Today's News Stories

January 5, 2022


Good morning! Here are some stories I think you will want to read.

  • Morning News Briefs
  • Top News: Thoughts on the eve of the January 6 anniversary
  • Prayer Tree
  • And Much More


This verse was recommended by Ken C.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17

 Please send [email protected] a Bible Verse recommendation if you have one for the newsletter.


2. Trump press conference is scheduled:

Former President Trump decided that his press conference planned for tomorrow would just give fuel to the Democrats’ orgy of January 6th political porn, so he denied them the chance and canceled it. He said he’ll talk about election fraud in his rally on January 15th instead.

3. The real motivation for Democrats:

John Sexton at the Hot Air blog makes the very good point that the real motivation behind the Democrats’ feverish attempts to inflate the importance of the anniversary of January 6th is that they’re desperate to distract from the upcoming, far more important anniversary of January 20th.

That will mark one year since Joe Biden became President. And they really don’t want people focusing on that anniversary and talking about all the disasters that have happened since (this would be a good time to remind you that there are STILL Americans and Americans allies trapped in Afghanistan at the mercy of the Taliban.)

4. A new sign of rampaging inflation:

"Biden-Biden!" In yet another sign of rampaging inflation, Little Caesar’s announced that for the first time in 25 years, it’s raising the price of its $5 pizza, to $5.55.

5. Another day, another record high:

Another day, another record high disapproval rating for President Biden in another poll, this time from CNBC.

But for Democrats looking at the November elections, it's this poll’s details that contain a piece of news that’s sparking panic. It’s no surprise that it shows widespread disapproval of Biden’s handling of the economy (60%) and inflation (72%.) But it also found that 55% now disapprove of how he’s handling the COVID pandemic. Last April, he enjoyed 62% approval on that issue. It was the only issue where he wasn’t underwater, and the Democrats saw it as their one firewall against electoral disaster. Now, their firewall is on fire.

6. Fighting over the filibuster:

Yesterday, I told you that Senate “Majority” Leader Chuck Schumer was acting like a spoiled child in talking about doing away with the filibuster to cram through the Democrats’ unpopular agenda with no regard for how it would come back to bite them when they became the minority, which will likely be sooner rather than later. And I mentioned that for all of Schumer's attacks and pressure on Joe Manchin, Manchin was acting like the only adult in the room, the parent who says, “No” to the kid who’s throwing a tantrum in Walmart because he wants a candy bar.

RELATED READING: Adults are now in charge

Well, Manchin himself just made that same point clear to Chucky: No candy bar for you! Now, go to your room and think about what you’ve done to America.

In a subscriber-only story, the Epoch Times reports that not only are Manchin and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema opposed to ending the filibuster, but a senior Republican congressional source told them that a couple of other Democrats would also vote against it if forced to. So why would Schumer push an idea that’s doomed to fail, other than desperation?

Maybe to appease radical groups that provide so much dark money to Democrats. The Epoch Times quotes Hayden Ludwig of the Capitol Research Center as saying that an alleged grassroots group innocuously called “Fix Our Senate” that’s leading a coalition of 70 liberal activist groups in pushing for an end to the filibuster is “actually a front for the Sixteen Thirty Fund, itself part of a $1.7 billion left-wing ‘dark-money pop-up’ empire run by the shadowy consulting firm Arabella Advisors. We call these fronts ‘pop-ups’ because they’re websites which pop into existence, run attack campaigns, and disappear in an instant and almost never reveal their connection to Arabella or its nonprofits.”

If you’d like to know more about Arabella, here’s a link to some info about them and one of their chief fund providers. Nice people, certainly the kind of folks we’d want to see influencing how our government is run. (Note to liberals reading this: that’s called “sarcasm.”)

7. TOP NEWS: Thoughts on the eve of the January 6 anniversary

As this is being written, I’m hearing that Attorney General Merrick Garland is planning to give “remarks on holding Capitol rioters accountable.” Perhaps by the time you read this, you’ll already have been subjected to it. Get ready for a surreal couple of days during which the Capitol Hill breach will be presented as “one of the darkest days of our democracy” (quoting Colorado Rep. Jason Crow) and worse than the Civil War, Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Combined.

This just might be the most outrageous political theatre we’ve ever seen. One thing that won’t be happening: the unveiling of a monument to the event that was to be created by the Architect of the Capitol (not kidding) through legislation co-sponsored by Crow and Pennsylvania Rep. Susan Wild, to ensure the integrity of American democracy and counter “violent, anti-democratic rhetoric.” For some reason, the bill got stalled in May, so Democrats were unable to save the Union from the threat of future insurrection.

But it’s 2022, when Democrats have this travesty on the drawing board while calling for the removal of monuments to Thomas Jefferson.

The big theme for this anniversary will be the word “anti-democracy.” How ironic that a riot sparked by evidence suggestive of election fraud that the Supreme Court called “moot” is being painted now as anti-democratic. It was tragic and ill-advised, but it was PRO-democratic. You know what’s anti-democratic? Election fraud, and all steps taken to make it easier and less detectable.

Adding to the irony is Democrats’ use of the event to push even harder for “election reform,” which to them means the unconstitutional federalization of elections, with the rules they choose. Anyone who thinks the way to have honest elections is to put Democrats in charge of them should perhaps seek professional psychiatric help.

But Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is adamant about ending the filibuster rule so he can barely pass what we like to call the “Voter Fraud Legalization Act.” This is the opposite of the reaction we should be having to claims of voter fraud.

The most idiotic fear tactic of all was used by by resident congressional idiot Rep. Eric Swalwell, who tweeted that “if we don’t get this right” (win in 2022), “it could be the last election.”

What they’re doing isn’t about democracy, but about electing Democrats and keeping Trump out. Liz Cheney admitted as much on CBS’s Face The Nation when she said, “I can tell you that the single most important to ensure that Donald Trump is not the Republican nominee and that he certainly is not anywhere close to the Oval Office ever again.” Democracy indeed.

Brit Hume appeared Tuesday with Lawrence Jones on FOX News Primetime to talk about the general hubbub and truth-stretching going on now, including that surrounding Jan. 6. “We are not living in normal times,” he said. “What we need is for people to calm down. The bitter divisions that we see in this country are exacerbated by this tendency to exaggerate, and to do so grossly.”

I take some exception, though, with the way an unusually taciturn Hume seemed to blame President Trump for what happened that day, I assume for daring to challenge the results. “It was a cockamamie scheme by Trump that was bound to fail and did.” Perhaps I don’t understand Hume correctly; by “cockamamie scheme,” does he mean having a constitutional protest rally? Is he saying Trump was being anti-democratic? Trump was up the night of November 3 with the rest of us and saw what we all did that made him honestly suspect the vote in key counties was fraudulent. The courts had refused to take it up. He had called for a peaceful protest that was PRO-democracy. And we certainly can’t blame him for the riot; in fact, we’re finding out more and more about other forces at play that day.

