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January 25, 2022

Democrats, media propagandists and politicized DOJ agents may hope that their attempts to demonize or even jail people for daring to oppose leftist policies have scared Americans into silence. But there are still plenty who don’t get scared when someone tries to take away their rights. Instead, they get angry and they get loud. And Washington, DC, just got two reminders of that great American character trait.

It was a good weekend for freedom of speech and assembly in DC, first with the March For Life…

and then with Sunday’s “Defeat The Mandates” rally to oppose draconian government vaccination mandates that violate Constitutional rights. Liberal media outlets tried to paint it as a “super-spreader event,” but they already told us that it’s okay to hold mass protest rallies during a pandemic, so their hypocrisy was also on the march.

Bonus: watch a liberal “triggered” by the anti-mandate rally have an epic meltdown, screaming about white supremacy and demanding, “Stop invading our territory!” News flash: The nation’s capital is every American’s “territory.”

Both events drew huge crowds, despite the bitter cold. And separate Marches For Life were held in other cities all over America, drawing many more supporters nationwide. That jibes with a recent poll showing that 71% of Americans want more restrictions on abortion, not fewer.

As you can see in this article from the Catholic News Agency, a growing number of younger women are starting to turn against all the pro-abortion propaganda they’re deluged with.

The more we learn about the science of what happens during a baby’s development in the womb, and the more easily available contraceptives are, the more obvious the barbarism of killing babies (or “clumps of cells”) in the womb has become. That’s why the horrific reality of abortion has to be papered over with fuzzy euphemisms like “reproductive choice” or “women’s health care.” Never mind that the child gets no choice; and pro-abortion advocates fight laws to ensure that abortion clinics are medically safe and sanitary, claiming they limit access to “choice.” What choice, the choice to die of an infection or botched operation?

Our “Catholic” President and his Vice President marked the anniversary of Roe v. Wade with a statement reading, "We must ensure that our daughters and granddaughters have the same fundamental rights that their mothers and grandmothers fought for and won on this day, 49 years ago.” And the president of Planned Parenthood said she’s seeing “a level of rage that we could be living in a world six months from now — where our children have fewer rights than we have right now."

Don’t you love the utterly cluelessness of people who lobby for abortion by saying, “But think of the children!” We are thinking of the children, that’s why we oppose killing them.

If it were up to them, their daughters and granddaughters might not even exist because they wouldn’t have the fundamental right to live.

PS – Speaking of pro-abortion propaganda that insults people’s intelligence, check out the new cartoon that tries to accuse pro-life people of pushing a “big government” agenda. As a bonus, this includes a reminder of what would actually happen if Roe v. Wade were overturned, which is that it would go back to local governments, not the federal government. This is almost always wildly misrepresented (yet oddly, nobody seems to get banned from social media for pushing that misinformation.)

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  • Mike Woolever

    01/25/2022 09:38 PM

    I've said this on AMAC in one of their Poles.

    with all the contraceptives available today. Abortion should be i the history books. Schools are now handing out condoms. There is a morning after pill.
    The only thing keeping is Planned Parenthood farming fetus organs for profit. And not reimbursing the federal subsidies.