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Another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

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No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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1. TRANSFORMATION in Washington | Huckabee Today

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3. Trump’s pick for ambassador to Israel: Hamas has to go | On Balance

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

June 14, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! 

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse Of The Day
  • Flag Day
  • Huck PAC Supports Conservatives
  • Biden's Cringe-Worthy G7 Showing
  • Reporter who broke Clinton/Lynch tarmac story is "apparent suicide"
  • Benjamin Netanyahu Is Replaced As Prime Minister
  • Good News Happens, Just Vote
  • A Reader Writes Back...
  • America the Beautiful


Mike Huckabee


And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Rom 8:28 KJV


Flag Day

By Mike Huckabee

Today is Flag Day, celebrating the adoption of the American flag by the Second Continental Congress on June 14, 1777. It was proclaimed a holiday by President Woodrow Wilson in 1916, and officially established as National Flag Day by act of Congress in 1949.

Here’s a fascinating history of the American flag, appropriately enough from the

Florida Rep. Brian Mast also has an excellent article at about the US flag and what it symbolizes, and that it’s not a Republican flag or a Democrat flag, but the flag of all Americans – even those who denigrate it and fail to grasp that it stands for their very right to speak out foolishly against it.

As Rep. Mast notes, chief among those people is New York Times editorialist Mara Gay, who recently declared how “disturbing” she found it when she took a weekend jaunt to Long Island and saw American flags in people’s yards and on (horrors!) pickup trucks! I had a message for her in my monologue this weekend on “Huckabee” on TBN. If you missed it, or would like to share it, you’ll find it here:

Incidentally, I’m still waiting to hear back on whether she’ll accept my invitation. I’ll keep you posted.


Huck PAC Supports Conservatives

By Mike Huckabee

Huck PAC has donated $111,000+ to conservatives this year. The candidates we support include strong conservatives like Kristi Noem, Rand Paul, John Boozman, Julia Letlow, and Tim Scott. Before the end of June, we will make a new round of endorsements and donations.

Please stay in touch with Huck PAC by subscribing to our email list here.

Biden's Cringe-Worthy G7 Showing

By Mike Huckabee

President Biden is in Europe, looking for new ways to lead from behind, project weakness and fumble words. At least, if those are his goals, he’s doing a tremendous job. I don’t know what was the most cringe-worthy moment of his G-7 press conference: the part where he confused Syria with Libya, or the part where he said he wouldn’t have a joint press conference with Vladimir Putin, defensively claiming that “this is not a contest about who can do better in front of a press conference…” That’s practically an admission that you do see it as a contest and you know you’d lose.

Now, try to imagine Trump being afraid to appear on stage with Putin. The write-up at was even more brutal.

Then there was the blowback over Biden’s seeming acceptance of Putin’s call to exchange Russian cybercriminals if the US would hand over people in America who are wanted by Russia (the trick part: that latter group aren’t necessarily criminals.) That sent Biden’s aides rushing to mop up his mess.

You know the President is projecting more weakness than a solar-powered flashlight at midnight when it’s hardly even worth mentioning his comments about not being allowed to take questions from non-pre-approved reporters because he’s already made that excuse so many times in the past.

These foreign trips that put American leaders on a world stage can either enhance their standing or signal to our enemies that we have weak and ineffective leadership, so it’s safe to get aggressive. God help us because if Kamala Harris’ trips south of the border (but never actually TO the border) have shown her to be painfully Not Ready for Prime Time, Biden’s trip to Europe is flashing the message “Long Past His Shelf Date” like a neon sign.

Meanwhile, whenever Russian President Vladimir Putin gives an interview, you can’t take what he says at face value. But it can be interesting to hear what he says and the way he says it, to try to figure out the angle he’s playing. For instance, going into a meeting with President Biden, Putin praised his hated predecessor Trump as an “extraordinary, talented individual” and said that Biden is “radically different,” and belittled him as “a career man, he has spent virtually his entire adulthood in politics."!

That’s a great example of playing head games to throw off your opponent. It’s also interesting to see how long Putin can string along a reporter who’s bluntly asking him if he’s a killer, dismissing it as nonsense and fake news but somehow never specifically denying it.


Reporter who broke Clinton/Lynch tarmac story is "apparent suicide"

By Mike Huckabee

Multiple Emmy award-winning journalist Christopher Sign, who broke the story about former President Bill Clinton’s secret June 27, 2016, meeting on the tarmac at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport with then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and who later wrote a book called SECRET ON THE TARMAC, was found dead Saturday.