Moving on...Since we’re marking a year since the riot, this is also the ideal time to note that a group of Americans have been denied bail and held many months without trial, when not one of them has been charged with insurrection. And the conditions they’ve endured have been been, pardon the expression, deplorable. Some reportedly have been denied critical medical care, as in this case of a man very ill with celiac disease who is not receiving the closely monitored gluten-free diet he needs. The following account sheds light on why these Trump supporters have been treated so callously; read what jail superintendent Ted Hull had to say to the man’s attorney in an email obtained by The Epoch Times. It could hardly be more snide and unprofessional.

Fourteen House Republicans have sent a letter to Washington DC mayor Muriel Bowser demanding that Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin, who oversees the detention of the Jan. 6 defendants, be fired. Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Louie Gohmert recently visited them and found that they were “being treated categorically different from the remainder of the prison population.”

After reading some of Landerkin’s politically unhinged anti-Trump tweets, it’s easy to see why these detainees would be treated with such open disregard and even hatred. One example: in a post a few days before the rally, she said, “Re-tweet if you you want [Nancy Pelosi] to punish the 140 House Republican traitors who are trying to overturn the election by refusing to seat them in Congress.”

So, this is the woman overseeing treatment of the detainees. In a must-read story, here’s more about the conditions as seen during a surprise inspection in November. Judge Royce Lamberth was scathing in his assessment and did get one man released so he could receive medical care for his broken hand and...(yes) cancer. “I don’t know if this [neglect] is because he is a January 6 defendant or not,” he said, but I think we can guess.

Finally, let’s go back to what started it all, the claims of election fraud. A VIP story in PJ Media --- I’ll link for those who are signed up --- reviews the problems with the election that resulted from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s funding of the Center for Tech and Civic Life. We’ve covered that in detail, and have also recommended Mollie Hemingway’s coverage in her book RIGGED.

The article says that according to Rasmussen, 70 percent of those polled said that the hundreds of millions spent by Zuckerberg to influence the election was bad for democracy. And guess what? --- 59 percent thought it’s likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential race, including 41 percent of Democrats and 58 percent of unaffiliated voters. Personally, I’d like to hear more about THAT on January 6.

Thankfully, most people are too smart to think of the riot as an actual “insurrection” or of Republicans as anti-democratic. In fact, there’s data to show the Republican Party is better set today than it was before last January 6. And that, perhaps more than anything, is why we’re seeing so much hysteria now.


Images of America's cities, landscapes and people. 

9. Prayer Tree:

We are stronger together.  

Our hope is that our newsletter readers and social media followers will consider these prayer requests each day. To submit your own prayer request, go to my website here.


"My son Jay....He is very ill, but no diagnosis yet. Had body scan that showed several spots on his lungs. He has been being attacked, financially, family problems, health. He is tired of living and not doing well mentally. Our powerful healer have mercy on him. Promote angels to surround and healing power of our Lord Jesus."

"Prayer request for my wife and I, Covid has made its way into our home. We are both vaccinated and waiting on the booster, my mother-in-law, 2 brothers in law and their families all have been visited by Covid, mom is waiting on infusion once it’s available in our area, we are rural and always get things last."

"Please pray for my neighbor "V" who is ill and fighting hard with so much to live for. Thank you."

"Please pray for my 2 sons - 20 & 22 who are being forced by their ROTC program to get the COVID vaccine in order to continue to serve and follow their dreams. Pray this vaccine does not cause any adverse reactions in their bodies - they have already had COVID and have antibodies and should not be forced to vax."

"Please pray for my brother Roger and his wife who have COVID. He’s hospitalized with COVID pneumonia. Pray they make complete recovery from this. Thank you"

"Please prayer for parents of youngsters to focus on them and not all of the other distractions that life offers these days. Please pray for an alcoholic nephew who just re-entered rehab. Guide him to success this time."


Today's hymn is recommended by Michele R.


1 On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross,

the emblem of suffering and shame;

and I love that old cross where the dearest and best

for a world of lost sinners was slain.



So I'll cherish the old rugged cross,

till my trophies at last I lay down;

I will cling to the old rugged cross,

and exchange it some day for a crown.


2 O that old rugged cross, so despised by the world,

has a wondrous attraction for me;

for the dear Lamb of God left his glory above

to bear it to dark Calvary. [Refrain]


If you have a favorite hymn you want to see in our newsletter, please email [email protected].

11. I Just Wanted To Say:

Thank you for reading today's newsletter.


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Comments 11-20 of 21

  • Chelsea R. Martin

    01/05/2022 03:07 PM

    "Fourteen House Republicans have sent a letter to Washington DC mayor Muriel Bowser demanding that Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin, who oversees the detention of the Jan. 6 defendants, be fired."

    Oooh...Scary! Fourteen Republicans (out of how many in office, exactly?) decided to WRITE A LETTER. I'm sure these brave defenders of the Republic will triumph over the Castro/Soviet/CCP style imprisonment of men who ostensibly ought to have been guaranteed the right to a fair and speedy trial. I'm sure the Marxist Left and their Globalist Big Tech allies are just quaking in their boots, planning swiftly to reform their destructive and power-hungry ways in the face of such unified and concerted action to protect the Constitutional Rights of American citizens. Maybe, when "The GOP wins big in 2022," there can even be a...GASP!!!!...Investigation Committee. Which after spending three years and millions of tax payer dollars no doubt will result in another "stern letter of reprimand" being sent to the involved parties, before it's all swept under the DC swamp-rug and the Americas Uniparty Elite return to their corruption-as-usual while "we the people" get shafted.

    Forgive my sarcasm, but these are the people that we are supposed to rely on to prevent America from becoming a pale imitation of Mao's CCP? A legion of spineless, creepingly servile "conservatives" who not only spent the last 30-40 years dropping the ball and failing to "conserve" anything, but who have been actively scoring for the other team since before I was born? I'm sorry, but "well they're better than the Democrats" isn't good enough for me anymore. Because the truth is 99.9% of the GOP are absolutely no better than the Democrats - it's just a choice between a fast decline of a slow saunter into socialism. We need a new party, and we need a national divorce from the Beltway/DC Elite lunatics who think that they're entitled to rule over all of us as Lesser Gods on Earth. I've had enough of being a subject rather than a citizen, thank you.

  • Anne Turner

    01/05/2022 02:52 PM

    Have the people of NYC lost their minds completely? The people who will suffer most are the poorest in projects. The crime will exponentially rise beyond any limits.

    If January sixth was an insurrection, then we are safe from insurrection. Eventually the January sixth prisoners will get out and if I were them I would sue the living daylights out of the DC government. Where is the ACLU? Has the government no idea of how to define insurrection? Have they no sense of proportion?

    Waste, fraud, abuse, and stupidity define our Federal Government and most of our major cities.

    Let’s not get too complacent. Yes, the GOP should win , but in order to overcome the obvious amount of fraud that will be going on, the GOP and Independents, plus those who have come to their senses must come out to vote in droves. The result if the DNC wins the House again is perhaps one of the most consequentially terrible things for this country ever. It will mean one party RULE forever.

