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October 28, 2021

Election Day for the Virginia gubernatorial race, and for other down-ballot votes as well, is this coming Tuesday, November 2, and the stakes could hardly be higher –- or the choice clearer. Earlier in the week, our commentary on the lurking presence in Virginia of DNC lawyer/activist and infamous election manipulator Marc Elias drew quite a bit of reader response.

You know, it’s impossible for me to respond to every letter --- even though they’re all read --- but now and then it’s instructive to respond to a particular letter for a particular reason. That’s the case with the following letter from Carol, because of one thing she said about the election that really stood out and makes a timely response critical before Election Day. Read her letter and see if you can pick out the part I mean. Then I’ll explain what the very important issue is.

From Carol (with slight editing):

I am in Georgia. Wherever Stacey Abrams goes, the laws are broken. This is what she advocated and got done in Georgia for the 2020 election. She is in Virginia now and the [requirement for the] last four digits of [a voter’s] Social Security number has been deleted even though it is the law there.

This is how it is done and how the election was stolen in 2020, and unless it is stopped, 2022 and 2024 will go the way of 2020. They only win by changing the laws to suit their outcome. Many understand this and will not vote because they say and believe it is rigged. Even the Supreme Court are cowards in taking up the suits that would have proven that.

...Keep America sick and mail-in ballots will again be the next way votes are stolen and elections rigged.

From the Gov:

Thank you for writing, Carol. Yes, we discussed some of the recent changes to the voting laws in Virginia --- also the fact that it’s illegal for the government to ignore laws it doesn’t want to enforce. Marc Elias and Stacey Abrams make quite a team, don’t they?

Another good point is that as long as state and county officials can use COVID-19 as an excuse for mass mail-in voting, cheating will be easy and largely undetectable. And their hope is that we’ll get so used to the convenience of just mailing in our ballots, most people will prefer that whether COVID is still a major concern or not. But we need to do what the French did in 1975 after seeing the fraud caused by mail-in voting: scrap it except on a limited basis, by request when people have a legitimate reason for not being able to get to the polls. That will not happen in battleground states until they’re run by people who don’t want to keep their thumb on the election scales. Those people must be voted out.

That brings me to the part of the letter that has to be addressed. Did you guess it? “MANY...WILL NOT VOTE BECAUSE THEY...BELIEVE THE VOTE IS RIGGED.”

If enough Republicans stay home to make the margin of victory, say, 300 votes instead of 30,000, how much easier have we made it for Democrats to cheat? Cheaters love close races; it’s much harder to see big statistical anomalies and much easier to “find” the relatively small number of votes they need. It’s clear this is what happened in Georgia’s last senatorial election; fed-up Republicans stayed home and let their opponents just take it. We blew our chance to temper the Biden administration with a Republican-led Senate just because some Republicans sat on their hands.

Conversely, it might seem impossible to stop cheaters, but one way to do it is to turn out in such large numbers that they can’t make up the difference with fake votes. It has to be a blowout.

Anyone thinking of sitting out this or any other Election Day had better realize: you are doing exactly what the opposition wants you to. They want you to give up, to resign yourself to the fate they are choosing for you. Don’t do it. Instead, do the opposite of what they want.

It’s kind of a catch: in order to fix the cheating, we have to win in spite of the cheating! I know that seems overwhelming, but if conservative turnout is high enough, it will happen. (I would think that this time, all the justifiably angry parents in Virginia could really make the difference.) Once we’re in, then we work state-by-state to reform the system. Yes, Democrats will fight us every step of the way, so, as I said in speaking of Marc Elias, our lawyers have to be better than their lawyers. And they have to be everywhere.

But polls show conclusively that most Americans want accurate and honest elections. As Jason Snead, executive director of the Honest Elections Project, said, “Voters want it to be easy to vote, but also hard to cheat.” It has become ridiculously easy to vote, and easy to cheat, too. Half the country has lost faith in our elections. If that half of the country stays home on Election Day, the other half wins by default.

As Mollie Hemingway says in RIGGED, “The left’s path to future victory requires it to cow its opposition into silence...A growing number of Americans are outraged by the way the left seizes and deploys power. They are sick of the lies, manipulation, and distortion that a corrupt ruling class spins on a regular basis. Those courageous citizens, not the decaying establishment, will determine the fate of the nation.”

Carol, I want to thank you for writing, because you reminded me, however inadvertently, of something I'd really wanted to mention before Tuesday’s election. Virginians, no matter how you feel about what the left has done to corrupt the system, it is critical that you turn out and vote! Get everyone you know to the polls. Start the red wave.

I’ll close with some good news from John Solomon on the election reform front. In the wake of the Maricopa County audit report –- which was quite bad despite the media’s sugar-coat –- the demand for 2020 forensic audits in all 50 states is gaining support, now up to 38 states, with 150 state legislators signing an open letter to that effect. (Note: I think they’d have more participation if they didn’t call for decertifications as well; the emphasis needs to be on forensic analysis and reform of the system for future elections.) Here’s an excerpt:

“In addition to Arizona, sworn affidavits have accumulated from many states detailing rampant corruption and mismanagement in the election process...We have come to the conclusion that all 50 states need to be forensically audited. Voter rolls should be scrubbed with a canvass of the voters to ensure future integrity of our elections...We call on each state to decertify its electors where it has been shown the elections were certified prematurely and inaccurately.”

In fact, a problematic audit report in Wisconsin has prompted the state senate to launch its own investigation of the 2020 election in that state.