Police and fire first responders found Sign inside a Hoover, Alabama, residence at 8:17AM after a 911 call was placed. Chris Sign was 45 years old, married to his college sweetheart, and was the father of three sons. A native of Dallas-Fort Worth, he’d been working since 2017 as evening news anchor for ABC 33/40 in Birmingham. According to a police spokesman, his death is being investigated as an apparent suicide.

The general manager at the station, Eric Land, called Sign a “revered colleague whose indelible imprint will serve forever as a hallmark of decency, honesty, and journalistic integrity.”

Sign’s book about the tarmac meeting was released in late 2019. Here’s a story FOX NEWS ran about it in February of 2020.

Sign is quoted as saying his book “details everything that they don’t want you to know and everything they think you forgot, but Bill Clinton was on that plane for over 20 minutes and it wasn’t just about golf, grandkids and Brexit. There’s so much that doesn’t add up.”

Here’s more about the book on his publisher’s website.

Sign said he’d received death threats for telling this story. He was then working in Phoenix, for the ABC affiliate KNXT-TV. “Credit cards hacked,” he said. “You know, my children, we have code words. We have secret code words that they know what to do.” It was in 2017 that he and his family decided to move for their safety from Phoenix to the Birmingham area for him take the job he held until his death. One post about him said, “His family was the single most important thing in his life, which is why he ended up returning to ABC 33/40 four years ago.”

A week before he died, he posted a happy selfie in the park, with the caption, “Enjoying a beautiful morning.”

In his account of the infamous meeting, Sign cited a source who was already there at the airport and said Clinton was “waiting for” Lynch, in his car, with his motorcade. After Lynch’s plane pulled up and came to a stop, her airstairs came down, most of her staff exited the plane, and then he boarded. According to the source, the Secret Service and FBI agents who were there were looking around and trying to figure out what they were supposed to do. Because, of course, it wasn’t on the official itinerary.

Lynch, who supposedly headed the federal investigation into Hillary’s criminal use of unsecured email, testified before the House Oversight Committee in December 2018 that she and Bill talked about how things were going at the Justice Department and also about her job performance –- not “golf and grandkids.” She testified that he “flattered” her and that they also talked about Eric Holder.

Recall that this highly inappropriate meeting took place just days before then-FBI Director James Comey announced on July 5 that it would not be pursuing criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a personal email server for official business as secretary of state, nor for obstruction of justice and destroying evidence. “No reasonable prosecutor” would take that case, Comey said, though I think we could’ve come up with a long list of prosecutors who would have jumped at the chance. We later learned that in internal communications, they had changed terminology such as “criminally negligent” to the more benign-sounding “extremely careless.”

Both Lynch and Bill Clinton testified that the email investigation never came up in their conversation. According to the report by Inspector General Michael Horowitz, Bill Clinton was asked by investigators about this meeting, and he said, “...I don’t know whether I’m more offended that they think I’m crooked or that they think I’m stupid.” Personally, I don’t know anyone who thinks Bill Clinton is stupid.

At least one report, that of Britain’s THE SUN, leaves open the possibility that Sign was still clinging to life when the police were contacted or when they first arrived on the scene. Their wording: “Local police chief Keith Czeskleba said the death is being investigation as a suicide after the reporter was found unresponsive in his home.” No details have been given about how Sign allegedly did this, either, or whether a note was found.

It’s interesting that a British publication would offer the most thorough and humanizing coverage of this story. We learn a lot about the life of this journalist --- a real journalist, part of that rare, endangered species --- from reading the posts and pictures they include.

THE SUN also covers what Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert said about this in a tweet: “Why is it that so many who cross the Clinton Crime Syndicate end up dead?” They mention, without elaborating, that Boebert has “been linked to QAnon conspiracies in the past.” Well, I guess that’s all it takes to dismiss her concerns about foul play! (I know Stephen Colbert has called her a “gun fetishist,” a title that, coming from him, should be worn as a badge of honor.)

THE SUN ran the video clip Boebert had included with her tweet, featuring Sign being interviewed on FOX & FRIENDS and expressing his concerns about “significant death threats,” bad enough to make him leave Phoenix and return to Birmingham, where his friends and colleagues rallied around him and made him feel safer.

It’s not always possible to know when someone is depressed enough to commit suicide. And perhaps he was that desperate. There might have been something very wrong that even his family and close friends didn’t know about. But looking at this man’s accomplishments in life, his obviously bright future, the respect he’d earned as a journalist, and the happy pictures of his beautiful wife and three boys so shortly before his death (with Father’s Day coming up this Sunday), it’s hard to fathom he would do such a thing.

