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February 15, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse Of The Day
  • Post-impeachment “trial,” some powerful, must-read observations
  • Self-fulfilling Prophecy News
  • CBS Rediscovers Journalism
  • Bombshell News
  • Pompeo fires back
  • More Third Party Talk
  • America The Beautiful


Mike Huckabee



Post-impeachment “trial,” some powerful, must-read observations

By Mike Huckabee

If the House impeachment managers had gone forward with their last-minute idea of calling witnesses at Trump’s Senate “trial,” Trump’s attorneys were apparently ready with a list of their own to call.

It’s a relief that this folly wrapped up over the weekend, but at the same time, those witnesses might have shed some light on events surrounding the Capitol breach on January 6. Of course, that’s why the Democrats let the process mercifully end. They couldn’t vote to have witnesses of their own without allowing Trump’s defense to call them, too –- though I’m sure they tried their darnedest to figure out how that might be possible. And Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, talking with Maria Bartiromo Sunday on FOX NEWS, said the defense actually would have called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“We would have called Speaker Pelosi,” he said, “because ultimately, she’s the person in charge of Capitol Hill...everything around Capitol Hill.”

He mentioned others as well, including Steven Sund, the former head of the Capitol Hill police who resigned after the incident, under pressure from Pelosi as reported in USA TODAY. As Jordan said, Sund had specifically asked her for the National Guard to be present beforehand.

Jordan commented that the Democrats pulled back from allowing witnesses to be called because they didn’t want to get into some “uncomfortable facts.” I’ll say.

It might have been delicious fun to see a world-class attorney such as Michael T. van der Veen question Speaker Pelosi on the floor of the Senate. After Trump’s acquittal, a reporter from CBS News, Lana Zak, asked van der Veen about what he had described as “doctored evidence” that was presented by Democrat House managers during the Senate trial (or as we say here, “trial”), including the photoshopped addition of a Twitter “blue check” and deceptively edited footage of Trump speaking and crowd unrest.

He suggested that she had worded her question in a way that downplayed the doctored evidence. “It’s not okay to doctor ‘a little bit’ of evidence,” he told her.

“Prosecutors in this case doctored evidence,” he said. “They did not investigate this case, and when they had to come to court of the Senate to put their case on, because they had not done any investigation, they doctored evidence. It was absolutely shocking. I think when we discovered it and were able to expose it and put it out, I think it turned a lot of senators.”

When it comes to the video they showed on the Senate floor, we’ve certainly called it as we see it and have no problem calling it falsified evidence. Most pointedly, we refer to the managers’ choice to edit Trump’s words to leave out “peacefully and patriotically” as the crowd was getting ready to walk to the Capitol.

Doctor evidence in an actual trial, even a ‘bit’ of it, and you’re in big trouble, likely to be disbarred.

Van der Veen didn’t hold back, either, accusing the media of “trying to divide this country” at a time when the country needs more than anything else to come together. “The media want to tell their narrative,” he said, “rather than just telling it like it is,” adding that corporate media outlets have to “start telling the right story in this country.” But divisive reporting means profits.

“You are bloodthirsty for ratings,” he said. “You’re asking questions that are already set up with a fact-pattern.”

“When I watch the news, I watch one station, and it is raining. And I watch another station at the same time, and it is sunny. Your coverage is so slanted, it’s got to stop,” he told Zak, speaking of the media in general. It has “no integrity at all.” Read more about his interview with Zak at THE EPOCH TIMES.

Another Trump attorney, David Schoen, has a similar way with words. Last Friday, he coined a phrase for Trump’s impeachment “trial” --- he called it “Constitutional cancel culture.”

What the Democrats are doing, he said, is using impeachment as a tool to disqualify their political opponents. He warned that this sets a dangerous precedent.

“This would transform the solemn impeachment process into a mechanism for asserting Congressional control over which private citizens are and are not allowed to run for President,” he told the senators during the first hour of Friday’s presentation. In short, this unprecedented effort is not about Democrats opposing political violence. It is about Democrats trying to disqualify their political opposition. It is Constitutional cancel culture.”

What a great way to put it. Recall that old expression about the justice system: “You can indict a ham sandwich”? The way we’re going, impeachment will end up being like that. If the opposing party has control of the House, they’ll find something –- anything –- to impeach the President for. The idea: to intimidate strong candidates on the other side, especially political outsiders like Trump –- from ever running at all.

Shoen’s point about violence is valid as well. We ought to know by now that the Democrats don’t oppose political violence when it suits their purposes. Sometimes they even vocally support it, as a number of them did during last year’s “summer of love,” when Kamala Harris was helping raise money to bail out protesters who had been arrested.

