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March 30, 2021

Real Clear Investigations has been a valuable, trusted source for the Huckabee team, and it looks as though they've come through again, this time with an important story out of Missoula County, Montana, that could bring to light how pervasive voting irregularities really are.

Though many might not be aware, so-called “audits” that have been done in other counties –- for example, Cobb County in Georgia and Maricopa County in Arizona –- have been of relatively small random samples that wouldn’t necessarily turn up election fraud in one concentrated area. But in Missoula County, a Democrat-leaning county with only 119,600 residents, they recently audited ALL the mail-in ballots for the 2020 election and found “irregularities characteristic of large urban centers –- on a level that could have easily swung local elections in 2020, and statewide elections in cycles past.”

As John Lott, Jr., writes, “Political leaders and prominent media outlets have dismissed concerns raised by critics that such measures invite voter fraud. But could the election in small-county Missoula call all that into question?”

Last summer, then-Gov. Steve Bullock, a Democrat, issued a directive allowing counties to have full mail-in voting if they wanted, and Missoula opted in. Also, a court struck down Montana’s law –- the “Ballot Interference Protection Act,” which sounds like a mighty good idea –- designed to prevent ballot harvesting. Several Native American groups had argued that they depend on “ballot collection efforts” to vote. The ACLU had helped them with their case.

Apparently, all you have to do is say a given policy will “suppress votes” and you can get it abolished with the snap of a finger, no matter how easy that makes it to cheat. That's what happened here. There should have been some way besides striking down this statewide law to make sure the votes from Native American reservations were picked up, officially accounted for and counted.

The article explains how, on January 4, 2021, a team of volunteers came to be auditing all the county’s ballots and envelopes, with assistance from the Missoula County Election Office. “The audit consisted of both a count and a review of all ballot envelopes and comparing that to the number of officially recorded votes during the Nov. 3, 2020, election,” it says.

Details are in the article, but boiling their findings down, about 7 percent of the ballots cast --- more than 5,000 --- had “unexplained irregularities.” That doesn’t even include the ballots with yet another problem: “Dozens of ballot envelopes bore strikingly similar, distinctive handwriting styles in the signatures, suggesting that one or several persons may have filled out and submitted multiple ballots, an act of fraud.”

According to one auditor, of 28 envelopes reviewed from the same address, a nursing home, all 23 signatures looked “exactly the same” stylistically. Another auditor said that two “very unique” signatures appeared dozens of times.

Auditors had wanted to take pictures of the signatures, but Missoula County officials wouldn’t let them. Among still other concerns, the officials would not grant them access to video footage it claimed to have recorded to document vote-counting activities.

State authorities have expressed concern and plan to take these findings up at a joint hearing of the Montana Senate and House Judiciary Committees. State legislators are also going to try to get their ballot harvesting restrictions reinstated.

This story has nothing to do with Dominion Voting Systems, foreign hacking or any other so-called conspiracy theory, the truth (or untruth) of which will emerge in time. It’s about the ease of committing good, old-fashioned election fraud, pure and simple, through forged signatures and mail-in ballot harvesting. Good old cheating. If "irregularities" could happen on this level in Missoula County, Montana, that doesn't speak well of the results obtained throughout the country, particularly in key urban centers where motivation to cheat in the national election ran high. The Democrats’ “election reform package,” HR 1, actually makes all these things even easier, and that is by design. It absolutely cannot be allowed.

Coming soon: The DNC's Marc Elias is now trying to unseat Republicans.

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Comments 51-75 of 76

  • Nancy McGraw

    03/30/2021 01:21 PM

    Unless and until the voter fraud is proven, corrected, and done away with, nothing else matters. We can talk publicly, knock on doors, give verbal and financial support. But as long as the same people are counting the votes, allowing unregistered, unidentified and dead people to vote, I just don't see the point. I'm very disappointed that those in the republican party refused to examine this last election.

  • Judy Johnson

    03/30/2021 01:17 PM

    I have watched you when you was on FNC before you ran for president. I've watched you since you've been on TBN and I've been getting your nesletter since it started. I love your show and newsletters.
    What promted me to write today is about the sheet music in today's newsletter.
    That is hilarious!!! Now it's racist because sheet music had white notes and bleack notes! Where is this going to end? I don't understand what we are supposed to do! Why don't we devide the country in half for black people and white people. Oh no that wouldn't work because alot of black people beleive that racism is actually reversed. That it's some of the black people and a lot of white people are the ones who are actually racitst againgst white people. We have a lot of crazy mixed up people in this country and I don't understand how it got this bad.
    Keep up the good work and telling the truth about what is really happening in this country.

