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Three Stories Worth Reading

1. "When Paradise is Lost," by Col. Ken Allard.

2. "Anti-Semitism and Israel's Future," my latest video. 

3. Lawfare update: Judge Merchan and “Special Counsel” Smith seen for what they are.

Election News

The Democrats still have a chance to ruin everything!!!

January 19, 2021

On Wednesday, when Joe Biden is inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States, Washington, DC, will host nearly 30,000 armed troops, more than five times the number currently stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. For the first time, the entire week preceding the inauguration was declared a “National Special Security Event.”

As described by THE EPOCH TIMES, the city has been brought “to almost a complete halt. More than a dozen Metro stations around the National Mall and the U.S. Capitol Building were closed...the streets of Washington are eerily empty. Buses, streetcars and other forms of public transportation, even bicycles, have been shut down. Most stores are closed, and many have been boarded up.”


The area for blocks around the White House looks like a war zone.

Now, if the new administration really were afraid of some kind of armed insurrection, they could've simply announced that the oath of office would take place inside the White House with streaming video for all who cared to watch. Truly, many of us will be finding better things to do. Even Trump has kindly RSVP'd that he and his "plus-one" will not be attending, thank-you-very-much.

The pandemic would've given Biden the perfect reason to take it inside. But no, Democrats WANT the accompanying visuals of an occupied city, a militarized zone, the rows of National Guard troops bussed in from every state, the bomb detectors, the dogs, the block after block of high fencing topped by razor wire. Because it makes a statement the likes of which we have never seen.

A statement about conservatives.

All this theater is to convey the message that anyone who didn’t support Biden, who (gasp) might have voted for Trump and who (double gasp) might even slightly question one single vote is –- like Trump himself –- a “dangerous extremist" and WILL be kept in check.

The media have their role to play in making this connection, of course. Don’t click on this link unless you have a strong stomach, but...this is CNN.

So far, though, things have been calm, and Trump has told his supporters to remain peaceful. He said, "In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence, NO lawbreaking, and NO violence of any kind. That is not what I stand for, and it is not what America stands for. I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers. Thank You.”

I will never make light of what happened on January 6 or try to shift blame away from those on the right who participated as some have done. That said, it was a relative handful of brain-dead protesters (augmented, as we have learned, by some Antifa and BLM) who breached the Capitol and horrified most conservatives.

Never mind all the looting, burning and assorted violence during 2020 in “blue” cities that were turned into occupied zones for real. And never mind the pathetic lack of crowd control around the Capitol. The left is using the Capitol Hill breach as an excuse to treat all conservatives like members of ISIS.

Think I’m kidding? Oh, this is going to get much worse.

As Tucker Carlson reported Monday night, Democrats, to ramp-up the drama, demanded that all troops sent to Washington for Inauguration Week undergo a sort of “ideological vetting” (their words), to make sure every one of them professes loyalty to the new regime. “Not loyalty to our country, not loyalty to our Constitution, but loyalty to the aims of a specific political party,” was the way he put it.

The concern among leftists apparently was that the National Guard is mostly white, male and conservative-leaning, with only about 25 percent of them having voted for Biden. Memphis Democrat Rep. Steve Cohen (also white and male, incidentally) assumes that the other 75 percent “are in the large class of folks who might want to, uh, do something.”

"Do something”? If Rep. Cohen stands by this –- he said it on CNN, among friends –- it sure sounds as if he suspects the 75 percent of the National Guard that is white, male and conservative of wanting to assassinate the incoming President.

I wonder how the more conservative members of the Guard might think about this. What about all those Americans who join out of love of country and would never dream of “doing something” to government officials of either party? Now they’re automatically suspect?

Gen. William Walker said on GOOD MORNING, AMERICA that members of the Guard are being “screened before they leave their state. It’s a “credentialing process so they’re screened and they’re repeatedly screened until they are actually put out on the street.” Also, “it's layered so the FBI is part of it, the Secret Service is part of it, and once they are certain there’s no insider threat, then that soldier, guardsman or airman is given a credential. Gen. Walker did not elaborate on the nature of the “inside threat.”


In a statement, the Army said they’re working with the FBI to identify all who were part of the attack on the Capitol to see if any of those people have a connection to the Army. And that makes sense if those individuals were part of the violence. But if they just happened to be in the huge, overwhelmingly peaceful crowd of Trump supporters, we are heading into dangerous territory.

Here’s another report about the vetting of troops, but leading into that discussion are pictures of something we don’t quite know what to make of. Are “armed” soldiers patrolling the streets around the White House and Capitol with rifles that don’t have magazines? We’re not offering any speculation about what this means, just expressing bewilderment.

It does seem we might have an intra-military conflict brewing, with those who share the ideology of the incoming administration to be trusted and those who disagree with it to be suspected. If it’s true, this is a far cry from what the military used to be, with Republicans and Democrats proudly fighting alongside one another, as buddies, to defend their flag and their nation. This radical change is a prescription for disaster.

