
Latest News

August 13, 2024

I’ve said before that I don’t want to criticize anyone who served in the military, but the accusations against Minnesota Gov. and Harris running mate Tim Walz just keep snowballing. It’s a major story that could cost him his spot on the ticket, so I have to report it. Please bear in mind that it is not disrespectful of someone’s military record to report that their comrades are upset when they allegedly claim military honors, like a combat record, that they didn’t earn. That’s the issue for Walz, and it’s getting worse by the day.

The Harris campaign and CNN both tried to brush off Walz’s false claim that he carried weapons of war in war by calling it a minor misstatement…

But it appears that’s just one of several such unfortunate “misstatements” that keep surfacing…

Walz is also being ripped by his former commanding officer and even his former military chaplain…

I don’t know if this is going to cost Walz his spot on the ticket, but it does show that someone failed to do the most rudimentary vetting for this vitally important position. Since choosing him was Kamala Harris’ very first major decision as the candidate, it doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in her executive abilities.

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