Today's News Stories

September 20, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Proverbs 3:5
  • Trash Day
  • Non-story
  • Dispatches from Afghanistan
  • Excellent Article
  • Laura Ainsworth: Big In Japan!


Mike Huckabee


5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5

Trash Day

By Mike Huckabee

You know, when it’s trash pickup day and you have only one Hefty bag left, you try to stuff all your garbage into it? That’s sort of how Congressional Democrats have treated their $3.5 trillion “budget reconciliation” bill. Since that type of bill can pass with only 51 votes and isn’t subject to filibuster, they’ve tried to cram every garbage idea the left’s got into that bag, from expensive climate change boondoggles to amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants. But Sunday, the Senate Parliamentarian popped their Hefty bag.

Elizabeth McDonough ruled that just because something involves money (and everything Congress does involves money), that doesn’t make it a budget issue. Major non-budgetary legislation can’t be passed with 51 votes in a budget reconciliation bill. So the illegal immigrant amnesty cannot be included.

Since no Republicans support it, that should kill it. But the Biden White House, which has yet to hesitate to do a flamenco dance all over the Constitution, urged Democrats to come up with some other creative end-run around Senate rules to get amnesty passed with 51 votes. What should be happening instead is that the Parliamentarian should yank out all the other things that have no business being in a budget reconciliation bill.

One other obstacle that Biden would have to get around is Sen. Joe Manchin, who already said he won’t back a spending bill that big, and who is now reportedly saying privately that he thinks the Senate should take a “strategic pause” until 2022 before voting on it.

That would be an election year when many Democrats in swing states and districts might not be too keen to put their names on a garbage bag full of government-bloating, debt-exploding, freedom-killing “progressivism.”

Meanwhile, some far-leftists are demanding that Biden get tough with Congressional Democrats and order them to pass the bill. Considering that his approval rating is now down to the low-mid-40s and a new survey finds that 55% of voters in seven Democrat-controlled swing districts think the $3.5 trillion bill is “wasteful and unnecessary,” that doesn’t give him much leverage for threatening Congress members – unless he threatens to publicly endorse them if they don’t do what he wants.


By Mike Huckabee

Fearmonger-in-Chief Nancy Pelosi had the security fence put back up around the Capitol (because walls only provide security when they’re protecting Democrats) in anticipation of the sure-to-be-violent “Justice For J6” rally this weekend. It was a protest of the political over-prosecution of non-violent protesters who entered the Capitol on January 6th. Liberal media outlets attacked conservative outlets for “downplaying” the threat, but as usual, the liberal outlets were hysterically wrong.

President Trump warned supporters to stay away from the rally because it was “a trap,” and that leftist agitators would try to stir up trouble so that they could be blamed and arrested for it. And he wasn’t the only one who smelled a trap. The handful of nonviolent rally attendees were likely outnumbered by all the security people (some of whom were laughably trying to “blend in” with the right-wingers and about as convincing as when Bob Hope used to dress up as a hippie for comedy sketches.) It reached the height of absurdity when the undercover feds reportedly arrested someone for carrying a weapon, and it turned out he was also an undercover cop. Let’s hope this helps pound the last nail into the coffin of the idiotic idea that the biggest threats to America are white supremacists and the weather.

Just as I expected, the rally was a non-story, but it did give conservative wags an opening to create some hilarious memes from the photo of the overzealous feds in their “4Chan Follower” Halloween costumes.

Dispatches from Afghanistan

By Mike Huckabee

Here are the latest dispatches from Afghanistan, where we’re continually assured that only about 100 Americans are still waiting to get out and that we’ll be able to work with the new, more moderate Taliban.

After weeks of the Taliban holding up flights of evacuees, one plane was finally allowed to take off.

As for the others, in spite of the Taliban’s claims that it will be more moderate and cooperative, Biden spokesman Ned Price said they’ve “pulled every lever available” but the Taliban are still holding up the flights. Which sounds an awful lot like a hostage situation. Really, Joe? Have you REALLY pulled every lever available?

Here’s a heartbreaking story about an American citizen who lost 18 of her family members in the Kabul suicide bombing and is stuck there and terrified. She broke down while telling a TV reporter how the State Department is ignoring her pleas for help and saying, “Sorry, we can’t do anything for you.”