Finally –- and perhaps most impressively of all –- a former CIA officer has spoken out as well, saying that he’s left the Democratic Party after this second impeachment of President Trump because of the divisiveness of it.

Bryan Dean Wright wrote in the DAILY CALLER that “For years, Democrats like me have watched with increasing alarm as our own political leaders and activists...have used an endless stream of hateful, violent, and ultimately un-American rhetoric that has resulted in billions of dollars of economic damage and given birth to a violent national movement.”

As reported in THE EPOCH TIMES, Wright said the “modern left” is infused with “systemic hatred” that has “inflamed profound political divisions and the predictable outcomes that come with them, most especially violence and destruction.”

As if to echo Shoen’s point about Democrats and violence, Wright went on at length about the violence encouraged by the left, not just by elected officials but by the media, citing specific examples.

“For Democrats like me,” he wrote, we have no choice: we have to leave. But where do we go, politically, now that our party can no longer be salvaged? The answer is to be found in the exit data from the 2020 election: We’re already leaving, it turns out, and joining the new, populist Republican Party.”

Didn’t I tell you there are reasons to be hopeful?

Self-fulfilling Prophecy News

By Mike Huckabee

A “study” by the New York University Stern Center for Business and Human Rights claims that it’s a “false allegation” that social media discriminates against and silences conservatives. Here’s a quote:

“The claim of anti-conservative animus is itself a form of disinformation: a falsehood with no reliable evidence to support it. No trustworthy large-scale studies have determined that conservative content is being removed for ideological reasons or that searches are being manipulated to favor liberal interests.”

(Hope you weren’t swallowing coffee when you read that. Try searching for any story involving the name Trump on Google and see what comes up if you don’t believe searches are being manipulated to favor liberal interests.)

As Paula Bolyard at PJ Media points out, you have to get to page 20 of this manure pile to find that the data available to researchers on whether social media companies harbor an anti-conservative bias is not sufficiently detailed to answer that conclusively. But that didn’t stop the authors from conclusively declaring that complaints of bias are a “false allegation.” That’s even the name of their study!

Read the whole thing. Also, bonus points to Ms Bolyard for quoting from George Orwell’s “1984,” which seems to have become the left’s how-to manual:

“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.”

CBS Rediscovers Journalism

By Mike Huckabee

And now that it’s too late for informing the public honestly to make any difference, CBS News suddenly rediscovers journalism

Bombshell news

By Mike Huckabee

Two bombshell pieces of news struck the country music world at once last week. A rising star found himself “canceled” by radio, his record label and the ACM Awards after video emerged of him drunkenly using a racial slur, while another rising country performer came out as gay. Personally, I miss Don Williams.

Pompeo fires back

By Mike Huckabee

After issuing 40 executive orders that will weaken America’s borders, undermine America’s economy, take away Americans’ freedoms, destroy Americans’ jobs and empower America’s enemies, President Biden declared that “America is back!” Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had an excellent follow-up question to that:

My question would be, “Do you mean America is in the back of the line? Because after Trump put America first, that’s where you seem intent on putting it.”

More Third Party Talk

By Mike Huckabee

I know I’m getting a lot of flak in the comments for telling Republicans to knock off the suicidal third party talk and the despondency and the “I’ll vote Democrat just to show how mad I am at the Republicans” nonsense. I know that a lot of people are feeling that, and here are the numbers to prove it.

Look, if you want to cut off your nose to spite your face, do it with a pair of scissors, not by voting Democrat. That will make the entire country bleed.

Taking your ball and going home literally means you let the other side win by default. The Republicans have an excellent chance of retaking both the House and Senate in 2022 and stopping this full-scale assault on our rights, freedoms, security and economy, but not if we don’t show up to vote. And I mean vote for a major party that actually has a chance of winning, not a splinter party that just splits the conservative vote and elects the left with a plurality. Republicans in Georgia didn’t show up for the runoffs in the same numbers as they did in November, and that gave us two of the most radical Senators in history and a tied Senate controlled by Kamala Harris.

I’m sorry if you don’t like me telling you the truth, but there are any number of media outlets that tell people only what they want to hear, regardless of reality. Here are some cold facts: If you claim to be a conservative yet you vote to empower leftists, you’re not a conservative. As for just sitting out future elections, I’ll remind you of the wisdom attributed to Edmund Burke:

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. 


