
February 24, 2023

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!   

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Mike Huckabee

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Prayer Tree

We are stronger together.  

Our hope is that our newsletter readers and social media followers will consider these prayer requests each day. To submit a prayer request please, go here. If you are asking for a prayer for yourself or someone else, please use a first name to make it easier for our prayer warriors.

If there is an update to a prayer request that you would like to add, please choose "prayer answered" on the prayer request form.


Please Lord help Kevin find the help to get him home, protect him. Thank you

I just found out God wants to heal me from Bipolar mental illness. But no one would believe me. I know this from my prayer to be free of Socialism/Social Security then I saw 1 Peter 5:10 after. I have faith for this. Please join me in interceceeding for me.

Asking for prayers for my family,each are going thru difficult times.Thank you all and may God bless us all.

Please pray with me for the salvation of my children, my grandson and their spouses. I pray that they will come to really know Jesus and accept Him as their Lord and Savior in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Please pray for my son in law who has stress and mental health issues and also for my daughter in law"s mother who has cancer and is now in Outpatient Hospice. Also please pray for my niece who had stage 1 lymphoma. Take uo.

Please pray from my grand daughter Charlette. She is 5 years old and has been diagnosed with Epilepsy. We need prayers for healing and amazing health care i already receive it and love it

One of our teachers, Don Rhoads, was diagnosed with heart problems...waiting for surgery he had a bad stroke which left him unable to speak. While in the hospital for that, they found out he had stage 4 pancreatic cancer which has already spread to his liver...please pray for strength for him and his family.

Please Pray for my Mom. She is having health issues. 

From my church, Randall L has bad diabetes. It runs in his family, they will be taking his leg off up to his knee. Pray for him, his wife, adult children and his mother Linda L.

Prayers for young woman, Autumn. May God bless her with self confidence. Pray that the right people be placed in her life, hand picked by God. All blessings we know are from Him!

Please continue to pray for Carmen for healing and other issues that God knows. God bless you all always.

Requesting prayers for my sons school situation to improve, reduced anxiety and stomach issues. Prayers for my parents health, dementia issues to not progressive, and their relocation possibility to take shape. Prayers for our financial situation and possible job opportunity. Thank you. JMC 

Brad - who is currently having an intervention.

My husband James has a deposition this afternoon (last minute) and a hearing tomorrow morning for workmans comp. He was hurt a year ago in an auto accident at work. He was stopped at a construction site and a kid hit him in the rear and totaled both vehicles. He needs surgery on his knee and just finished a series of shots in his back. He is not allowed to drive and is not working. He is getting angry and depressed. Please pray God will give him the words to answer the questions (he doesn't do well speaking in public, sometimes gets tongue tied) Thank you. Rita

Praise The Lord!

Prayers for blessings and favor for Lisa.

David here again, 51 year old Autistic/Asperger/PDD-NOS man, asking for prayers and help for my Autistic female friend/pen pal of the last 28 years (and counting!) who is my same age; Channing; In the postal mail I received from Channing yesterday, she told me that her DSS caretaker is threatening to send her to a mental hospital for the nausea, headaches, and acting sick that she cannot help! Channing has had nausea and headaches all of her life. She really, really wants to be together with me for life! For Channing and I to get together for all time, please report her living situation to Disability Rights North Carolina; Thank you so much.

Please continue to pray for Angie, she just found out she might lose her subsidized apartment because she did no let them know she had a job. Or they will charge her a rent beyond what she is able to afford due on other expenses she has. Thank you for your prayers.

Please pray that voters in Oklahoma do NOT pass SQ820 for Recreational marijuana on March 7. WE need both health, healing and revival. 

Please pray for my elderly Aunt Delores. 97 years young who fell and broke her hip. The doctors are holding off surgery as she has developed an infection that must clear before surgery can take place. Please pray that she is in no pain, that her infection will be purged from her body and that she has a successful surgery and that she recoups quickly. Thank you for all prayers.