While it’s getting harder to get reliable news out of Afghanistan, here’s a report that the Taliban are methodically tracking down Afghans who helped the US (and whom Biden promised to evacuate, then didn’t.) It includes a report of women being watched constantly and terrified to go to school or work, and Taliban militants decapitating two boys, ages nine and ten.

And this is why the Biden-supporting media want to talk about nothing but vaccine mandates.

Excellent Article

By Mike Huckabee

When Trump was President, late night “comedian” Jimmy Kimmel argued that access to medical care was a basic human right. Recently, he suggested that hospitals turn away unvaccinated Americans and let them die. That prompted a doctor who is both vaccinated and has spent the past 18 months treating COVID patients to write an open letter to Kimmel, explaining the many ways in which his attitude (and that of all the trained seals applauding him in his studio audience) is shockingly wrong.

One more thing that should be shocking to anyone who thinks that medical science should be about truth and not politics is that the article also includes this footnote: “Penned under a pseudonym due to U.S. Medical organizations trending towards censoring physicians.”

Laura Ainsworth: Big In Japan!

Congratulations on some exciting news for our contributor Laura Ainsworth, who in addition to being a top notch writer/news researcher is also an award-winning retro jazz singer in the Julie London/Rosemary Clooney tradition.

Her three CDs and best-of LP were recently picked up for distribution in Japan and proved so popular that an expanded CD best of, “Top Shelf,” has just been released there. It includes 16 tracks (one a previously-unreleased Irving Berlin classic), all remastered by Jessica Thompson, who was Grammy-nominated for her work on Erroll Garner’s “Complete Concerts by the Sea.” It includes a 16-page color booklet on Laura’s music and her unique upbringing as the daughter of sax and clarinet master Billy Ainsworth, who played with Tommy Dorsey, Freddy Martin and other legendary big band leaders.

The new Japanese CD, along with all her other music, just debuted and is available in the US through her website,

If you love great American music, here’s your chance to pick up some terrific CDs for yourself or Christmas gifts, and support one of the “Huckabee” family. You can also follow her on Facebook at and on Twitter at @lauraainsworth1.

Just to give you a taste, here she is singing a great old Mills Brothers tune on “Huckabee”:

For more news of my news coverage, visit my website here.

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More Stories

Evening Edition: Not Even Texas Is Safe

Evening Edition: Kudos to Senator Cruz

Comments 11-12 of 12

  • Floyd A Unger

    09/20/2021 07:25 PM

    Thank you

  • ken moore

    09/20/2021 06:44 PM

    latest dispatches from Afghanistan, where we’re continually assured that only about 100 Americans are still waiting to get out and that we’ll be able to work with the new, more moderate Taliban.

Election 2024 Coverage

September 20, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Proverbs 3:5
  • Trash Day
  • Non-story
  • Dispatches from Afghanistan
  • Excellent Article
  • Laura Ainsworth: Big In Japan!


Mike Huckabee


5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5

Trash Day

By Mike Huckabee

You know, when it’s trash pickup day and you have only one Hefty bag left, you try to stuff all your garbage into it? That’s sort of how Congressional Democrats have treated their $3.5 trillion “budget reconciliation” bill. Since that type of bill can pass with only 51 votes and isn’t subject to filibuster, they’ve tried to cram every garbage idea the left’s got into that bag, from expensive climate change boondoggles to amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants. But Sunday, the Senate Parliamentarian popped their Hefty bag.

Elizabeth McDonough ruled that just because something involves money (and everything Congress does involves money), that doesn’t make it a budget issue. Major non-budgetary legislation can’t be passed with 51 votes in a budget reconciliation bill. So the illegal immigrant amnesty cannot be included.

Since no Republicans support it, that should kill it. But the Biden White House, which has yet to hesitate to do a flamenco dance all over the Constitution, urged Democrats to come up with some other creative end-run around Senate rules to get amnesty passed with 51 votes. What should be happening instead is that the Parliamentarian should yank out all the other things that have no business being in a budget reconciliation bill.

One other obstacle that Biden would have to get around is Sen. Joe Manchin, who already said he won’t back a spending bill that big, and who is now reportedly saying privately that he thinks the Senate should take a “strategic pause” until 2022 before voting on it.

