
Latest News

May 18, 2021

While actual terrorists like Antifa are allowed to ride roughshod over our cities, and the liberal media are defending Hamas terrorists who are firing missiles at Israeli civilians, our “leaders” in Washington seem obsessed with trying to paint their normal American conservative political opponents as the biggest threat to public safety.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi continues to beat the expiring horse of the January 6th violence at the Capitol as being the biggest threat to the Republic since the Civil War. So she got her “9/11-style investigation” (frankly, it sickens me to hear the massive tragedy of 9/11 cheapened for such blatantly political purposes.) Only one person died as a result of violence on January 6th, and that was unarmed Trump protester Ashli Babbitt, who was shot to death while she was threatening no one by a Capitol Police officer who was left off the hook with zero consequences.

Pelosi might be sorry she kept pushing this narrative, since some House Republicans are now demanding answers for their own investigations. They accuse the Democrats and the DOJ of “outright propaganda and lies” and of criminalizing political dissent. Like why, in a nation where real violent rioters on the left were released with no charges, Trump supporters who committed no violent acts were treated like terrorists and subjected to armed raids and jail pending charges.

There’s also a report that newly-released surveillance footage shows Capitol Police giving the protesters permission to enter the building, which is a real narrative-buster. I don’t recall anyone giving the 9/11 perpetrators permission to hijack planes and fly them into buildings, which is just one of the countless ways in which this is NOTHING like 9/11.

In other misplaced concern news, the Biden Administration just put up a $500,000 grant to fund research projects into rooting out “violent extremists” from police departments. Yeah, that's the biggest cause of violence in American today: conservative police officers.

Meanwhile, Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier was relieved of his leadership position in the new US Space Force after he criticized Critical Race Theory training in the military, saying it was rooted in Marxism (spoiler alert: it is.) The Pentagon (which has also made as its priority rooting out alleged “extremism” among our troops) accused Lohmeier of engaging in “partisan political activity,” and we certainly can’t have that in government departments that are supposed to be non-partisan, now can we?

Lohmeier may have the last laugh, however. He recently self-published a book "Irresistible Revolution: Marxism's Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military." It details how proponents of Marxism, BLM, Critical Race Theory and other leftist movements have infiltrated the US military and are using their power to brand mainstream conservatives as dangerous “extremists” and to silence political views that aren’t in line with leftist dogma.

His dismissal proved his point so perfectly and got so much publicity that his self-published book is now a #1 best-seller on Amazon:

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  • Rhonda Devine

    05/18/2021 01:07 PM

    Great reporting as always!