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Another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

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No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

January 6, 2023

President Biden is expected to FINALLY visit our southern border this Sunday for the first time since taking office. But critics are concerned that the visit will be a political smokescreen. They’re demanding that it not be one of those “ten minutes on the tarmac” visits, but that Biden be given a real tour of the border, talk to the border agents, and be forced to look at the national security and humanitarian disaster that his policies have created. I guess they hope it will have a similar corrective effect to rubbing a puppy’s nose in its own mess and saying, “BAD dog!”But I can’t imagine Biden’s handlers allowing that to happen. I’m sure they realize what a PR disaster that would be. Still, he’ll have to say something, and anytime Biden opens his mouth in public, there’s the potential for disaster. In fact, it already happened during a planned, scripted speech announcing his upcoming visit to the border. Imagine the historic disaster that Biden has created at our southern border. Now, put all that chaos and incompetence into the form of a speech, and you have an idea of how well Biden’s speech about the border
At the link, Mary Chastain of the Legal Insurrection blog offers a stunning collection of quotes and clips, from Biden called Kamala Harris “President Harris” (again) to him getting the name of Customs and Border Protection wrong, to him thinking we can replace Title 42 with Title 9 (or Title 8, whatever), to him comparing the economic migrants flowing into the US to Jews fleeing the Holocaust, to him saying that 20,000 pounds of fentanyl is “enough to kill as many as 1,000 people.” It could actually kill 4.5 billion people.And that’s before we even get into his baffling new plan to let impoverished people risk the dangerous trek to the US border, then somehow apply for entry using a new government app on their cell phones. As Dave Barry would say, I am not making this up.But as crazy as all that is, it sounds like a lecture from Albert Einstein compared to Biden’s attempt to blame the illegal immigration crisis on…brace yourselves…Republicans, who are allegedly preventing him from fixing the problem. You know, the one he created. The one he continues to sue states over when they try to do anything to stop it. Those darn Republicans!!
Someone needs to fetch a big butterfly net, and I don’t mean to catch illegal border crossers with. 

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  • Thomas Anderson

    01/08/2023 05:53 PM

    Better get the butterfly net out quickly and capture him. This incompetent, lying, crooked imbecile is planning to run for President again! When Fetterman won his Senate seat in Pennsylvania, one of my family members commented that, "they could pick up a rock, paint a 'D' on it, and the Democrats would vote for it." Frankly, we would be better off to put a rock in office rather than Biden! It's hard to believe any American political party would do such an irresponsible thing.

  • Carlton Yee

    01/08/2023 05:16 PM

    Truly we are being sold down the river by an Idiot for President. I am hoping a thousand people gather with Go Brandon Flags flying and just as many FJB signs waving. What Bidumb has done is a treasonous event and deserves a trial for this crime.

  • Carol Stonelake

    01/08/2023 04:42 PM

    Mike, so our Idiot and Chief is finally going to visit the border after two years. This man hasn’t a clue to what has been going on! We have been completely inundated with millions of people and tons of drugs that are killing our citizens. It, hopefully, will be our House of Rep. that will stop this invasion and control the purse of this administration!

  • Peter Burnham

    01/08/2023 04:24 PM

    Biden will be lucky to get to a border city, be it Brownsville,Tx or in California. The only way he could get there is by Air Force One going there. That numbskull ( Im being nice here ), I heard needs somebody to help him find his way downstairs in themorning, and probably same at 3 pm when he quits work. Where are those days that the President worked tirelessly, usually without sleep or very little to work on the problems of America. This bumbling idiot is a laugh for all the nations that he interacts with. Same as his VP.

  • Susan Schmitt

    01/08/2023 04:06 PM

    I have both opinions and questions.
    I'm so tired of illegal people being let in to our country. The fentanyl drug really hit home when my cousin's son took some and he died. It is still being investigated as "foul play" since he would not take anything not prescribed by his doctor. He was a Child of God and talked with many about his faith.
    Why can't we get the Dems. to stop letting them in. Why, is a man who is obviously mentally challenged, able to write executive orders and get away with it. I believe that ruling was meant for extreme emergencies.
    There are many things with which I am concerned. The latest is the Digital currency! How on Earth could that have been started without all of us not knowing.
    I'm really not sure we have a government any more. What do the Democrats really want by destroying our God fearing country and people.

    My suggestion is, if they don't like how our Constitution has protected our freedoms, values and basic human rights...they can move to another country!
    How did the 4 lawyer brothers do on Friday with the Supreme Court Case. The Congress persons who went against their oath of office need to be fined and removed from office immediately.
    It makes me sick to see what the Dems. have done to all of us who are proud to be "Citizens of The United States of America"

  • Allegra Kitchens

    01/08/2023 04:05 PM

    Yes, it will be a political smokescreen. Biden at the border is like the emperor in the story, "The Emperor's New Clothes," visiting the new clothes store.
    Biden will see nothing, but believe he has.

  • Greg Correll

    01/08/2023 02:43 PM

    Why are republicans trying to remove him using the 25th amendment. Yes I realize that would leave us with “Mrs. President Harris but surely she could be removed for pure incompetence. Then the Republic Speaker would be next in line, yes??

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