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Another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

Three Stories Worth Reading

1. "When Paradise is Lost," by Col. Ken Allard.

2. "Anti-Semitism and Israel's Future," my latest video. 

3. Lawfare update: Judge Merchan and “Special Counsel” Smith seen for what they are.

Election News

The Democrats still have a chance to ruin everything!!!

July 24, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Acts 2:38
  • 2020 Election Update
  • Latest Victory For Wokeness
  • Same Story, Different Blue State
  • Another Victory For The Wokesters
  • Weekend Time Killer


Mike Huckabee


Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Acts 2:38

2020 Election Update

By Mike Huckabee

I’m sure some readers wonder why I don’t write daily updates on all the 2020 election audits and questions and challenges. It’s because if I did, that’s all I’d ever have time to do. The general flow of these stories is that the auditors request information, the officials refuse to hand it over, the Democrats attack the auditors and say “Jim Crow” a lot, Republicans go to a judge to force the officials to turn over the evidence, the officials refuse again, the Republicans go back to court, lather-rinse-repeat.

Occasionally, the auditors will come up with something that stinks like week-old fish, and the election officials and Democrats will insist there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation that they would have seen if they’d only examined the evidence that the election officials and Democrats fought like panthers to keep them from seeing. Pardon me if I don’t want to cover that five times a day.

I bring it up only because that’s the basic story of the latest update to the Maricopa County, Arizona, audit story. The auditors reported last week that about 74,000 absentee ballots had been mailed in and counted for which they could find no records of anyone requesting them.

The county officials have now responded that the auditors were wrong and nearly 400,000 more ballots were requested than received back. The auditors said they didn’t accuse the county of criminality, they just said they couldn’t verify the records because the county officials kept fighting them to keep from showing the records. I won’t bore you with all the details and serial numbers of forms and he said/they said, etc., but if you want to see it, it’s here.

Read that and you’ll understand why I’m cautious about reporting any stories that come out of an election audit until they're verified. I do NOT want this newsletter to read like that every day.

I will point out, however, that just a couple of days after the election, I called on Joe Biden to join with Trump in requesting an open, bipartisan examination of the vote, warning that if he didn’t, a cloud of suspicions, whether legitimate or not, would hang over his Administration, undermine his credibility and make it difficult for him to unite the country and govern. I got attacked from the left just for saying that. Well, we’re now six months into the Biden Administration, and how is that plan of telling skeptics they’re crazy while fighting to keep the evidence hidden working out?

Latest Victory For Wokeness

By Mike Huckabee

In the latest victory for wokeness, the Senate Armed Services Committee approved language in its annual defense policy bill that would require women to register for the draft. Yes, the same leaders who think the job of the military is not to be prepared to defeat our enemies on the battlefield but to promote social justice and root out white supremacist extremists (i.e., Trump voters) now thinks that in a nation with over 150 million men, if we needed to reinstate the draft, we should force our daughters to go into combat.

The Daily Wire has the story, along with plenty of commentary. I like Bridget Phetasy’s question: “Oh, now we’re ‘women?’” As Dana Loesch explains, these same liberals called women “birthing persons” until they wanted to draft them.

Tell you what, I will go along with drafting women, as long as we only draft women who spent most of their lives as men before they “became” women in order to compete in women’s athletic events.

Same Story, Different Blue State 

By Mike Huckabee

I reported this week about Philadelphia mothballing an entire fleet of Proterra electric buses it bought in 2015 because the batteries didn’t hold a charge long enough for the bus routes and were so heavy, they were cracking the buses’ chassis. Well, in suburban Los Angeles, it’s déjà vu all over again.

This is what the Biden Administration wants to spend trillions to go all-in on, assuring us that it represents “the future of mass transportation.” I’m afraid that if they get their way, that might be true.

Another Victory For The Wokesters

By Mike Huckabee

The wokesters scored another victory Friday (please note that I did NOT say they “claimed another scalp”) when the Cleveland Indians finally caved in and announced that the team would be renamed the Cleveland Guardians. They had to explain the name’s origin, I assume so nobody would think it meant “Guardian Angels” and trigger the anti-God protesters.

Paula Bolyard at PJ Media (a lifelong Indians fan) has a write-up of this story that treats it about as reverently as it deserves for taking a tomahawk to the team’s history and traditions.

She also notes that surveys showed nine out of ten Native Americans had no problem with the name Cleveland Indians. Most of the outrage, as is often the case, was driven by offended white liberals taking it upon themselves to speak for a minority that didn’t care. I wonder how many of them have ever visited a reservation and asked Native Americans what they thought? For that matter, how many of them have ever even attended a Cleveland Indians baseball game? I also wonder how many longtime Cleveland Indians fans will ever do that again. If they do, Ms Bolyard says they’ll probably be wearing vintage or black market Cleveland Indians gear.

Weekend Time Killer

By Mike Huckabee

A big collection of recent conservative political memes, some of which will probably get you banned from Facebook for sharing them. Some are serious, many are hilarious, a few are just for fun.

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Comments 11-20 of 20

  • James Drury Jr.

