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Trip of a Lifetime

Another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

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No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

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January 2, 2023

Happy New Year!  I can’t speak for you, but I’m glad we’re moving out of 2022.  Highest inflation in over 40 years, fuel prices double from when Donald Trump was President, interest rates climbing, a border that is easier to get through than a wet paper towel, and a lazy and irresponsible media that lies to you every day and pretends they are telling you the truth.

But one thing that has been a wonderful part of 2022 is that my wife and I started the year with 2 wonderful new puppies.  We actually got them the week between Christmas and New Year’s. 

Gumbo is a Cavalier King Charles/Bichon mix and Bandit is a Shi-Tzu/Bichon mix.  They aren’t blood brothers, but don’t tell them that.  They are virtually inseparable. The love to wrestle, chase each other, and sometimes make big messes.  But these boys have brought a lot of joy to our lives in a year that otherwise would have been at times rather depressing.

I often say “I wouldn’t live in a world without dogs,” and I really mean it.  During the past year, these 2 guys have taken more of my time than I had, caused me to do a lot of cleaning up behind them, replacing things they chewed up, and trying to figure out what they’re barking at.   But through it all, they have given a level of loyalty I sure never experienced in politics, and a steadfast love that is a true taste of God’s unfailing love for us. 

You may wonder why I’d start my 2023 newsletter talking about my dogs.  And the honest answer is, “Because I could!” 

But there’s method to the madness.  I’m convinced that dogs bring people together.  It’s hard to frown when looking into the eyes of a puppy.  It’s hard to think about harsh divisions in our nation and world when holding a puppy in your lap. So I just think a lot of our problems would be solved if people got a dog.  Maybe Democrats and Republicans would still disagree, but not be hateful about it.  And dogs can teach us a lot about being patient as well as grateful for even the smallest thing, like a tiny treat. 

I don’t mean to imply that all of 2022 has been unpleasant.  Our daughter got elected Governor of Arkansas and will sit in the old seat I sat in.  She will be sworn in in less than 2 weeks and start her own journey of leading our state.  We’re proud of all three of our children, but they have their own lives and careers.  We do as much baby-sitting of our 7 grandchildren as we are allowed, but when they aren’t there, having the dogs fills the house with activity, love, and of course noise.  Lots of noise.

Some of our friends thought we were crazy to get two dogs at the same time, but it just doubled our delight to watch them grow, play, and show us their unconditional love.  So, we’re starting 2023 with hope and anticipation and year-old puppies that got us through this past year.  From Janet and me and Gumbo and Bandit, Happy New Year, and may God give you a great year, and maybe a puppy of your own!

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Comments 11-20 of 60


    01/03/2023 02:29 PM

    Send us a picture of your dogs in your newsletter. They sound like really cute mixes.

  • Jane Brasovan

    01/03/2023 01:32 PM

    How about some pictures of those puppies please???

  • Carolyn Gourley

    01/03/2023 01:21 PM

    Loved the story of your pups and of course very happy for Sarah!
    Thank you for giving us the scoop on so many things but quite frankly, I am beginning to wonder if anything BUT GOD can save our country. Looks like it's going to hell in a hand basket. It doesn't keep me from praying, but it's becoming extremely difficult to do so with any belief that it helps.

  • Robin Lightner

    01/03/2023 12:46 PM

    You are so right about dogs. I have a chihuahua I resecued and she's the most important part of my life. Love my children and grands but they all have their own life and I have to let them live it. Just hop and it looks like I did gie them my beliefs "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." That's the way I live my life. Keep up the good work. Robin Lightner

  • Jeanne M Lundgren

    01/03/2023 12:04 PM

    I already had 3 dogs: A Greyhound/ Catahoula mix, a wire haired Jack Russell, a Llhaso Apso who is 15.
    I saw an appeal for homes for 7 puppies and opened my door to a beautiful 1/2 Lab 1/4 GS, 1/4 Pittbull. At 7 mos, she is 48 pounds! I grew up around animals from my paternal grandparents farm to my mothers parrots and our own dogs. They can teach us so much if we would but take the time to open our own hearts and listen to theirs.

  • Samantha Lewis

    01/03/2023 11:25 AM

    Thanks for all your hard work on informing us about the truth. I agree about having pets. I lost my 17 year old pomeranian last Christmas. But I have 4 wonderful cats that keep this 75 year old woman laughing and amazed daily, love comes in interesting ways. Keep up the good work

  • Barbara Latunski

    01/03/2023 02:11 AM

    I have a Bichon mix and absolutely love her. She is a pound puppy and boss's around my 2 other pound puppies. Your right the world is better with dogs. Please show us a couple of pictures in your newsletter of them.

  • Bill Balough

    01/02/2023 10:51 PM

    Pictures of Gumbo & Bandit?

  • Janet Shilling

    01/02/2023 09:00 PM

    I love this and agree wholeheartedly! On January 1, 2022, I had to put my faithful dog of almost 17 years down. I was sad, but not nearly as sad as our 3 year old Corgi. He was devastated. After 1 week watching him mope around, we decided to get him a puppy. 5 weeks later, Lacey, a Golden Retriever puppy, came to live with us. The Corgi Ollie loves her at least as much as we do. He was so happy when he realized that she was here to stay. I love walking the dogs every morning before work. The sunrise, the goodness of God, the happy dogs, it all combones to make this life so rich and full!

  • Christine Henning

    01/02/2023 08:25 PM

    Dear Mr. and Mrs. Huckabee:
    Happy New Year to both of you and your family! I have followed you for so many years and appreciate your ministry. I also follow your daughter and appreciate her courage to face this hateful world!
    I am a 79 year old Christian woman, widow, Mother and Grandmother. I'm also a 'Preacher's Kid'! So, I'm sure you understand my background. In the middle of my interesting life, I worked for a celebrity (OW) for twelve years. Very challenging, interesting, enlightening and eye opening! Wasn't easy as a Christian but was a enlightening time of my life. It also is a reminder that Christian's need to pray for OW and the influence she has. I have always been disappointed of her allegiance to the 'NEW AGE MOVEMENT'! There has to be more ministry of the downside of this movement. Looking forward to watching and listening to you in the future. Christine Henning, Oviedo, FL
    Just wanted to assure you that you and your family are appreciated from many of us who need and depend on your ministry. You are DOWN-TO-EARTH, loving, kind, etc.! THANK YOU so much!

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