Today's News Stories

February 7, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse Of The Day
  • "Huckabee" Preview
  • Good Political News
  • Partial Victory For California Churches
  • "Land Of The Free"
  • Big Picture Thoughts On The Election
  • Hold On To Your Teeth Part II
  • Brian Sicknick Update

Thank you again for subscribing!  To read this newsletter on my website, go here.


Mike Huckabee



"Huckabee" Preview

By Mike Huckabee

Tonight on TBN, I have a great new episode of “Huckabee” coming your way! I’ll talk about the latest news from DC with Sen. Josh Hawley. Then because I know you could use a break from the news, I’ve packed the show with fantastic entertainment. Superstar Olivia Newton John and her singer daughter Chloe Lattanzi will share their new duet. You’ll laugh yourself silly with comedian Jose Sarduy, Southern humorist/blogger Susannah Lewis, and some crazy news “In Case You Missed It.” Plus conversation and music from country legend T.G. Sheppard. Just try to find a better variety show than that!

It all gets rolling tonight at 9 EST/8 CST, on TBN. To find out how you can watch TBN, from local cable and broadcast channels to streaming, visit and click on “Channel Finder” on the top menu. You can stream previous episodes, highlights and online-only “Digital Exclusives,” including extended interviews, “In Case You Missed It” and “Facts of the Matter” segments, and extra performances by our great musical and comedy guests, all at You can also find past shows, highlights and digital exclusives on YouTube and my Facebook page.

Good Political News

By Mike Huckabee

The last uncalled race of the 2020 election is finally over. A judge ruled that Republican Claudia Tenney has recaptured the New York House District 22 seat that she lost to Democrat Anthony Brindisi in 2018. After three months of hearings, recounts and challenges, Tenney leads by 122 votes. No GOP incumbents lost their seats, and the Democrats’ majority margin in the House will now shrink by another seat.

With no regard for the blatant hypocrisy, after three months of Democrats claiming that contesting an election is treasonous insurrection, Brindisi plans to continue contesting his election loss by appealing to a federal court or to the House. And – hold on to your hats – some Democrats are claiming that the voting machines stole that election from them! I hope the lawyers for the voting machine company are paying attention.

Partial Victory For California Churches

By Mike Huckabee

In a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court gave a partial victory to California churches whose indoor worship services had been banned by the state. The SCOTUS ruled that churches can reopen at 25% capacity, with some limits, such as the state’s restriction on singing or chanting.

Justices Thomas and Gorsuch reportedly said they would have lifted all restrictions. Gorsuch wrote, "Even if a full congregation singing hymns is too risky, California does not explain why even a single masked cantor cannot lead worship behind a mask and a plexiglass shield. Or why even a lone muezzin may not sing the call to prayer from a remote location inside a mosque as worshippers file in."

Liberals Kagan, Breyer and Sotomayor all dissented, claiming the ban was necessary to fight the pandemic, although they didn’t explain why it was okay to go inside a Walmart with reduced capacity, but not a church.

"Land Of The Free"

By Mike Huckabee

Sadly, it’s getting harder and harder to refer to America as “The Land of the Free” when we have a government, media, social media and major corporations all colluding (one of the left’s favorite words) to silence and destroy any voice of dissent against the left’s dangerous agenda.

How bad has it gotten? The leaders of Australia, Mexico, Hungary and now France are all speaking out and/or taking government action to rein the tech companies’ assaults on free speech, primarily because they’re so alarmed by what’s happening in America. Think about that and feel a chill. The President of Mexico even said that at the next G20 summit, he plans to propose the creation of an international anti-censorship commission.

I assume China and Russia will vote against it, but I can’t wait to see how President Biden votes.

Big Picture Thoughts On The Election

By Mike Huckabee

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell released a two-hour video Friday, compiling what he says is evidence that the 2020 election was rigged to elect Joe Biden. YouTube wouldn’t host it, so he put it on Rumble, or you can see it at his website, He also bought airtime to run it on the OAN channel, but they put a disclaimer on it that it was an opinion program created by Lindell, not OAN.

Lindell’s program was dismissed by liberal media outlets, who claimed it contained only old debunked claims. Here’s a typically snarky one from

And a more sober one from the New York Times.

