
October 27, 2022

Prayer Tree:

We are stronger together.  

Our hope is that our newsletter readers and social media followers will consider these prayer requests each day. To submit a prayer request please, go here. If you are asking for a prayer for yourself or someone else, please use a first name to make it easier for our prayer warriors.

If there is an update to a prayer request that you would like to add, please choose "prayer answered" on the prayer request form.


Please pray for Carmen for healing and other issues, God knows the issues.

Please pray for my sisters and I, that God becomes the center of our lives and we turn to him and not the world so we can become the light that shines His love. And our health, both physical and mental, be covered with Gods Almighty Grace. Thank you and Amen!

Please pray for the upcoming elections. Pray that we have an overwhelming amount of Christians elected to office.

Hello, prayer request for myself Andi - I want and need to move out of blue sanctuary state Colorado to a red state and I don't yet know where to go. I'm 72, single and deaf with no family. Please pray that I will be lead by the Lord and not my emotions. Thank you!

Jared my son..healing

Please pray for my daughter Jennifer. She is a brain cancer survivors and suffering the effects of full brain radiation and is unable to walk. She is 48 years old and has a 10 year old daughter.

Please pray for my daughter to help,her with .her eye sight..

My 29 year daughter has breast cancer.The chemo treatment is hard on her. Please pray that the next 5 she will not be as sick.

Continued prayers for my cousin Karen C (COPD)and Norma P…. (Cancer treatments)….

prayer for me , had failed hysterectomy, they tore hole in my bladder. Healing, caught super bug bacteria from hospital , UTI. prayers for healing and patience and love among my family.. . thank you Angie Gault

Prayers for my sons Mike and Chris please . Mike is homeless and living in his van, please praying he will find help for himself and a warm place to stay before winter comes. Pray for Chris he needs to be off his addiction Medicine so he can go to the next step of his sentencing process. Please pray that his side effects are minimal as he Detoxs for the Medicine. Please pray that God would put the right people in my sons paths they in to know the Lord. Thank you for your prayers.

Our nation. Lord please save our election and our country.

Please pray for my grandson Sawyer, he has seizures and now there telling us that now hes got a hearing problem....hes 7 years old. Please pray for Sawyer.

My brother,Tim,is bi-polar and has just recently gotten out of a deep,deep depression,but now is in a stage of mania and he needs healing in Jesus' name..amen! thank you

Please pray for our son, Ben. He's only 20 years old, was in college, and is struggling with drugs. He's currently in a faith based rehab, and we're praying for a breakthrough. We want our son back.

Please pray for my husband Robert. He has prostate cancer. Please no more pain. Restore him Lord

Please pray for my niece that is facing a 12 hour surgery that God guides all the Surgeons hands and that God heals her without much pain. And pray for me as I go to have a biopsy done on my leg I know it will be ok pray that my mammogram comes out good also in his name I pray Amen

Praying for Debbie regarding her asthma diagnosis affecting her ability to wear a mask. Please check into this as a disability or impediment. Maybe look up on Google disability advocates or asthma advocates. Those with disabilities I have worked with do not wear masks. God bless you!

Prayers for supernatural healing for Lisa. Prayers for all those affected by Covid. Prayers for our nation and leaders.

Prayers for supernatural healing for Brewski.

Please pray for my dad, Larry whose mobility is getting weaker each day. Also, for my sister and mom who are his primary caregivers. They shoulder the responsibility for all his needs.

Thank you for praying for husband pacemaker implantation Tuesday. Everything went great, HOWEVER, the drs are wanting him on a certain drug to treat his Afib that is supposed to be a LAST RESORT drug that has many black box warnings! Pray that another drug can be substituted. He is a very active man and the side effects of this drug are VERY SCARY! Please pray! Thank you

The Hatch family/ finances

For all the people here in SW Florida who lost everything...their homes and vehicles. We are years away from returning to anything that looks like normal.

My health. I have diabetes.

Prayers for Brewskis humans.

Beth- prayers for my husband as he deals with a heavy workload and is an elder in our church. For our son and daughter to once again follow the Lord as they were taught. For my sister and her family to settle a dispute that is disrupting our whole family. For my Mom recovering from surgery. For me as I deal with Fibromyalgia and AFib. For our church to find a new minister as ours is retiring in December. For our country to turn to God. Thank you!

Please pray for Julia a young lady who has indicators of MS. In the next few months she will have a battery of test for MS. Please pray for a complete healing.

