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No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

January 22, 2021

Thursday, we brought you the latest on the left’s “war on domestic terrorism,” an attempt to control the 75 million Americans who supported Trump. Former CIA Director John Brennan had spoken out against an “unholy alliance” of various groups, including such frightful dangers to America as libertarians and “religious extremists,” which were not defined.

The stretching of the term “domestic terrorist” to include Trump supporters is particularly ironic considering that some ACTUAL state sponsors of terrorism, in between their chants of “Death to America,” are celebrating Biden’s inauguration.

But no, leftists say it’s Trump supporters our nation should worry about. We’ve reported on a letter circulating in the publishing industry rejecting book deals for “traitors” --- meaning anyone ever affiliated with the Trump administration. FOX NEWS said on Thursday that 547 publishing professionals have now signed the letter, which says, “No participant in an administration that caged children, performed involuntary surgeries on captive women, and scoffed at science as millions were infected with a deadly virus should be enriched by the almost rote largesse of a big book deal. And no one who incited, suborned, instigated, or otherwise supported the January 6, 2021, coup attempt should have their philosophies remunerated and disseminated through our beloved publishing houses.”


Astonishingly, they even invoked so-called “Son Of Sam” laws to equate former Trump administration officials with convicted felons who aren't allowed to profit from book deals after being incarcerated.

By the way, we’re still scratching our heads over the reference to performing “involuntary surgeries on captive women.” For when you have time (it’s very long), here’s an absolutely stellar rebuttal of the letter by Israel-based journalist Ruthie Blum.

Full disclosure: In case you’ve spent the past few years on the planet Mars, my daughter Sarah worked in the Trump administration as press secretary and faced accusations of lying virtually every day, simply for relaying facts and opinions at odds with those of the leftist media.

Thursday on FOX NEWS, legal expert Jonathan Turley called this censorship on the part of publishers “chilling” and “insidious.” He said colleagues have written him to express their fear of speaking out, lest they lose their professorships.

“And that’s exactly the point,” Turley observed. Those in media and education will use that fear to shut down dissenting speech.

He called this "the most anti-free speech period since the Red Scare," saying "the difference is that that period was largely brought about from the right, and universities and media helped resist that effort. This is coming from the left, and they’re much better at it...This anti-free speech movement really is focusing on private companies, and creating a type of ‘digitized mob’ that sets upon anyone that says anything off the narrative.

"And so, what we’re really seeing is something that is so stifling and so dangerous. There was a time when this sort of letter would have had a hue and cry arise from the free speech community. But the silence is perfectly deafening.”

We’ve quoted from a similarly dogmatic FORBES op-ed that said, “Let it be known to the business world: Hire any of Trump’s fellow fabulists [listed] above, and FORBES will assume that everything your company or firm talks about is a lie....”

Turley said that “people of good faith have got to join together. This is not about Trump; it’s about us, and it’s about free speech. And we have to say no to blacklists and yes to a free speech system.”

On Wednesday (inauguration day), THE EPOCH TIMES posted an excellent analysis by Peter Svab entitled “Ideological Alignment Pushing America Towards Totalitarianism, Experts Warn.” It’s offered on their premium subscription, but I think they’ll let you read it on a one-time basis. If not, a premium subscription would be well worth your while.

Caution: this will chill you to your marrow, as it talks forebodingly about the alignment of the most influential forces in our culture. “The formation of a totalitarian state is just about complete in America,” it says, “as the most powerful public and private sector actors unite behind the idea that actions to stamp out dissent can be justified...”

It sounds like a monstrous conspiracy theory to say that elected officials, government bureaucrats, large corporations, academia, think tanks, nonprofits, the mainstream media and new grassroots movements are working together to this end. Most Americans have been caught off guard or still don’t realize it's gone this far.

But Michael Rechtenwald, a retired liberal arts professor (does it seem that most of those speaking out happen to be retired?) at New York University, doesn’t see it resulting from some big conspiracy --- just “ideological realignment and some informal coordination.” The power is “not yet absolute,” he believes, but the effects are being seen throughout society. “Some figures of power and influence are sketching the next step,” he told THE EPOCH TIMES, “labeling large segments of society as ‘extremists’ and potential terrorists who need to be ‘deprogrammed.’”

