
Latest News

January 20, 2022

This Friday, January 21st, marks the 49th annual March for Life in Washington, DC (January 22nd is the 49th anniversary of Roe. v. Wade.) Thousands of people plan to brave sub-freezing temperatures to peacefully protest (I make that clear so the FBI doesn’t brand them as “domestic terrorists”) and pray for the approximately 60 million unborn babies killed by abortionists since 1973 and for the Supreme Court to realize the terrible mistake it made.

What they will not be doing is eating at Busboys and Poets restaurant.

A group called Democrats for Life of America (yes, there still are some of those, not that you’d know it from the Party leadership) had a reservation there. But then, the restaurant found out that DFLA is pro-life and canceled their reservation, forcing them to hunt for another place. Busboys and Poets is a chain of restaurants/event spaces with a very “social justice” vibe (their website is plastered with pro-BLM graphics.)

A restaurant spokeswoman told Catholic News Agency that the chain “stands firmly on the belief that women have the right to make their own reproductive health decisions.” (“Reproductive health” is the current preferred vague, fuzzy euphemism for “abortion,” despite the fact that abortion providers often hide the potential dangers to women’s physical and emotional health, as dramatized in the movie, “Unplanned.”)

The spokeswoman continued, “While we welcome conversations from individuals expressing different viewpoints and pride ourselves on being a venue for respectful conversations between diverse groups, we are also a ‘safe space.’ As such, we cannot knowingly accept events designed to fund an agenda which our community members believe to be trampling on the rights of others.”

In short: we support diversity of viewpoints, as long as they’re viewpoints we agree with. And we oppose discrimination, except for people whose beliefs we discriminate against (like those who think that killing children in the womb tramples on their right to life.) So if you are pro-life, you might want to make a note to avoid this joint, as you are not welcome. It might make some poor sensitive soul feel “unsafe” knowing that someone who values life is eating a burger 20 feet away. Also, I don’t think I’d want to eat at any restaurant that dispenses bull manure on the side, as you can readily see in the paragraph above.

Fortunately, the DFLA found a new venue, a restaurant called Harriet’s, which welcomes a range of ideologically diverse groups. Say, is anyone else old enough to remember when liberals used to hold marches to demand that restaurants stop discriminating and serve everyone?

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  • Helen Efola McMillan

    01/21/2022 10:05 AM

    God bless you all for what you're doing. I've gone through three abortions with close family members. I have always been a firm believer that God plans us long before our parents ever meet. That is a real little person inside of a woman's womb. It already has developed feelings and love for the woman that is carrying them. I truly believe that. I only wish that others felt that way.