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Election News

The Democrats still have a chance to ruin everything!!!

January 10, 2021

Mark Steyn, speaking on Wednesday’s TUCKER CARLSON show, had a sharp observation: “It’s always interesting to me that people are surprised when a tactic that’s proved effective for one group of people is then suddenly taken up by other people of whom they don’t approve.”

"There’s been a complete collapse of equality before the law,” Steyn explained. “The more [people on the left] are not subject to any laws, the more onerous the burden that falls upon the law-abiding.” Those on the left can do anything, he said, while those law-abiding souls on the right are “micro-regulated.” (To quote Victor Davis Hanson, “Ideology trumps accountability.”)

"At some point, that has to give,” he said. “And whoever is behind this, to a certain degree, that ‘gave’ today in Washington.”

If that’s what we’re seeing, we conservatives will have to be careful not to become the thing we hate, as so often happens to people. (It’s certainly happened to the left, who used to be pro-free speech.) It may sound cliché to say it at this point, but we really are better than that.


Focus Group-Tested Word Alert

By Mike Huckabee

I’ve noticed that anyone who points out that the same Democrats who supported violent leftist protesters who attacked federal buildings are now condemning violent rightwing protesters who attack federal buildings is being accused of “whataboutism.” For those unfamiliar with this word, it’s a made-up term that means “Stop pointing out my hypocrisy.”


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Comments 51-75 of 89

  • Carolyn

    01/10/2021 09:57 PM

    Glad to follow you

  • Chrissy Fox

    01/10/2021 09:56 PM

    Thanks for keeping conservatives updated!

  • Debra Jeremias

    01/10/2021 09:54 PM

    Please give us only the truth. Thx

  • Kurt Buchholz

    01/10/2021 09:53 PM

    Citizen Trump seems Trump's calling. To establish conservative media platforms. The GOP needs to move post-Trump. Trump's a RINO. Have a real conservative platform. Run Nikki Haley and Condelleza Rice 2024. Challenge the Harris administration and win seats in congress. Trumpets calling everyone RINOS, means time for post-Trump. They'll be calling you a RINO.

  • George Lumsden

    01/10/2021 09:51 PM

    Thanks Gov Mike. From one patriot to another.

  • Larissa Casey

    01/10/2021 09:50 PM

    I’m a patriot!

  • Lynette Himmelberger

    01/10/2021 09:49 PM

    Thank you.

  • Kaye Dooley

    01/10/2021 09:49 PM

    You a a great patriot Mike!

  • Jeremy Johnson

    01/10/2021 09:43 PM

    God bless!


    01/10/2021 09:43 PM

    Agreed. Do you send out email Newsletters? If so, add me onto your list, please.

  • Joy Schaefer

    01/10/2021 09:43 PM

    Many hard working, law abiding, tax paying, civic minded & ethical people are being punished for doing what we were taught was right to do, what we were told would gain us respect from society. It’s an upside down world.

  • Mary Sneddon

    01/10/2021 09:41 PM

    Sign me ip for newsletter

  • Nikki Betts

    01/10/2021 09:39 PM

    Thanks for all you do! Keep up the freedom fight!

  • Larry Akins

    01/10/2021 09:37 PM

    Thank you for your hard work and your daughters. God Bless you and may the Lord help us now.

  • Timothy Guinee

    01/10/2021 09:36 PM

    A friend was at the Trump rally when a large group not with the rally came through. This large group was not festive like the rally people. This large group went directly into the capital. Could you please address this large group as a being possibly George Soros funded?

  • Kathryn Aiken

    01/10/2021 09:36 PM


  • Lynn Fay

    01/10/2021 09:35 PM

    Sorry, that last post had some typos and wasn't very tightly written. But you sound like these squishy Republicans who are always cowed by these cut-throat Democrats. It is NOT Donald Trump's fault and YOU know it. And if they WERE all Trump supporters, they do not represent the majority of them or even a significant portion of them. And what they did pales compared to what these Democrats have done to Donald Trump and this Republic. Don't lose focus.

  • Mini Donald J. Trump

    01/10/2021 09:34 PM

    I love you Mike Huckabee! I also love President Donald J Trump!!!

  • Steve kay

    01/10/2021 09:33 PM


  • Shauna Bitz

    01/10/2021 09:33 PM

    Looking forward to hearing your views!

  • Lynn Fay

    01/10/2021 09:32 PM

    But you are still suffering for guilt feelings when we don't even know who all those people were and when you should be saying it is NOT Donald Trump's fault. Do not contribute to this narrative and cave in to this propaganda mess. THEY no doubt orchestrated this with their tactics and they wanted this more than anyone. They PAID people to incite violence at his rallies. Fine, they shouldn't have done it, but you are letting them distract you from the fascist horrible thing that is overtaking America and our Republic. I think you might look back on this and realize it might have been our last gasp--anytime in the next few decades -- or forever, if we don't collapse. They stole an election and they have pulled off a coup of four year duration and we might just look back and said at least those people didn't stand by and let it happen like these cowardly, elitist Republicans who could have forced an investigation. THEY never would have allowed this narrative to be hijacked, but you are playing into it.

  • Michael Rouse

    01/10/2021 09:29 PM

    Please sign me up for the newsletter.

  • Janice

    01/10/2021 09:28 PM

    Thank you for all you do, please continue to fight and pray!

  • Bryan

    01/10/2021 09:27 PM

    Send me emails please

  • Andy Smith

    01/10/2021 09:26 PM


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