Meanwhile, even as Lindell is being attacked for questioning the election, Time magazine actually reported on how a shadowy cabal of powerful interest groups colluded to help Joe Biden win and to pressure Trump to concede.

Of course, in Time’s bubble world, this wasn’t rigging the election or unfair, possibly illegal election interference. Perish the thought! As Time puts it, they were “working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information” but “they were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it.” They were saving democracy by undermining it. I suppose I should send them a thank-you card.

I assume they also think they are saving democracy by trying to intimidate, bully, cancel and silence anyone who dares suggest that the election was rigged. They always respond by repeating that there’s no evidence of widespread voter fraud or machines flipping millions of votes.

But that’s irrelevant. Put aside the issue that those things wouldn’t even be necessary to rig a close election determined by a handful of swing states. Adults who don’t think in simplistic terms understand that it is possible to believe both that Joe Biden legitimately got a winning margin of votes, and that the election was still rigged.

Even setting aside concerns about the loosening of voter integrity laws (which Time admits), if you consider it the duty of the news media in elections to provide complete, accurate, objective information to the voters – and you believe that the media and social media both discarded their responsibilities, became openly partisan, and hid bad news about Biden while trumpeting and even creating bad news about Trump (again, admitted and even praised by Time) – then you can honestly believe that Biden legitimately got the most votes, but did so though a tainted process, so the election was, in effect, rigged.

To make a sports analogy, you could accept that one baseball team got more runs than the other to win the championship game. But if the winning team’s coach was also the umpire, and every call went in favor of his team, then please don’t tell me I’m crazy if I suspect the game was rigged.

In a related story, here’s a study of the election turnout that shows the states and demographics where Trump gained or lost voters from 2016, and where Biden improved or not on Hillary Clinton’s support.

The key to the election results was white voters who abandoned Trump for Biden, possibly because of personalities, or thinking Biden would handle the coronavirus better (ha!) or believing that Biden was a moderate who would return America to “normalcy.” He is, if you consider stagnation, unemployment, weakness and putting America last to be “normal,” which, under the Obama/Biden Administration, they were. Of course, they weren’t told this by the media or social media, but don’t you dare call that “rigging” the election!

Hold On To Your Teeth Part II

By Mike Huckabee

And now that it’s too late for informing the public honestly to make any difference, CBS News suddenly rediscovers journalism

Brian Sicknick Update

By Mike Huckabee

The attempt to build a murder case against Capitol rioters over the death of Officer Brian Sicknick is looking less certain. It was originally speculated that he collapsed and died hours after the violence due to being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher. But that appears to be leftwing disinformation spread by social media and allowed to be repeated for a month with nobody “fact-checking” it.

CNN reports that medical examiners found no evidence of blunt force trauma. It’s been a month since he died, and there’s still no official word on his cause of death, with speculation now swirling around a stroke, a pre-existing medical condition or a reaction to pepper spray or some other chemical agent.

Officer Sicknick’s family asked that his death not be politicized. That request has been ignored. He and they deserve to be shown the respect of stopping the political exploitation of his death, certainly since it now appears that we don’t even know yet what caused it.


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Comments 26-32 of 32

  • Bert Lacativo

    02/07/2021 12:01 PM

    Please comment on H.R. 127 presented to the House of Representatives on January 4, 2021 regarding gun and ammunition registration/restriction.

  • Sharon Wolff

    02/07/2021 11:16 AM

    I have Comcast Cable. Every Saturday night I try to watch your show, every Saturday night the cable message is. You are not authorized to have this channel. Now as soon as your show goes off, the channel returns. This has been happening quite often. I’m in Illinois. Has anyone else experienced this. Thank you.

  • Sanford Winnerman

    02/07/2021 11:11 AM

    Please educate Liz Clayman of FBN. I just saw her on Howard Kurtz say the Capital police officer was killed by being struck by a fire extinguisher.
    Thank you for your unambiguous defense of election fraud allegations.

  • JOD

    02/07/2021 11:02 AM

    The country is being invaded on our Southern border have the military been notified? Send the troops to the border that being kept hostage on the Capitol grounds and by the the way every Congress person needs to be removed from their position that did not vote to reject the 230 bill as our nations 1st amendment is being violated by big tech the President is not protecting the Border allowing undocumented people entering the country this is lawless at every step stop the invasion remove the President for permitting the invasion to continue. This country is being attacked by Mexican Cartels and China's illegal killing drugs brought thru the Border.

