
Latest News

June 27, 2021

I usually don’t comment on celebrity news, but the testimony that came out of singer Britney Spears’ attempt to end her court-ordered conservatorship was so shocking that it even led serious newscasts. It was also newsworthy in ways far beyond typical celebrity voyeurism.

As Megan Fox at PJ Media reports, Spears testified that she has been stripped of virtually every basic human right. She claims she’s not only forced to perform and has no control over the money she earns, but she has zero privacy; her keepers watch her even when she’s changing clothes; and most outrageous of all, she said she wants to marry again and have children, but the “team” controlling her life has banned her from doing that and forced her to have an IUD implanted to prevent pregnancy.

Ms Fox asks, where is the “My body, my choice” crowd? Will they speak up for someone who’s being denied the choice to have a baby?

She also makes a second important point: this high profile case may shine a spotlight on much more widespread abuse of the conservatorship system by corrupt judges, greedy guardians and predatory lawyers. She reports on a couple of journalist investigations that suggest there may be thousands of similar cases of less wealthy, non-famous people, many in nursing homes, who have had their property and rights taken away by the scandalous abuse of the conservatorship system. Perhaps a public outcry over the Britney Spears case will spark more widespread reform.

After the story broke, Ms Spears made a statement to her fans about why she spoke out and why, she says, she’s hidden the painful truth for so long behind fake happy images on Instagram. I suspect that’s what many celebrities do, but hers is an extreme case.

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