Please pray thank my husband and I receive our payout check from our insurance company very soon. Our car was totaled and we had to use out of pocket money to purchase a new car. This left our bank account very low. It has been almost two weeks of waiting to replace our out of pocket. Please pray that our insurance check comes very soon. Thank you for all prayers fellow prayer warriors.

Re: Lisa's migraine headaches, my daughter had them for years and once she found out she had a peanut allergy, and quit eating anything with peanuts, ie: oils, peanut butter, Chinese food etc. , they stopped and she hasn't had one since. Maybe for you, it is another allergy. Praying you can find a solution.

Please pray for a life-long friend Chris who has Fibromyalgia, Interstitial Cystitis in her bladder which burns terribly always, but when it flares up, the pain is unbearable. She also has some shattered vertebrae from an old car accident which have her in a wheelchair, and an esophagus problem affecting digestion. I pray for miraculous healing for her always, but also for breaks in her flare-ups so she can clear her mind and find some peace. Most important is her belief in our Lord and Savior Jesus. We went to an Episcopal Girls High School, chapel every day, etc. She knows the Bible but I don't sense her salvation. Thank you for your prayers. (She lives in DC, I live in Texas and we communicate mostly by email. We are both 76.)

Needing more prayers for Kiernan. He needs a miracle to heal his body.

Prayers for God to have his will in my son Warren's life, that he will learn to be more patient, for God to slow down his mind, while waiting on God to show him the path He wants him to take. Also that God will bring him a Christian woman to be his life partner. All the glory and thanks to Him, in Jesus' name. Amen

Will you please pray that I will be guided by God to find a godly, trustworthy, and kind caregiver to help take care of my elderly Mom very soon?

Please pray for my dog, Barney. He is 12 years old and he had three teeth pulled today, including molars. A small piece of one of the roots was left in his gums. Please pray that he will not get an infection and that he won't have pain for very long. He is very uncomfortable tonight and will not eat. He is a very sweet, loving dog and I have raised him since finding him dumped as a puppy on the roadside.

Gundy Gunderberger, a young friend taken to the hospital with embolisms in his legs and lungs. He is in immense pain while beseeching God to provide some relief. His friends and family are all praying for him and asking others to join with us. Thank you all.

Please pray for Kari to have her cancer cured.

Pray for Donna to have the ulcer on her cornea healed so she can see again.

Please pray for my daughter HL who will be having an mri on Monday to diagnose unusual nerve activity in her leg. Her symptoms have moved her to the front of the line. May the Lord's healing hand be on her and may He lead the drs as they interpret the tests to make a proper diagnosis/treatment. Thank you.

Share What You Are Grateful For:



I am eternally grateful for everything that I take for granted every day: a roof over my head,food in the pantry,running water and electricity at the flip of a switch,etc.These would be considered luxuries in some parts of the world.

"I am grateful that Father God loves me and my children are so good to me and are Christian too"

My eye sight and the hope God gives us.

My family has food and able to stay home during our snowy conditions in the mid west-we are blessed.

I am thankful for this place where I can leave prayer requests and read/ sing hymn words everyday. Thankful for Huckabee truths.

the love of God. And I'm grateful for the Asbury University prayer revival. It's amazing.

HYMNAL: Rejoice, the Lord is King!


Author: Charles Wesley


1 Rejoice, the Lord is King:

Your Lord and King adore!

Rejoice, give thanks and sing,

And triumph evermore.

Lift up your heart,

Lift up your voice!

Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!


2 Jesus, the Savior, reigns,

The God of truth and love;

When He has purged our stains,

He took his seat above;

Lift up your heart,

Lift up your voice!

Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!


3 His kingdom cannot fail,

He rules o'er earth and heav'n;

The keys of death and hell

Are to our Jesus giv'n:

Lift up your heart,

Lift up your voice!

Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!


4 Rejoice in glorious hope!

Our Lord and judge shall come

And take His servants up

To their eternal home:

Lift up your heart,

Lift up your voice!

Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!


I Just Wanted To Say:

Thank you for reading.


In the comments on my website, every day, I find readers thanking me for sharing God's word.  If you would like to help me spread God's word, forward this email to a friend or family member and ask them to please sign up using the link below.  Thank you.

- Mike Huckabee


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