Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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Updated: 8:56 AM CDT, October 24

1. Former Trump VA Secretary blasts the Biden Administration for surrendering to the government employees’ union, and letting down American veterans and taxpayers.

2. Thelma Mothershed Wair of the Little Rock Nine passes due to complications with MS.

3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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January 7, 2021

Early this morning, Congress certified the Electoral College vote for Joe Biden for President. Afterward, President Trump issued a statement promising an orderly transition of power on January 20th, signaling to his supporters that his challenge to the vote is over.

Some Republicans still challenged the electoral vote certification, such as Rep. Matt Gaetz

But others who had planned to join the challenge, including Sens. Marsha Blackburn and Kelly Loeffler, changed their minds after the day’s tragic violence inside the Capitol building by a small group of “Trump supporters” (there are unconfirmed reports that some might have been false-flag Antifa agitators, but others were reportedly identified as part of far-right fringe movements that did not reflect the views of thousands of peaceful Trump supporters outside.) Nevertheless, after a year of telling us not to condemn all peaceful protesters because of the violent actions of a few, that’s precisely what Democrats and the media are doing.

Some on the right are comparing the people who broke into the Capitol to American Revolutionaries. But the Founders were not a mindless mob who committed violence with no longterm plan. They resorted to revolution only after exhausting every other alternative. They issued a statement of their rights and grievances and pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to defend it. They didn’t harm their own side by mindlessly smashing windows in the British Parliament. A later revolutionary protester, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., spoke his piece from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial; he didn’t vandalize it.

Let me be clear: I absolutely and unequivocally condemn the actions of the mob who smashed their way into the Capitol, just as I also call for an investigation of Capitol police who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt, a female Air Force veteran of 14 years.

Here’s more background on Babbitt and the shooting.

In Twitter comments, some people expressed sadness and dismay, but others coldly dismissed her as a traitor and a terrorist and good riddance (I’m sure the same people who are outraged over police brutality against leftist protesters.) It’s true that no one should have breached the barricades Antifa-style, shattered a window, entered the building and confronted security officers. It was a terrible thing. But why were they met with gunfire? I remember Democrats reacting with outrage at a Trump suggestion that looters be shot. In a tragic update, the DC Police have said that four people are now dead, although they didn’t release the causes, which are reportedly medical.

I am gratified to see that, at long last, Democrats are finally condemning mob violence. Only a few months ago, Washington, DC, and many other cities were ablaze; there were riots, arson, looting and assaults on federal buildings and monuments; and their response was to defend the mob and prosecute anyone who stood up to them. Nancy Pelosi infamously said she didn’t care about some old buildings. It’s suddenly a very different matter when one of those “old buildings” is the one with her office in it.

I’ll stress that pointing out the other side’s hypocrisy and Johnny-come-lately outrage is not an excuse. There is no excuse for breaking-and-entering and disrupting the constitutionally-mandated joint session of the House and Senate that was to certify (or not) the state electors. This was perhaps the ONE CHANCE before January 20 that Republicans would have to present their evidence of election fraud, unconstitutionality and error that might have shown Trump to be the actual winner in certain contested states. It’s something that needed to happen, calmly, openly, rationally. More investigation will be needed to determine why these people felt oddly compelled to disrupt this process and undermine the cause of thousands of peaceful Trump supporters outside.

And about Trump supporters: again, NOT AN EXCUSE, but let's look at how many of us feel right now. We’ve been treated like second-class citizens going on five years. In some professions, we can’t even hint at our political leanings. The blacklist against conservatives is as pervasive and powerful as the one used against leftists in the McCarthy era. The Ivy League elite have consistently condescended to us. On college campuses, conservatives risk being “canceled,” even dropped from academic programs because of some "problematic" tweet. The media try to gaslight us at every turn, repeatedly and with no evidence telling us that our President cares only for himself and is a traitor, an agent of Russia. We're tired of being told that 2+2=5. All the while, they bury stories about Hillary, the Bidens, and the partisan federal bureaucracy out to get Trump and anyone on his side.