Indeed, that's just the way John Brennan was talking. And who are the 'extremists'? Why, Trump supporters, of course. And the feds don’t even have to silence them, as Big Tech in the form of Facebook and Google are eager to do their dirty work for them.

As Peter Svab has previously pointed out, the so-called “fact”-checkers at Facebook are dominated by left-leaning organizations. Here’s how the certification process works.

He asks the question, “Who fact-checks the fact-checkers?” Well, in this newsletter, WE often do, and we’d put the objectivity of our two-person research staff up against that of all the "certified" members of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN).

Svab quotes Richard Shorten in “Modernism and Totalitarianism: Rethinking the Intellectual Sources of Nazism and Stalinism, 1945 to the Present”: The element “that holds totalitarianism together as a composite of intellectual elements” is the ambition of fundamentally reimagining society –- “the intention to create a New Man.” This is why then-candidate Obama’s comment in 2008 that we were “five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America” was so disturbing to some of us even at that time.

Democrats hardly mention “compromise” any longer and now demand one-party rule. Former FBI Director James Comey recently said the Republican Party needs to be “burned down or changed.”

So, how do we fight back? First, we must remember that we as individuals have unalienable, natural, sacred rights, given to us by GOD. Even someone whose belief in God is shaky or nonexistent should consider the rights themselves to be sacred and precious.

The short answer to how we stop this: Leftists can’t fulfill their dream of being dictators if HALF THE COUNTRY refuses to allow it.


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  • Myra Talley

    01/23/2021 09:54 AM

    We are NOT terrorist! A communist plot to silence Trump supporters

  • diana weiss

    01/23/2021 08:20 AM

    How does it feel? The same way it feels to be called a white Supremist, homophobic, misogynistic, now a terrorist,.

  • Toni Yates

    01/23/2021 06:58 AM

    Me supporting president Trump makes me a patriot. The left calling us terrorists is them calling the kettle black. Don't throw rocks at glass houses.

  • Maxine Guillory

    01/23/2021 06:23 AM

    Thank God for you Mike, we need your voice.... I love American as , it once was.....

  • Scott Mowry

    01/23/2021 04:46 AM

    I've been called a domestic terrorist since Odumbo said "Veterans and gun owners were possible terrorists" during his regime.
    Harry Reid was kind enough to refer to me as a "Domestic Tourist".

  • Shelley chadwick

    01/23/2021 04:36 AM

    Keep spreading truth and encouragement! We’re all gonna need it these next few years!

  • Donald Levy

    01/23/2021 02:53 AM

    Governor, while I completely agree with you that this censorship is enough to send chills down one's spine, I think the only way to break the back of censorship and the 'cancel culture' is for conservatives to, themselves, boycott the tech and media moguls who are trying to shut us down. Of course, that's already happening. Fox News' ratings are way down since the election, as they should be since they have clearly abandoned their 'Fair and Balanced' policy, and the 'mainstream media' has already been suffering under reduced ratings and readership in recent years. We don't need to rely on them; thanks to technology, there are now many alternatives. And, while big tech giants Facebook, Google, Amazon and the like seem intent on controlling what information people can see, conservatives are finally offering alternative platforms. Google and Apple want to keep Parler off people's phones? Then, they can go to web-based - with hosting companies that are not going to cancel them - and can send out whatever Parler's equivalent of a 'tweet' is called via e-mail instead of relying on an app. There's always a way around. And, what would happen if upwards of 75 million Americans, not to mention likeminded anti-censorship people all over the world, abandoned the dominant platforms for alternatives? the former would quickly experience what Dr. Steve Turley calls the "Get Woke, Go Broke" syndrome. Likewise, book publishing. I'm sorry if public figures on the right cannot share in the bounty of big book advances, but why not abandon the left-leaning publishers altogether and embrace 'samizdat' publishing, made practical by existing and emerging technologies. (And also, stop buying and reading books by left-wing figures, which will probably kill the whole practice of book advances for the famous which has made idiots like John Brennan rich.) In short, I think we have been erring by our incessant carping on the bias in the tech/media world. Yes, I'd like to see legislation removing laws protecting them, but now that the Democrats are in control, don't hold your breath. On the other hand, if we cancelled THEM, and we now CAN, this cancelling and censorship on their part would have immediate, and lasting consequences for them and would break their oligopolies that allow them to control the information that people can see.

