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May 15, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! 

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse Of The Day
  • Who says there's no news out of Maricopa County?
  • New Emergency Government Program
  • Good News
  • NEW: Signup to receive Mike Huckabee's Reading List
  • Pipeline talk
  • Strangest Vaccination Incentive Yet
  • “The American Jobs Act.”
  • RIP "The Rifleman's" Johnny Crawford & Rock Hall of Fame Inductees
  • A Reader Writes Back...


Mike Huckabee


And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

Matthew 28:18

MY NEW EMAIL:  Let's face it, conservatives have an uphill climb in educating voters, because the Media is nearly 100% against us. That is why I started an email newsletter and that is why I am also sharing my reading list of articles I think you shouldn't miss.

- Mike Huckabee



Who says there's no news out of Maricopa County?

By Mike Huckabee

Yesterday, we brought you a preliminary update on the Maricopa County, Arizona, election audit that came from a source we felt we could trust, and our instincts turned out to be right. Sure enough, later that day, essentially the same information was reported at John Solomon’s website, JUST THE NEWS, in an article by Daniel Payne.

Yes, the audit has turned up “significant irregularities,” as well as missing data, and this was confirmed by State Senate President Karen Fann. On Wednesday, she sent a letter to the Maricopa Board of Supervisors, seeking resolution to “three serious issues.”

First, there’s the continuing non-compliance with subpoenas issued by the state Senate. The county has refused to hand over numerous routers –- or even images of routers –- covered by the subpoena, citing security concerns.

In her letter, Fann proposed a solution to those concerns, suggesting that contractors hired by the Senate team “review virtual images of the relevant routers in Maricopa County facilities and in the presence of representatives of the Maricopa Sheriff’s Office.”

That seems like pretty tight security. But what do you bet they don’t go for it?

Her next concern related to the chain of custody of the ballots, which we also brought up yesterday. She cited “apparent omissions, inconsistencies, and anomalies relating to Maricopa County’s handling, organization and restoring of ballots” revealed by the audit, including a lack of chain-of-custody documentation as well as “a significant number of instances in which there is a disparity between the actual number of ballots contained in a batch and the total denoted on the pink report slip accompanying the batch.”

In just one batch, which is supposed to contain 200 ballots, the discrepancy was 35 votes. For an election in which, statewide, the margin between Biden and Trump was only about 11,000 votes, that does seem significant.

Also, our report on material from one database being erased turned out to be a very real concern. Fann wrote that an entire database had been deleted from a county election machine, and it appears this happened while the material was under subpoena. Data from that machine “suggests that the main database for all election-related data for the November 2020 General Election has been removed” from it.

Fann’s letter invited Maricopa County officials to a meeting this coming Tuesday, May 18, to resolve the issues without the need for additional subpoenas. She wants the meeting live-streamed to the public. THE EPOCH TIMES, in a premium story, has more details on that.

Fann proposed that one of the four companies hired to do the audit, CyFIR, could review the images on the routers with safeguards in place that would allow them just to look at the relevant material. “The Senate has no interest in viewing or taking possession of any information that is unrelated to the administration of the 2020 general election,” she assured them in her letter.

Another concern we reported yesterday, about Dominion refusing to provide passwords to their machines, is also very real. This means that the election results are essentially uncheckable, which is completely unacceptable. (In fact, as long as Dominion takes this stand, NO STATE should continue using their voting system. It has not been proven reliable.) Fann said in her letter that “it strains credulity to posit that the County has no contractual right to obtain (i.e, control of) password information from Dominion.”

At this writing, Maricopa officials still have not agreed to the May 18 meeting. According to a Maricopa County spokesperson who emailed THE EPOCH TIMES, “We’ve seen the tweets and the letter. Much of the letter is a misunderstanding of election operations.” The group met with their legal counsel on Friday and are planning a public meeting on Monday to address how to go forward.

A county judge ruled in February that the subpoenas issued by the state Senate are valid and should be obeyed, but here we all are in May, still waiting. Subpoenaed materials --- machines, routers, and access to the technology used in the election --- still have not been turned over. The county has said their own two independent audits “have already shown there was no foul play,” but those were very partial audits.

Democrats appear to be trying everything they can possibly come up with to stop this complete look at Maricopa County. If they really want to show there were no irregularities, then why don’t they let the audit go forward? Then, when nothing is found, they can laugh at Republicans with egg on their faces. Wouldn’t that be FUN? Unless they think that’s not the way it would turn out.

As for Dominion, THE EPOCH TIMES has another premium story about their refusal to turn over the passwords.

It was shocking to learn from Maricopa County officials that they didn’t have the “administrative” passwords to the machines used for their own election, but that Dominion did.

Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Chairman Jack Sellers, who reportedly is a Republican, said Thursday that he won’t be attending the meeting on Tuesday. He also denied the allegations. Deleting files off the server “would be a crime,” he said, “and it is not true.”

“...The claim that our employees deleted election files and destroyed evidence is outrageous, completely baseless, and beneath the dignity of the Arizona Senate,” he said, calling for retractions of those accusations.

Well, maybe it wasn’t the employees. But it appears to have been done by someone, and we need to know who did it and why. Wouldn’t he like to know as well?

For now, auditors are having to pack up and temporarily vacate Veterans Memorial Coliseum so that graduation events can be held there. The ballots will be secured at a nearby site, which is also on the state fairgrounds. (It apparently is not air-conditioned, so auditors will be waiting till the ballots can be moved back to the coliseum.) So far, about 500,000 of the nearly 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County have been counted in the audit. They’ll be back to work at the coliseum on May 23, and there’s no deadline for completion of the audit. The idea is to get it done right. Thank goodness.

For now, we wait for the public meeting on Monday to see whether Maricopa County officials will cooperate.

New Emergency Government Program

By Mike Huckabee

You might have heard about the emergency government program that went into effect this week, providing $50 a month to low income families to help cover their Internet service so they don’t get kicked off line. Here’s some information to determine if you qualify.

One word of warning: don’t say anything critical of Democrats, or you might get kicked off the Internet even if you do pay your bill.

Good news

By Mike Huckabee

The Colonial Pipeline is reportedly back in service, which should help ease gas shortages. The bad news: it’s been reported that the company paid Eastern European hackers nearly $5 million in cryptocurrency to deactivate their ransomware.

I hope that’s not true because this is, in effect, an act of terrorism, and when you reward terrorism, you get more of it. This is the kind of thing that US intelligence agencies should have been better prepared to block and to track down the perpetrators. Maybe this will shock them into doing their real job instead of harassing Trump supporters, but considering who’s in charge now, I don’t have very high hopes.

Pipeline talk

By Mike Huckabee

On the subject of pipelines, a second top Biden Administration official agrees with me that pipelines are the most efficient (and I’d add, environmentally safe) method of transporting oil, despite President Biden wanting to shut them down. And this time, it’s the guy in charge of stopping climate change.

I love John Kerry’s qualifier: he admitted pipelines are more carbon-neutral than trains or trucks, but added, “but it doesn’t mean you necessarily want to be adding another line when there are other alternatives.” And then he didn’t tell us what those “other alternatives” are…because there aren’t any! Unless he’d like to carry the oil with him on his private jet. He makes so many trips on it to talk about fighting climate change that he might as well do something useful and carry some oil with him, too.

Strangest Vaccination Incentive Yet

By Mike Huckabee

Get a shot, win a milllllllllion dollars!

“The American Jobs Act.”

By Mike Huckabee

Are you one of those suburban moms who reportedly voted for Biden because you wanted a return to comfy, moderate “normalcy” and no more mean Trump Tweets?

Well, congratulations: the guy you voted for is declaring war on your home and your neighborhood under cover of a bill with the deceptively benign name of “The American Jobs Act.”

RIP "The Rifleman's" Johnny Crawford & Rock Hall of Fame Inductees

By “Huckabee” pop culture guru Pat Reeder (

I’m very sad to have to report that Johnny Crawford, best known as Chuck Connors’ son Mark McCain on “The Rifleman,” died on April 29th of pneumonia and COVID-19 at age 75 after a long struggle with Alzheimer’s disease, with his wife Charlotte by his side.

The news has taken a while to spread through the media, since it was first quietly posted on the website

Crawford was one of the original Mouseketeers on “The Mickey Mouse Club,” a job his parents agreed to let him take for the exposure and no salary (Disney hasn’t changed much in 70 years.) But it worked, leading to a number of TV acting roles and eventually, “The Rifleman.” That series made him a star and, at 13, the youngest Emmy nominee for Best Supporting Actor in a Dramatic Series.

The show also led to a lifelong father-son style friendship with Connors (the two revived their McCain roles a year before Connors’ death in the 1991 Kenny Rogers TV movie, “The Gambler Returns: The Luck of the Draw.”) It also helped launch him as a teen singing idol with such hits as “Cindy’s Birthday” and “Your Nose Is Gonna Grow.”

The riding and roping skills Crawford learned later helped him become a real-life rodeo competitor and came in handy when he shot the movie “Indian Paint” near Dallas in 1965. Making lifelong friendships with the locals, he would return years later to appear in theater productions in suburban Grand Prairie.

