
Latest News

May 21, 2021

The New York Attorney General’s Office announced that it is joining with the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office in investigating the Trump Organization, and that this is no longer just a civil investigation but a criminal investigation.

Let me put that into plain English for you: “We haven’t been able to come up with any legitimate civil offense to charge the Trump Organization with, so our equally politicized state prosecutors are going to launch their own fishing expedition.”

If you think it’s coincidental that in making this monumental announcement, they failed to list any actual criminal activity of which Trump’s company is suspected, then you’re living in a fool’s paradise. This is Banana Republic territory, abusing the legal system to prosecute political opponents. Or more precisely, Stalinesque: it was Lavrentiy Beria, Stalin’s head of secret police, who infamously said, “Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.” There’s a place for him in the New York “Justice” system.

As the article at the link points out, this idea that Trump is some sort of crime boss who personally keeps two sets of books is a bizarre fantasy of the left, the same one from which sprung the idea that if they could just see his income tax forms, they could prove he committed felonies. They seem to imagine him staying up till midnight on April 14th, filling out his tax forms himself. It never occurs to them that (1.) if he were going to commit felonies, he certainly wouldn’t admit it on his income tax forms, which the IRS has had for years and never brought charges over, or (2.) that the tax forms for Trump and his multinational network of companies run thousands of pages and are prepared by platoons of accountants and lawyers. They know every jot and comma of tax laws and how to take advantage of them legally.

As the article also points out, Trump undoubtedly has much better lawyers than the ones who work for the city and state, and they will be ready to legally justify every decision that’s questioned. You’d think that in a place where serious crime is skyrocketing, prosecutors might have better things to do than waste time and taxpayer money playing Captain Ahab against a political opponent who left office four months ago, and possibly driving yet another major employer out of New York. But then, you don’t have their warped priorities.

In a related story, and speaking of dumb decisions about criminal justice by blue city leaders, Baltimore is following the lead of Los Angeles and New York City in re-funding its police department with an extra $28 million.

This follows a huge surge in crime that happened after the city council defunded the police with a $22 million cut last June (who could've seen that coming?) So bottom line: Baltimore taxpayers get to pay an extra $6 million just to try to get the police department and the crime rate back to where they were before the city council caused so much pain and misery with their own stupidity.

Now that they’re re-funding the police, Baltimore voters should re-ject their city council and demand a re-fund of their salaries.

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  • Patricia Therese Lawford

    05/22/2021 10:15 PM

    This article by Mr Mike Huckabee is really so brilliant it should be used by President Trump’s defence Lawyers!!! When I say defence!! I know there is nothing legitimate to defend and there never will be ; but considering the lunacy the left and their cohorts display on a permanent basis attacking the integrity of a well loved respected and admired duly elected President demonstrates an inherent flaw in their character whereby they have no propensity for clear thinking at At all !! That fortunately for those of us who can reason will always be their downfall!!!
    Undoubtedly President Trump’s Lawyers will embrace the same thought processes as Mr Mike Huckabe’s and suffice it to say will win hands down in defence of the most talented genius leader of America this 21st century !! Hopefully they will squash this evil witch hunt never ever seen before in America’s history of duly elected Presidents !!! GOD BLESS DEAR PRESIDENT TRUMP ? GOD BLESS AMERICA !! MAGA Thank YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO LEAVE MY THIUGHTS HERE !! ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  • Rita Mockett

    05/22/2021 01:10 PM

    Trump's organization should not be the target of misconduct; the target should be this administration and the Biden family. Are we, as a nation, blind to the inequities of our first family. I believe them to be connected to China and Hunter's laptop, I understand, has that proof. Why are they going after Trump? Because they want to stop him because he is too much of a leader for this country and he would turn things around again. The greedy politicians are trying to take our country and they are going after him because they don't want his strength in the WH again.

  • Vickie Fiorentino

    05/22/2021 08:19 AM

    When will these "Public Servants" realize that they need to let the PAST go and actually serve the public? this will cost us another million or so and go nowhere and only being done because he will announce his candidacy this fall!

  • Cheryl Felix

    05/21/2021 10:28 PM

    we love our 46th President,President Trump We all know it was a stolen election. Joe and Jills nicknames are doom and gloom. God Bless Melania and Donald Trump. God Bless us all. GOD IS WATCHING!!!

  • Bonita Ensminger

    05/21/2021 07:54 PM

    Frankly, I am so done with the next drama that the press or anyone else slaps out there. If someone or something doesn't change we are going to be in such deep financial straights we will never get out. Today Biden in his big show for the S Korean PM was saying we are going to rebuild Gaza and giving millions of vaccines away. That is all nice but where does he grow the money tree?????? He is not responsible for anything that is going on, he is just the reader of the notes. As for Trump and all of his businesses, if there was anything to base it on they would have nailed him years ago. Just another political slap down because he is getting to close exposing someone's dirty laundry.

  • Bonita Ensminger

    05/21/2021 07:52 PM

    Frankly, I am so done with the next drama that the press or anyone else slaps out there. If someone or something doesn't change we are going to be in such deep financial straights we will never get out. Today Biden in his big show for the S Korean PM was saying we are going to rebuild Gaza and giving millions of vaccines away. That is all nice but where does he grow the money tree?????? He is not responsible for anything that is going on, he is just the reader of the notes.