    07/25/2021 06:15 AM

    Thanks Mike & Staff!

  • Kevin Pandil

    07/25/2021 02:00 AM

    Dear Mike,
    Is there any evidence or Proof the Joe Biden won the Election? If there is anything, the democrats better start showing us.

    There is Overwhelming Evidence That Donald Trump Won the Election! The Constitutional Mechanism is that Joe biden lost and they have to vacate the White House. All that they did is Null and Void as per the Constitution.

    I have NOT seen any evidence or Proof Joe Biden won the Election? Where is the proof and the evidence? If I were a democrat I would start looking for some evidence Joe Biden Won the 2020 Election. (like legal votes) There is Overwhelming Evidence That Donald Trump Won the Election!

    Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have to vacate the White House Today. They Lost!

    Mesa, AZ

  • Anne turner

    07/24/2021 11:48 PM

    I can understand why a name like Redskins would be considered perjorativd. That was a derisive name given to Native Americans back in the day. But why would a name like Indians but be so evil. We often name things in honor of a people. At .Stanford, when they were the Indians, during the National Anthem, a person came out in beautiful white Indian dress, and raised his arms to look like an Eagle. It was not a caricature, but very honorable and respectful. It honored Native Americans. It did not make fun of them

  • Alice Donaldson

    07/24/2021 11:37 PM

    I loved your spin on these crazy 'woke' people. I think that they should stay sleeping . They don't contribute to society ,they are trouble makers. Maybe if they would read the Bible ,they would have the answers . Answers on gender ,marriage ,the gift of having a child , What prayer is and how important it is to ask Our Father God or Jesus to forgive us from our sins. They probable aren't 'woke' enough to understand all this .I'm woke enough to being excited on having God's plan to change our way of life ,God anointed President Trump. It will be great to have our country back, maybe to the life styles of the 50's or 60's !.(baby boomers)

  • Paul Kern

    07/24/2021 11:17 PM

    A few thoughts from a retired veteran. The worst thing that happened was to drop the draft. It was a rite if passage for many men and women.
    I only had the GI Bill and part time work to fully fund my BA degree. The VA under Jimmy Carter was a mess as bad as it is today.
    In Switzerland all men and women are required and serve from 18- 20.
    They are also required to keep their weapons ready when complete. A good reason Switzerland not invaded by any. The Alps surround and the whole nation has been hollowed out under all the homes and the mountains.Bristling with advanced weaponry. Their air force trains at a neighboring country.
    The lie that all must attend college is only to allow the colleges an endless supply of federal funds. In my time college was paid for by work, Pell grants and/ or the GI Bill. When the feds moved in the seeds of its own destruction were laid!
    As I see the left and its allies in the right I am reminded of how my unstable mentally ill and addicted client's talked. A scientific fact that the mental break or onset of addiction freezes the person's emotional growth due to the damage to the brain. Only when a real recovery starts does the person starts growing up
    Apparently Marxism, CRT and it's variants have the same affect. Lifelong brain freeze. How dangerous and sad as recovery only starts when one admits their need for help. I have also seen it in many church circles

  • larry rippere

    07/24/2021 11:08 PM

    Philadelphia's Electric Buses.... We join the flat-earthers!
    Look up "San Mateo County hydrogen shuttle bus" or similar. Somewhere around 2006 that county requisitioned with great pomp and ceremony a 22-seat hydrogen-fueled shuttle. Only they had to remove all but 6 seats to accommodate the enormous size of the fuel tank. Shuttle put into service. Subsequent annals seem to disappear. The link will take you to a number of dated entries either celebrating or "exploring the possibilities" for hydrogen-fueled buses. I live here but don't know if any of these seriously got off the ground. I haven't seen them.
    Your staff might get a kick out of digging in to this quaint bit of woke science at work.

  • Jeff bell

    07/24/2021 10:58 PM

    What about Senate vote in GA? The Republicans won but we're cheated out of win. Is this ever checked?

  • Martin J Wilson

    07/24/2021 10:22 PM

    With all due respect, I must disagree with your stance re: the Senate Armed Services Committee approving language in the NDAA that would require women to register for the draft.
    I maintain that when Obama did away with the combat zone exclusion and allowed women to serve in combat arms units and attend the Army Ranger School and BUDS in the interest of equality, then women should register for the draft. I realize my position conflicts with yours and that of the Center for Military Readiness; however, if women believe it is important enough to serve in these units and go to certain schools and courses to "level the playing field" thus enabling them to be promoted to higher ranks (in their estimation), then it needs to be an all or none proposition in my book.
    Women cannot reap the benefits of serving where they want to and attend schools and courses they want to without paying the full price that men pay by registering for the draft.

  • Ray Cowden Witter

    07/24/2021 10:18 PM

    This Presidency is both ignorant and arrogant. Their policies and directives are akin to trying to turn a Democracy into a Communist State.
    arm Regards,

  • Dee Hay

    07/24/2021 10:05 PM

    Why don't we just go ahead and put a big Red Star with a hammer and sickle over the Golden Gate bridge and the Statue of Liberty!

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