
Latest News

August 31, 2023

News is breaking on Biden family corruption and cover-ups on a variety of fronts.

First, remember the story about cocaine found in a locker in the White House West Wing visitor area, near the Situation Room?  That seems so long ago. The “investigation” was closed after only a couple of weeks, with (amazingly) no photographic, fingerprint, DNA or any other evidence found and no leads at all.  There was never any word on who had the key, which you’d think would’ve had to be assigned.  So, the message to anyone who wants to sneak some white powder --- cornstarch, baking soda, arsenic, fentanyl, any kind of white powder --- into the WHITE HOUSE is, hey, it’s really easy and you won’t get caught!  They’ll just assume any powder coming in is coke for Hunter and look the other way.

Ironically, this coke may not have been for Hunter, but was perhaps more likely for someone else in “the Biden family orbit,” according to talk show host Dan Bongino, who worked for a decade as a Secret Service agent. Note that this is unconfirmed, but he still has contacts there and has just heard more about that theory from a source at the White House, not necessarily in the Secret Service but described as an “insider” and “not very political at all.” The source told him the cocaine was probably a deliberate delivery, a drug drop intended for “a member of the Biden family” who is not necessarily Hunter.

I don’t like having to report this, but Bongino’s source also described the Biden family as “trash.” Apparently, the source did not elaborate, at least not in a way that Bongino felt he could pass along.

The source “can’t prove” it wasn’t intended for Hunter, but claimed to be “getting some traffic that it could be another family member.”  Another contact of Bongino’s also stressed the “other family member” theory.

Press spokesperson Andrew Bates used the Hatch Act as an excuse to avoid answering questions about this.  Editor’s Note: The Hatch Act has nothing whatsoever to do with being able to comment on this story.  Bates, along with Karine Jean-Pierre, are not exactly artful dodgers.  They’re just dodgers.

Maybe someday we’ll know the story behind this, but it will be no thanks to the Secret Service and FBI, who are still much too busy checking out every possible Trump supporter who came to Capitol Hill on January 6, and even some who never even got there.  Bongino says the current director of the Secret Service, Kim Cheatle, needs to either reopen this case or resign.

In an update to the story about Biden emails requested by America First Legal (AFL), the White House has claimed executive privilege in withholding hundreds of them from that release.

AFL, the group founded by Stephen Miller, did obtain over 1,000 emails from its request to the National Archives, the vast majority of which were communications between the Office of the Vice President and Hunter’s firm Rosemont Seneca.  But 200 additional emails were held back because they “would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors,” according to a letter from the National Archives.

Question:  since when does the government care about confidential advice between the President and his advisors?  I thought that concept was shot all to pieces when President Trump’s advisors were arrested and charged with conspiracy for giving Trump private and privileged legal advice. Recall that Biden rejected Trump’s claims of executive privilege over January 6th private communications, and liberal media outlets praised that decision, claiming a President can’t use executive privilege to cover up potential wrongdoing.

Topping that story, the WASHINGTON TIMES reported that the National Archives is withholding the 5,400 emails they have in which Joe Biden used aliases, pending APPROVAL FROM BIDEN AND ALSO PRESIDENT OBAMA (!) to make them public.  These had been requested by Kentucky Rep. James Comer of the House Oversight Committee.

We’re just wondering what Obama has to do with this.  The WT is behind a paywall, but we also found this, which quotes an Oversight Committee aide as saying, “President Joe Biden promised the most transparent administration in history and we fully expect him to approve the release of the records.”  I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Comer appeared on HANNITY Wednesday night to discuss the many trips Hunter made with his father on Air Force Two (generally sneaking off via the back stairs), and also the timeline his committee is assembling between communications Hunter had with Joe and the various money transfers.  “This influence peddling scheme continues to grow on a daily basis,” with the then-VP “front and center,” meeting with “every one of these people that he claimed he never met with and never spoke to.”

As for obtaining those “alias” emails being withheld by the National Archives, Comer said they’re going to have to open an impeachment inquiry.  It’s Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s call, he said, but “we’re there now.”  He also noted that Congress has legislative jurisdiction over the National Archives.

Hunter may be, as allegedly has been said, dumber than Zlochevsky’s dog, but this piece from the WESTERN JOURNAL shows how he used his various connections, at the White House and also the law firm of Boies, Schiller & Flexner, including former members of the Clinton administration, to help bring about the “deliverables” for Burisma.

In an update on the Jay Bratt story, Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, is asking why Special Counsel’s Jack Smith’s top aide was repeatedly meeting at the White House with people from the White House Counsel’s Office in the months leading up to the raid on Mar-A-Lago and subsequent indictment of President Trump.  Jordan has written to Attorney General Merrick Garland and White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients, demanding answers.

“This new information raises serious concerns regarding the potential for a coordinated effort between the Department and the White House to investigate and prosecute President Biden’s political opponents,” Jordan wrote.

Recall that Bratt also has been accused by Stanley Woodward, who is defending Mar-A-Lago employee Walt Nauta, of mentioning Woodward’s impending judgeship when saying he didn’t think Woodward was “a Trump guy” and would “do the right thing” about getting his client to “flip” against Trump.  This is a very serious charge against the special counsel’s top aide, made by someone with an impeccable reputation.

And now we have allegations that in April, a top ‘Justice’ Department official, Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer, approached attorneys for IRS investigator/whistleblower Gary Shapley, saying he wanted to investigate Shapley’s claims of slow-walking and obstruction in Hunter’s case.  After Shapley attorney Mark Lytle briefed Weinsheimer in an April phone call, Weinsheimer slithered away to meet with Hunter’s then-lead attorney Chris Clark (!) and Delaware U.S. Attorney (recently appointed Special Counsel) David Weiss.

Days later, Weiss and Hunter’s attorneys agreed to that “sweetheart” plea deal, and Shapley and his entire team of investigators were pulled off the Hunter case.

In an exclusive interview with the U.K. DAILY MAIL, Lytle said, “In just two short weeks, Weinsheimer went from expressing an interest in the claims of wrongdoing by the IRS whistleblower to dismissing the claims of retaliation when the IRS agents were pulled off the case.”  The strategy had been to feign interest in Shapley’s story and milk Lytle for information and then go behind his back to Hunter’s defense and the prosecutors (same thing).

These are dirty, dirty lawyers.  (I’m reminded of the FBI agents who stopped by to see Mike Flynn for a “casual conversation.”)  We learn from this that it is sadly just not possible anymore to trust a government attorney or FBI agent, ever.

There’s more background here on that joke of a plea deal, in this must-read story.

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