  • Susan Bertuccelli

    02/07/2021 10:31 AM

    I wonder if anyone is seeing the comparison on what is happening now with censoring and anti-conservative rhetoric and censorship, businesses being cancelled, etc. with McCarthyism? Now with the armed forces doing a hunt for conservatives, i fail to see what the difference is now.

  • Stephen Russell

    02/07/2021 10:28 AM

    1-6 riot: Love to see timeline video breakdown of said 1-6 riot commencing on 1-5 when Antifa shows up at Cap Hill & follow pre & post riot events
    Video from phones, other video, eyewitnesses, etc & show on Fox Nation, NewsMax,
    Make public
    Or to hear audio from feeds to Antifa & leaders during set up time
    & use in Impeachment trial 2

  • Stephen Russell

    02/07/2021 10:14 AM

    United assult on Big Tech:
    US MUST join assult on Big Tech with allied nations alone
    & take to court
    What ever means it takes to bring down Big Tech Im for, even some illegal to shut them up
    Will Biden attend G20 & follow up with anti censor Comm on Big Tech

Election 2024 Coverage

February 7, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse Of The Day
  • "Huckabee" Preview
  • Good Political News
  • Partial Victory For California Churches
  • "Land Of The Free"
  • Big Picture Thoughts On The Election
  • Hold On To Your Teeth Part II
  • Brian Sicknick Update

Thank you again for subscribing!  To read this newsletter on my website, go here.


Mike Huckabee



"Huckabee" Preview

By Mike Huckabee

Tonight on TBN, I have a great new episode of “Huckabee” coming your way! I’ll talk about the latest news from DC with Sen. Josh Hawley. Then because I know you could use a break from the news, I’ve packed the show with fantastic entertainment. Superstar Olivia Newton John and her singer daughter Chloe Lattanzi will share their new duet. You’ll laugh yourself silly with comedian Jose Sarduy, Southern humorist/blogger Susannah Lewis, and some crazy news “In Case You Missed It.” Plus conversation and music from country legend T.G. Sheppard. Just try to find a better variety show than that!

It all gets rolling tonight at 9 EST/8 CST, on TBN. To find out how you can watch TBN, from local cable and broadcast channels to streaming, visit and click on “Channel Finder” on the top menu. You can stream previous episodes, highlights and online-only “Digital Exclusives,” including extended interviews, “In Case You Missed It” and “Facts of the Matter” segments, and extra performances by our great musical and comedy guests, all at You can also find past shows, highlights and digital exclusives on YouTube and my Facebook page.

Good Political News

By Mike Huckabee

The last uncalled race of the 2020 election is finally over. A judge ruled that Republican Claudia Tenney has recaptured the New York House District 22 seat that she lost to Democrat Anthony Brindisi in 2018. After three months of hearings, recounts and challenges, Tenney leads by 122 votes. No GOP incumbents lost their seats, and the Democrats’ majority margin in the House will now shrink by another seat.

With no regard for the blatant hypocrisy, after three months of Democrats claiming that contesting an election is treasonous insurrection, Brindisi plans to continue contesting his election loss by appealing to a federal court or to the House. And – hold on to your hats – some Democrats are claiming that the voting machines stole that election from them! I hope the lawyers for the voting machine company are paying attention.

Partial Victory For California Churches

By Mike Huckabee

In a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court gave a partial victory to California churches whose indoor worship services had been banned by the state. The SCOTUS ruled that churches can reopen at 25% capacity, with some limits, such as the state’s restriction on singing or chanting.

Justices Thomas and Gorsuch reportedly said they would have lifted all restrictions. Gorsuch wrote, "Even if a full congregation singing hymns is too risky, California does not explain why even a single masked cantor cannot lead worship behind a mask and a plexiglass shield. Or why even a lone muezzin may not sing the call to prayer from a remote location inside a mosque as worshippers file in."

Liberals Kagan, Breyer and Sotomayor all dissented, claiming the ban was necessary to fight the pandemic, although they didn’t explain why it was okay to go inside a Walmart with reduced capacity, but not a church.