Chris was obviously beloved by his friends and colleagues. The NEW YORK POST ran a story that quoted Jamie Hale, the network’s sports anchor: “I can’t believe we have an article with this title. It doesn’t feel real. Last night, we were in the office together cutting up the way we always do.”

In none of the accounts we’ve turned up so far has there been even one word about any problem in this man’s life, other than the threats that had been made on it. I’m not saying it didn’t happen that way. But will this tremendous loss quickly be chalked up to suicide when it deserves a thorough investigation? Ironically, it's Hillary's email case that shows us how easily an investigation can be blown off.

Benjamin Netanyahu Is Replaced As Prime Minister

By Mike Huckabee

I usually don’t spend too much time on political developments in other nations because Americans aren’t that interested. But the replacement of Benjamin Netanyahu after 12 years as Prime Minister of Israel is not an Israeli news item, it’s a story that affects the entire world.

After a 60-59 vote in the Parliament, Netanyahu was replaced by Naftali Bennett, who is backed by a fractious coalition ranging from Israel hawks to Islamic Arabs. The major concern with a coalition that covers the entire spectrum of left to right is whether there can be consensus without capitulation on critical issues such as sovereignty in Judea and Samaria and building on the Abraham Accords.

Netanyahu has been the focus of Israel haters worldwide because there has never been so tough, eloquent or resolute a defender of Israel’s right to exist and to defend itself from those who aim to eradicate it. The elites who are always pushing Israel to compromise more never explain how you can compromise with people who want to kill every Jew. By letting them kill half the Jews?

In a strong outgoing speech, Netanyahu said that Iran is "celebrating" his loss because "they understand that starting today, there will be a weak and unstable government that will align with the dictates of the international community." He also revealed that he had privately warned President Biden that his attempts to reinstate the Obama Iran nuke deal would pave the way “for Iran to have an arsenal of nuclear weapons with international legitimacy." He even compared Biden’s blindness to the consequences to FDR’s tragic failure to bomb the train tracks leading to Auschwitz when he had a chance in 1944.

He also predicted that he will soon be back. I hope it’s not under similar circumstances to Winston Churchill’s replacement of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain after a period when he was out of government. He came back because Britain’s leaders tried to appease the Nazis and ended up needing a tough, resolute leader to win World War II.

Benjamin Netanyahu has been a personal friend of mine for many years, and I’m not sure the people of Israel fully appreciate his statecraft that has led to unprecedented peace, prosperity, and security not just for Israel, but for the entire Middle East. It will take years for the new leadership to develop the depth of relationships that Netanyahu had fostered over his 12 consecutive years and 15 total.

Having said that, Israel is where it is because of God, not any one man or political party. I’ve also known Naftali Bennett for over 10 years and have high hopes that he will use his very significant executive skills to keep Israel stable and secure. I hope all my Christian friends will join me as we “pray for the peace of Jerusalem.”

Good News Happens, Just Vote

By Mike Huckabee

Fighting back against garbage like Critical Race Theory works.

Americans just have to get fed up enough to go to the polls in huge numbers, particularly in local elections that you think don’t matter that much…until you discover to your horror that you have a school board forcing radical racist propaganda onto your kids or a far-left D.A. who releases criminals and prosecutes cops.

To quote famous Democrat Tip O’Neill, all politics is local. With all the focus on Washington, it’s easy to forget that. Then suddenly, you discover your hometown has turned into Portland. Don't let your hometown turn into Portland. Vote!

A Reader Writes Back... 

Love your newsletter. It is so right-on with content, made even better by your sarcasm, backed up by actual facts. Its refreshing to read and share. Keep up the excellent and brilliant work. America is ever more dependent on you.

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Indiana Dunes National Park, visit its website here.

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Comments 11-20 of 28

  • Joyce Kanlan

    06/14/2021 07:53 PM

    Decent&HONEST as how many before him were Murdered? Suicide my xxx. Epstein, suicide, ??! The Clinton mob is& has been alive& well. How Many before him,with true information on clinton was murdered?( called suicide). NO ONE finds it interesting enough to look into???. Corruption is rampant in????, seen Loud&clear with 4 years of ????slung at our President Trump! Lies,deception deceit dishonesty demented perverse socialist propaganda 4 straight years from officials up on high for crying out loud! America, come on!! United we stand! Under ONE ????Indivisible with Liberty & justice FOR ALL!! Be Strong! Pray, without ceasing for our One Nation Under God& our leaders!????????+????.