My 13 year old grandson, William, who has feelings of abandonment by his father. He is having trouble at school and needs to find a place where he feels accepted. He has so much potential but needs a mentor to guide him on the right path, God's path for him.

Please pray for the Harris Family. The father and both sons are former Navy and Hot Shots (firefighters) struggling with health issues, specifically several cancers and botched surgeries. They not only need physical and emotional healing and but financial assistance.

For myself, Lisette, I have cancer again, very sick from chemo, Need to feel better just to do things, very exhausted, Please lift me up in prayers, in agreement. In Jesus' name AMEN, For my feet with nueropathy. .Thank you.

I have lung cancer. Will be undergoing radiation and chemotherapy. Please pray that I can make it through this and that the Lord will help me. Thank you. Susan

Please pray that ongoing oral cancer trials to cure cancer are successful at eliminating cancer

Please pray for Chris for a job.

"Prayers for God to have his will in my son Warren’s life, that he will learn to be more patient, for God to slow down his mind, while waiting on God to show him the path He wants him to take. The new job seems to be going good, pray this continues. Also that God will bring him a Christian woman to be his life partner. All the glory and thanks to Him, in Jesus’ name. Amen

Prayers for Nathan to be shown Gods, healing from past trauma, soften his heart to give a relationship another chance of where marriage was planned. God knows all things about him, may God lead him to the man he wants him to be, and may Gods will be done. We ask in Jesus name, and give all the glory to our Abba Father Amen."

Please pray for us as our church committee meets this month to search for a faithful, wise, and loving pastor. May the Holy Spirit guide us as we seek to rebuild and heal.

Prayers for my daughter K, as she continues to work on anger issues, which led to a breakup with fiance. It's almost 4 months and she's still hurting/struggling. She had improved a little but had an accident and this is being dragged out by the insurance co., whose claims dept. doesn't seem to care if anyone gets their vehicle fixed or not, so her frustration seems to be at a boiling point; seems more angry than ever. May her personality be shaped by Gods peace rather than her frustration/anger. She struggles to give it all to God. We ask Gods will be done to glorify Him, in Jesus' name Amen. Thank you, God, for answered prayers.

Pray for our elections, pray for restoration and salvation of my whole family, M,M,K, Mjr, B family and my neighborhood thank-you in Jesus name amen

For my knee to heel. Thank you

Please pray that my long haul Covid symptoms from Nov 2020 will eventually be healed.

"My friend Cheryl. She is always on a walker, but recently fell, breaking both her hip and shoulder. Sh just stated to mend with physical therapy, and now she's got covid. Please pray mightily for her in a Fontana hospital. Thank you & God Bless"

Pray for Sister Katherine Harris had surgery and to return to Church well again in Beaumont Texas.

Please continue to pray for my son Keith. He is trapped in a controlling, isolating, and toxic relationship. He has abandoned his faith, his family, his friends and his past successful life. We do not know where he is or how to contact him. We are afraid he is using drugs.

Prayers that Candy has a healthy litter.

Please pray that the spot they found on ultrasound of my breast is not cancer. I was diagnosed with breast cancer this time last year and just finished up treatment a few months ago. Thank you

Please pray for P - health and anxiety.

Recovering from total knee replacement and plz pray for a co worker who wants to take every thing over with no regards of other Co workers. He's now parking where I park my car.

Please pray for my friend Laura. She is one of the best people I have ever known. Strong Christian, faithful prayers for everyone. She is being covertly harassed at her workplace. They are a very progressive company and pressure her continuously although she gets good reviews. Also, they pressure her because of her age. She is 67, lives alone and needs to remain in her workplace so she can support herself. Thank you so much.

Please pray for 18 year-old Mikeal, the grandson of a dear church member and an innocent victim of a drive-by shooting on October 16, 3:30 in the afternoon. His companion was killed and Mikeal was paralyzed. His family need prayers for sufficient money and insurance coverage for him to be transferred to another city for specialized treatment. As one can imagine, the family is heartbroken but faithful Christians. Please pray for their family and the family of the deceased friend.

Please pray for my mom and my aunt. My mom is still rehabilitating from a hip fracture. My aunt has afib and a possible ulcer, but the doc said there's a slim chance it could be cancer. Due to her insurance, she has to wait several weeks before getting the necessary tests. Thank you all and IJN, Amen

Myself I would like prayer over my finances ..

Prayers for joy for Danielle.

Prayers for wisdom for Lisa and Wayne and Matthew.

Plz agree w me for a miracle healing from these palpitations for 38 yrs.

Please pray for complete healing from flu for my grandbabies.

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