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January 14, 2022

I miss the days when Democrats used to ruin things slowly, through corruption, graft, incompetence and a misguided belief in failed ideology. That long lead time at least made the eventual disasters look almost inadvertent. These days, the minute they take office, they leap straight to openly destroying systems that are working, without even bothering to try to appear rational or reasonable.

For instance, if you ran a state like California, which so many residents are fleeing that U-Haul can’t keep vans in stock, would you think it’s a good idea to double the already crippling taxes to pay for a state-run socialized health care program, the type that a couple of states tried then quickly abandoned after demand and costs spiraled “beyond expectations?” Well, of course, that’s exactly what some Democrats in California want to do.

And take President Biden (please!) He inherited a domestic energy industry that thanks to Trump’s policies had brought down gas prices and made the US energy independent. Through a flurry of executive orders, he immediately strangled it, creating shortages and skyrocketing prices, which he blamed on oil company price gouging. Of course, he had to do this to force us to switch to unready and unreliable “green energy” alternatives, like sunshine, windmills and unicorn flatulence. When the people began to revolt, his solution was to beg OPEC to pump more oil (ironically, they told him to go pound sand.)

So how does he react to the inevitable disaster caused by his own policies? By doubling down on stupid. His Bureau of Land Management just killed a deal that’s been in the works for years to develop resources in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. This blindsided and infuriated Alaskans and their elected representatives, since Biden didn’t even bother consulting with them before throwing his policy grenade.

Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski said the plan had been carefully crafted over years to protect sensitive areas of the Reserve. Fellow Sen. Dan Sullivan called Biden’s action “not only arbitrary and contrary to good science” and a sop to placate “radical extreme environmental groups who care nothing about Alaskans,” but also harmful to the very indigenous communities his Administration claims to care about.

Indeed, all these actions that drive up the cost of energy are most harmful to the poor and middle class. But they’re popular with wealthy green activists who want to force everyone to buy an electric car without thinking far enough ahead to figure out what we’re going to plug them all into. They can't all be powered by Greta Thunberg's electrifying smile.

The only rational explanation I can see for this latest action is that Biden must figure if nobody can afford to buy gas, we can’t drive to the polls and vote these maniacs out. I have news for him: at this point, a lot of us would walk a mile over hot coals to do that.

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  • Doyle Pruitt

    01/16/2022 03:31 PM

    If we cannot afford the high price of food, the abandoning of the pipeline and fossil fuels is insult as well a sever injury to the American people. Our economy is in a disaster after one year of the Biden administration.