  • jack macdonald

    01/05/2022 02:35 PM

    Our grand experiment in Republicanism was destined to fail. Our founders assumed that honorable people would run our govt. elected by people who had to discern which candidates were lying scoundrels with little or no morals. They assumed the media would vet these people and alert the folks if there were glaring faults in a person. We have reached the expiration date for most reigns or empires. We now have extreme corruption at the highest levels of govt. including the President and his family, agencies such as the IRS, FBI, CIA, Once the electorate which is counted on to make wise decisions become complacent and apathetic the experiment fails. We are there. The only solution may be an actual, excuse the use of the word, Insurrection vs. what the Lefties think is an insurrection. Insurrections usually only take place when the downtrodden have no other recourse. I have voted for people in hopes that they actually cared about my wellbeing. I have tried to reach out to my reps when I needed help and received platitudes instead. This includes my "closer to home" state reps who give lip service only when it comes to issues I bring to them. My local govt. is not functioning much better. This summarized my current assessment of the nation's health.

  • Samuel Baugh

    01/05/2022 02:28 PM

    Stay Healthy in Spirit and Mind. We need to find a method of getting University level and citizens in the 18 to 28 age group to attend lectures or conferences wherein both pro and con of the issues can be presented. My 22 year-old son will not even read or listen to anything on the Epoch times since it is being labeled by the Fact Checkers as FAKE News.

  • Charles Sigars

    01/05/2022 02:25 PM

    Once again (and I will just keep saying it hoping it gets through) we NO NOT live in a Democracy. We live in a Constitutional Republic, not the tyranny of the majority. I am "sick & tired" of the use of "democracy" to describe our form of Government.

    STOP IT!!!!!

  • Judy Radley

    01/05/2022 02:24 PM

    I'm confused about President Trump not having a press conference tomorrow. I understand it, but sadly, isn't it playing right into the Democrats scheme, as they will say that he 'backed down' and gave them another victory? However, no matter what President Trump does, the Democrats will cause an over-exaggerated, temper-tantrum, like what you said, a 2 yr. old in Walmart would do when he doesn't get something he wants. If President Trump did give his press conference tomorrow, of course there will be riots happening, so what is worse, being accused of being a coward and backing down, or the brave, true man that realizes what the Democrats are capable of, and to thwart their attempts to yet again, cause riots to happen, and hurting innocent people. President Trump, as per usual, is right again. It takes courage to face your enemies and not get intimidated. I will look forward to his rally speech on January 15th. Too bad there isn't a way to work without being seen, regarding President Trump and all the good things he has done for America, and will do again, but to somehow get it done without the Democrats getting wind of it and spoiling it again? Maybe transparency isn't all it's cracked up to be, and at times, secrecy is the better way to get the anti-American govt. out of the way, so we can get back our great American country again, under President Trump or another who is just as committed to save America as President Trump has been and still is, like the rest of us. I guess like misdirection happening so that the MSM will focus on something else, like Biden, Biden, Biden, while ignoring President Trump and all the good he is doing, and will do again if re-elected.

  • LaDonna Ryan

    01/05/2022 02:09 PM

    Just a suggestion it might be of your best interest to get the pneumonia shot. Protect yourself from pneumonia which seems to be the killer with the covid or even the flu. Of course it seems the flu just up and disappeared after all these years but protecting your lungs maybe the key to survival. God Bless everyone!

  • Judy Radley

    01/05/2022 02:07 PM

    Here is another favorite song/hymn that has a video with it, but I don't remember where, sung by The Gaiters called, "God of the Mountain is the Same God of the Valley". When I first saw the video, it brought tears to my eyes because it helped me realize that God is always with us, in good/happy times and in bad/sad times. If your researchers can find it, it would be a great link to the great feature you have of the favorite hymns and religious songs in your newsletter. Thank you again for adding that feature. It is heartwarming and special.

  • William Fuhrer

    01/05/2022 01:14 PM

    The only thoughts about Jan.6 was why President Donald Trump supporters did not explode earlier....President Trump was PRO LIFE....was PRO USA.....was PRO MANUFACTURING in United States....was PRO LAW and ORDER was ANTI TERRORISM.....was ANTI MARXIST destroying American Culture and burning of Churches and FBI ignoring rioting and threats on President Donald Trumps life

  • Sharon Faulkner

    01/05/2022 12:37 PM

    One other thing : there was nothing for Republicans to "recover" from after Jan 6th.
    Most Americans I think enjoyed it.
    but after 2 years of Antifa and BLM Insurrection the Blue Reich can't say the same.

Election 2024 Coverage

January 5, 2022


Good morning! Here are some stories I think you will want to read.

  • Morning News Briefs
  • Top News: Thoughts on the eve of the January 6 anniversary
  • Prayer Tree
  • And Much More


This verse was recommended by Ken C.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17

 Please send [email protected] a Bible Verse recommendation if you have one for the newsletter.


2. Trump press conference is scheduled:

Former President Trump decided that his press conference planned for tomorrow would just give fuel to the Democrats’ orgy of January 6th political porn, so he denied them the chance and canceled it. He said he’ll talk about election fraud in his rally on January 15th instead.

3. The real motivation for Democrats:

John Sexton at the Hot Air blog makes the very good point that the real motivation behind the Democrats’ feverish attempts to inflate the importance of the anniversary of January 6th is that they’re desperate to distract from the upcoming, far more important anniversary of January 20th.

That will mark one year since Joe Biden became President. And they really don’t want people focusing on that anniversary and talking about all the disasters that have happened since (this would be a good time to remind you that there are STILL Americans and Americans allies trapped in Afghanistan at the mercy of the Taliban.)

4. A new sign of rampaging inflation:

"Biden-Biden!" In yet another sign of rampaging inflation, Little Caesar’s announced that for the first time in 25 years, it’s raising the price of its $5 pizza, to $5.55.

5. Another day, another record high:

Another day, another record high disapproval rating for President Biden in another poll, this time from CNBC.

But for Democrats looking at the November elections, it's this poll’s details that contain a piece of news that’s sparking panic. It’s no surprise that it shows widespread disapproval of Biden’s handling of the economy (60%) and inflation (72%.) But it also found that 55% now disapprove of how he’s handling the COVID pandemic. Last April, he enjoyed 62% approval on that issue. It was the only issue where he wasn’t underwater, and the Democrats saw it as their one firewall against electoral disaster. Now, their firewall is on fire.

6. Fighting over the filibuster:

Yesterday, I told you that Senate “Majority” Leader Chuck Schumer was acting like a spoiled child in talking about doing away with the filibuster to cram through the Democrats’ unpopular agenda with no regard for how it would come back to bite them when they became the minority, which will likely be sooner rather than later. And I mentioned that for all of Schumer's attacks and pressure on Joe Manchin, Manchin was acting like the only adult in the room, the parent who says, “No” to the kid who’s throwing a tantrum in Walmart because he wants a candy bar.

RELATED READING: Adults are now in charge

Well, Manchin himself just made that same point clear to Chucky: No candy bar for you! Now, go to your room and think about what you’ve done to America.