That would be an election year when many Democrats in swing states and districts might not be too keen to put their names on a garbage bag full of government-bloating, debt-exploding, freedom-killing “progressivism.”

Meanwhile, some far-leftists are demanding that Biden get tough with Congressional Democrats and order them to pass the bill. Considering that his approval rating is now down to the low-mid-40s and a new survey finds that 55% of voters in seven Democrat-controlled swing districts think the $3.5 trillion bill is “wasteful and unnecessary,” that doesn’t give him much leverage for threatening Congress members – unless he threatens to publicly endorse them if they don’t do what he wants.


By Mike Huckabee

Fearmonger-in-Chief Nancy Pelosi had the security fence put back up around the Capitol (because walls only provide security when they’re protecting Democrats) in anticipation of the sure-to-be-violent “Justice For J6” rally this weekend. It was a protest of the political over-prosecution of non-violent protesters who entered the Capitol on January 6th. Liberal media outlets attacked conservative outlets for “downplaying” the threat, but as usual, the liberal outlets were hysterically wrong.

President Trump warned supporters to stay away from the rally because it was “a trap,” and that leftist agitators would try to stir up trouble so that they could be blamed and arrested for it. And he wasn’t the only one who smelled a trap. The handful of nonviolent rally attendees were likely outnumbered by all the security people (some of whom were laughably trying to “blend in” with the right-wingers and about as convincing as when Bob Hope used to dress up as a hippie for comedy sketches.) It reached the height of absurdity when the undercover feds reportedly arrested someone for carrying a weapon, and it turned out he was also an undercover cop. Let’s hope this helps pound the last nail into the coffin of the idiotic idea that the biggest threats to America are white supremacists and the weather.

Just as I expected, the rally was a non-story, but it did give conservative wags an opening to create some hilarious memes from the photo of the overzealous feds in their “4Chan Follower” Halloween costumes.

Dispatches from Afghanistan

By Mike Huckabee

Here are the latest dispatches from Afghanistan, where we’re continually assured that only about 100 Americans are still waiting to get out and that we’ll be able to work with the new, more moderate Taliban.

After weeks of the Taliban holding up flights of evacuees, one plane was finally allowed to take off.

As for the others, in spite of the Taliban’s claims that it will be more moderate and cooperative, Biden spokesman Ned Price said they’ve “pulled every lever available” but the Taliban are still holding up the flights. Which sounds an awful lot like a hostage situation. Really, Joe? Have you REALLY pulled every lever available?

Here’s a heartbreaking story about an American citizen who lost 18 of her family members in the Kabul suicide bombing and is stuck there and terrified. She broke down while telling a TV reporter how the State Department is ignoring her pleas for help and saying, “Sorry, we can’t do anything for you.”

While it’s getting harder to get reliable news out of Afghanistan, here’s a report that the Taliban are methodically tracking down Afghans who helped the US (and whom Biden promised to evacuate, then didn’t.) It includes a report of women being watched constantly and terrified to go to school or work, and Taliban militants decapitating two boys, ages nine and ten.

And this is why the Biden-supporting media want to talk about nothing but vaccine mandates.

Excellent Article

By Mike Huckabee

When Trump was President, late night “comedian” Jimmy Kimmel argued that access to medical care was a basic human right. Recently, he suggested that hospitals turn away unvaccinated Americans and let them die. That prompted a doctor who is both vaccinated and has spent the past 18 months treating COVID patients to write an open letter to Kimmel, explaining the many ways in which his attitude (and that of all the trained seals applauding him in his studio audience) is shockingly wrong.

One more thing that should be shocking to anyone who thinks that medical science should be about truth and not politics is that the article also includes this footnote: “Penned under a pseudonym due to U.S. Medical organizations trending towards censoring physicians.”

Laura Ainsworth: Big In Japan!

Congratulations on some exciting news for our contributor Laura Ainsworth, who in addition to being a top notch writer/news researcher is also an award-winning retro jazz singer in the Julie London/Rosemary Clooney tradition.