  • Jolynn espinoza

    01/23/2021 02:17 AM

    Thank you for all that you are doing to inform America of the deception from the left. I have a question. I have lost all faith in the Republican party. Every time they need to stand together they don't. Many side with the Democrats. They allowed Biden to win by not standing in defense of President Trump and using their united power to demand an investigation into election fraud. They refused to do it. Question: How can we ever win another election when the Dems control the ballot box? I feel we have lost our vote. What difference does it make from here on?

  • Mary Britton

    01/23/2021 02:09 AM

    I would agree that Ruthie’s rebuttal letter was absolutely stellar if she had not written that , sure, it was fine to hold Trump responsible for Jan. 6th. Since when is it a crime for the President to give a speech telling people to stand up for their rights peacefully? If it were, numerous Presidents would have been hauled off to jail since the founding of this country. But I would also like to ask if you have a list of publishers and writers that signed the other ignorant letter? If so, could you please post it? I feel that one of the ways to fight this utter hypocrisy is to boycott these tyrants. Thank you for keeping true Americans informed!

  • veronica da costa

    01/23/2021 01:07 AM

    I’m not a person that speaks out and I condemn violence in any form but I’m so bothered by the ridiculousness of it all . How is it that you can steal an election, do treasonous acts, allow China to use biological weapon (COVID) and make false allegations about others and the politicians and others are all getting away with it? Voting is tainted, no one in Washington is doing anything about it ( except marjorie green but she don’t have any backing .it’s all for show) people are loosing jobs or a third of their paycheck goes to the government and common everyday people have no recourse. It’s sad because we all know that this illegitimate president is not who “we the people “voted for. I can’t understand that the courts couldn’t see the fraud in this election when there is video , sworn testimony and witnesses, and documented proof. He gets sworn in anyway. I couldn’t believe my eyes !!!Why aren’t charges being brought up on these politicians?It’s funny how they all can get away with what they want. Say and do what they feel. Taking away all our rights- speech ( block people from Twitter/ Facebook) freedom( shut in -COVID), the list goes on. it’s unbelievable that this all can happen in our beautiful America against the bill of rights and constitution. The world is looking at us like we are a bunch of idiots. Everyone I speak too feels the same way. they feel a civil war is heading our way on American soil and we should be prepared. I should hope not. But I know People feel hopeless since there is no one to speak for “we the people.” America is not America any more. It amazes me ,The politicians feel the patriotic people are domestic terrorist- What a joke!!! The domestic extremist are in Washington on federal land and can do whatever they want to do. The world must view us as a laughing stock. There’s no justice in America. Only hate, treason, Tyranny and eventually communism in Washington DC. The patriots aren’t the problem the people in the government is the big issue. They need to do their jobs for “we the people “ or get out of office.

  • Beverly Walker

    01/23/2021 12:23 AM

    The bible said "Woe to them that call good evil, & evil good." May God have mercy. Judgement is coming....

  • Johnny Embry

    01/22/2021 10:51 PM

    Since the Communist Regime of Biden has come into power,this label is a complement.

  • Tammy

    01/22/2021 10:48 PM

    I’m new to your email list but find them very thought provoking and very distressing. I agree with what you are saying is happening in our country when I look around. You said the left can’t solidify their totalitarian agenda if we don’t let them. Will you please give a few specific ideas of how stopping this trend is possible...(we’ve been calling stores/canceling credit cards and businesses who have been targeting conservative people who have supported Trump...what else?
    I am getting together with a growing group of Patriots who are Christians and want to help stop this direction. Please give some specific ideas what we can do. Thank you and God bless you!

  • Sandra Sanchez

    01/22/2021 10:13 PM

    This is outrageous when the radical left politicians have encouraged the rioting, violence, destruction, and looting for months against Americans that they took an oath to serve and protect in the cities they are representing. I can't believe the now VP of this country actually helped bail these criminals out after committing crimes such as murder, assault on law enforcement, arson, and the list goes on, that is an impeachable offence!