It’s gotten worse since the election. The deep concerns of millions have been dismissed. Even in the face of wild statistical anomalies and numerous unexplained election-night oddities, questioning the results in any way is forbidden. “Why, this election was PERFECT!” we’re told. “It was the most secure election we have ever had in our history!” Good grief, we don’t have to be crazy conspiracy theorists to recognize these grandiose remarks as overstatements at the very least. Shakespeare might say that election officials “doth protest too much.”

We’ve seen blatant misreporting in the mainstream media, who prefer the false narrative that “courts have dismissed every one of the Trump lawsuits because, as we all know, there is no evidence.” In truth, the courts find other reasons, such as the inexplicable “lack of standing,” to keep from HAVING to look at any evidence. When the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land, does this, what is the recourse?

About 70 million Americans suspect that the results of this election are not to be trusted. But these people have been shut down, silenced, and banned from social media or flagged as “misinformation” or “disputed” for daring even to question it. Even the President himself has been treated this way. If we have to sweep this under the rug, as Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) insist we do, we will never trust another election again.

So when media pundits say that challenging these election results is “interfering with democracy,” I say they’re off by 180 degrees. Under current conditions, challenging the election results is SAVING democracy. Stand back, let the Constitution do its work, and let the chips fall where they may.

The violence on Wednesday wasn't just completely unacceptable, it was downright stupid. It was stupid because the worst consequence --- not counting, of course, the loss of four lives --- is that the visuals of the Capitol being stormed will be exploited forever, used as justification to go full pedal-to-the-metal in quashing the rights of conservatives. Take away their civil liberties, leftists will cry; those people shouldn’t have any say! Why, those right-wing racists/sexists/homophobes/traitors don’t deserve a voice, a place in society, or even a way to make a living. Shun them! Cancel them! (And forget all the video of leftists smashing and burning cities from coast-to-coast.)

All of that was coming anyway, incrementally, if they gained power, but this event by a relatively small number of people hastens it.

For all those who are upset at the way the election was handled, and worried about the future of America under Democrat rule, join the club. But we’ve known for two months that any challenges to the November election were the longest of longshots. I defended Trump’s right to make those challenges legally and constitutionally, but it was never likely that Congress would reject electors that the states had certified.

Probably the best that we could hope for was that the challenges might result in what Ted Cruz called for (basically, what I called for just days after the election): an open, bipartisan investigation of alleged voting irregularities, so that if there was anything illegal it would come to light, and if not, Americans could be assured that the vote was trustworthy and Biden wouldn’t govern under a cloud of suspicion.

Now, thanks to the unforgivable actions of hotheads, even that hope has been dashed. Democrats may think they’ve pulled out a hat trick here: they’ve escaped an audit of the vote, Biden’s victory is certified, and Trump and all his supporters are permanently tarnished. But millions of Americans who feel their concerns have been dismissed and their voices silenced will not go away simply because the media try to shame them into it. 

Our leaders had one chance to repair the tattered fabric of trust in elections that enables a nation of 320 million people of very different views to accept the results and move on, and they didn’t take it. I hope Joe Biden is sincere in his claim that he wants to be the President of all Americans, but sadly, that job just became far more difficult.

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Comments 26-50 of 307

  • Robert Rank

    01/08/2021 08:15 AM

    How are we to respond as Christians to what is happening?

  • Arthur Eddie Brooks

    01/08/2021 08:06 AM

    First we need to pray to GOD for help and strength to get thru this. I am so disappointed in both the Senate and the House. We have lost this country. We can not trust the courts to help in this. I put the blame on both the Senate and House they made this MESS. My VOTE does not count anymore. I’m afraid now that this is going to turn into a CIVIL war from the American people. Thank you Arthur Brooks

  • Donnie Cook

    01/08/2021 07:53 AM

    Why no mention of backstabbing, spineless Mike Pence? He could have taken that gathering in a productive, revealing direction and shone a light of transparency and revelation that might have saved the moment rivet least given us supporters a glimmer of hope. But he spit the bit in the midst of the battle. I never trusted him, never felt he was sold out to the MAGA movement. Turned out he wasn't. I'll never forget this... ever.

