
October 29, 2022

Prayer Tree:

We are stronger together.  

Our hope is that our newsletter readers and social media followers will consider these prayer requests each day. To submit a prayer request please, go here. If you are asking for a prayer for yourself or someone else, please use a first name to make it easier for our prayer warriors.

If there is an update to a prayer request that you would like to add, please choose "prayer answered" on the prayer request form.


Please pray for healing of my husband Marc’s hip and that God will also relieve his work stress. Thank you prayer warriors!

Please pray that we have free and fair elections on Nov. 8th and that America elects strong leaders to turn our country in the right direction. GOD IS GOOD!

Prayers for blessings for Bill M.

Please pray for my husband, Dan again. He's has diabetes and depression. He doesn't sleep and he's so agitated. The doctors are trying to regulate his medications. I am struggling to know what to do. This is hard. Thank you!

"Please pray about my Granddaughter Jazlyn, she is taking a drug that converts her from a woman to a man . Please pray that Jesus will heal her mind from this abomination. Worried Grandfather"

That my children's heart would be open to God's presence and return. That my son in law Mike would have peace and joy instead of anger and their relationship would be restored and good example to my grandsons.

Pray for my friend Theresa. She had a heart attack and a heart cath showed 2 blockages. She will have surgery next week.

Clay, my grandson spent 12 years in the US Air Force and was medically discharged about 2 years ago. He has PTSD and adult ADHD. He has tried college but it is not working out for him. He is seeking help from the VA. Pray that he can find a career path to use his skills and a church to attend. He accepted Christ as a child and was reared in a Christian home.

Please pray for healing for Kenny who is in a coma. The doctors don't know why.

"Prayers are on-going for James and John as well as the other dear folks mentioned

here who are dealing with addictions. Remember that these prayers are asked in the Holy Name of Jesus, and where Jesus is, satan/evil cannot be. ""Be still, and know that I am God."" "

Amelia rehab right shoulder replacement

I'm Bill and I've recently had cancer removed from my bladder and today I go for a follow-up procedure to determine whether it's grown back. Please pray it hasn't...

Please pray for Carmen for healing and other issues, God knows the issues.

Please pray for job for Chris.

Diana Please pray for wound to heal and exposed to Covid hopefully won’t get have four shots. Keeping prayers as we’d will turn 80 would like to see family. One other prayer friend Bill given bad news 3-6 months going on hospice. For our country to wake up and really see we are loosing her. Bit by bit pray for your people to see the light turn back to you an Pray. God bless you all an to the Gov thank you for this wonderful page.

"My daughter Jennifer who was just diagnosed with ovarian cancer after surgery. She is a young mother of two.

Also, my daughter-in-law, Maria, who is 20 weeks pregnant with twins was put on complete bedrest in the hospital for the remainder of her pregnancy due to complications. Has a 3 year old at home with my son and children are not allowed into her area of the hospital. Thank you ?? "

Please pray for my daughter Shelly that God would give her a sound mind and she would return to Him.

Please pray for my brother Mark that his cancer operation was a success and for his salvation.

Please pray for John. He has been in pain and the medicine, which he has been on has caused big problems with his health. He is in a facility and they are trying to find out how to proceed. Thank you and God bless

Please pray for my husband and I, His son is on drugs and has been for 20 years. We are just broken from all of the damage he has caused-emotional, physical, spiritual.and financial. We need guidance and wisdom from The Lord on what we are supposed to do. We are broken!

To my bonus son, he has been more in the hospital in bridal condition, he is a new Christian and is relying on what he is learning from his pastor...this boy has been mine for 46 years and he is a blessing!!

Pray for Carolyn Foster had ear surgery in Port Arthur Texas.


This is for Norma who has inflamed and peeling skin around her eyes. Go to a dermatologist. He/she can diagnose your skin condition and prescribe just the right medication for the delicate skin around your eyes. I have psoriasis on my scalp and my face and right now the skin around my left eye is scaling and red. My dermatologist prescribed a cream and it's going away. I will pray for you.

Prayers for the people in Florida, who were affected by Ian.

Gilbert needs healing from hoarding.

Charlotte and son lost home to a fire. Please pray for restoration and provision.

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  • Cathy Dion-Nowicki

    10/29/2022 10:44 AM

    Please pray for me and my husband & family. I need strength and healing, my husband is trying to lose weight for health reasons. Our children need prayers, it's like they have no feelings. Sad