  • Sarah Menne

    01/22/2021 09:40 PM

    We are living in perilous times. We survived Obama for 8 years. While this Admin is worse, we can survive it too. I'm deeply grieving for my country and must daily remind myself that GOD is SOVEREIGN. HE has a Master Plan and a purpose which we cannot fathom or understand at the moment. In the meantime, we are called to trust, honor and serve HIM. We are also admonished to praise and thank HIM in ALL things daily. I may be praising and thanking HIM even while tears are falling, but I choose to honor HIS Words and to trust Him to protect His children.

  • Nathalie Queen

    01/22/2021 09:18 PM

    Tired of being a target by those that are suppose to represent Americans. The ruling class is completely out of control. Our system is corrupt. The media is nothing more than tabloid news. Truth is gone. Evil is considered good and good is considered evil. Conservative Americans now live in the shadows. Voiceless, demonized and targeted., republicans and democrats work together as one big corrupt swamp creature. Our presidents are selected not elected. Big money is funneled into organizations that pay operatives to get out the vote. That alone opens the door to fraud. The president of the United banned and impeached for a fraction of what the left has done for 4 years. There’s no media checks on corruption. I could go on and on. Our country is lost to the left.

  • Janis Olsen

    01/22/2021 09:15 PM

    I just cannot read or follow any news shows anymore without wanting to just go to sleep and not wake up. Mr Huckabee, I even find it hard to read your reports, even though I know it is the truth coming from you. This world we are coming to is just too much for me to handle

  • Joyce Kanlan

    01/22/2021 08:23 PM

    “Half the country refuses to allow it”. Interesting, but what will we do? Unify, coordinate & develop a committed patriot group to replace Rino’s? We cannot roll over, hands up, give up our safety&security against foreign&domestic, law&order God&Country for democrat dictatorship! We cannot give away our life, liberty&the pursuit of happiness for democrats dictatorship.

  • Amanda Davis

    01/22/2021 08:05 PM

    What is astounding is there is no mention of Antifa or BLM even with their vandalism this week.

  • Donna Guido

    01/22/2021 07:46 PM

    I'm not too happy being called a domestic terrorist considering my son is in the military, has been many years, and my nephew in the National Guard, has been a helicopter pilot many years, was one killed in the helicopter crash in NY on January 20th. And the National Guard in DC has been treated terribly. Domestic terrorist! Never!! They should look in their own back yard to quote my 97 year old aunt!!

  • Nona Lowery

    01/22/2021 07:45 PM

    Thank you for speaking about one of the most important issues of our lives. FREEDOM from tyranny. We are now seeing the Left’s political operation to wipe out any bit of freedom we have so enjoyed in our lives. The top most important issue of our lives is the belief in our supreme authority, GOD. I pray you continue to give us your morning and evening newsletter, and a Bible Verse each day. You indeed are a great God fearing Patriot.

  • Jeffrey F McDowell

    01/22/2021 07:09 PM

    Governor Huckabee, Sir, the only true domestic terrorist in the U.S.A. sits in the august chair of "Speaker of the House of Representatives!" That unprincipled person is Nancy "The Mouth" Pelosi.
    She and some of the other members of both chambers are by far the most dangerous group to come down in the last 100 years! By far they exceed the danger of the COVID-19 VIRUS!!!

  • John Bennett

    01/22/2021 07:01 PM

    Not many words,let's just do everything we can to stand up to this.MAGA 2022 and 2024

  • Patrick Edward ODonnell

    01/22/2021 06:51 PM

    This is about totalitarian dictatorial governance. I'm not sensationalizing. This is as real as the nose on your face. America better wake up. We have been infiltrated at every level of government. And the brainwashing techniques of the MSM has assisted the ushering in of this regime. Let me be clear. When they've successfully silenced the conservative voice. They will be coming for everyone else. Make no mistake about it. We're all next.

  • Suzanne Ryan

    01/22/2021 06:47 PM

    I wanted to forward this newsletter so my friends could subscribe, BUT there is no way to forward your newsletter.

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