    So on to building a 3rd Party after the 2022 midterms. Well take it all back in 2024... if our venerable general is not too old.

  • Fran Chupp

    01/08/2021 06:18 AM

    Never have I been more disappointed by our government! When lying & cheating determines the outcome and declared a winner, we have lost our minds! God we need you! The government has gone against the will of the people and erased God from their agenda!

  • Alice Minarik

    01/08/2021 05:23 AM

    I am not aghast, for several reasons, about a mob storming the capital building. Firstly, I’ve become desensitized, as all year I watched state and federal leadership, along with MSM shrug shoulders and nod ascent at lawlessness in Portland, Minneapolis, and other cities. The message: sometimes lawlessness is justified.

    Secondly, liberal progressive ideologues within our government who are hostile toward (tax paying) adherents of Christianity, have no room for ‘the sacred’. Yet from the perspective of this elite wealthy ruling class and their propagandists, we are led to believe the profane has breached the secular temple and tarnished the holy of holies where they lord over their citizens. Lawfulness and rules of engagement suddenly became important again when their (somehow sacred) personal space was violated.

    Here’s the problem. If God is dead, then ‘sacred’ is irrelevant. There should be no expectation of reverence for secular institutions. In fact, all institutions constructed by men are vulnerable to erosion and abolishment.

    If there is no God, if there is no holy sovereign Creator ordaining institutions with value and rules of engagement, then NOTHING is sacred. Not life, not marriage, not family, not race, not the environment, not the constitution, not congress, not America.

  • Diane

    01/08/2021 05:22 AM

    What happened with the new evidence that was brought forth is it still available for questioning in court.
    If there is any information please provide.

  • Shauna Bunker

    01/08/2021 04:06 AM


  • Monica C Carlisle

    01/08/2021 03:58 AM

    I wish you would make your Morning Edition email shareable on Facebook. I really appreciate your views and opinions--gives me hope.