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Comments 26-50 of 62

  • David Ahlerich

    02/15/2021 03:44 PM

    Gov. Huckabee First, thank you Sir for Your great news letters, I look forward to each and every one. Sir you are right about all this nonsense about a third party, and or just sitting out from voting, Ross Piroe would be a good example. I just wanted to say I'm with you all the way on this one AND every thing else You report on. God Bless You Sir.

  • James Gerrish

    02/15/2021 03:40 PM

    Finally, in Acadia National Park, an "America the Beautiful" photo that isn't all rocks and sand.

    I wouldn't mind some less archaic language bible quotations in the bible verse photos, either, but that may passeth all understanding.

  • Andrea S. Mann

    02/15/2021 03:39 PM

    I am in constant prayer for our Country and the people GOD will put forward for public office to replace the "representatives" who have made no effort to represent what the American voters want. All the false polls have to come to light, as is all the evil in Washington right now! Thank you for supporting our Country and our GOD!!!!!!

  • Dave Neel

    02/15/2021 03:38 PM

    The problem with the GOP is they are not conservative, They are RINO's and right wing, but few conservatives. A third party possibly would attract those conservatives who do not buy into right wing activities and more moderate conservatives as well as moderate Democrats. They have the same problem with the left wing of their party. Many moderate democrats are fed up with the antics and would openly embrace a more moderate party.

  • Sharon Faulkner

    02/15/2021 03:37 PM

    The DC "mayor" has been drinking the kool aide. It is not criminal to have a rally and Pelosi and McConnell would be the ones to get for refusing to allow the National Guard. Don't be mimis.

  • Judy Radley

    02/15/2021 03:36 PM

    Hmm, the Capitol Police seeking help from the National Guard but told by a Liberal Democrat No, or 'to stand down', doesn't it sound very familiar to the Benghazi killings! and a person WAS indeed killed at the Capitol too. Again, the Democrats' fault for staging actors to do their dirty work for them, like antifa and blm. We must remind the public about Benghazi too.

  • Stephen Russell

    02/15/2021 03:36 PM

    1-6 Commission:

    o Cover both sides
    o make=
    o Uniform rules
    o Probe all inside Cap Hill that day
    o scan text & phone logs made prior on 1-4 or 1-5
    o Who in House or Senate knew of protest.
    o Who coordinated with Antifa
    o Scan U Haul records for trucks Incoming from 1-4/1-5 dates
    o Map rally to Cap Hill locale for entry
    o why was Cap Hill police NOT informed
    o If knew of protests why NOT act on
    o wheres the Cap Hill Police Command post?
    Is there one
    o How long had Antifa been in DC, day, week, days pre 1-6
    o Any "moles" inside WH leak info on rally to others.
    o what role did Pelosi & Schumer play
    o what role did riots in May play.
    o Why was NG called up Post riot vs prior

  • Scott Hand

    02/15/2021 03:27 PM

    Governor Huckabee,

    I want to express my appreciation for your newsletter. I enjoy the scripture of the day at the beginning, way it is written, and the content. I also am enjoying the "America the Beautiful" pictures at the end. I really look forward to reading your newsletter each and every day.

    On to other things, I am pleased that the impeachment "trial" of President Trump is over and hopefully that does not mean that the Democrat controlled Congress will join President Biden in tearing down our great country. I concur with your assessment that forming a new political party would be detrimental to both the people of the US and the Republican party - I hope it does not happen.

    In what little I saw of the "trial", it appears that, as you have said, nothing but shamefully politically motivated. So if what you mentioned in today's newsletter (2/15/21) is true and Pelosi is in charge of Capitol Hill and ultimately she refused the offer of the 10,000 National Guard troops, it would appear that SHE bears responsibility for those that were killed and injured on January 6th AND she may have done it intentionally with the hopes of making President Trump look bad (which to me proves intent). And by trying to impeach President Trump, I think she may have been trying to divert attention away from herself. In my mind, this theory would support why she pushed so hard and fast to impeach President Trump. Assuming that all this is at least plausible, shouldn't she be removed from the Speaker of the House Role at the very least? It's just a thought.

    Thanks for listening,

    Scott Hand

  • Susan Gilbert

    02/15/2021 03:21 PM

    I really appreciate you and your staff, but it's not fair to keep dogging Ga, I live in Ga and as far as i know everybody voted they cheated with the president election what makes you think that this last one was not messed with. Ga resident

  • Paul Kern

    02/15/2021 03:04 PM

    What we all must realize us thereis no Democrat Party or traditional rich man's Republican Party.
    In the 1960's the Democrats took over the Communist Party's talking points.
    Now we see the CCP and George Soros pulling the strings. The end goal appears to desteoy both parties so Big Tech Oligarch's can divide the nation into sectors of influence.
    They have already divided the Church. One side accepts the left's lies and the other side follows the living God
    Is the last of the last days as the Bible declares?