Her three CDs and best-of LP were recently picked up for distribution in Japan and proved so popular that an expanded CD best of, “Top Shelf,” has just been released there. It includes 16 tracks (one a previously-unreleased Irving Berlin classic), all remastered by Jessica Thompson, who was Grammy-nominated for her work on Erroll Garner’s “Complete Concerts by the Sea.” It includes a 16-page color booklet on Laura’s music and her unique upbringing as the daughter of sax and clarinet master Billy Ainsworth, who played with Tommy Dorsey, Freddy Martin and other legendary big band leaders.

The new Japanese CD, along with all her other music, just debuted and is available in the US through her website,

If you love great American music, here’s your chance to pick up some terrific CDs for yourself or Christmas gifts, and support one of the “Huckabee” family. You can also follow her on Facebook at and on Twitter at @lauraainsworth1.

Just to give you a taste, here she is singing a great old Mills Brothers tune on “Huckabee”:

For more news of my news coverage, visit my website here.

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More Stories

Evening Edition: Not Even Texas Is Safe

Evening Edition: Kudos to Senator Cruz

Comments 11-12 of 12

  • Floyd A Unger

    09/20/2021 07:25 PM

    Thank you

  • ken moore

    09/20/2021 06:44 PM

    latest dispatches from Afghanistan, where we’re continually assured that only about 100 Americans are still waiting to get out and that we’ll be able to work with the new, more moderate Taliban.

Message from Mike Huckabee

    Help me fight back against Big Tech censorship. If you would like to subscribe to the daily, advertisement-free version of my newsletter for $5 monthly or $36 annually, on Substack, go here.

    Latest News

    September 20, 2021

    Good evening!

    Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

    • Bible Verse of the Day - Proverbs 3:5
    • Trash Day
    • Non-story
    • Dispatches from Afghanistan
    • Excellent Article
    • Laura Ainsworth: Big In Japan!


    Mike Huckabee


    5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

    Proverbs 3:5

    Trash Day

    By Mike Huckabee

    You know, when it’s trash pickup day and you have only one Hefty bag left, you try to stuff all your garbage into it? That’s sort of how Congressional Democrats have treated their $3.5 trillion “budget reconciliation” bill. Since that type of bill can pass with only 51 votes and isn’t subject to filibuster, they’ve tried to cram every garbage idea the left’s got into that bag, from expensive climate change boondoggles to amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants. But Sunday, the Senate Parliamentarian popped their Hefty bag.

    Elizabeth McDonough ruled that just because something involves money (and everything Congress does involves money), that doesn’t make it a budget issue. Major non-budgetary legislation can’t be passed with 51 votes in a budget reconciliation bill. So the illegal immigrant amnesty cannot be included.

    Since no Republicans support it, that should kill it. But the Biden White House, which has yet to hesitate to do a flamenco dance all over the Constitution, urged Democrats to come up with some other creative end-run around Senate rules to get amnesty passed with 51 votes. What should be happening instead is that the Parliamentarian should yank out all the other things that have no business being in a budget reconciliation bill.

    One other obstacle that Biden would have to get around is Sen. Joe Manchin, who already said he won’t back a spending bill that big, and who is now reportedly saying privately that he thinks the Senate should take a “strategic pause” until 2022 before voting on it.

    That would be an election year when many Democrats in swing states and districts might not be too keen to put their names on a garbage bag full of government-bloating, debt-exploding, freedom-killing “progressivism.”

    Meanwhile, some far-leftists are demanding that Biden get tough with Congressional Democrats and order them to pass the bill. Considering that his approval rating is now down to the low-mid-40s and a new survey finds that 55% of voters in seven Democrat-controlled swing districts think the $3.5 trillion bill is “wasteful and unnecessary,” that doesn’t give him much leverage for threatening Congress members – unless he threatens to publicly endorse them if they don’t do what he wants.


    By Mike Huckabee

    Fearmonger-in-Chief Nancy Pelosi had the security fence put back up around the Capitol (because walls only provide security when they’re protecting Democrats) in anticipation of the sure-to-be-violent “Justice For J6” rally this weekend. It was a protest of the political over-prosecution of non-violent protesters who entered the Capitol on January 6th. Liberal media outlets attacked conservative outlets for “downplaying” the threat, but as usual, the liberal outlets were hysterically wrong.

