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February 24, 2022

As you surely know by now, last night, Vladimir Putin made good on his threat to invade Ukraine. There’s no hair-splitting about it, it’s a full-on military invasion, including tanks and troops crossing the border and the shelling of the capital city of Kyiv, the largest military attack in Europe since World War II.

Before I get into the details, the most important thing I can do is ask you to join me in praying for the safety of the Ukrainian people, for the return of peace, and although this may sound like too much of a miracle to ask, for Vladimir Putin to realize the evil of his actions and change his heart and mind.

I’m not going to attempt to update you on what's happening, because events are moving too fast. For the latest, here’s a link to a Fox News feed of continually-updated bulletins:

As of this writing (early Thursday morning), there are reports of dozens of people dead. The leader of a Ukrainian emergency response organization said that it appeared Russia was targeting military locations and not civilians, although there is a crush of panicking civilians trying to evacuate. He said so far, Putin was doing exactly what he said he would do. His best case scenario was that he would just attack the military, install a Russian puppet government and pull back without targeting civilians.

Putin threatened that any countries that interfered in his invasion of Ukraine would face “the greatest consequences in history,” not making clear whether he meant cyber warfare, nuclear attack or something else. He also claimed he was reversing the “Nazification” of Ukraine, a bizarre claim considering Ukraine has a Jewish President and a large Jewish population. I wonder where he could have gotten the idea that an autocratic communist could justify crushing his political opponents simply by branding them as “Nazis” first.

Some who watched his TV appearance said he didn’t seem like the same Putin who’s smoothly played the media and attended summit meetings in recent years. No, he seemed like what he has always been: a former KGB thug and Stalin admirer who wants to reassemble the Soviet Union police state. That shouldn’t be a surprise, but too few people these days know real history. Is it only a coincidence that Putin waited to strike until February 23rd, the anniversary of the first mass protests of 1917 that kicked off Russia’s communist revolution?

Just as Russian media misleads the Russian people into thinking that NATO is a threat to Russian sovereignty (it’s actually a purely defensive force against Russian aggression; believe me, nobody wants to take over Russia, certainly not in February), many young people in America have been misled by their teachers into thinking that communism is just “people sharing” and the real evil in the world is the United States.

Well, kids, those Russian tanks and missiles are your rude awakening to reality. You finally get to see the real face of communism that the rest of us grew up with. It’s a tough way to learn what “violence” and “imperialism” really are, and it's not someone building a Chick-Fil-A on your campus.

Putin will do whatever he wants without regard for any threats from the US or NATO. He’s seen weakness, he’s waited for the perfect moment to strike, and after seeing us leave Afghanistan, he’s decided that this is it. And he’s not the only one. Yesterday, China defended Ukraine as an independent nation only so they could warn the world not to confuse Taiwan with one of those because it’s part of China. They went on to make a not-so-veiled threat that implies Beijing has also been emboldened by our weak dealings with Afghanistan and is watching closely to see what Biden does about Ukraine.

At this moment, we’re still waiting to hear what Biden plans to do, although last night, he did reimpose the sanctions on Russia’s Nord Stream 2 oil pipeline that he inexplicably lifted less than a year ago.

Maybe that will help bring down the estimated extra $1 billion a day that’s been flowing into Putin’s war chest thanks to high oil and gas prices brought about by targeting America’s fossil fuel industry.

The White House warned that due to the Ukraine crisis and coming sanctions, Americans might be seeing even higher prices at the gas pumps. Gosh, if only there were some way that America could produce its own oil and gas so we wouldn’t be reliant on imports from places like Russia.

There’s a lot more that I could say, but there’s an old tradition in America that’s been ripped up in recent years, but I think it deserves preservation: when America is facing a serious crisis abroad, Americans shouldn’t attack their own President. I think we all know why we, and the world, are in this situation now, so I don’t have to belabor it.

Let’s just say for now that I, and I hope all Americans, stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and behind all those who stand up against this barbaric action by Vladimir Putin. And please, pray for Ukraine.

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Comments 11-15 of 15

  • Steve Glary

    02/25/2022 08:50 AM

    As much as I abhor a bully getting his way, the world needs to economically shut the Russians down. No dollars, no travel, assets around the world of Russians need frozen, make it impossible for the Russian oligarchs to function outside of Russia. He's playing hardball, we must play it too.


    02/24/2022 10:37 PM

    im ashamed of mike huckabee, he used to think homosexual agenda was a big evil, and Putin often stood up against it while liberal western countries tried to force it on other countries. liberal western values are far worse than russian values, at least russia loves their own people. communism is not in russia, its in china, its not russia. russia just wants to keep nato away. if mike huckabee would repent of his sin, arrogance and pride, id suggest he hurry. Jesus is coming anyday in the rapture and we are about to be nuked for not minding our own business

  • john kellock

    02/24/2022 06:26 PM

    Please keep up the good work. Especially when the US and the world needs to know the truth. they won't get it by the Hitler Youth program of the CRT in schools. This education is nefarious and others are on board around the world.

  • john kellock

    02/24/2022 06:23 PM

    Please forgive me for my comments; I only have one life to live. the invasion of Ukraine is touted as an assault against Democracy (the way the US claims to be a Democracy). The Russians have always fought against corruption by so-called democratic governments. Remember their efforts against the Nazi politicians of Germany? Helped keep the world safe for bullies and armed forces that will, for oil or other interests, keep the world safe for the big guys.

  • Jon C Geissinger

    02/24/2022 04:53 PM

    I guess you have been asleep for at least the past 50 years???
    1. Putin was an ANALYST while in the KGB. He was initially appointed to be the president and had no term limits.
    2. Putin is a Christian believer.
    3. He has no more or even less power than the US president in his country.
    4. The US fomented a coup d'tat in 2014 after a legal, proper election led by Victoria Nuland. The exiled president fed to Russia for asylum.
    5. Since 2014, Ukraine has sent genocidal neo-Nazis to terrorize the breakaway regions (Azov brigade as example). They have shelled civilian targets since then in a campaign of genocide.
    6. These genocidal maniacs are fed, armed and supplied by the US with OUR tax payer dollars; CIA is really good at funneling death.
    Some reasons:
    1. The west is still upset that they could not take over Russia; to wit: no Rothschild banks installed there.
    2. Russia saved Syria (so far).
    3. Russia has yolerayed 8 years of the genocide of ethnic Russians in the east of Ukraine.
    Truth check all that! I know ALLOT of people in Russia and Ukraine. Quit spreading false facts.

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