
November 7, 2022

Prayer Tree:

We are stronger together.  

Our hope is that our newsletter readers and social media followers will consider these prayer requests each day. To submit a prayer request please, go here. If you are asking for a prayer for yourself or someone else, please use a first name to make it easier for our prayer warriors.

If there is an update to a prayer request that you would like to add, please choose "prayer answered" on the prayer request form.


Thanks to everyone who has prayed for my 90 year old mother, Shirley. Her heart rate and blood pressure are up in the normal range now and her cardiologist said that he thinks her heart works very good! This is an answer to our prayers! I am so grateful!

Please pray for my sister Teri as she is traveling a long distance to her home with her husband who has had previous strokes and possibly has early dementia. She texted me today that they need special prayers to get home safely but she did not explain. Will you please pray that Teri and her husband and pet get home safe and sound?

Please pray for my dear dog, Brutus. He follows me everywhere and he is always so happy and sweet. He had a terrible abscess that ruptured and the vet thinks he might have a cancerous tumor. She won't know until he gets examined again next Monday. Brutus is so gentle and loving and has been very loving and good and plays with our little boy. Please pray Brutus does not have a cancerous tumor and that he will heal completely from the ruptured abscess. Thank you, and God bless you! I am praying for all of the requests made on todays e-mail too!

Please pray for my mom who is elderly and will undergo hip replacement surgery on Monday, November 7. Please pray that God will help her to be strong physically and mentally and not afraid. Also, that God will guide her surgeon and medical team. Please pray that the surgery goes perfectly and that she will heal quickly and well without any harm or complications. Thank you so much for praying for her!

My sister-in-law's son was murdered a few years ago and she suffered mentally so much. Now her house and all of her belongings burned down and she may be having a mental breakdown. She is not eating. Please pray for her.

My dog ate chocolate without me knowing it and she acted very sick but I didn't know why. Half a day later I found out she had eaten chocolate but she seemed better by then. Please pray that she will live and be ok. She has liver problems so please pray that her liver will be ok. She is my little buddy. Thank you.

For wisdom, discernment, understanding an peace in my heart while going through hard issues. Fir my sister Lis who believes lies she tells herself an others. Salvation for her and her family.

Please pray for my mom and my aunt. My mom is still rehabilitating from a hip fracture. My aunt has afib and a possible ulcer, but the doc said there's a slim chance it could be cancer. Due to her insurance, she has to wait several weeks before getting the necessary tests. Thank you all and IJN, Amen

Asking prayers for my daughter who has bipolar disorder. She has become hostile towards me over a misunderstanding and does not want to grasp the olive branch I've extended. Please pray for healing of her BPD, her salvation and our relationship. Healing prayers for my husband who has chronic kidney disease and Parkinson's disease. Prayers for my rheumatoid arthritis and spinal stenosis as I have difficulty caring for my husband at times. Many thanks to all you faithful prayer warriors; I pray for you too.

Please pray for a free and fair election on Tues. Nov8th. Pray that we elect strong conservative leaders that will put America back on the right track. May God bless America

Prayer for my granddaughter, 29 years old, that just had knee surgery yesterday. Prayers for healing and patience.

Please pray for Carmen for healing and other issues, God knows the issues.

Please pray for my 3 year old kitty Allie who has disappeared for 13 days that God will bring her back. Please also pray for my right shoulder and arm to heal. Thank you. Ruth

Prayers for Jim D. 19 yr old daughter has estranged herself from him. He is suffering very deep pain due to this estrangement of his only daughter, only child. Asking God to change her heart and see who her dad truly is, not what mom (his ex wife) has planted in her to think and believe.

Cheryl & family. I suffered a heart attack plus got covid as 3 other family members. Spiritually my family is under attack from satan. All 3 adults live with me and pay nothing. My daughter is an alcoholic in denial My grandson's dog was attacked and killed by the german shepherd. Because my nephew stopped him from hurting the german shepherd for what he did the 3 went him calling him names and telling him to get out. I was busy trying to get my heart meds to leave with my nephew. Im still recovering. I want prayers for guidance i need God to get in their hearts.

