
Latest News

June 18, 2021

You can certainly tell the Democrats are back in power with the announcement that the Biden Department of “Justice” will investigate...(no, not the violent communist radicals of Antifa...) the Trump Department of Justice.

They want to investigate the way the Trump DOJ investigated Congress members such as Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff who were suspected of leaking classified information to the media. You’d think that an actual Department of Justice would be more concerned with investigating the leaks of classified information. (Ironically, this relates to a partisan investigation of Trump that was found to be groundless, but that never stopped the Democrats from launching another partisan investigation and another and another…)

From the story:

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the effort to track down leakers was ‘yet another egregious assault on our democracy waged by the former president.’ Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois said they want (former Attorney General Bill) Barr and former Attorney General Jeff Sessions to appear before Congress to answer questions about the issue. ‘This appalling politicization of the Department of Justice by Donald Trump and his sycophants must be investigated immediately by both the DOJ Inspector General and Congress,’ they said in a statement.”

And if anyone knows about the appalling politicization of government agencies, it’s those two.

But as long as we’re digging into how the DOJ’s of past Administrations investigated alleged leakers of classified information, why stop with Trump’s alleged “egregious assault on our democracy”? How about the Obama DOJ that secretly obtained phone and email records from reporter James Rosen to try to identify his source for a story on North Korea, or that spied on the records from more than 20 phone lines of A.P. reporters to try to find out their source for a story from Yemen?

That sparked bipartisan outrage at the time over Obama’s “unprecedented war on journalism.” But while Obama later backtracked and promised a change in policy, at the time he said he would make “no apologies” for investigations into national security-related leaks. As Yahoo News reported in 2013, “The Obama administration has prosecuted twice as many leakers as all previous administrations combined.”

Reporters at least have the First Amendment freedom of the press to protect them. What special provisions in the law prevent the investigation of Congress members who are suspected of leaking classified information? I’ll pass along the answer to that as soon as Chuck or Nancy call me with it.

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