In a subscriber-only story, the Epoch Times reports that not only are Manchin and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema opposed to ending the filibuster, but a senior Republican congressional source told them that a couple of other Democrats would also vote against it if forced to. So why would Schumer push an idea that’s doomed to fail, other than desperation?

Maybe to appease radical groups that provide so much dark money to Democrats. The Epoch Times quotes Hayden Ludwig of the Capitol Research Center as saying that an alleged grassroots group innocuously called “Fix Our Senate” that’s leading a coalition of 70 liberal activist groups in pushing for an end to the filibuster is “actually a front for the Sixteen Thirty Fund, itself part of a $1.7 billion left-wing ‘dark-money pop-up’ empire run by the shadowy consulting firm Arabella Advisors. We call these fronts ‘pop-ups’ because they’re websites which pop into existence, run attack campaigns, and disappear in an instant and almost never reveal their connection to Arabella or its nonprofits.”

If you’d like to know more about Arabella, here’s a link to some info about them and one of their chief fund providers. Nice people, certainly the kind of folks we’d want to see influencing how our government is run. (Note to liberals reading this: that’s called “sarcasm.”)

7. TOP NEWS: Thoughts on the eve of the January 6 anniversary

As this is being written, I’m hearing that Attorney General Merrick Garland is planning to give “remarks on holding Capitol rioters accountable.” Perhaps by the time you read this, you’ll already have been subjected to it. Get ready for a surreal couple of days during which the Capitol Hill breach will be presented as “one of the darkest days of our democracy” (quoting Colorado Rep. Jason Crow) and worse than the Civil War, Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Combined.

This just might be the most outrageous political theatre we’ve ever seen. One thing that won’t be happening: the unveiling of a monument to the event that was to be created by the Architect of the Capitol (not kidding) through legislation co-sponsored by Crow and Pennsylvania Rep. Susan Wild, to ensure the integrity of American democracy and counter “violent, anti-democratic rhetoric.” For some reason, the bill got stalled in May, so Democrats were unable to save the Union from the threat of future insurrection.

But it’s 2022, when Democrats have this travesty on the drawing board while calling for the removal of monuments to Thomas Jefferson.

The big theme for this anniversary will be the word “anti-democracy.” How ironic that a riot sparked by evidence suggestive of election fraud that the Supreme Court called “moot” is being painted now as anti-democratic. It was tragic and ill-advised, but it was PRO-democratic. You know what’s anti-democratic? Election fraud, and all steps taken to make it easier and less detectable.

Adding to the irony is Democrats’ use of the event to push even harder for “election reform,” which to them means the unconstitutional federalization of elections, with the rules they choose. Anyone who thinks the way to have honest elections is to put Democrats in charge of them should perhaps seek professional psychiatric help.

But Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is adamant about ending the filibuster rule so he can barely pass what we like to call the “Voter Fraud Legalization Act.” This is the opposite of the reaction we should be having to claims of voter fraud.

The most idiotic fear tactic of all was used by by resident congressional idiot Rep. Eric Swalwell, who tweeted that “if we don’t get this right” (win in 2022), “it could be the last election.”

What they’re doing isn’t about democracy, but about electing Democrats and keeping Trump out. Liz Cheney admitted as much on CBS’s Face The Nation when she said, “I can tell you that the single most important to ensure that Donald Trump is not the Republican nominee and that he certainly is not anywhere close to the Oval Office ever again.” Democracy indeed.

Brit Hume appeared Tuesday with Lawrence Jones on FOX News Primetime to talk about the general hubbub and truth-stretching going on now, including that surrounding Jan. 6. “We are not living in normal times,” he said. “What we need is for people to calm down. The bitter divisions that we see in this country are exacerbated by this tendency to exaggerate, and to do so grossly.”

I take some exception, though, with the way an unusually taciturn Hume seemed to blame President Trump for what happened that day, I assume for daring to challenge the results. “It was a cockamamie scheme by Trump that was bound to fail and did.” Perhaps I don’t understand Hume correctly; by “cockamamie scheme,” does he mean having a constitutional protest rally? Is he saying Trump was being anti-democratic? Trump was up the night of November 3 with the rest of us and saw what we all did that made him honestly suspect the vote in key counties was fraudulent. The courts had refused to take it up. He had called for a peaceful protest that was PRO-democracy. And we certainly can’t blame him for the riot; in fact, we’re finding out more and more about other forces at play that day.

Moving on...Since we’re marking a year since the riot, this is also the ideal time to note that a group of Americans have been denied bail and held many months without trial, when not one of them has been charged with insurrection. And the conditions they’ve endured have been been, pardon the expression, deplorable. Some reportedly have been denied critical medical care, as in this case of a man very ill with celiac disease who is not receiving the closely monitored gluten-free diet he needs. The following account sheds light on why these Trump supporters have been treated so callously; read what jail superintendent Ted Hull had to say to the man’s attorney in an email obtained by The Epoch Times. It could hardly be more snide and unprofessional.

Fourteen House Republicans have sent a letter to Washington DC mayor Muriel Bowser demanding that Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin, who oversees the detention of the Jan. 6 defendants, be fired. Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Louie Gohmert recently visited them and found that they were “being treated categorically different from the remainder of the prison population.”

After reading some of Landerkin’s politically unhinged anti-Trump tweets, it’s easy to see why these detainees would be treated with such open disregard and even hatred. One example: in a post a few days before the rally, she said, “Re-tweet if you you want [Nancy Pelosi] to punish the 140 House Republican traitors who are trying to overturn the election by refusing to seat them in Congress.”

So, this is the woman overseeing treatment of the detainees. In a must-read story, here’s more about the conditions as seen during a surprise inspection in November. Judge Royce Lamberth was scathing in his assessment and did get one man released so he could receive medical care for his broken hand and...(yes) cancer. “I don’t know if this [neglect] is because he is a January 6 defendant or not,” he said, but I think we can guess.

Finally, let’s go back to what started it all, the claims of election fraud. A VIP story in PJ Media --- I’ll link for those who are signed up --- reviews the problems with the election that resulted from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s funding of the Center for Tech and Civic Life. We’ve covered that in detail, and have also recommended Mollie Hemingway’s coverage in her book RIGGED.

The article says that according to Rasmussen, 70 percent of those polled said that the hundreds of millions spent by Zuckerberg to influence the election was bad for democracy. And guess what? --- 59 percent thought it’s likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential race, including 41 percent of Democrats and 58 percent of unaffiliated voters. Personally, I’d like to hear more about THAT on January 6.

Thankfully, most people are too smart to think of the riot as an actual “insurrection” or of Republicans as anti-democratic. In fact, there’s data to show the Republican Party is better set today than it was before last January 6. And that, perhaps more than anything, is why we’re seeing so much hysteria now.


Images of America's cities, landscapes and people. 

9. Prayer Tree:

We are stronger together.  

Our hope is that our newsletter readers and social media followers will consider these prayer requests each day. To submit your own prayer request, go to my website here.