    President Trump warned supporters to stay away from the rally because it was “a trap,” and that leftist agitators would try to stir up trouble so that they could be blamed and arrested for it. And he wasn’t the only one who smelled a trap. The handful of nonviolent rally attendees were likely outnumbered by all the security people (some of whom were laughably trying to “blend in” with the right-wingers and about as convincing as when Bob Hope used to dress up as a hippie for comedy sketches.) It reached the height of absurdity when the undercover feds reportedly arrested someone for carrying a weapon, and it turned out he was also an undercover cop. Let’s hope this helps pound the last nail into the coffin of the idiotic idea that the biggest threats to America are white supremacists and the weather.

    Just as I expected, the rally was a non-story, but it did give conservative wags an opening to create some hilarious memes from the photo of the overzealous feds in their “4Chan Follower” Halloween costumes.

    Dispatches from Afghanistan

    By Mike Huckabee

    Here are the latest dispatches from Afghanistan, where we’re continually assured that only about 100 Americans are still waiting to get out and that we’ll be able to work with the new, more moderate Taliban.

    After weeks of the Taliban holding up flights of evacuees, one plane was finally allowed to take off.

    As for the others, in spite of the Taliban’s claims that it will be more moderate and cooperative, Biden spokesman Ned Price said they’ve “pulled every lever available” but the Taliban are still holding up the flights. Which sounds an awful lot like a hostage situation. Really, Joe? Have you REALLY pulled every lever available?

    Here’s a heartbreaking story about an American citizen who lost 18 of her family members in the Kabul suicide bombing and is stuck there and terrified. She broke down while telling a TV reporter how the State Department is ignoring her pleas for help and saying, “Sorry, we can’t do anything for you.”

    While it’s getting harder to get reliable news out of Afghanistan, here’s a report that the Taliban are methodically tracking down Afghans who helped the US (and whom Biden promised to evacuate, then didn’t.) It includes a report of women being watched constantly and terrified to go to school or work, and Taliban militants decapitating two boys, ages nine and ten.

    And this is why the Biden-supporting media want to talk about nothing but vaccine mandates.

    Excellent Article

    By Mike Huckabee

    When Trump was President, late night “comedian” Jimmy Kimmel argued that access to medical care was a basic human right. Recently, he suggested that hospitals turn away unvaccinated Americans and let them die. That prompted a doctor who is both vaccinated and has spent the past 18 months treating COVID patients to write an open letter to Kimmel, explaining the many ways in which his attitude (and that of all the trained seals applauding him in his studio audience) is shockingly wrong.

    One more thing that should be shocking to anyone who thinks that medical science should be about truth and not politics is that the article also includes this footnote: “Penned under a pseudonym due to U.S. Medical organizations trending towards censoring physicians.”

    Laura Ainsworth: Big In Japan!

    Congratulations on some exciting news for our contributor Laura Ainsworth, who in addition to being a top notch writer/news researcher is also an award-winning retro jazz singer in the Julie London/Rosemary Clooney tradition.

    Her three CDs and best-of LP were recently picked up for distribution in Japan and proved so popular that an expanded CD best of, “Top Shelf,” has just been released there. It includes 16 tracks (one a previously-unreleased Irving Berlin classic), all remastered by Jessica Thompson, who was Grammy-nominated for her work on Erroll Garner’s “Complete Concerts by the Sea.” It includes a 16-page color booklet on Laura’s music and her unique upbringing as the daughter of sax and clarinet master Billy Ainsworth, who played with Tommy Dorsey, Freddy Martin and other legendary big band leaders.

    The new Japanese CD, along with all her other music, just debuted and is available in the US through her website,

    If you love great American music, here’s your chance to pick up some terrific CDs for yourself or Christmas gifts, and support one of the “Huckabee” family. You can also follow her on Facebook at and on Twitter at @lauraainsworth1.

    Just to give you a taste, here she is singing a great old Mills Brothers tune on “Huckabee”:

    For more news of my news coverage, visit my website here.

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    More Stories

    Evening Edition: Not Even Texas Is Safe

    Evening Edition: Kudos to Senator Cruz

    Comments 11-12 of 12

    • Floyd A Unger

      09/20/2021 07:25 PM

      Thank you

    • ken moore

      09/20/2021 06:44 PM

      latest dispatches from Afghanistan, where we’re continually assured that only about 100 Americans are still waiting to get out and that we’ll be able to work with the new, more moderate Taliban.