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Election News

The Democrats still have a chance to ruin everything!!!

November 5, 2022

If Donald Trump ran for President, why would you vote for him? Or, why not? Please leave me a comment below.

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Comments 21-30 of 1963

  • Marvin Keith Bowman

    11/12/2022 08:00 PM

    I have always tried to back President Trump. For over 6 years he has been made to endure more false attacks than anyone who ever was in political office. It probably would have killed a man like Biden.

    There are difficult decisions to be made by many in the Republican party in the coming days. For instance:
    1.Should President Trump make his announcement on November 15? (I think he should wait.)
    2. Should Governor Desantis announce for 2024? (That would not really be fair for the people of Florida.) Let him build on his achievements. And who would replace him in Florida? Obama did the same thing when he made it to the Senate. Personally, I thought that was extremely bad form. Seeing how shallow the Democrats bench is I guess that made sense for them.
    3. If Desantis does not run who on the Republican bench could give the Democrats a fight that they the democrats would lose?
    4. Mitch McConnell needs to step down. Not backing a Republican just because he was endorsed by President Trump in the general election is unforgivable.
    A lot is going to depend on if we can a least take the House. The Senate is looking grim. Everyone is full of emotions this week and probably next week also. Don't give up the fight but don't let emotions take over either. Please, that goes for President Trump especially.

  • Nancy L Mazzucco

    11/12/2022 07:28 PM

    YES! Absolutely yes!
    Donald Trump has more ability to Read a room, to negotiate and cares more deeply for America but also HUMANITY than any other person we have ever sent or thought of for position in Washington.
    GOD gave us each gifts but it is CLEAR with ALL President Trump accomplished, intervened with and began to put in place for the betterment of Americans on every level GOD ALSO GAVE HIM THE HEAT FOR IT!

    Most who have been seen in Washington positions have little to NO interest in HUMANITY -
    Mr Pence, Mr RomneyLiz Chaney, Paul Ryan and FAR TO MANY PROVED DEEP STATERS AND RINOES have a PROVEN track record of the EXACT OPPOSITE of Donald Trump -
    The very evil they have CLEARLY PROVED to be their AGENDA speaks clearly, and I would add SADLY, to their true colors.

    I pray there are still those who WILL JUDGE TRUTHFULLY- I pray eyes will still be opened - and I pray God will once again allow President Trump to be re instated For the good and Someone with like beliefs and qualities will follow.

    May God Bless.

  • Steven D Hagen

    11/12/2022 02:12 PM

    I would vote for him. He cannot be bought or threatened, and he does what he says he will.

  • Christy Broussard

    11/12/2022 10:40 AM

    If D. Trump runs, yes I will vote for him especially if he stops with the childish rhetoric. It turns people off that don’t care for him, stop the name calling and so forth. Act like an adult and professional so more people will rally around him. If he can’t do that, there is a good chance DeSantis will represent us because above all, we must win in 2024. If it takes DeSantis to do it, then that’s how I will vote if Trump can’t stop acting like a child with that crazy turn off rhetoric. It doesn’t bother me, but it bothers a whole lot of others, and they won’t vote for him because of it. I dearly love Trump, but he has to fix this NOW, not later. And he needs to stop the negative comments about DeSantis. I was shocked he would do that. We MUST stay united as a Party.

  • Chuck Almond

    11/12/2022 10:30 AM

    Yes! Yes! Yes!

  • Elizabeth Bogle

    11/12/2022 08:21 AM

    Yes I will vote for Donald Trump again. Those thinking we should hitch our wagon to DeSantis are in for a big let down if he does get elected. He's bought and paid for by the globalist billionaires, so who's interests do you think he's going to represent?

  • Cathy Anne Larkins

    11/12/2022 06:40 AM

    I WISH I could vote for him again (for the 3rd time) but now I can't.

    His policies were great, but he still is a loose canon and way too impulsive.
    Way too much loud ego.
    And also his age.

  • Jaye Cantagallo

    11/11/2022 08:38 PM

    Yes, I would vote for President Trump again! Even though he had to fight EVERYONE to get anything done, he got more good done in four years than those who have had 8 years in the White House! Imagine what he could have accomplished without Trump Derangement Syndrome running rampant. Without the Globalists paying billions to fight him, he could have cleaned more of swamp and awakened more of the sheeple….
    I fear though, that if he runs again, they will attack even worse than the first two times… don’t know how the man does it!! Except for his love for this country and her people, he wouldn’t have even tried…

  • Doug Kieta

    11/11/2022 02:29 PM

    If he is the best the Republican party can offer, I will vote for him. However, I prefer that he remain in the background supporting other candidates who are less toxic. I do not like his acerbic tweets, etc. and would prefer an adult in the room. There are plenty of wonderful candidate on the Republican bench. I blame him for the "red ripple" rather than the "red wave of the recent mid-term election. Give others a chance.

  • Rosie R Simonsen

    11/11/2022 12:20 PM

    Trump did more for the country in 4 years than others have done in 8, He cares for the people and our country, His tweets kept the left with thier panties in a wade and they ( the left have and are destroying my country) I grew up as a coal miners daughter they carried my Dad out of the mines in 1953 black lung he never returned to work, We had a farm and canned our food and survived on $57, a month which was minners welfare, there was 4 of us Iand our parents, We never went to bed hungury, we had clothes to wear and Parents that loved us, Todya the government hands out to much of tax payers money to people who do not take care of thier children, do not pay thier bills and waste the money the government hands them. I believe in a hand up not a hand out, Our Schools need to teach basic and not the garbage that they are feeding into the brains of our innocent children, Parents need to stay active with thier children and know what they are being taught at school, Pray for our country, Close the border and send the illegals back to the country they came from, Look there are a lot of young men in the illegals are they coming to better themselves or are they coming as an army to take over the country, drugs are a big problem? My cry is WAKE UP AMERICA. My prayer is God Bless America,

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