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April 1, 2024

I’d like to wish all of you a happy and safe Easter as you celebrate with your families and in your churches.

Easter is the holiest of all holidays in the Christian calendar, but also the most joyful. The miracle of the Resurrection was not only the fulfillment of God’s promise that through His Son, our sins would be forgiven and we could have eternal life, but it also serves as a constant reminder that even in times when all seems dark and hopeless, God will never abandon us. That message seems especially important today.

I hear from many Christians who are very worried about the state of America and the world, and understandably so. Anti-Christian forces are on the march and seem to be winning in many ways. They fear that we may never be able to come back from such an aggressive assault.

But if you are feeling that way, then try to imagine how Christ’s followers felt on the day of His Crucifixion. Everything was dark, evil, and appeared hopeless. Those closest to Jesus were in fear for their own lives and felt that all they had devoted themselves to for three years had died on that cross. They saw their Master and their hopes and faith buried in a borrowed tomb.

That was Friday. But then came Sunday. It was the day that three women went to the tomb to honor a man who was dead. Instead, they were the first to know that what they had witnessed on Friday wasn’t the last chapter.

We all have a lot of Fridays in our lives: bad doctor reports; financial problems; a sick child; broken relationships; dangerous political movements; a virus that derailed our lives and split apart families. But let’s not get lost in our Fridays and think the bad times will never end. Always remember:

Sunday is coming. And God is good. All the time.

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