
December 5, 2023

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!   

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With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee

P.S.  If you need to change the email address for your subscription, please go to my website here.


22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Galatians 5:22-23

Prayer Tree

We are stronger together.  

Our hope is that our newsletter readers and social media followers will consider these prayer requests each day. To submit a prayer request please, go here. If you are asking for a prayer for yourself or someone else, please use a first name to make it easier for our prayer warriors.

If there is an update to a prayer request that you would like to add, please choose "prayer answered" on the prayer request form.


Please continue to pray for my daughter Shelly

Please Pray for Shimia. She is just in her teens and had a cancerous tumor removed from her kidney this past summer. They said they got it all but now she has spots on her lungs. She goes in for testing this week. Thank you all and God Bless. 

Daughter has epilepsy and I pray for the medication to finally control seizures so she can lead a normal life.

Prayers for supernatural healing for healthy teeth and gums for Deanna and Lisa.

In Jesus Name be well Christina and Tim. Thankyou for praying.

Thank you for the response regarding my son with bipolar disorder and depression. He has been treated by a psychiatrist since he was a child and is on the correct medication to treat his condition for about 20 years. I cannot make him take his medication. As anyone knows who deals with a person with mental illness. My husband and I did all we could to guide him but as an adult he is responsible for his choices. He needs a committed heart for Jesus! He is married and his wife also is on medication for her mental illness. They both deal with seasonal affective disorder and I have given them a sun lamp to help with that! I do appreciate your concerns and thank all for their prayers!

"Please pray for Kelly, Satan is hard at work in his life. He can't sleep and has nights days mixed up, full of anger and hate. He has chronic pain since childhood. May God help him, amen.

Prayers for Lisa battling pancreatic cancer. She has chosen to start chemo again to give her more time. Pray that her body handles it well, she has been hospitalized for about a month. Also pray for Tim who is also battling pancreatic cancer. Thank you

Pray for W to have a clear mind in all decisions, to keep seeking God in all aspects of his life. Thank you

Prayers for Tracy who has neuropathy from chemo treatment a few years ago. She has moved to Florida where winters will be easier on her, may her transition go well and may she enjoy her life there."

Please continue to prayer for K. She has has an over thinking brain and is a worrier. I Pray God will help her move forward from a situation that has been shattering to her for the last 14 months. She feels like she's barely hanging on. I am fearful she will have a nervous breakdown, May God heal and have his will in her life in all situations. In Jesus name and all the glory to God, Amen! Thank you

Please pray for me, Mary, having leg pain and swelling. Thank you.

Lord show me if I should go home for my sister's 90th B party I'm in my 80s and not that easy especially for me to travel on my own either- FloraLee

"Please pray for the return of my family to Jesus & for salvation for those who have never accepted Him as Savior And for Cecilia, 2 Timothy 1:7 - For He has not given us a spirit of fear , but of power , love, & a sound mind ! Jesus is your cure for fear & worry ! Everyday surrender all those fears & worries to Him & thank & praise Him for the perfect answers ! Heavenly Father knows & loves you best. So trust Him ! His promises are yes & amen !!! Blessings, Peggie Potter"

Please pray for my daughter Anna. She has lost custody of her two kids because of substance abuse. Please pray that she will commit to recovery and getting her precious children back.

Please continue to pray for Carmen for health and other issues that God knows and is answering. God bless you all always. Thank you for your prayers and for prayers answered.

Please pray that this chronic pain would leave and that the scheduled biopsy of lymph node would prove benign...that there will be answers wit the diagnostic ultrasound. Thank so much for your prayers. Eileen 

God bless Jonathan R. Holy Spirit help him always to continue to give the glory to God in JesusName we pray Amen

To Cecilia 12/4 post. Please read Matthew 6:25-34 I hope it helps you!! Remember God is in control!! 

My prayer wasn't answered or at least not yet. Not sure why God hasn't answered it. But after a year it doesn't look like it will be. All in Gods will.

Please pray for K, for healing from depression and for a safe home environment for her and grandson. Praying for a hedge of protection around them and to be extra diligent and aware of surroundings. Thank you for praying.

Please pray for my friend Dave. He's in the hospital as they figure out what exactly went wrong. Partial vision loss and right-sided weakness. They are thinking stroke, A-Fib, SVTs.

Please pray for my husband, Gary. He did a CT calcium scan and the reading is 2056.Normal is Zero and over 400 is super high. We are upset ad devastated. Please pray for him to have a helpful cardiologist to help him out. His father passed of heart attacked at 69. Thank you and god bless.

Prayers for favor for Deanna, Danielle, Lisa and Wayne. Amen. Thank you.

Please pray for Mark with cancer. Pam with a brain bleed, and Tom with cancer. Thank you so very much.

"Prayers that Tom Fischer fights for Lisa."

Prayers that Lisa will be comfortable driving a car again after being a passenger in a car wreck.

Prayers for supernatural healing for Gloria's hip and leg. Amen. Thank you.

Prayers for wisdom and salvation for Grace and Matthew.

Prayers for peace and joy for Danielle and Lisa and all on this prayer tree. Amen.

Continued prayers for Israel.

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I am grateful to my husband who is a good and faithful servant. Marie

Finding a new caregver!

HYMNAL: Trust and Obey

Author: John H. Sammis


1 When we walk with the Lord
in the light of his word,
what a glory he sheds on our way!
While we do his good will,
he abides with us still,
and with all who will trust and obey.


Trust and obey, for there's no other way
to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.


2 Not a burden we bear,
not a sorrow we share,
but our toil he doth richly repay;
not a grief or a loss,
not a frown or a cross,
but is blest if we trust and obey. [Refrain]


3 But we never can prove
the delights of his love
until all on the altar we lay;
for the favor he shows,
for the joy he bestows,
are for them who will trust and obey. [Refrain]


4 Then in fellowship sweet
we will sit at his feet,
or we'll walk by his side in the way;
what he says we will do,
where he sends we will go;
never fear, only trust and obey. [Refrain]


I Just Wanted To Say:

Thank you for reading and singing along!


In the comments on my website, every day, I find readers thanking me for sharing God's word.  If you would like to help me spread God's word, forward this email to a friend or family member and ask them to please sign up using the link below.  Thank you.

- Mike Huckabee


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