"My son Jay....He is very ill, but no diagnosis yet. Had body scan that showed several spots on his lungs. He has been being attacked, financially, family problems, health. He is tired of living and not doing well mentally. Our powerful healer have mercy on him. Promote angels to surround and healing power of our Lord Jesus."

"Prayer request for my wife and I, Covid has made its way into our home. We are both vaccinated and waiting on the booster, my mother-in-law, 2 brothers in law and their families all have been visited by Covid, mom is waiting on infusion once it’s available in our area, we are rural and always get things last."

"Please pray for my neighbor "V" who is ill and fighting hard with so much to live for. Thank you."

"Please pray for my 2 sons - 20 & 22 who are being forced by their ROTC program to get the COVID vaccine in order to continue to serve and follow their dreams. Pray this vaccine does not cause any adverse reactions in their bodies - they have already had COVID and have antibodies and should not be forced to vax."

"Please pray for my brother Roger and his wife who have COVID. He’s hospitalized with COVID pneumonia. Pray they make complete recovery from this. Thank you"

"Please prayer for parents of youngsters to focus on them and not all of the other distractions that life offers these days. Please pray for an alcoholic nephew who just re-entered rehab. Guide him to success this time."


Today's hymn is recommended by Michele R.


1 On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross,

the emblem of suffering and shame;

and I love that old cross where the dearest and best

for a world of lost sinners was slain.



So I'll cherish the old rugged cross,

till my trophies at last I lay down;

I will cling to the old rugged cross,

and exchange it some day for a crown.


2 O that old rugged cross, so despised by the world,

has a wondrous attraction for me;

for the dear Lamb of God left his glory above

to bear it to dark Calvary. [Refrain]


If you have a favorite hymn you want to see in our newsletter, please email [email protected].

11. I Just Wanted To Say:

Thank you for reading today's newsletter.


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Comments 11-20 of 21

  • Chelsea R. Martin

    01/05/2022 03:07 PM

    "Fourteen House Republicans have sent a letter to Washington DC mayor Muriel Bowser demanding that Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin, who oversees the detention of the Jan. 6 defendants, be fired."

    Oooh...Scary! Fourteen Republicans (out of how many in office, exactly?) decided to WRITE A LETTER. I'm sure these brave defenders of the Republic will triumph over the Castro/Soviet/CCP style imprisonment of men who ostensibly ought to have been guaranteed the right to a fair and speedy trial. I'm sure the Marxist Left and their Globalist Big Tech allies are just quaking in their boots, planning swiftly to reform their destructive and power-hungry ways in the face of such unified and concerted action to protect the Constitutional Rights of American citizens. Maybe, when "The GOP wins big in 2022," there can even be a...GASP!!!!...Investigation Committee. Which after spending three years and millions of tax payer dollars no doubt will result in another "stern letter of reprimand" being sent to the involved parties, before it's all swept under the DC swamp-rug and the Americas Uniparty Elite return to their corruption-as-usual while "we the people" get shafted.

    Forgive my sarcasm, but these are the people that we are supposed to rely on to prevent America from becoming a pale imitation of Mao's CCP? A legion of spineless, creepingly servile "conservatives" who not only spent the last 30-40 years dropping the ball and failing to "conserve" anything, but who have been actively scoring for the other team since before I was born? I'm sorry, but "well they're better than the Democrats" isn't good enough for me anymore. Because the truth is 99.9% of the GOP are absolutely no better than the Democrats - it's just a choice between a fast decline of a slow saunter into socialism. We need a new party, and we need a national divorce from the Beltway/DC Elite lunatics who think that they're entitled to rule over all of us as Lesser Gods on Earth. I've had enough of being a subject rather than a citizen, thank you.

  • Anne Turner

    01/05/2022 02:52 PM

    Have the people of NYC lost their minds completely? The people who will suffer most are the poorest in projects. The crime will exponentially rise beyond any limits.

    If January sixth was an insurrection, then we are safe from insurrection. Eventually the January sixth prisoners will get out and if I were them I would sue the living daylights out of the DC government. Where is the ACLU? Has the government no idea of how to define insurrection? Have they no sense of proportion?

    Waste, fraud, abuse, and stupidity define our Federal Government and most of our major cities.

    Let’s not get too complacent. Yes, the GOP should win , but in order to overcome the obvious amount of fraud that will be going on, the GOP and Independents, plus those who have come to their senses must come out to vote in droves. The result if the DNC wins the House again is perhaps one of the most consequentially terrible things for this country ever. It will mean one party RULE forever.

  • jack macdonald

    01/05/2022 02:35 PM

    Our grand experiment in Republicanism was destined to fail. Our founders assumed that honorable people would run our govt. elected by people who had to discern which candidates were lying scoundrels with little or no morals. They assumed the media would vet these people and alert the folks if there were glaring faults in a person. We have reached the expiration date for most reigns or empires. We now have extreme corruption at the highest levels of govt. including the President and his family, agencies such as the IRS, FBI, CIA, Once the electorate which is counted on to make wise decisions become complacent and apathetic the experiment fails. We are there. The only solution may be an actual, excuse the use of the word, Insurrection vs. what the Lefties think is an insurrection. Insurrections usually only take place when the downtrodden have no other recourse. I have voted for people in hopes that they actually cared about my wellbeing. I have tried to reach out to my reps when I needed help and received platitudes instead. This includes my "closer to home" state reps who give lip service only when it comes to issues I bring to them. My local govt. is not functioning much better. This summarized my current assessment of the nation's health.

  • Samuel Baugh

    01/05/2022 02:28 PM

    Stay Healthy in Spirit and Mind. We need to find a method of getting University level and citizens in the 18 to 28 age group to attend lectures or conferences wherein both pro and con of the issues can be presented. My 22 year-old son will not even read or listen to anything on the Epoch times since it is being labeled by the Fact Checkers as FAKE News.

  • Charles Sigars

    01/05/2022 02:25 PM

    Once again (and I will just keep saying it hoping it gets through) we NO NOT live in a Democracy. We live in a Constitutional Republic, not the tyranny of the majority. I am "sick & tired" of the use of "democracy" to describe our form of Government.

    STOP IT!!!!!

  • Judy Radley

    01/05/2022 02:24 PM

    I'm confused about President Trump not having a press conference tomorrow. I understand it, but sadly, isn't it playing right into the Democrats scheme, as they will say that he 'backed down' and gave them another victory? However, no matter what President Trump does, the Democrats will cause an over-exaggerated, temper-tantrum, like what you said, a 2 yr. old in Walmart would do when he doesn't get something he wants. If President Trump did give his press conference tomorrow, of course there will be riots happening, so what is worse, being accused of being a coward and backing down, or the brave, true man that realizes what the Democrats are capable of, and to thwart their attempts to yet again, cause riots to happen, and hurting innocent people. President Trump, as per usual, is right again. It takes courage to face your enemies and not get intimidated. I will look forward to his rally speech on January 15th. Too bad there isn't a way to work without being seen, regarding President Trump and all the good things he has done for America, and will do again, but to somehow get it done without the Democrats getting wind of it and spoiling it again? Maybe transparency isn't all it's cracked up to be, and at times, secrecy is the better way to get the anti-American govt. out of the way, so we can get back our great American country again, under President Trump or another who is just as committed to save America as President Trump has been and still is, like the rest of us. I guess like misdirection happening so that the MSM will focus on something else, like Biden, Biden, Biden, while ignoring President Trump and all the good he is doing, and will do again if re-elected.

