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March 3, 2021

Today is March 2, Texas Independence Day. On this day in 1836, even as Santa Anna’s Army was laying siege to the Alamo, Texans convened at Washington-On-The-Brazos and defiantly declared their independence from Mexico, choosing David Burnet as provisional President and Sam Houston as commander-in-chief of all armed forces. Just six weeks later, shouting, “Remember the Alamo!,” Houston’s army surprised Santa Anna’s troops at San Jacinto, capturing him and forcing him to recognize Texas’ independence and withdraw.

These days, the Alamo is once again under siege, by historically revisionist “historians” who are trying to paint it as an “insignificant” battle or even a symbol of “white supremacy,” like every other great or heroic person or event in American history. They are small people lobbing spitballs at giants. Bryan Preston at PJ Media has that story and asks if “woke history” will cancel the Alamo.

While many Texans these days are not what they used to be (“Beto” O’Rourke actually got close to being elected Senator, in a land where Sam Houston, Davy Crockett, William B. Travis and James Bowie once strode), I have high hopes that enough of that Lone Star spirit still reigns that Texans will never allow the woke leftists to make them forget the Alamo and what it really stood for.

On a related subject, we’re starting to see a little of that rebellious spirit rise against the cancel culture tyrants, the same spirit that prompted Davy Crockett, after losing his Congressional race in Tennessee, to say, “You may all go to Hell, and I will go to Texas!”

The University of Texas was considering changing its revered school song, “The Eyes of Texas are Upon You,” after getting complaints that it’s racist. There’s nothing racist in the lyrics, but the title was inspired by a quote from Gen. Robert E. Lee and it was once performed at minstrel shows. On those tenuous grounds, some students were demanding that it be replaced.

Well, in Texas, you don’t diss the Alamo and you don’t ban “The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You.” The eyes of a lot of wealthy college donors were upon the woke school administrators, and they’re getting a flood of angry letters letting them know that if they dare remove that song, the flow of money will be shut off faster than Joe Biden can shut off an oil pipeline.

As one former UT law alum and now retired judge put it bluntly, "UT needs rich donors who love ‘The Eyes of Texas’ more than they need one crop of irresponsible and uninformed students or faculty who won't do what they are paid to do."

Hallelujah! Let’s hope this rebellion against anti-historical “cancel culture” lights a fire under every rational American and inspires them to stand up to the radical left and say “No more!” the same way the Alamo inspired Texans on this day in 1836 to stand up to Santa Anna and kick him back to Mexico.

Must-Read Article

By Mike Huckabee

Will COVID-19 be pretty much gone before the Democrats’ can even pass their COVID-19 “relief” bill?

One reason they’re having so much trouble passing that bill is that by some estimates, only about 9% of it is directly tied to COVID-19. To make that point, Arizona Republican Rep. Paul Gozer offered an amendment (rejected, naturally) to take all the non-COVID funds away from pork projects, foreign aid, blue state bailouts and Democrat interest groups and direct them to Americans who actually need help after being harmed by the lockdowns. It was enough to give everyone a relief check for $10,000.

And while it was reported that the bill passed the House on party lines, it should be mentioned that two Democrats, Reps. Jared Golden of Maine and Kurt Schrader of Oregon, opposed it. Golden called it nearly $2 trillion of poorly targeted, unnecessary, wasteful and unprecedented deficit spending that buries the urgent needs of struggling Americans.

It’s good to know there are still some Democrats around who can recognize those things as negatives.

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  • Bette Grube

    03/04/2021 08:06 PM

    Amen, no more!!!!