  • Linda Wolfe

    02/15/2021 02:55 PM

    Ps 31:18 Let the lying lips be put to silence which speak grievous things proudly and comtemtously against the righteous.
    Almighty GOD let YOUR JUDGEMENT come on those who, murder innocent children, tell lies, sow discord, murder elderly people, and close churches and those who try to impose their ungodly standards on us. God oposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. America , STAND UP FOR YOUR GOD GIVEN RIGHTS. WHEN THE GOVERNMENTS LAW CONTRIDICTS GOD'S LAW, WE MUST OBEY GOD'S LAW.

  • Richard Jones

    02/15/2021 02:52 PM

    I agree with you on most everything, a nd especially the "third party talk"...BAD idea.


    02/15/2021 02:50 PM

    " turned a lot of senators." Really? Can we name ONE Democrat? The final vote was 57-43. It appears at least one senator was 'turned,' as the vote for, I think, the constitutionality of the whole farce Impeachment process was 56-44. Soooo, which senator was "turned" to vote guilty, after voting that this farce was unconstitutional? Were not those *7* added to the Democrat 50 ALL REPUBLICANS? Those capable of 5th-grade level math wanna know!

  • Paul Ayers

    02/15/2021 02:50 PM

    Praying and Seeking GOD and the Truth, his Truth not mans Truths and Facts EVRAZ Russia ???? oligarch owns EVRAZ Pueblo Colorado USA ???? and EVRAZ Claymont DeLaWaRe USA ???? also presidental EVRAZ Chicago Illinois USA ???? credit ability and Facts EVRAZ Portland Oregon USA ???? and truth? EVRAZ Plc London United Kingdom ???? and credit ability Per Chance the Chancellor has creditably? Hillary Clinton Chancellor of Benghazi Belfast Ireland ???? and Facts EVRAZ Chicago Illinois USA ???? accepted fact$

  • Richard Valentine

    02/15/2021 02:43 PM

    The 3rd party issue is clearly one of troubling consequences, but lets just say for grins that no one does such foolish things like voting for a democrat to teach the GOP a lesson, or simply does not vote, what is being done about the voting process itself. What about the mail-in ballots, the lack of identifying who is voting, the locals keeping republicans out of the counting rooms, etc... The loss of election integrity and the lack of republican response is the underlying condition that needs to be fixed before we are able to have a meaningful election. There are many issues to work on, like the press, big tech, educators, and Government entities that could be dealt with through honest elections, if only we can have one.

  • Marigene Ficke

    02/15/2021 02:35 PM

    It is beyond ignorant for people to think that they will improve our political condition by not voting or setting up another party. As I recall wasn't it the libertarian party candidate, Ross Perot, that took votes away from George Bush when he ran for his second term giving Bill Clinton the win?
    It seems to me that people should work to strengthen and unite the Republican party by voting out the Rino's that stop our conservative progress. Fracturing the conservative party will be our demise.

  • Lester Jones

    02/15/2021 02:15 PM

    I like your slant on the idea that Republicans would vote Dem or not at all because of something that upset them or lack of results. To cut their nose off to spite their own face is so spot on. I hope people realize how serious this has become. There is no way that approximately twice as many people voted in this election as 4 years ago and elected a do nothing 40+ year career puppet politician and an unknown outside of Calif. to the highest offices in the nation, that absolutely do not represent the people. People just need to think about our posterity having to live under a socialistic society that the nation is becoming. Cancelling history doesn't change it. The history of Plymouth Colony's attempt at socialism needs to be repeated often. I just pray and hope that enough people will rise up and override this mess in 2 years and get it started back in the right direction. If not our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are going to have a hard row to hoe.


    02/15/2021 02:15 PM

    I have a theory as to why troops are still in Washington. The Democrats know that their new laws and policies are so unpopular, they fear a protest on the Capitol much like the one on January 6, only in greater numbers!

  • Jacqueline Johnson

    02/15/2021 02:09 PM

    Thank you for the scriptures that you have posted the last two days, Isaiah 26:3 and Phil 4:7. They have been a great help to not only myself ut hopefully a friend who is going through tough times. Again, thank you so much.