  • Joyce Kanlan

    06/14/2021 07:40 PM

    G7. Putin at face value.??????That dear man is like saying you can take obama( keep your doctor keep your plan) at face value, or Bill Clintons I NEVER HAD sexual relations with that woman Monica Lewinsky, or Terrorism in Benghazi was a????video, or I NEVER sent or received TS information on my personal illegal, unsecured server. Come on man! Democrats,like ??openly, unashamed unapologetically come & have come to kill,Steal&Destroy! THEY do it right in our faces w/planned Parenthood, w/ 4-5 months of torching destroying looting rioting & murdering in Kenosha Portland Minneapolis Chicago NY! Face Value. It’s all socialist propaganda.????.

  • Joyce Kanlan

    06/14/2021 07:31 PM

    ????Flag Day. Here in America, while we still can,we should all fly our flag daily. We are after all, even though democrats disagree, One Nation UNDER God, indivisible with Liberty & justice for all(again, democrats disagree). WE cannot sit, twiddling our thumbs while A FEW far left lunatics ERODE DISMANTLE our culture values beliefs morals&way of American life!! People, Patriots GET UP in HUGE Numbers& sound off, speak up, YES it can be intimidating BUT doing the RIGHT THING can be challenging when you’re up against ??dishonest demented perverse propaganda spewing minions of??. Be STRONG, Be Courageous! Good Bless America ????!

  • Mary Louise Scott

    06/14/2021 06:09 PM

    Thank you Governor for dedicating a portion of your newsletter to the late news reporter Christopher Sign. My heart breaks; first I was so saddened when he left Phoenix because he was always my favorite reporter. I always felt he was very honest and trust worthy. My sadness was enhanced when I heard of the death threats, etc. I observed the news report in real time about the Clinton/Lynch meeting. My gut told me then there was a problem. So once again, I am deeply saddened to hear of the death of Christopher. In my heart of hearts and my gut I know this is related to the ongoing list of people on the death list of the Clintons. My heart goes out to his wife, his three adorable sons and his family. Somehow it just isn't fair to have one of the really 'good ones' gone. We just have to believe that even in this tragedy there will be good.....for the sake of his wife and those three adorable little boys. Prayers are definitely needed for this family and their loss of a husband and a daddy. Heartbreaking.. Thank you

  • Dan Kloppenborg

    06/14/2021 05:41 PM

    Do you know of anyone who can research the mother & daughter in Georgia with regards to the election counting? Check to see if they or other relatives got compensated for cheating with the election. Many times politicians families/relatives get the money and then funnel it back to family members.


    06/14/2021 05:30 PM

    That is the funniest description of Biden I ever heard......"projecting more weakness than a solar powered flashlight at midnight". hahahahah
    On a more serious note, forgive me if I am skeptical about the circumstances surrounding Chris Sign's death??

  • Renee Kendrick

    06/14/2021 04:47 PM

    Today is the 75th birthday of President Donald J. Trump! Hope this birthday has been one of his best!!! Happy Birthday to him!

  • Paul Kern

    06/14/2021 04:38 PM

    The world is upside down with the recent summit showing Sleepy in last stages of dementia. His handlers must seem to believe they are now the kings of the world. He has been busy selling out the Republic to our worst enemies. Red China at the top
    There is a nationwide organized group of parents fighting back and winning. Parents need to take their kids out of all public and other schools getting government funds
    One good person running for senator in Washington state is Joe Kent, a retired Special Forces man. I met him and believe he is for real. He understands the left is mainly Marxists and Jihadists (the Squad).
    He would be a great guest on your Saturday show

  • j

    06/14/2021 04:37 PM

    There is NO way, on this Good God's earth, Chris Sign committed suicide. I read 146 people have died, mysteriously, and at young healthy ages, that are contributed to the witch, and Chris's death is, I'm sure, he 147. NO doubt in my mind. The saddest part of this is a vital living human is snuffed out by an evil person who is so evil even satan is afraid of her. I pray she will get her just reward, soon. Sincere condolences to his wife and children, God will avenge this atrocity.

  • William Fuhrer

    06/14/2021 04:16 PM

    If Nancy Pelosi loved doing her job as much as she loves the word impeachment. Nancy Pelosi would take the reins and push VEEP Harris aside and say it SHOWTIME to make lasting border legislation

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