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Comments 11-20 of 61

  • Ed Thompson

    10/29/2021 07:03 AM

    Good Morning Sir, it’s 6:30 AM—10/29/2021 here in Pennsylvania, raining and blowing— dismal outside— just like Joe Biden’s speech last night—dismal and all wet! The good news is he didn’t get his way after trying to tell everyone everything he wanted would not cost anyone anything!!! Gezzze I’m soooo NOT disappointed about that. And some more good stuff, there’s actually a Republican leading in the polls who is running for Governor of Virginia!!! Yup! Maybe just maybe some people are actually thinking for themselves and waking up to reality. Joe’s stupid statements that his—???— his???—- plan won’t cost anything when anyone who is an responsible adult already knows that prices are going through the roof for everything already, and he hasn’t even been in office a year yet. And yes there are Democrats— really— who decided that they are not going to be held responsible for voting for Joe’s ridiculous package too. Whew! And hearing from the “squad” spouting sour grapes about everything that was removed from the package to try to get votes on it, they were not happy about that, that makes me happy! Especially when it didn’t work out at all for any of the Democraps who are for it anyway! MAGA—- and not by piling on a massive tax bill for generations to come. We need more people to get out there and vote certain people out of office starting with everyone in the “squad” and go from there! Just heard about Joe Biden wants to give illegals $450,000.00 per person?? While he supports firing individuals like police officers and firefighters and military personnel who decide not to be vaccinated? Does he or anyone in the Democrats party know the definition of illegal aliens? Rewarding them for coming here illegally?? Seriously???? My God when did the insane take over America? Ed Thompson— in the woods hiding from the Wolf!

  • Mike Manoogian

    10/29/2021 06:27 AM

    Election Day should be just that, the "day" that we hold an election, not some day around which the election occurs. Absentee ballots should be available on request only and due on the day of the election. The American public largely wants fair elections with votes submitted by legitimate voters and honest vote-tabulation. Note to all voters: Cast your votes.

  • Michael Sample

    10/29/2021 06:20 AM

    Thanks for being there and doing what you do.I read your information and feel uplifted that there is a way we can overcome these dishonest Democrats.I pray to the Lord to help us defeat them( The Lord helps those who help themselves) and have faith we will win in the end. Thank You....

  • Neal Behimer

    10/29/2021 02:55 AM

    Every one of us of conservative persuasion should do everything we can to defeat the Democrats. Always. Every election. No exceptions.

  • Lawrence Ronnow

    10/29/2021 01:45 AM

    Since retiring in 2008 spent a LOT of time watching Fox News, especially Hannity for the last 4 years prior to Biden's election 'victory'. Night after night I would get my hopes up, listening to Toensing and DiGenova, and Solomon and Carter predict indictments. NADA. Hannity lost credibility. Comments?

  • Dusty

    10/28/2021 10:27 PM

    PRAY that the Republicans and disenchanted Democrats come to vote for the right GOV
    Youngkin and a possible more Independents come forward also. Yes, there was something wrong with the voting and many of the Absentee 3x voting in Georgia was Democrats and they still are trying to find out how many were real Ga citizens? Big money poured into GA by Big Tech to get in 2 Demo Senators WHY not their state? See now the attack made on PARENTS and what is taught to their children as not theirs to control WHAT? Amazing how many in the PRESS ignored when Pres Obama and VP Biden were booting out many military WHY? One was my family after 5 yr . Then a letter a year later asking if they would be wanting to come back Guess the answer. So in Virginia are many military active and retired and many with children or grand? some of the booting was by my family had 32 yr in Air Force and so upset at this ever happening or why? He could have stayed 2 more yr to get a Col so mad he got out? So think of who this President is and his being phony about the military and that now we have to just accept this present economy blame all on Covid. Not shut down of the Keystone kept down our gas prices our own fuel but now it is OPEC and we are paying WHY? INFLATION weekly at the grocery store has to be hard for a family today? WHY? Supplies sitting out in the ocean and at the harbors no one to drive when money was giving out for months WHY? Many did not fully shut down and helped a lot of business to survive. We cannot make COVID the enemy to say brought back jobs we had plenty of jobs before the Chinese Virus hit a good economy now JOBS but no workers. People walking off jobs they did not like ? Our kids out of school and many did not get a good education and the mental of so many now facing on what happened and WHY? We see a puppet President who is lost WHY? VP who is where not often by Biden side/ VOTERS beware if you want to lose your children then bring in this Democrat you had before and PRAY.

  • Charlene Kosc

    10/28/2021 09:39 PM

    Dear Mike, please get everyone out there to spread the word that we need to get out and vote and NEVER back down no matter how much cheating we see! If people stay home because they are discouraged we lose this country forever and our kids will grow up indoctrinated to these evils. We are at war and need to fight it in a different way than we have fought other wars, We owe it to the future generations but especially to past generations for the sacrifices they made so that we might live in freedom!

  • Terri Hellings

    10/28/2021 09:25 PM

    I can't help thinking the 2020 Presidential Election result would have been different had the National Guard been deployed to every polling place, everywhere ballots entered/exited or were stored, guarding 24/7 until accurate results were certified...ensuring no midnight massive"lost" ballot dumps, no exclusion of Republican poll watchers while Dems only allowed to "work" through the night, and no Dems keeping Republican poll watchers/adjudication-watchers yards away using binoculars. Now THAT would have been TRUE protection of opposed to the abuse and shameful partisan manipulation they suffered in unpaid underfed unhoused "guarding" of Pelosi and her enormous fragile ego for months last year!

  • Anne Amato

    10/28/2021 08:19 PM

    As much as I think you provide the best news all the time...this comment is not about that.
    Just wanted you to know I absolutely LOVE the daily Bible verses you provide!
    Most times......they are the "candle in the darkness" of this world of today..and we NEED them! So thank you so much! ??????????

  • R Reedy

    10/28/2021 08:06 PM

    When and how will VA absentee ballots be audited? What about auditing the requests for the ballots.

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