
Latest News

September 4, 2024

Stung by accurate criticism that her first economic proposals were either blatant rip-offs of Trump’s proposals (“no taxes on tips”) or long-discredited leftist nostrums guaranteed to make things even worse (price controls), Kamala Harris will reportedly release more of her economic plans today. The big question is, “Will they be pandering conservative proposals she’s always opposed before and has no real intention of implementing, or will she admit that she wants to raise taxes to the sky and impose even more strangling government regulations?” My money is on “a grab bag of both.”

One proposal she came out with last month that hasn’t gotten the attention it deserves was a continuation of the brilliance of Bidenomics in calling for rent controls, an idea that most people learn is idiotic in the first week of Business 101. Maybe as the daughter of a Marxist economics professor from Berkeley who’s never held a private sector job, Kamala just lives in a cast iron bubble and doesn’t have serious mental deficiencies (these are the only two excuses for believing in rent control, and I want it noted that I put the most charitable spin on it.)

Experience teaches us that blocking landlords from renting housing for what it’s worth incentivizes them to convert rental housing to condos or other uses (why would anyone stay in a business where they’re not allowed to make a profit?) This reduces the supply of housing, creating shortages and driving up the rent of housing that isn’t covered by rent control.

More than 30 conservative groups released a letter opposing Harris’ rent control plan with examples of why it would be a disaster.

My favorite quote from it is from Swedish economist Assar Lindbeck, who despite being a socialist, once said, “In many cases rent control appears to be the most efficient technique presently known to destroy a city - except for bombing.”

Just as voting for Kamala would be the most efficient technique for destroying a country.

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