"Land Of The Free"

By Mike Huckabee

Sadly, it’s getting harder and harder to refer to America as “The Land of the Free” when we have a government, media, social media and major corporations all colluding (one of the left’s favorite words) to silence and destroy any voice of dissent against the left’s dangerous agenda.

How bad has it gotten? The leaders of Australia, Mexico, Hungary and now France are all speaking out and/or taking government action to rein the tech companies’ assaults on free speech, primarily because they’re so alarmed by what’s happening in America. Think about that and feel a chill. The President of Mexico even said that at the next G20 summit, he plans to propose the creation of an international anti-censorship commission.

I assume China and Russia will vote against it, but I can’t wait to see how President Biden votes.

Big Picture Thoughts On The Election

By Mike Huckabee

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell released a two-hour video Friday, compiling what he says is evidence that the 2020 election was rigged to elect Joe Biden. YouTube wouldn’t host it, so he put it on Rumble, or you can see it at his website, He also bought airtime to run it on the OAN channel, but they put a disclaimer on it that it was an opinion program created by Lindell, not OAN.

Lindell’s program was dismissed by liberal media outlets, who claimed it contained only old debunked claims. Here’s a typically snarky one from

And a more sober one from the New York Times.

Meanwhile, even as Lindell is being attacked for questioning the election, Time magazine actually reported on how a shadowy cabal of powerful interest groups colluded to help Joe Biden win and to pressure Trump to concede.

Of course, in Time’s bubble world, this wasn’t rigging the election or unfair, possibly illegal election interference. Perish the thought! As Time puts it, they were “working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information” but “they were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it.” They were saving democracy by undermining it. I suppose I should send them a thank-you card.

I assume they also think they are saving democracy by trying to intimidate, bully, cancel and silence anyone who dares suggest that the election was rigged. They always respond by repeating that there’s no evidence of widespread voter fraud or machines flipping millions of votes.

But that’s irrelevant. Put aside the issue that those things wouldn’t even be necessary to rig a close election determined by a handful of swing states. Adults who don’t think in simplistic terms understand that it is possible to believe both that Joe Biden legitimately got a winning margin of votes, and that the election was still rigged.

Even setting aside concerns about the loosening of voter integrity laws (which Time admits), if you consider it the duty of the news media in elections to provide complete, accurate, objective information to the voters – and you believe that the media and social media both discarded their responsibilities, became openly partisan, and hid bad news about Biden while trumpeting and even creating bad news about Trump (again, admitted and even praised by Time) – then you can honestly believe that Biden legitimately got the most votes, but did so though a tainted process, so the election was, in effect, rigged.

To make a sports analogy, you could accept that one baseball team got more runs than the other to win the championship game. But if the winning team’s coach was also the umpire, and every call went in favor of his team, then please don’t tell me I’m crazy if I suspect the game was rigged.

In a related story, here’s a study of the election turnout that shows the states and demographics where Trump gained or lost voters from 2016, and where Biden improved or not on Hillary Clinton’s support.

The key to the election results was white voters who abandoned Trump for Biden, possibly because of personalities, or thinking Biden would handle the coronavirus better (ha!) or believing that Biden was a moderate who would return America to “normalcy.” He is, if you consider stagnation, unemployment, weakness and putting America last to be “normal,” which, under the Obama/Biden Administration, they were. Of course, they weren’t told this by the media or social media, but don’t you dare call that “rigging” the election!

Hold On To Your Teeth Part II

By Mike Huckabee

And now that it’s too late for informing the public honestly to make any difference, CBS News suddenly rediscovers journalism

Brian Sicknick Update

By Mike Huckabee

The attempt to build a murder case against Capitol rioters over the death of Officer Brian Sicknick is looking less certain. It was originally speculated that he collapsed and died hours after the violence due to being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher. But that appears to be leftwing disinformation spread by social media and allowed to be repeated for a month with nobody “fact-checking” it.

CNN reports that medical examiners found no evidence of blunt force trauma. It’s been a month since he died, and there’s still no official word on his cause of death, with speculation now swirling around a stroke, a pre-existing medical condition or a reaction to pepper spray or some other chemical agent.

