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August 5, 2021

A big name in Texas Democrat politics, Gerry Monroe, is reportedly “blowing the lid off” the story of massive voter fraud in Harris County.. That’s the Houston metropolitan area, the third largest voting county in America with about 2.5 million voters. Monroe is set to be interviewed at 11AM Eastern Thursday on NATIONAL FILE TV.

They say it’s to be shown live on Twitter, but does Twitter know about this? I’m surprised that anything about voter fraud wouldn’t be censored by them. Guess we’ll find out.

Another operative, Democrat strategist Damien Thaddeum Jones, who worked as a regional director for the “Beto” O’Rourke campaign, came forward in October 2020 to blow the whistle on what NATIONAL FILE describes as a “massive voter fraud ring” in Harris County. They obtained audio from him giving details on the work for Biden by alleged ringleader Dallas Jones. Jones was fired by the Biden campaign after he was implicated in an illegal ballot harvesting operation in sworn affidavits.

It should be noted that Democrats took complete control of Harris County in 2018 when they won offices by a 200,000-vote margin, although I’m not sure if I should be putting quotation marks around the word “vote.”

The Gerry Monroe interview is the latest development in a story that’s been emerging since last year. Much has been uncovered by the 20 (!) private investigators who have been on the case. NATIONAL FILE breaks down what happened in the 2020 election during the weeks of early, “24-hour” voting to sway the results.

The Biden campaign had hired Dallas Jones to run his campaign in Texas. And though vote harvesting is a second-degree felony under the Texas Election Code, that operation allegedly had “scores” of paid vote harvesters working for them. Audio recordings suggest that identities of both living and dead people were stolen, with a convicted forger named Gloria Palmer working as a paid campaign assistant in Sheila Jackson Lee’s office, mailing the fraudulent ballot applications in Jackson’s district. Campaign insiders allege that Jones oversaw the operation and that he was interrogated by the FBI in the weeks approaching the 2020 campaign.

Vote harvesters would go door-to-door in poor neighborhoods, often dressed to look like U.S. Census workers, and would often ply their trade at nursing homes and homeless centers, where the staff would be complicit. They would “hold” ballots to be forged by volunteers and then mailed. There’s also detailed testimony and evidence from a 30-year black police officer named Raymond T. Stewart who, while serving as a poll watcher, “saw the election judge use a table full of IDs to vote unregistered people that were voting by drive-through.”

This is a criminal act, but according to NATIONAL FILE, the local district attorney “did not even want to entertain our criminal complaint.” So the evidence has been sent on to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office.

In these audio recordings, people find out that they or their dead relatives “voted,” to their surprise.

The decision by Harris County’s Democrat county clerk, Chris Hollins, to institute drive-through voting with no reason required was a violation of the Texas Election Code. He committed another violation by independently mailing ballots to everyone 65 and older. At least he was stopped by the Texas Supreme Court before he could send a ballot to every name on the voter rolls, which had not been updated since 2016.

The NATIONAL FILE story is quite long and detailed and includes the sworn testimony of several other poll watchers. Former FBI investigative specialist Charles F. Marler said he was tipped to the ballot harvesting by two witnesses in December of 2019. This is hearsay, but Marler testified he’d been told that one employee named Tyler James had bragged that the operation, with the help of mass mail-in balloting, “could harvest 700,000 illegal ballots.”

We can thank citizen journalist Colleen Vera of TEXAS TRASH TALK for updates concerning Sheila Jackson Lee’s campaign office and the two convicted forgers who were getting paid. Vera’s report --- included in the NATIONAL FILE story --- makes very interesting reading. For example, she found that 32 handwritten requests for ballots, all purported to be from different voters, were in the exact same handwriting and returned in identical pre-printed envelopes with the same stamp. Even more stunning: all these “voters” happened in Precinct #259, all voted for the same candidates, and all signed with an “X.”

What are the odds? Yet additional research showed the same thing had happened in Precinct #259 every year going back to 2008.

In Vera’s words, What has been uncovered is a group of masterminds wanting to destroy the Texas voting voice.”

It sure looks like there’s a whole lotta cheatin’ goin’ on. And it would make sense that Harris County is a key spot to be doing it, just like Maricopa County (Phoenix) and Fulton County (Atlanta). Maybe it’s the most prime of all. Increasingly, as Harris County goes, so goes Texas, and as Texas goes, so goes America. If the Democrats can steal Texas, it’s all over. So it should surprise no one that if there’s coordinated voter fraud going on in large counties, this has got to be one of the hotbeds.

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Comments 1-10 of 56

  • James McLurd

    08/10/2021 03:21 PM

    I have suspected voter fraud for a long time, especially on the part of Sheila Jackson Lee. I'm 81 years old and not able to do anything about the problem, but if this is made public, which will be difficult considering our left-wing local news media, maybe something can be done.

  • Lisa Jones

    08/09/2021 01:19 PM

    I am in SC where Trump won but feel we also need an audit for others that were elected. We have some Mayors like in Charleston that let BLM and Antifa tar up downtown and scare residents. Also Linn Wood said that Lindsey Graham was not legally elected. We need audits for all persons who are elected all the way down the ballot in all states. Can this be done?

  • Grant Carpenter

    08/09/2021 12:03 PM

    Yes, there undoubtedly was vote fraud in Texas. Didn't Texas go for Trump?

  • Jim Dick

    08/09/2021 11:52 AM

    If the Democrats were and are so certain that there were no voting irregularities in 2020, why are they not demanding audits across our land?

    My simple is that with the "smell" of issues in AZ. GA, PA, the silence from Democrats demonstrates that they will not risk audits to confirm the facts.

    Shame on them all.

  • William John Douglas

    08/09/2021 11:39 AM

    Three counties that would have swung the election. Like the Durham investigation, not sure any of this is going anywhere. Frustrating to conservatives. Where are the law suits, media outrage? These allegations need to be proven and exposes.
    A frustrated conservative.

  • JER ZE

    08/09/2021 09:42 AM

    OK, you have a mass voter fraud. Do something about it. I am tired of people talking about it, lets get something done about it. I love my country and hate to hear all of this evil that is going on to destroy it. Let us all know what we can do to help. It's better in numbers.

  • Patrick J Brewer

    08/08/2021 08:04 PM

    Hi Governor Huckabee, with all of the proof of voting fraud across this GREAT country of ours, there is no one (excuse me for this expression) with enough cajones or power in the courts to do something about it?!?! This is making our country look shameful. Times are really getting sad.

  • Annette Vasquez

    08/08/2021 07:16 PM


    If he thinks he can blow the lid off voter fraud, then he should take up the challenge offered by Mike Lindell:

    Attend his Cyber-Symposium on August 10-12 and win the $5 million prize for doing so.

  • Annette Vasquez

    08/08/2021 07:14 PM

    If he thinks he can blow the lid of voter fried, then he should take up the challenge offered by Mike Lindell:

    Attend his Cyber-Symposium on August 10-12 and win the $5 million prize for doing so.

  • Susan Moncada

    08/08/2021 06:27 PM

    If it is true, this is fantastic that a democrat is speaking up and stating that there is voter fraud. I have always said you cannot group all democrats and republications together, there is some middle ground.
    But, what if they do find that Trump really is the winner of the 2020 election? Are there any legal remedies to reinstall him into office? Can he undo all the damage that has been done by Biden?
    I written letters, emails and made phone calls all to no avail to my representatives.