  • Joyce kosel

    03/30/2021 01:15 PM

    I know God is in control but I wonder how long he is going to let this Evil go on

  • William Frampton

    03/30/2021 01:02 PM

    We hear so much about poor people unable to get a valid ID. Just once, I'd like to actually "see" one of these people. We never do. Frankly, I don't believe they exist.

  • Wilma Boyd

    03/30/2021 12:52 PM

    It is so frustrating to see all of this fraud and in the meantime Biden is destroying our country. Their is so much corruption it seems anyone that could do something about it, won't, or is stopped. Just afraid by the time something is done it will be to late.
    God bless you and your family, and thank you for all you do. God bless America ???? ?? ?

  • Gene Panasenko

    03/30/2021 12:49 PM

    Thank you, Governor Huckabee.
    Excellent report, as usually.
    God Bless!

  • Mark Burton

    03/30/2021 12:34 PM

    Ends justify the means. Dems willing to do whatever it takes to win. Are we?

  • Rosanne Aman

    03/30/2021 12:29 PM

    How much more proof do we need? Justice does not exist if we can't have discovery. Until we restore the First Amendment in this country, all our efforts are in vain. It is just busy work and a distraction. I usually watch your TV show weekly. I'm almost 80 years young and so so sad our country is under this evil rule. My family history in this country goes back to the beginning. My patriot fought in the Revolutionary War for 5 years. We are now in the darkest of times.

  • John Chaffee

    03/30/2021 12:28 PM

    Hello Mike. I'm a former broadcaster, now songwriter, and I believe you will appreciate this song I wrote, in answer to all the attacks on Christianity. It's called God's Gone Missing, sung by Christian Messenger, and here's the link to the Youtube video. Blessings, John

  • Stephen Mitchell

    03/30/2021 12:27 PM

    Mr. Huckabee : All this talk about fraud in the elections , is just that , talk ! Until people are brought to trial and convicted of fraud , this fraud will continue . If I know that I can continue to brake a law , and get away with it , then I will continue to brake that law . Talk is cheep ! Actions speak louder than words , and criminal convictions sends the word to the people committing fraud . I've tired greatly of hearing the same old rhetoric about voter fraud ! I know how to stop it , but I'm not in a position to stop it .

  • John Paul McDaniel

    03/30/2021 12:20 PM

    Count me in on this one...............

    I love to read your page and also enjoy your TV show. You tell it like it is, no holds barred but it is TRUTH - something we don't see on much of the media for some time now. Thanks for sharing the Bible verses as well.

    ALSO: You should read (follow) website REGULARLY........After all, God did say "I will do nothing (significant) without sending messangers ahead-of-time to let-you-know all-about it..............

    Best Regards,
    John McDaniel

  • Barbara Beck

    03/30/2021 12:10 PM

    The evidence of “widespread”fraud grows increasingly evident with more examination. A little here and a little there starts to add up. And the news of these fraudulent activities is hidden. Outrageous! The left calls ID rules voter suppression. I suggest that the left begin a huge movement to get an ID for those without one instead of focussing on the bills to assure free and fair elections. And just who does not have a ID anyway? Provide me with some examples. In this day and age where an ID is required for everything from activating cable TV to cashing a check, it would seem the only people without one are those that shouldn’t have one.
    AND isn’t it really racist and insulting to imply and portray certain citizens as so dumb or poor or lowly that they don’t have an ID at all?

  • LaJean Chance

    03/30/2021 12:04 PM

    Mik3 - I LOVE your information and enjoy your show very much! When I get yor email in the morning I start my day with your wisdom.. Keep up the great work you do!! And thanks so much.

  • Bonuta Ensminger

    03/30/2021 11:51 AM

    It is plain to see that our elections are being run by "The Mob" and they have induced racist values in to cover their tracks. The State governments have to stand up and make their states fraud free. They have the Constitutional RIGHT to do so and they should force them to be legal. It seems the Dems have now thrown the Asian community into the racist hole, and it is time to stop them. Bill 203 needs to eliminate the safe spot for all media and tech, and they should be held liable for their propaganda and letting all foreign countries have free-range and eliminate the conservative party.