Officer Sicknick’s family asked that his death not be politicized. That request has been ignored. He and they deserve to be shown the respect of stopping the political exploitation of his death, certainly since it now appears that we don’t even know yet what caused it.


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Comments 26-32 of 32

  • Bert Lacativo

    02/07/2021 12:01 PM

    Please comment on H.R. 127 presented to the House of Representatives on January 4, 2021 regarding gun and ammunition registration/restriction.

  • Sharon Wolff

    02/07/2021 11:16 AM

    I have Comcast Cable. Every Saturday night I try to watch your show, every Saturday night the cable message is. You are not authorized to have this channel. Now as soon as your show goes off, the channel returns. This has been happening quite often. I’m in Illinois. Has anyone else experienced this. Thank you.

  • Sanford Winnerman

    02/07/2021 11:11 AM

    Please educate Liz Clayman of FBN. I just saw her on Howard Kurtz say the Capital police officer was killed by being struck by a fire extinguisher.
    Thank you for your unambiguous defense of election fraud allegations.

  • JOD

    02/07/2021 11:02 AM

    The country is being invaded on our Southern border have the military been notified? Send the troops to the border that being kept hostage on the Capitol grounds and by the the way every Congress person needs to be removed from their position that did not vote to reject the 230 bill as our nations 1st amendment is being violated by big tech the President is not protecting the Border allowing undocumented people entering the country this is lawless at every step stop the invasion remove the President for permitting the invasion to continue. This country is being attacked by Mexican Cartels and China's illegal killing drugs brought thru the Border.

  • Susan Bertuccelli

    02/07/2021 10:31 AM

    I wonder if anyone is seeing the comparison on what is happening now with censoring and anti-conservative rhetoric and censorship, businesses being cancelled, etc. with McCarthyism? Now with the armed forces doing a hunt for conservatives, i fail to see what the difference is now.

  • Stephen Russell

    02/07/2021 10:28 AM

    1-6 riot: Love to see timeline video breakdown of said 1-6 riot commencing on 1-5 when Antifa shows up at Cap Hill & follow pre & post riot events
    Video from phones, other video, eyewitnesses, etc & show on Fox Nation, NewsMax,
    Make public
    Or to hear audio from feeds to Antifa & leaders during set up time
    & use in Impeachment trial 2

  • Stephen Russell

    02/07/2021 10:14 AM

    United assult on Big Tech:
    US MUST join assult on Big Tech with allied nations alone
    & take to court
    What ever means it takes to bring down Big Tech Im for, even some illegal to shut them up
    Will Biden attend G20 & follow up with anti censor Comm on Big Tech

Message from Mike Huckabee

    Help me fight back against Big Tech censorship. If you would like to subscribe to the daily, advertisement-free version of my newsletter for $5 monthly or $36 annually, on Substack, go here.

    Latest News

    February 7, 2021

    Good morning!

    Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

    Today's newsletter includes:

    • Bible Verse Of The Day
    • "Huckabee" Preview
    • Good Political News
    • Partial Victory For California Churches
    • "Land Of The Free"
    • Big Picture Thoughts On The Election
    • Hold On To Your Teeth Part II
    • Brian Sicknick Update

    Thank you again for subscribing!  To read this newsletter on my website, go here.


    Mike Huckabee



    "Huckabee" Preview

    By Mike Huckabee

    Tonight on TBN, I have a great new episode of “Huckabee” coming your way! I’ll talk about the latest news from DC with Sen. Josh Hawley. Then because I know you could use a break from the news, I’ve packed the show with fantastic entertainment. Superstar Olivia Newton John and her singer daughter Chloe Lattanzi will share their new duet. You’ll laugh yourself silly with comedian Jose Sarduy, Southern humorist/blogger Susannah Lewis, and some crazy news “In Case You Missed It.” Plus conversation and music from country legend T.G. Sheppard. Just try to find a better variety show than that!

    It all gets rolling tonight at 9 EST/8 CST, on TBN. To find out how you can watch TBN, from local cable and broadcast channels to streaming, visit and click on “Channel Finder” on the top menu. You can stream previous episodes, highlights and online-only “Digital Exclusives,” including extended interviews, “In Case You Missed It” and “Facts of the Matter” segments, and extra performances by our great musical and comedy guests, all at You can also find past shows, highlights and digital exclusives on YouTube and my Facebook page.