And how will the new administration know who is with them or against them? Why, they’ll have to spy on them, of course, with a new internal spy agency created just to deal with “domestic terrorism.” And that is already in the works, in the form of a bill with over 100 co-sponsors in the House.

Leftists will love this new power as a way to go after “pro-Trump fanatics.” Every word uttered by every conservative white male in America (especially if he owns guns and a MAGA hat) will likely be monitored if this becomes law, and not just by Facebook and Twitter. It's like another Patriot Act for these times --- what could go wrong?


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Comments 26-50 of 90

  • Jane Wohletz

    01/19/2021 05:04 PM

    Where can I find a list of places to shop that aren't squelching the independence of our country. I had been shopping at Kohl's, Bed Bath & Beyond, Amazon, but see that that was a mistake. I would like to channel my spending toward local stores that support companies such as My Pillow.


    Jane Wohletz
    [email protected]

  • Linda Bunton Thompson

    01/19/2021 05:00 PM

    I so enjoy reading your e-mail newsletter. I just wish I could view it with the humor you use to write it! Although I am a Christian, I am really having trouble finding the joy these days. At least I can have a chuckle or two when I read your daily witty, but wholly, holy, daily report. I think you would have been a wonderful President, but I perceive that you have been much more effectual (and affectual) outside of the dismal swamp.

    Linda Thompson

  • Dolores Franklin

    01/19/2021 04:58 PM

    Thank you for your newsletter and for helping conservatives. I am a 71 year old grandmother of six and very concerned about the future of our country as are all conservatives. What can I do to help? I pray and I know God is in control but I feel as a Christian that He doesn’t want us do nothing. I don’t believe in riots or looting. I do believe the left has totally become corrupt. What can we do to help others see through the lies?

  • Cynthia Coppersmith

    01/19/2021 04:46 PM

    Do you know anything about John Michael Chambers, American Media Periscope
    also info@ ? My friend received an unsolicited video via email and sent it to me to see what I thought. After she told me some of what was in the video I chose not to open it, but try to see what this man's background said. My findings began and ended at wikipedia and were not very helpful. Can you help me? Thank you, Cindy Coppersmith

  • judith jakub

    01/19/2021 04:44 PM

    Is this biden/harris agenda guided by the deep state, obama, muslim bros and the silicon gang and are they bent on destroying(murdering) ALL conservative REPUBLICANS????? It sounds, to me, the invasion of our country by communistic ideology and mayhem. I quote someone i read on FB, armed military surrounding the capitol, tells me, this inauguration is a phony put in place to mimic other countries take over similar to Papa Doc and his regime. AMERICA, IS NO MORE. WE ARE NOW A 3RD WORLD COUNTRY, worse than somalia, china, syria and the like. GOD IS REALLY PISSED AT US, for sure.

  • Loreen Murray

    01/19/2021 04:33 PM

    Thank you for always keeping us informed!

  • Phillip HILL

    01/19/2021 04:29 PM

    Thank the Lord for voices like yours, Pastor Mike! I’m so thankful that I clicked subscribe. We don’t always agree on everything, but it seems that the actions of the newly ascended Leftists are making for ‘strange bedfellows’ indeed. Keep up the good work!

  • Jeanne karras

    01/19/2021 04:28 PM

    Already I see signs that “the man in the White House” does not have a clue to what he is doing. He has filled his cabinet with all Obama rejects. Susan Rice is “the shadow President”, what the hell does that mean? This will only get worse.
    It makes me angry that he is reversing all President Trump’s accomplishments.
    Instead of forming his own legacy he is restoring Obama’s legacy which was a huge disaster. I believe this was in their plan when they selected “ole Joe” as their candidate. What a revolting bad joke.

  • Cecil Snider

    01/19/2021 04:27 PM

    Have a suggestion: While some are on the vettting spree, how about vetting Congress. I suspect there are more there who are willing to violate the Constitution, than among the National Guard.
    Take the same "Oath", so lets me fair. And I suspect there are more than the Squad involved????

  • Rose Clark

    01/19/2021 04:24 PM

    Dear Governor Huckabee: I have come to rely on FAITH alone in order to deal with this mess going on in our country. If I didn't rely on faith, then, I would be a total, scared-as-heck wad of nerves and pure fright. I refuse to let this happen to me. The Good Lord will handle it as He sees fit. Period. I am so sad as to what these "people" are attempting to do to our wonderful, beautiful country. If we can get through these next four (or less!) years, I believe that OUR GOOD LORD will make our country great again. I'm sticking to that..because I refuse to let myself fall into a hole of total despair.
    Thank you,
    Governor Huckabee

  • Cynthia Pacheco

    01/19/2021 04:01 PM

    I am disappointed, really disappointed at all this. I definitely do not plan on watching the inauguration because the President’s chair will be empty and will be for four years. He’s a Potemkin president. What DC has to say or do will have no meaning for me. I will concentrate on my family (who are still speaking to me), my faith (I may have to change churches as mine is still not open and I miss it), and local politics. I will buy local and avoid nation-chain stores and restaurants. I will turn off my tv and home phone and not use any social media sites. I have turned off the location feature on my phone and iPad. If I need to learn to do something there is an excellent library here that haven’t bowed down to the idiocy of other libraries. I will live off the grid as much as possible. BTW, I’m 76 and have watched our nation literally fall apart from a great place to live to near anarchy. I fear for my children, grand and great grandchildren. The curse of “ may you live in interesting times” has come to fruition.