  • LaDonna Ryan

    01/05/2022 02:09 PM

    Just a suggestion it might be of your best interest to get the pneumonia shot. Protect yourself from pneumonia which seems to be the killer with the covid or even the flu. Of course it seems the flu just up and disappeared after all these years but protecting your lungs maybe the key to survival. God Bless everyone!

  • Judy Radley

    01/05/2022 02:07 PM

    Here is another favorite song/hymn that has a video with it, but I don't remember where, sung by The Gaiters called, "God of the Mountain is the Same God of the Valley". When I first saw the video, it brought tears to my eyes because it helped me realize that God is always with us, in good/happy times and in bad/sad times. If your researchers can find it, it would be a great link to the great feature you have of the favorite hymns and religious songs in your newsletter. Thank you again for adding that feature. It is heartwarming and special.

  • William Fuhrer

    01/05/2022 01:14 PM

    The only thoughts about Jan.6 was why President Donald Trump supporters did not explode earlier....President Trump was PRO LIFE....was PRO USA.....was PRO MANUFACTURING in United States....was PRO LAW and ORDER was ANTI TERRORISM.....was ANTI MARXIST destroying American Culture and burning of Churches and FBI ignoring rioting and threats on President Donald Trumps life

  • Sharon Faulkner

    01/05/2022 12:37 PM

    One other thing : there was nothing for Republicans to "recover" from after Jan 6th.
    Most Americans I think enjoyed it.
    but after 2 years of Antifa and BLM Insurrection the Blue Reich can't say the same.

Message from Mike Huckabee

    Help me fight back against Big Tech censorship. If you would like to subscribe to the daily, advertisement-free version of my newsletter for $5 monthly or $36 annually, on Substack, go here.

    Latest News

    January 5, 2022

    THE MORNING EDITION By Mike Huckabee

    Good morning! Here are some stories I think you will want to read.

    • Morning News Briefs
    • Top News: Thoughts on the eve of the January 6 anniversary
    • Prayer Tree
    • And Much More


    This verse was recommended by Ken C.

    Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

    2 Corinthians 5:17

     Please send [email protected] a Bible Verse recommendation if you have one for the newsletter.


    2. Trump press conference is scheduled:

    Former President Trump decided that his press conference planned for tomorrow would just give fuel to the Democrats’ orgy of January 6th political porn, so he denied them the chance and canceled it. He said he’ll talk about election fraud in his rally on January 15th instead.

    3. The real motivation for Democrats:

    John Sexton at the Hot Air blog makes the very good point that the real motivation behind the Democrats’ feverish attempts to inflate the importance of the anniversary of January 6th is that they’re desperate to distract from the upcoming, far more important anniversary of January 20th.

    That will mark one year since Joe Biden became President. And they really don’t want people focusing on that anniversary and talking about all the disasters that have happened since (this would be a good time to remind you that there are STILL Americans and Americans allies trapped in Afghanistan at the mercy of the Taliban.)

    4. A new sign of rampaging inflation:

    "Biden-Biden!" In yet another sign of rampaging inflation, Little Caesar’s announced that for the first time in 25 years, it’s raising the price of its $5 pizza, to $5.55.

    5. Another day, another record high:

    Another day, another record high disapproval rating for President Biden in another poll, this time from CNBC.

    But for Democrats looking at the November elections, it's this poll’s details that contain a piece of news that’s sparking panic. It’s no surprise that it shows widespread disapproval of Biden’s handling of the economy (60%) and inflation (72%.) But it also found that 55% now disapprove of how he’s handling the COVID pandemic. Last April, he enjoyed 62% approval on that issue. It was the only issue where he wasn’t underwater, and the Democrats saw it as their one firewall against electoral disaster. Now, their firewall is on fire.

    6. Fighting over the filibuster:

    Yesterday, I told you that Senate “Majority” Leader Chuck Schumer was acting like a spoiled child in talking about doing away with the filibuster to cram through the Democrats’ unpopular agenda with no regard for how it would come back to bite them when they became the minority, which will likely be sooner rather than later. And I mentioned that for all of Schumer's attacks and pressure on Joe Manchin, Manchin was acting like the only adult in the room, the parent who says, “No” to the kid who’s throwing a tantrum in Walmart because he wants a candy bar.

    RELATED READING: Adults are now in charge

    Well, Manchin himself just made that same point clear to Chucky: No candy bar for you! Now, go to your room and think about what you’ve done to America.

    In a subscriber-only story, the Epoch Times reports that not only are Manchin and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema opposed to ending the filibuster, but a senior Republican congressional source told them that a couple of other Democrats would also vote against it if forced to. So why would Schumer push an idea that’s doomed to fail, other than desperation?

    Maybe to appease radical groups that provide so much dark money to Democrats. The Epoch Times quotes Hayden Ludwig of the Capitol Research Center as saying that an alleged grassroots group innocuously called “Fix Our Senate” that’s leading a coalition of 70 liberal activist groups in pushing for an end to the filibuster is “actually a front for the Sixteen Thirty Fund, itself part of a $1.7 billion left-wing ‘dark-money pop-up’ empire run by the shadowy consulting firm Arabella Advisors. We call these fronts ‘pop-ups’ because they’re websites which pop into existence, run attack campaigns, and disappear in an instant and almost never reveal their connection to Arabella or its nonprofits.”

    If you’d like to know more about Arabella, here’s a link to some info about them and one of their chief fund providers. Nice people, certainly the kind of folks we’d want to see influencing how our government is run. (Note to liberals reading this: that’s called “sarcasm.”)

    7. TOP NEWS: Thoughts on the eve of the January 6 anniversary

    As this is being written, I’m hearing that Attorney General Merrick Garland is planning to give “remarks on holding Capitol rioters accountable.” Perhaps by the time you read this, you’ll already have been subjected to it. Get ready for a surreal couple of days during which the Capitol Hill breach will be presented as “one of the darkest days of our democracy” (quoting Colorado Rep. Jason Crow) and worse than the Civil War, Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Combined.

    This just might be the most outrageous political theatre we’ve ever seen. One thing that won’t be happening: the unveiling of a monument to the event that was to be created by the Architect of the Capitol (not kidding) through legislation co-sponsored by Crow and Pennsylvania Rep. Susan Wild, to ensure the integrity of American democracy and counter “violent, anti-democratic rhetoric.” For some reason, the bill got stalled in May, so Democrats were unable to save the Union from the threat of future insurrection.

    But it’s 2022, when Democrats have this travesty on the drawing board while calling for the removal of monuments to Thomas Jefferson.