    Good Political News

    By Mike Huckabee

    The last uncalled race of the 2020 election is finally over. A judge ruled that Republican Claudia Tenney has recaptured the New York House District 22 seat that she lost to Democrat Anthony Brindisi in 2018. After three months of hearings, recounts and challenges, Tenney leads by 122 votes. No GOP incumbents lost their seats, and the Democrats’ majority margin in the House will now shrink by another seat.

    With no regard for the blatant hypocrisy, after three months of Democrats claiming that contesting an election is treasonous insurrection, Brindisi plans to continue contesting his election loss by appealing to a federal court or to the House. And – hold on to your hats – some Democrats are claiming that the voting machines stole that election from them! I hope the lawyers for the voting machine company are paying attention.

    Partial Victory For California Churches

    By Mike Huckabee

    In a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court gave a partial victory to California churches whose indoor worship services had been banned by the state. The SCOTUS ruled that churches can reopen at 25% capacity, with some limits, such as the state’s restriction on singing or chanting.

    Justices Thomas and Gorsuch reportedly said they would have lifted all restrictions. Gorsuch wrote, "Even if a full congregation singing hymns is too risky, California does not explain why even a single masked cantor cannot lead worship behind a mask and a plexiglass shield. Or why even a lone muezzin may not sing the call to prayer from a remote location inside a mosque as worshippers file in."

    Liberals Kagan, Breyer and Sotomayor all dissented, claiming the ban was necessary to fight the pandemic, although they didn’t explain why it was okay to go inside a Walmart with reduced capacity, but not a church.

    "Land Of The Free"

    By Mike Huckabee

    Sadly, it’s getting harder and harder to refer to America as “The Land of the Free” when we have a government, media, social media and major corporations all colluding (one of the left’s favorite words) to silence and destroy any voice of dissent against the left’s dangerous agenda.

    How bad has it gotten? The leaders of Australia, Mexico, Hungary and now France are all speaking out and/or taking government action to rein the tech companies’ assaults on free speech, primarily because they’re so alarmed by what’s happening in America. Think about that and feel a chill. The President of Mexico even said that at the next G20 summit, he plans to propose the creation of an international anti-censorship commission.

    I assume China and Russia will vote against it, but I can’t wait to see how President Biden votes.

    Big Picture Thoughts On The Election

    By Mike Huckabee

    MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell released a two-hour video Friday, compiling what he says is evidence that the 2020 election was rigged to elect Joe Biden. YouTube wouldn’t host it, so he put it on Rumble, or you can see it at his website, He also bought airtime to run it on the OAN channel, but they put a disclaimer on it that it was an opinion program created by Lindell, not OAN.

    Lindell’s program was dismissed by liberal media outlets, who claimed it contained only old debunked claims. Here’s a typically snarky one from

    And a more sober one from the New York Times.

    Meanwhile, even as Lindell is being attacked for questioning the election, Time magazine actually reported on how a shadowy cabal of powerful interest groups colluded to help Joe Biden win and to pressure Trump to concede.

    Of course, in Time’s bubble world, this wasn’t rigging the election or unfair, possibly illegal election interference. Perish the thought! As Time puts it, they were “working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information” but “they were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it.” They were saving democracy by undermining it. I suppose I should send them a thank-you card.

    I assume they also think they are saving democracy by trying to intimidate, bully, cancel and silence anyone who dares suggest that the election was rigged. They always respond by repeating that there’s no evidence of widespread voter fraud or machines flipping millions of votes.

    But that’s irrelevant. Put aside the issue that those things wouldn’t even be necessary to rig a close election determined by a handful of swing states. Adults who don’t think in simplistic terms understand that it is possible to believe both that Joe Biden legitimately got a winning margin of votes, and that the election was still rigged.

    Even setting aside concerns about the loosening of voter integrity laws (which Time admits), if you consider it the duty of the news media in elections to provide complete, accurate, objective information to the voters – and you believe that the media and social media both discarded their responsibilities, became openly partisan, and hid bad news about Biden while trumpeting and even creating bad news about Trump (again, admitted and even praised by Time) – then you can honestly believe that Biden legitimately got the most votes, but did so though a tainted process, so the election was, in effect, rigged.