  • Ted Fukushima

    02/15/2021 02:01 PM

    Re: "More Third Party Talk", I disagree, It time for a third "Patriot Party". The new "Brexit Party" in Great Britain did it and were very successful. Trump had 75 million+ votes. I happen to think with him as our leader, we would also be successful. I believe the current party structure is too corrupt to change.

  • Alan Gross

    02/15/2021 01:51 PM

    I hear you Mike. It has been my argument for the last 50+ years. But what good is voting Republican when "Dominion" can change that vote Democrat in the dark night of cyberspace or when (I live in Pennsylvania) you vote for the republican Toomey and then, you realize, you voted for a deep state traitor. The only vote I have left is NOT Republican. I vote for Jesus - "Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus"!

  • Katherine Williams

    02/15/2021 01:35 PM

    The "impeachment" trial was political optics. Since it was unconstitutional, Democrats (along with
    7 Republicans) didn't care about the waste of taxpayers money.
    I don't know about you, but it appears to me that Speaker Pelosi and "gang" act like abusive parents having a tantrum.

  • Mary Coulter

    02/15/2021 01:25 PM

    is there any chance at all that the 2020 election will be declared a fraud? I saw Joe before the election say "would not believe how much we have spent on voter fraud" I have not heard anyone follow up on that comment. Enjoy your posting and TV show and love your daughter

  • Gary Hornbuckle

    02/15/2021 01:23 PM

    The idea that there can never be a viable third party is why both parties are so corrupt, and alike. They both seem to now espouse globalist government goals. Plus, the Republicans have never pushed a truly conservative agenda, even when they could. They only slowed progress from the left by making corrupt deals that included "reaching across the isle". BTW, I've voted Republican for 35+ years, but that may soon change. In order to make a third party viable for voters to consider, because currently it would just "splinter" the vote, why not do away with the "winner take all" method that eliminates a three (or more) way runoff? Using that method caused Bill Clinton to win with just 42% of the vote in that three way race. Having a three way runoff would solve that, making it so both current major parties don't take the voting public so much for granted and therefore provide a breeding ground for the corruption we are now seeing.
    Additionally, did the Senate not just refuse to send the vote back to those contested states for legislative review, as I believe they otherwise should have done in light of evidence of massive election fraud? The Trump team had volumes of evidence which our corrupt officials had refused to review. I've never seen such corruption in my 67 year lifetime! Anyone paying attention could not help but see it, unless of course they only viewed the partisan (and corrupt) mainstream news, all globalist owned and controlled.
    And so with the Senate's refusal to review evidence of voting fraud that would have supported Trump's re-election as well as his voters, we are supposed to now just be able to forget the "banana republic" status this has given us? So in my opinion, Mike, the Republicans have shown themselves to be corrupt as well and no longer deserve my vote. Both parties should be allowed competition (and hopefully soon be replaced) by eliminating the "splintering" voting system we currently have, because if the voting corruption isn't revealed, reversed, and prevented from happening again that will just make future voting a effort in futility anyway, right?

  • Gary Hornbuckle

    02/15/2021 01:22 PM

    The idea that there can never be a viable third party is why both parties are so corrupt, and alike. They both seem to now espouse globalist government goals. Plus, the Republicans have never pushed a truly conservative agenda, even when they could. They only slowed progress from the left by making corrupt deals that included "reaching across the isle". BTW, I've voted Republican for 35+ years, but that may soon change. In order to make a third party viable for voters to consider, because currently it would just "splinter" the vote, why not do away with the "winner take all" method that eliminates a three (or more) way runoff? Using that method caused Bill Clinton to win with just 42% of the vote in that three way race. Having a three way runoff would solve that, making it so both current major parties don't take the voting public so much for granted and therefore provide a breeding ground for the corruption we are now seeing.
    Additionally, did the Senate not just refuse to send the vote back to those contested states for legislative review, as I believe they otherwise should have done in light of evidence of massive election fraud? The Trump team had volumes of evidence which our corrupt officials had refused to review. I've never seen such corruption in my 67 year lifetime! Anyone paying attention could not help but see it, unless of course they only viewed the partisan (and corrupt) mainstream news, all globalist owned and controlled.
    And so with the Senate's refusal to review evidence of voting fraud that would have supported Trump's re-election as well as his voters, we are supposed to now just be able to forget the "banana republic" status this has given us? So in my opinion, Mike, the Republicans have shown themselves to be corrupt as well and no longer deserve my vote. Both parties should be allowed competition (and hopefully soon be replaced) by eliminating the "splintering" voting system we currently have, because if the voting corruption isn't revealed, reversed, and prevented from happening again that will just make future voting a effort in futility anyway, right?

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