
Latest News

February 1, 2022

The UN reports that it has “credible allegations” that despite the Taliban’s promises of a general amnesty, they’ve killed more than 100 former government officials, security force members and Afghans who helped the US (and whom we promised to evacuate) since the Biden Administration allowed the Taliban to retake Afghanistan in August. There are also reports of attacks, intimidation, harassment, arbitrary arrest, ill treatment and killings of human rights defenders and media workers.

It’s astonishing to think that the US media are so politically biased that they’ve tried to suppress this story by pushing Afghanistan to the back burner, even as Americans and our allies continue to be trapped there and fearing for their lives. Now we know that even includes their colleagues in the media. The bias is strong in these people.

As Deanna Fisher at the Victory Girls blog notes, this is all in addition to previous reports of women being killed for trying to work outside the home, and people selling their organs and their children to survive.

Ms Fisher is correct that nobody should claim to be surprised by any of this, although our professional “diplomatic” corps will likely try to pretend they are. As she says, President Biden wanted to claim he’d ended the war to score a cheap political victory. But that “cheap” victory is coming at a very high cost indeed.

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