  • Lynnette Lyttle

    03/30/2021 11:51 AM

    If the citizens of Baltimore and other Democratic run communities continue to vote for the Democratic policies that give them bad conditions, then they get what they deserve until they become informed voters.

  • Bette Grube

    03/30/2021 11:48 AM

    So what can any of us do about this because nothing seems to stop this illegal stuff! I can’t donate money again and again and nothing changes. The illegally elected stay in office and there are no consequences. So discouraging and frustrating!

  • Todd Dawson

    03/30/2021 11:40 AM

    I'm so sick and tired of the corruption in our government. It's almost impossible to get the truth anymore. I'm especially irritated about how the Democrats want to spend trillions of tax dollars on an infrastructure bill when I thought the $800B that Obama got was supposed to be used for infrastructure only to learn Obama finally admitted that the shovel ready jobs weren't so shovel ready. All I would say to Democrats about their actions is what my Mother in Law told me a long time ago....."ETERNITY IS A LONG TIME!" Some of these people should think about that. I guess they don't think their souls are worth anything. I would say some of them have black souls!

  • Lynn Broesch

    03/30/2021 11:21 AM

    I find it impossible to understand how any of these GOP PLEAS for money to help them take the House or Senate in the next election can be so passive about the fraud and cheating that cost Trump his victory ! Until this fraud is acknowledged and changes made, including punishing all the perpetrators of this election fraud they will NEVER be re-elected again regardless of the money they might take in! I will give no money to any GOP person until I see them get this fraud and those who made it happen are investigated and charged and punished! So far they are few and far between but I am proud of my Senator Ron Johnson! Too bad he cannot get more support!

  • Ellen Monchick

    03/30/2021 10:57 AM

    Voting fraud will no doubt destroy our free country. Why are Republicans not able to prove and prevent this nation wide! Why do Republicans get nothing done and democrats get whatever they want? They need to fight as hard and as dirty as the dems or we're done.
    Also, why do we talk about overcrowding etc at the border and trying to make the illegals comfortable rather than discussing the need to SHUT OUR BIRDERS DOWN!!!

  • Deborah MacFarlane-Flickinger

    03/30/2021 10:43 AM

    Since when are "feeeelings" more important than real science? The CDC director needs to be reminded who she works for!!

  • JanC

    03/30/2021 10:36 AM

    This is exactly why it was so wrong to let the narrative of voter fraud be about "foreign interference". It caused NOTHING to be believable, when in fact, there was massive good old fashioned cheating. Personally the foreign interference thing caused me to question the wisdom and discernment of Sidney Powell and the character of Lin Wood. Perhaps the distraction was intentional? That's my conspiracy theory and I am sticking to it.

    In the mean time, I hope states will get to work and clean up their election laws. And I hope citizens will express outcry of HR1/S1. The Democrats are simply trying to legalize the cheat.

    As a side note, Montana like Idaho and probably other states have had problems with liberals coming in, running for office, and labeling themselves with an R - also in order to steal elections. Citizens need to get involved and pay attention. We are losing our nation.

  • Sally

    03/30/2021 10:10 AM

    We all hit the 6:00am alarms this morning across America to be enslaved to support third world citizens and countries that hate USA! True. They want to further pacify these illegals to vote for their crippling policies these illegals just fled! We have to reseat our duly elected president Trump! Biden lost and this was why! The fraud of demonrats is now crushing everything about America! Not just our elections! Everything!

  • Patti Blanco

    03/30/2021 09:57 AM

    Thank you for your news service. I can count on you. This morning I'm very sad. I'm glad to have your column to read first thing as I struggle into today. You make a difference in ways you may not know. Peace.

  • John K Witulski

    03/30/2021 09:54 AM


  • Elizabeth crouse

    03/30/2021 09:44 AM

    It is so sad what has happened in America to cheat and get power. That power is ruining America. America will go down with all the crazy spending this administration has done. I don’t pay back but generations will. Checks are going to people who don’t need them but say they will take them. It is wrong and evil. America is going down.