    The big theme for this anniversary will be the word “anti-democracy.” How ironic that a riot sparked by evidence suggestive of election fraud that the Supreme Court called “moot” is being painted now as anti-democratic. It was tragic and ill-advised, but it was PRO-democratic. You know what’s anti-democratic? Election fraud, and all steps taken to make it easier and less detectable.

    Adding to the irony is Democrats’ use of the event to push even harder for “election reform,” which to them means the unconstitutional federalization of elections, with the rules they choose. Anyone who thinks the way to have honest elections is to put Democrats in charge of them should perhaps seek professional psychiatric help.

    But Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is adamant about ending the filibuster rule so he can barely pass what we like to call the “Voter Fraud Legalization Act.” This is the opposite of the reaction we should be having to claims of voter fraud.

    The most idiotic fear tactic of all was used by by resident congressional idiot Rep. Eric Swalwell, who tweeted that “if we don’t get this right” (win in 2022), “it could be the last election.”

    What they’re doing isn’t about democracy, but about electing Democrats and keeping Trump out. Liz Cheney admitted as much on CBS’s Face The Nation when she said, “I can tell you that the single most important to ensure that Donald Trump is not the Republican nominee and that he certainly is not anywhere close to the Oval Office ever again.” Democracy indeed.

    Brit Hume appeared Tuesday with Lawrence Jones on FOX News Primetime to talk about the general hubbub and truth-stretching going on now, including that surrounding Jan. 6. “We are not living in normal times,” he said. “What we need is for people to calm down. The bitter divisions that we see in this country are exacerbated by this tendency to exaggerate, and to do so grossly.”

    I take some exception, though, with the way an unusually taciturn Hume seemed to blame President Trump for what happened that day, I assume for daring to challenge the results. “It was a cockamamie scheme by Trump that was bound to fail and did.” Perhaps I don’t understand Hume correctly; by “cockamamie scheme,” does he mean having a constitutional protest rally? Is he saying Trump was being anti-democratic? Trump was up the night of November 3 with the rest of us and saw what we all did that made him honestly suspect the vote in key counties was fraudulent. The courts had refused to take it up. He had called for a peaceful protest that was PRO-democracy. And we certainly can’t blame him for the riot; in fact, we’re finding out more and more about other forces at play that day.

    Moving on...Since we’re marking a year since the riot, this is also the ideal time to note that a group of Americans have been denied bail and held many months without trial, when not one of them has been charged with insurrection. And the conditions they’ve endured have been been, pardon the expression, deplorable. Some reportedly have been denied critical medical care, as in this case of a man very ill with celiac disease who is not receiving the closely monitored gluten-free diet he needs. The following account sheds light on why these Trump supporters have been treated so callously; read what jail superintendent Ted Hull had to say to the man’s attorney in an email obtained by The Epoch Times. It could hardly be more snide and unprofessional.

    Fourteen House Republicans have sent a letter to Washington DC mayor Muriel Bowser demanding that Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin, who oversees the detention of the Jan. 6 defendants, be fired. Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Louie Gohmert recently visited them and found that they were “being treated categorically different from the remainder of the prison population.”

    After reading some of Landerkin’s politically unhinged anti-Trump tweets, it’s easy to see why these detainees would be treated with such open disregard and even hatred. One example: in a post a few days before the rally, she said, “Re-tweet if you you want [Nancy Pelosi] to punish the 140 House Republican traitors who are trying to overturn the election by refusing to seat them in Congress.”

    So, this is the woman overseeing treatment of the detainees. In a must-read story, here’s more about the conditions as seen during a surprise inspection in November. Judge Royce Lamberth was scathing in his assessment and did get one man released so he could receive medical care for his broken hand and...(yes) cancer. “I don’t know if this [neglect] is because he is a January 6 defendant or not,” he said, but I think we can guess.

    Finally, let’s go back to what started it all, the claims of election fraud. A VIP story in PJ Media --- I’ll link for those who are signed up --- reviews the problems with the election that resulted from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s funding of the Center for Tech and Civic Life. We’ve covered that in detail, and have also recommended Mollie Hemingway’s coverage in her book RIGGED.

    The article says that according to Rasmussen, 70 percent of those polled said that the hundreds of millions spent by Zuckerberg to influence the election was bad for democracy. And guess what? --- 59 percent thought it’s likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential race, including 41 percent of Democrats and 58 percent of unaffiliated voters. Personally, I’d like to hear more about THAT on January 6.

    Thankfully, most people are too smart to think of the riot as an actual “insurrection” or of Republicans as anti-democratic. In fact, there’s data to show the Republican Party is better set today than it was before last January 6. And that, perhaps more than anything, is why we’re seeing so much hysteria now.


    Images of America's cities, landscapes and people. 

    9. Prayer Tree:

    We are stronger together.  

    Our hope is that our newsletter readers and social media followers will consider these prayer requests each day. To submit your own prayer request, go to my website here.


    "My son Jay....He is very ill, but no diagnosis yet. Had body scan that showed several spots on his lungs. He has been being attacked, financially, family problems, health. He is tired of living and not doing well mentally. Our powerful healer have mercy on him. Promote angels to surround and healing power of our Lord Jesus."

    "Prayer request for my wife and I, Covid has made its way into our home. We are both vaccinated and waiting on the booster, my mother-in-law, 2 brothers in law and their families all have been visited by Covid, mom is waiting on infusion once it’s available in our area, we are rural and always get things last."

    "Please pray for my neighbor "V" who is ill and fighting hard with so much to live for. Thank you."

    "Please pray for my 2 sons - 20 & 22 who are being forced by their ROTC program to get the COVID vaccine in order to continue to serve and follow their dreams. Pray this vaccine does not cause any adverse reactions in their bodies - they have already had COVID and have antibodies and should not be forced to vax."

    "Please pray for my brother Roger and his wife who have COVID. He’s hospitalized with COVID pneumonia. Pray they make complete recovery from this. Thank you"

    "Please prayer for parents of youngsters to focus on them and not all of the other distractions that life offers these days. Please pray for an alcoholic nephew who just re-entered rehab. Guide him to success this time."

    10. Hymnal: OLD RUGGED CROSS

    Today's hymn is recommended by Michele R.


    1 On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross,

    the emblem of suffering and shame;

    and I love that old cross where the dearest and best

    for a world of lost sinners was slain.



    So I'll cherish the old rugged cross,

    till my trophies at last I lay down;

    I will cling to the old rugged cross,

    and exchange it some day for a crown.


    2 O that old rugged cross, so despised by the world,

    has a wondrous attraction for me;

    for the dear Lamb of God left his glory above

    to bear it to dark Calvary. [Refrain]


    If you have a favorite hymn you want to see in our newsletter, please email [email protected].

    11. I Just Wanted To Say:

    Thank you for reading today's newsletter.


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    Comments 11-20 of 21

    • Chelsea R. Martin

      01/05/2022 03:07 PM

      "Fourteen House Republicans have sent a letter to Washington DC mayor Muriel Bowser demanding that Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin, who oversees the detention of the Jan. 6 defendants, be fired."