Asking for prayers for a fair election on Tuesday.May God be with us all.May he heal this troubled country.

" J.,

I am praying that you will have healing from your shingles, and the complications you are having. I am sure this is scary for you to go through. Don't ever think that your needs aren't important enough to ask for prayers. I will be praying for you, as I'm sure many others will also. Sincerely, J."

To J,who felt bad for asking for prayers for Shingles,do not feel bad.Shingles are no joke especially by your eyes.I pray for complete healing for you and for comfort while dealing with this. FYI,if you haven't already,try using ice on affected area.It does provide some relief.God bless you!

JJ Bond

"E praising God for new heart valves, auto immune diseases healed for me and family attacked. Chris feels he wants to see and love his family now. Ce has no new viruses. Little Nub in womb in perfect health and position.."

Prayers for supernatural healing for Brutus.

As I pray for healing, peace, and well-being for each of you, I would like to say that each of your needs are very important. Whether it's cancer, shingles, or an ingrown toenail, your request matters, and is worthy of prayers for healing. Much love to each of you, brothers and sisters..

Kenny. You considered suicide months ago how are you? And my fellow believers, could you mention a name to pray for.

Crying out to God on behalf of my daughter K, God knows the need. Thank you!

Prayers for wisdom for Lisa.

Debbie L has been diagnosed with early onset alzheimers. Current medication has been helpful, but sadly, there is no cure. Please pray that I may be healed by our loving Christ Jesus. I pray daily for His healing. God bless you all every day 

Prayers for blessings and wisdom for Michael B.

Please ask the Lord for a healing for Peggy W. For the highest good of all. She has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and is in extraordinary pain this evening because she was brought home without pain medication. Thank you very much.

This is to the person who asks God to smite the democrats. Jesus tells us to love our neighbor. We should NEVER pray for ill will for our enemies. The apostle Paul says we should love our enemies. Yes, it's hard. Yes, we should pray for our leaders. We should ask the Holy Spirt to convict them of their sin and change their hearts. Pray for their salvation. As Christians, this is what we must do. I will pray that God changes your heart, too.

Please pray for little Dexter. He is a little 5-year-old boy in my granddaughter's kindergarten class who thinks he's a girl. He wears dresses. My granddaughter has befriended him. Pray that God will end his confusion and that he will want to be a boy. Pray for his parents--that they will love him and support him in being the boy that God meant him to be.

Prayers for God to have his will in my son Warren’s life, that he will learn to be more patient, for God to slow down his mind, while waiting on God to show him the path He wants him to take. The new job seems to be going good, pray this continues. Also that God will bring him a Christian woman to be his life partner. All the glory and thanks to Him, in Jesus name. Amen

Prayers for God's protection for our nation.

Prayers for blessings for Lara and Michael.

Thanks to everyone who prayed for my sister Teri and her husband to arrive home safely when they were in dangerous circumstances. They were kept safe during their travels and are now home. Praise be to God!

"Rudy...incurable, rare skin cancer..may the Lord add His healing touch and meet the needs of he and his wife as only the Lord can"

Continued prayers needed for my elderly mom who will have hip replacement surgery on Monday. Please pray the procedure goes well, that she is fine during and after the procedure, and that she will heal quickly and well. Also, that she will not get constipation from the narcotic pain relievers they will give her and that she will live without pain from now on. She wants to bake for her family again. Thank you!

Please pray for me, Juli. I've felt attacked by many difficult circumstances and now I am suddenly thrust into being a caregiver for a relative due to an injury of another. I also homeschool my son. Please ask God to help me to not be overwhelmed and for me to think, feel, behave, and speak in ways that please God no matter how difficult the circumstance is of being a caregiver on top of my responsibilities as a mother of a young, active boy who I also homeschool. I want to trust God!

Pray that Paula will soon find out why she has severe inflammation in her body and why her eye went blind from inflammation. Please pray she will be healed. She is a mother of two small children.

Prayers for blessings for all of my enemies.

Prayers for supernatural healing for Snoopy, Brewski and Brutus.

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