to prove anything. What I wish everyone would focus on is what we want the Republican party to stand for and get past trying to push the narrative that the election was stolen. Let's move on and get things in place to make sure it never happens again. But let's put together a plan for America that we can put before the people so we can win the House and Senate in 2022. I also want there to be a set of national standards for elections. If some state wants their local elections done with a grease pencil and a Big Chief tablet I'm OK with that. But, I want every national election in every state to adhere to the same standards. I would prefer mail in balloting be only allowed in well defined circumstances. I want picture ID in order to vote. I want a requirement for all ballots to be counted and results submitted within 2 days or they don't count. So, let's move on from the narrative of a stolen election and do something about not letting it happen again.

    Thanks for your time,


  • Dwayne Parker

    02/02/2021 10:19 AM

    Joe Biden maybe the sitting president, but he wasn't lawfully elected by the people. The Democratic party manipulated a coup in front of the world.

  • Sandra Page

    02/02/2021 09:52 AM

    He is our first Dictator, unity my add, he is destroying this country with every stroke of his crayons

  • Roy Pillard

    02/02/2021 09:20 AM

    I was just wondering, of the 94% who don't accept Biden as our President how many of them voted for Biden ?

  • Peter Steinbach

    02/02/2021 09:06 AM

    Is there a way to tell if they are Trump supporters or were Biden supporters?

  • Rebecca B. Clutts

    02/02/2021 07:44 AM

    Hello Mike,
    I very much appreciate your humor amid all of the gloom and doom that is our reality, unfortunately. Thank you for true news but I am becoming depressed. Please add a knock knock joke along with the Bible verse to cheer me up.

  • Geanie M Saravo

    02/02/2021 07:41 AM

    Biden does not realize he is not our President, but the DEMS realize it! They are fearful, because they know and do not care, truth, reasintegrity and honesty is absent from their hearts! When Rome took over nations around them, there was no reason just domination and power! Jesus Christ Our LORD lived under Rome, yet He knew His allegiance was Father’s Heaven. Jesus belonged to His Kingdom! “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto GOD what is God’s!” Pray for our enemies! As Christians we are to pledge our allegiance to Our Father’s Kingdom and to Jesus Christ His Son! With Help from The Holy Spirit given to believers we must pledge our allegiance each day (remember school days) not to a country but Father God and His Kingdom! Pray the “Our Father” and let Father God have His Plan for this country! When we Pray His Will, it will be done! Now we are set free, not to grieve but to let go and unite with Father’s will! Remain in Him!

  • Mike Manoogian

    02/02/2021 06:59 AM

    I accept Joe Biden as our President as the election process placed him in office. The Democrats outmaneuvered the Republicans by establishing universal mailed ballots, relaxed verification and vote-counting rules, and threw in some of the standard fraud. The Republicans were caught flat-footed. I do not accept the Biden-Harris team as our leaders. After 40 or so EO's that have established far-left, anti-conservative policies, it is clear that the Biden-Harris team has little use for the 75 million Trump voters.

  • Bobbi Moore

    02/02/2021 06:04 AM

    So much Corruption and murder of Americans - We should all care about innocent lives being sacrificed for political gain (ALL Lives). The Obama's (Soetoro Sobarkah/AKA Barry Soetoro & Barack Hussain Obama), The Clinton's, The Biden's, Schumer, Comey, Schiff, Pelosi, Nadler, Social Media (Facebook/Twitter), Main Stream Media, Big Tech and ALL their treasonous buddies that had a hand in this coup against President Trump, The Terrorist Riots on American Soil (BLM, ANTIFA, EXPECT US & OFA/the Mafia Democrats PAID Terrorist/Kamala's go fund me account) and the intentional spread of this China Virus (biological warfare) need to be charged with TREASON, CONSPIRACY, OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, DERELICTION OF DUTY and MURDER (responsible for the MURDER of hundreds of thousands of innocent Americans/Riots & China Virus) prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law (Death Penalty included)! Handcuffed, all their assets auctioned off (immediately) and the monies applied back to the tax payer for the monies they wasted!! Let them see what it feels like to loose EVERYTHING! "We The People" have sacrificed ENOUGH innocent lives for the political gain of the Mafia Democrats... WAKE UP AMERICA!!

    The time for talk has passed - ACTION is required to save America! Your talk does not mean a frickin thing - Look up the word ACTION and try that! Where in HELL were all SCUMBAGS when President Trump was finding evidence on ALL the Corruption? I pray that each of you get what ever in HELL you deserve times 4 (for every year Our President had to stand alone). This is on the hands of All You WEAK SPINELESS LEECH politicians that are Pathetic and a DISGRACE to AMERICA. YOU ALL allowed this to happen - all the MURDERS of innocent Americans to come is on ALL your hands. Do your Frickin JOB and stand up for this GREAT Country and ALL Americans. Mr. Biden, Mafia Democrats, Fake Main Stream Media, Trash Hollywood Elite and SCUM Big Tech are responsible for hundreds of thousands of Innocent American LIVES (their paid terrorist riots/BLM, ANTIFA, EXPECT US & OFA & the intentional spread of China Virus). Maybe we should talk about why in the HELL are these traitors of America and these murderers of Americans still walking FREE!! WHY IN THE HELL IS NOTHING BEING DONE - ENOUGH TALK! Talk does nothing - how about some frickin ACTION!!! You ALL knew this was coming (unless none of you have a LICK OF SENSE) and you stood by, watched, talked, stood against the BEST President (Trump) EVER and now you want to talk some more - An EMBARRASSMENT TO AMERICA! "We The People" DEMAND JUSTICE NOW!!!! THE ELECTION WAS A FRAUD - Are you all blind too??? You ALL have committed the highest Disrespect you can give America and "We The People". Stand with EVIL and EVIL will consume ALL that is you.. How in the HELL do you sleep at night?

  • Glenn W Townsend

    02/02/2021 02:59 AM

    I wasn't in the poll but I don't accept Biden as my president, he didn't win the election and he is corrupt and a documented liar. I wrote the chief Justice of the supreme court and told him he should open the Texas or Pennsylvania case and let the court rule on it or he should resign. He won't do either, he is corrupt and biased. I plan to write Mitch McConnell, the governors and secretary's of state of Georgia, Arizona and Pennsylvania to name a few because they are corrupt.

    My wife and I left the republican party for me fifty two years and her a few less because of all the corruption through out the country in the party it's truly a disgrace. What would Abraham do if he knew of the Lincoln Project? Some letters is all I can do for now other then I stopped all news shows for now most other television and I've never subscribed to a newspaper. The last time I took this action it was for seven years, It was good for my wife and I and great for our daughter. God Bless America!

  • Diane Turnage

    02/02/2021 02:36 AM

    I agree with everything you said. we are being held hostage by a massive group of elite thugs. How do we go about impeaching them? They are doing everything they falsely accused Trump of.
    I'm tired of hearing about the things that have been uncovered and not one arrest, or even removed from their position.
    Ex: They were going to remove Trump because he had Covid.
    But Biden has Dementia.
    2 They were going to remove Trump for inciting insurrection.
    Maxine Waters, and Karmellon Harris have incited insurrecton numerous and then aided and abedded.
    Thank you for giving us a platform. God bless you.