      Oooh...Scary! Fourteen Republicans (out of how many in office, exactly?) decided to WRITE A LETTER. I'm sure these brave defenders of the Republic will triumph over the Castro/Soviet/CCP style imprisonment of men who ostensibly ought to have been guaranteed the right to a fair and speedy trial. I'm sure the Marxist Left and their Globalist Big Tech allies are just quaking in their boots, planning swiftly to reform their destructive and power-hungry ways in the face of such unified and concerted action to protect the Constitutional Rights of American citizens. Maybe, when "The GOP wins big in 2022," there can even be a...GASP!!!!...Investigation Committee. Which after spending three years and millions of tax payer dollars no doubt will result in another "stern letter of reprimand" being sent to the involved parties, before it's all swept under the DC swamp-rug and the Americas Uniparty Elite return to their corruption-as-usual while "we the people" get shafted.

      Forgive my sarcasm, but these are the people that we are supposed to rely on to prevent America from becoming a pale imitation of Mao's CCP? A legion of spineless, creepingly servile "conservatives" who not only spent the last 30-40 years dropping the ball and failing to "conserve" anything, but who have been actively scoring for the other team since before I was born? I'm sorry, but "well they're better than the Democrats" isn't good enough for me anymore. Because the truth is 99.9% of the GOP are absolutely no better than the Democrats - it's just a choice between a fast decline of a slow saunter into socialism. We need a new party, and we need a national divorce from the Beltway/DC Elite lunatics who think that they're entitled to rule over all of us as Lesser Gods on Earth. I've had enough of being a subject rather than a citizen, thank you.

    • Anne Turner

      01/05/2022 02:52 PM

      Have the people of NYC lost their minds completely? The people who will suffer most are the poorest in projects. The crime will exponentially rise beyond any limits.

      If January sixth was an insurrection, then we are safe from insurrection. Eventually the January sixth prisoners will get out and if I were them I would sue the living daylights out of the DC government. Where is the ACLU? Has the government no idea of how to define insurrection? Have they no sense of proportion?

      Waste, fraud, abuse, and stupidity define our Federal Government and most of our major cities.

      Let’s not get too complacent. Yes, the GOP should win , but in order to overcome the obvious amount of fraud that will be going on, the GOP and Independents, plus those who have come to their senses must come out to vote in droves. The result if the DNC wins the House again is perhaps one of the most consequentially terrible things for this country ever. It will mean one party RULE forever.

    • jack macdonald

      01/05/2022 02:35 PM

      Our grand experiment in Republicanism was destined to fail. Our founders assumed that honorable people would run our govt. elected by people who had to discern which candidates were lying scoundrels with little or no morals. They assumed the media would vet these people and alert the folks if there were glaring faults in a person. We have reached the expiration date for most reigns or empires. We now have extreme corruption at the highest levels of govt. including the President and his family, agencies such as the IRS, FBI, CIA, Once the electorate which is counted on to make wise decisions become complacent and apathetic the experiment fails. We are there. The only solution may be an actual, excuse the use of the word, Insurrection vs. what the Lefties think is an insurrection. Insurrections usually only take place when the downtrodden have no other recourse. I have voted for people in hopes that they actually cared about my wellbeing. I have tried to reach out to my reps when I needed help and received platitudes instead. This includes my "closer to home" state reps who give lip service only when it comes to issues I bring to them. My local govt. is not functioning much better. This summarized my current assessment of the nation's health.

    • Samuel Baugh

      01/05/2022 02:28 PM

      Stay Healthy in Spirit and Mind. We need to find a method of getting University level and citizens in the 18 to 28 age group to attend lectures or conferences wherein both pro and con of the issues can be presented. My 22 year-old son will not even read or listen to anything on the Epoch times since it is being labeled by the Fact Checkers as FAKE News.

    • Charles Sigars

      01/05/2022 02:25 PM

      Once again (and I will just keep saying it hoping it gets through) we NO NOT live in a Democracy. We live in a Constitutional Republic, not the tyranny of the majority. I am "sick & tired" of the use of "democracy" to describe our form of Government.

      STOP IT!!!!!

    • Judy Radley

      01/05/2022 02:24 PM

      I'm confused about President Trump not having a press conference tomorrow. I understand it, but sadly, isn't it playing right into the Democrats scheme, as they will say that he 'backed down' and gave them another victory? However, no matter what President Trump does, the Democrats will cause an over-exaggerated, temper-tantrum, like what you said, a 2 yr. old in Walmart would do when he doesn't get something he wants. If President Trump did give his press conference tomorrow, of course there will be riots happening, so what is worse, being accused of being a coward and backing down, or the brave, true man that realizes what the Democrats are capable of, and to thwart their attempts to yet again, cause riots to happen, and hurting innocent people. President Trump, as per usual, is right again. It takes courage to face your enemies and not get intimidated. I will look forward to his rally speech on January 15th. Too bad there isn't a way to work without being seen, regarding President Trump and all the good things he has done for America, and will do again, but to somehow get it done without the Democrats getting wind of it and spoiling it again? Maybe transparency isn't all it's cracked up to be, and at times, secrecy is the better way to get the anti-American govt. out of the way, so we can get back our great American country again, under President Trump or another who is just as committed to save America as President Trump has been and still is, like the rest of us. I guess like misdirection happening so that the MSM will focus on something else, like Biden, Biden, Biden, while ignoring President Trump and all the good he is doing, and will do again if re-elected.

    • LaDonna Ryan

      01/05/2022 02:09 PM

      Just a suggestion it might be of your best interest to get the pneumonia shot. Protect yourself from pneumonia which seems to be the killer with the covid or even the flu. Of course it seems the flu just up and disappeared after all these years but protecting your lungs maybe the key to survival. God Bless everyone!

    • Judy Radley

      01/05/2022 02:07 PM

      Here is another favorite song/hymn that has a video with it, but I don't remember where, sung by The Gaiters called, "God of the Mountain is the Same God of the Valley". When I first saw the video, it brought tears to my eyes because it helped me realize that God is always with us, in good/happy times and in bad/sad times. If your researchers can find it, it would be a great link to the great feature you have of the favorite hymns and religious songs in your newsletter. Thank you again for adding that feature. It is heartwarming and special.

    • William Fuhrer

      01/05/2022 01:14 PM

      The only thoughts about Jan.6 was why President Donald Trump supporters did not explode earlier....President Trump was PRO LIFE....was PRO USA.....was PRO MANUFACTURING in United States....was PRO LAW and ORDER was ANTI TERRORISM.....was ANTI MARXIST destroying American Culture and burning of Churches and FBI ignoring rioting and threats on President Donald Trumps life

    • Sharon Faulkner

      01/05/2022 12:37 PM

      One other thing : there was nothing for Republicans to "recover" from after Jan 6th.
      Most Americans I think enjoyed it.
      but after 2 years of Antifa and BLM Insurrection the Blue Reich can't say the same.