  • Mike Smith

    01/19/2021 04:00 PM

    Hi Governor,
    I hope your day is going well.

    By 'vetting' the members of the National Guard, these people have officially identified which political leaning of all the members interviewed. This information is likely going to remain with their personnel records and influence their advancement, assuring that none of those wrong-thinking conservatives ever achieve higher rank in the military.

    Next thing will be sending them out to the re-education camps?

  • James Bryant

    01/19/2021 03:57 PM

    Welcome to the Vichy government reset. "I will have unity! Or I will force it on you," says Chancellor Biden from the Reichstag armored platform.

  • Linda Booth

    01/19/2021 03:55 PM

    I am just SICK of what has been happening in this country over the past 4 years!! We are in "for a bumpy ride" with the new "Village Idiot pull-toy" coming into office. It is DISGUSTING what happened on the 6th, but I do not and will NEVER believe what happened is what rump intended to happen. He has only had "We the People" at the forefront of his decisions. Democrats are too stuck on gainingt heir own PERSONAL power to see that WE want them out. Unfortunately, as is the case here in Memphis, white men as Steve Cohen get elected due to his "empty promises" and name recognition. He is an absolute DISGRACE to the Americans he represents!! The democrats here are so brain washed to believing that they can't do anything for themselves, they just keep voting him in. All of the people with REAL aspirations are moving OUT of Memphis and into the suburbs or into surrounding counties!! I do not believe that biden will stay in office one year before he resigns or is removed. Unfortunately, we will then be STUCK with Harris and Nancy! GOD HELP OUR COUNTRY and may those of use that believe in Him, remember the HE is the REAL on e IN CHARGE!!!

  • Carlton Yee

    01/19/2021 03:17 PM

    i am more afraid of them turning the NG into an oppressing force against us. I am prepared to fight, even at my age. I will not accept Xiden as President. This was a stolen election and I no longer trust anything about this government and any future elections.

  • Joan M Weydert

    01/19/2021 03:15 PM

    Please.............encourage everyone to not watch anything to do with the inaugaration. What if they had one and nobody came, nobody watched? Would make them look like idiots, which they are!

  • Charles Kirkland

    01/19/2021 03:09 PM

    You're so right on this, Gov. The leftist democrats got their wish. They've made their bed, riddled with poison thorns sharp enough to kill, covered by a sheet of corruption and cheating, and a top sheet of lies and deceit. Nearly all of it at the taxpayers' expense, and detriment unfortunately. Now, how long will they lie on it, before it affects them in a way they do not like? Time will tell the story. Let's trudge it out for these four years and see what happens. With God's grace, pur country will make it.

  • Gale Buzz Miller MSG Army Retired

    01/19/2021 02:57 PM

    After serving 23 years then being medically retired I find this to be the most insulting and revolting accusations of military personnel that’s even worse than when we came back from Vietnam

  • Lenore Adams

    01/19/2021 02:56 PM

    Dear Sir,
    I pray for our country and especially for my grand children during the coming years.
    Thank you.

  • Charlotte Koppal

    01/19/2021 02:56 PM

    Troops to be screened and rescreened? When are the thumb screws attached? When does water boarding begin?

  • Ruth Tiedemann

    01/19/2021 02:53 PM

    Psychiatrists must be having great fun watching all this “projecting” on the part of Democrats. They are so unabashedly acting as though Conservatives would do as they do it’s downright comical. At least it would be if it weren’t so dangerous.

  • Marie Morris

    01/19/2021 02:45 PM

    Lord help us all. Thank you Mike for being there thesebpastv4 years and we are praying for 4 more. Do not think MAGA man should be ousted when he legally won the election. My vote was stolen.

  • Alice Minarik

    01/19/2021 02:43 PM

    From Rep Schneider’s web site statistics supporting his bill: “According to the Anti-Defamation League, in 2019, domestic extremists killed at least 42 people in the United States in 17 separate incidents. This number makes 2019 the sixth deadliest year on record for domestic extremist-related killings.”

    Is there a way to access details of these 17 incidents to be informed and understand the assailant’s motives? Were they all hate crimes motivated by ‘white supremacy’?

    The data behind this bill is important to know, as so often the left paints with broad strokes.

    Thank you.

  • Laurie Keiski

    01/19/2021 02:39 PM

    During my 23 years in the military, there was a concept regarding a lawful order. Something each member must judge. I fear that our current guard and active forces may have to make that tough decision. I pray it never comes to that.

  • Ted Schnackertz

    01/19/2021 02:31 PM

    Armageddon is on the way and it is called the Biden/Harris era...

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