    To make a sports analogy, you could accept that one baseball team got more runs than the other to win the championship game. But if the winning team’s coach was also the umpire, and every call went in favor of his team, then please don’t tell me I’m crazy if I suspect the game was rigged.

    In a related story, here’s a study of the election turnout that shows the states and demographics where Trump gained or lost voters from 2016, and where Biden improved or not on Hillary Clinton’s support.

    The key to the election results was white voters who abandoned Trump for Biden, possibly because of personalities, or thinking Biden would handle the coronavirus better (ha!) or believing that Biden was a moderate who would return America to “normalcy.” He is, if you consider stagnation, unemployment, weakness and putting America last to be “normal,” which, under the Obama/Biden Administration, they were. Of course, they weren’t told this by the media or social media, but don’t you dare call that “rigging” the election!

    Hold On To Your Teeth Part II

    By Mike Huckabee

    And now that it’s too late for informing the public honestly to make any difference, CBS News suddenly rediscovers journalism

    Brian Sicknick Update

    By Mike Huckabee

    The attempt to build a murder case against Capitol rioters over the death of Officer Brian Sicknick is looking less certain. It was originally speculated that he collapsed and died hours after the violence due to being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher. But that appears to be leftwing disinformation spread by social media and allowed to be repeated for a month with nobody “fact-checking” it.

    CNN reports that medical examiners found no evidence of blunt force trauma. It’s been a month since he died, and there’s still no official word on his cause of death, with speculation now swirling around a stroke, a pre-existing medical condition or a reaction to pepper spray or some other chemical agent.

    Officer Sicknick’s family asked that his death not be politicized. That request has been ignored. He and they deserve to be shown the respect of stopping the political exploitation of his death, certainly since it now appears that we don’t even know yet what caused it.


    Leave a Comment

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    Comments 26-32 of 32

    • Bert Lacativo

      02/07/2021 12:01 PM

      Please comment on H.R. 127 presented to the House of Representatives on January 4, 2021 regarding gun and ammunition registration/restriction.

    • Sharon Wolff

      02/07/2021 11:16 AM

      I have Comcast Cable. Every Saturday night I try to watch your show, every Saturday night the cable message is. You are not authorized to have this channel. Now as soon as your show goes off, the channel returns. This has been happening quite often. I’m in Illinois. Has anyone else experienced this. Thank you.

    • Sanford Winnerman

      02/07/2021 11:11 AM

      Please educate Liz Clayman of FBN. I just saw her on Howard Kurtz say the Capital police officer was killed by being struck by a fire extinguisher.
      Thank you for your unambiguous defense of election fraud allegations.

    • JOD

      02/07/2021 11:02 AM

      The country is being invaded on our Southern border have the military been notified? Send the troops to the border that being kept hostage on the Capitol grounds and by the the way every Congress person needs to be removed from their position that did not vote to reject the 230 bill as our nations 1st amendment is being violated by big tech the President is not protecting the Border allowing undocumented people entering the country this is lawless at every step stop the invasion remove the President for permitting the invasion to continue. This country is being attacked by Mexican Cartels and China's illegal killing drugs brought thru the Border.

    • Susan Bertuccelli

      02/07/2021 10:31 AM

      I wonder if anyone is seeing the comparison on what is happening now with censoring and anti-conservative rhetoric and censorship, businesses being cancelled, etc. with McCarthyism? Now with the armed forces doing a hunt for conservatives, i fail to see what the difference is now.

    • Stephen Russell

      02/07/2021 10:28 AM

      1-6 riot: Love to see timeline video breakdown of said 1-6 riot commencing on 1-5 when Antifa shows up at Cap Hill & follow pre & post riot events
      Video from phones, other video, eyewitnesses, etc & show on Fox Nation, NewsMax,
      Make public
      Or to hear audio from feeds to Antifa & leaders during set up time
      & use in Impeachment trial 2

    • Stephen Russell

      02/07/2021 10:14 AM

      United assult on Big Tech:
      US MUST join assult on Big Tech with allied nations alone
      & take to court
      What ever means it takes to bring down Big Tech Im for, even some illegal to shut them up
      Will Biden attend G20 & follow up with anti censor Comm on Big Tech