Personal note: that’s where my wife/co-writer Laura Ainsworth and I met him a few years back, after seeing him in a production of “The Foreigner,” and the following year, leading his 1920s band. He came out to the lobby afterward to meet everyone and pose for photos. He struck us as an incredibly nice and humble man, gracious and appreciative to all his fans for remembering him.

He and Laura had lots to talk about: she’s also an award-winning retro jazz singer and by that time, he was the leader of L.A.’s premier 1920s-‘30s style big band, The Johnny Crawford Dance Orchestra. Their 2008 CD, “Sweepin’ The Clouds Away,” is hard to find but terrific. Here’s the title track on YouTube, and you’ll also find some entertaining live performances there:

Rest in peace to a multitalented performer and an extremely nice man.

The “Rock and Roll” Hall of Fame maintained its unbroken 38-year streak of being a laughable farce by announcing that this year’s inductees will be the Go-Go’s, Tina Turner, Todd Rundgren, Carole King, the Foo Fighters and Jay-Z.

The first four are at least defensible, but do you really believe the last two deserve it more than these performers who are still not in?:

Jethro Tull; the Monkees; Mott the Hoople; The Jam; Ted Nugent; Dick Dale; Herman’s Hermits; Blue Oyster Cult; The Guess Who; King Crimson; Thin Lizzy; Robin Trower; Emerson Lake & Palmer; Iron Maiden; Devo; Paul Revere and the Raiders; Styx; Eurthymics; Tommy James and the Shondells; Boston; Steppenwolf; Judas Priest; America; The Grass Roots; Jan and Dean; Motorhead; Neil Sedaka; Badfinger; the MC5; The New York Dolls; Grand Funk Railroad; Slade; Joe Walsh; Three Dog Night; Warren Zevon; Link Wray; Meat Loaf; Vanilla Fudge; Blood, Sweat and Tears; Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers; J. Geils Band; Bad Company; neither Johnny nor Edgar Winter; Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels; Peter Frampton, Johnny Burnette; Ten Years After; Pat Benatar; Johnny Rivers; The B-52s; and many more.

If you try to point out on social media that Jay-Z is a rapper and is NOT “Rock and Roll,” you’ll get a lot of snide and idiotic responses along the lines of “Rap IS TOO rock” or “Rock is an attitude!” No, it’s a musical genre. If musical genres were defined by your attitude, then Alice Cooper could put on overalls, buy a pickup, and get inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame.

A Reader Writes Back... 

Governor Huckabee - I really appreciate the way you deliver important news and facts with a dose of humor that helps us to take it in and think about what is happening with courage and resolve rather than fear. The daily Scripture verse helps a lot too.

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about White Sands National Park, visit its website here.

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Comments 26-32 of 32

  • Floyd A Unger

    05/15/2021 02:19 PM

    Thank you

  • Sharon Faulkner

    05/15/2021 02:07 PM

    Why would Republicans have "egg on their faces" for demanding an honest audit of the most important Election on earth even if nothing does come up?
    I think recounts that are close should be automatic.
    Besides, I don't think there is enough egg left -- Democrats seem to be wearing it as a fashion statement.

  • Pat J Green

    05/15/2021 01:31 PM

    I just don't understand how subpoenas works. Why they don't send a law enforcement to the Maricopa county people who are not comply with the subpoenas even after a judge has ruled they are too do so. If I did not comply with a subpoena you can bet law enforcement would be coming to my front door. What is the difference?

  • Floyd A Unger

    05/15/2021 01:04 PM


  • Randy Martin Pochel

    05/15/2021 12:25 PM

    So the ballot count and actual has discrepancies of plus 35 vote out of 200 extend this out to 1,000,000 votes divide by 200 equals 5000 time's the 35 that comes out to 175000 votes added and I would bet to Biden. If this was taken across the board then President Trump won AZ, MI, WI, GA, and others

  • William Fuhrer

    05/15/2021 12:19 PM

    Are the COVID-19 tests exactly the same as when Musk had the four tests in the same day by the same tester with the same test and 2 were positive and 2 were negative. American Digest article JUST IN:Bill Maher tested positive for COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated

  • Lawrence Foster

    05/15/2021 10:51 AM

    Dear Governor Mike,

    I am receiving a large volume of e-mail wanting to know why I have not signed up to Trumps website. What is disturbing are the e-mails which say "If you are a real Trump patriot you'll sign up".

    First, I am not a Trump patriot. I'm an American Patriot. I voted for Trump twice, probably will again if he is the nominee, but I am not in favor of a cult of personality.

    I am still waiting to see some rules and procedures for the web site. I don't sign up for anything sight unseen, including Trump's web site. When those rules are made public, I may join, but in the meantime, Republican party, don't send me any "shaming" e-mails (e.g. "you are not a real patriot if you don't join"). That's a bit to Clintonesque for me.

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