  • Cathy Teague

    01/08/2021 03:28 AM


  • Ann Ault

    01/08/2021 01:56 AM

    Thank you for all you do, Mike Huckabee!! I wrote this to friends this morning ... hope it's not too long.
    When President Trump first ran for office, I was stunned, but didn't really know that much about him and decided to look up his past interviews. I was impressed with a man who had such a genuine burden for America.
    We look at Winston Churchill as a hero ... but he was a complex man who was misunderstood and many people were against him in his day, although he did all he could to save England and helped to end WWII (especially politicians of all types were against him ... so what else is new?!)
    I was sad and mad this morning about the horrific fiasco last night (not the peaceful rally yesterday morning with the President ... that WAS peaceful). I was so sorry for the USAF veteran who was shot (I'm an AF brat.) I wonder why there was SO LITTLE SECURITY etc.
    I'm grappling with anger over this whole insane time yesterday at the Capitol ... but with a slightly different viewpoint.
    I'm looking back over the past four years of non-stop harassment of a President who has ONLY tried to do what is truly best and blest for this country ... he was fighting for AMERICA. And he was persecuted every inch of the way by the political opposition. They were furious that he would have the audacity to actually WIN the Presidency and were out to get him at every turn! Yesterday, (according to reliable sources) the first part of the day with MOST all of the people at the rally with the President was PEACEFUL ... not until it started getting dark and then the few agitators and extreme folk were joined by the Antifa crowd. All of the President's well attended rallies through the years were always peaceful for the most part, but nothing like what evolved LATER IN THE DAY with a few violent rabble rousers ... mostly extremists and Antifa. What makes me so sad is that President Trump is a fighter, but in the best sense of the word ... he has genuinely fought for America every inch of the way ... he donated his salary to charities, he lowered taxes, the economy was coming back, he is pro-life and pro-the LORD JESUS, he built the military back up, he built the wall to protect Americans and make sure that those who LEGALLY come into the country don't have nefarious purposes in mind (drugs/mayhem/sex trafficking etc.) and the list goes on ... he had compassion for every TYPE of person and authentic cause ... he's a bigger than life guy with a big heart and he tells it like it is. He was warning months ago that fraud was going to happen and it did with the politicized Covid plague/nefarious machines used for the ballots that would break down/mail in ballots etc. /bags of pro-Trump ballots tossed and I've seen the video evidence and the "whistle blowers" by the hundreds trying tell the corruption they saw at risk of their own lives and exposure etc. TRUMP WAS TRYING TO BE HEARD and no one wanted to listen to the evidence ... especially the courts who refused to take the case/look at the evidence etc. These past months we have seen endless riots and burning of businesses and deaths (of every skin color and type) from Antifa and BLM that got little to no opposition because they were orchestrated by the liberal left machine! But now the liberals want to prosecute ... NOW the liberals are acting outraged because it suits their purposes to ONCE AGAIN make conservatives look like the bad guys! I just feel so sad for President Trump who interrupted his safe, secure, billionaire life to try to help America (and has had a burden for the USA for decades ... I watched old interviews with him when he was much younger, and he would say, "SOMEBODY has got to do something" to help the USA.) And HE took up the call and the gauntlet ... and now the LEFT, who battered him all four years with phony lawsuits and other slanderous made-up schemes and plots and ploys, are making sure that he will leave with a sullied reputation because of this rally that got out of hand. I'm so sad ... I can't help it ... I LIKE the guy!! (And YES ... yada yada yada ... President Trump is imperfect ... so am I ... so are YOU ... that's why God sent Jesus the Savior to save imperfect humans in this world for all who would believe in Jesus!) GOD help our President!! And God HELP AMERICA!

  • Nita Brown

    01/08/2021 01:18 AM

    Thank you SO MUCH for your excellent commentary. I have heard a lot of “talk” on TV today, but your words were the best I’ve heard. I agree 100% and thank the Lord for giving you wisdom and integrity. Keep up the battle for truth!

  • Ben Holdridge

    01/08/2021 01:17 AM

    YOU WROTE - changed their minds after the day’s tragic violence inside the Capitol building by a small group of “Trump supporters” (there are unconfirmed reports that some might have been false-flag Antifa agitators, but others were reportedly identified as part of far-right fringe movements that did not reflect the views of thousands of peaceful Trump supporters outside.) WHAT does any of that have anything to do with MY VOTE BECOMING WORTHLESS> i am through ...... only God can save Amerika now

  • Sharon Keel

    01/08/2021 12:43 AM

    Very well said Mr. Huckabee! You addressed so many of my thoughts and concerns. I have been thinking, why should I bother voting anymore. My vote doesn't count. The Democrats can do whatever they want, whenever they want and however they want to anyone of us. I'm 75 and I'm not sure I want to live in this kind of world anymore. I feel so defeated

  • Karen McKee

    01/08/2021 12:34 AM

    Thank you for your perspective Mike. I'm currently unable to sleep reliving the trauma caused by the Democrats over the past 2 days. I am ANGRY! Please forgive my Rant but, I'm about to lay it out.
    First, Capitol Police OPENED the gates to the Capitol building & waved people in! No one broke down the gates. I've seen the video. In another video, when an OBVIOUS Antifa man began breaking a window, he was stopped by a Patriot who was giving him a chewing out & was being booed by the crowd. In other video, The woman/veteran shot was coming thru the broken window UNARMED when she was shot. Had she been black, I believe the msm, BLM & Antifa would have reacted/behaved differently; not to mention Dems & Biden would have spoken less about the "mob" & "terrorists."
    WHY was this worse than what the Black Panthers, who WERE ARMED, did in 1967? Black Panthers breeched the Capitol & threatened lawmakers with guns drawn before being allowed to walk out free & leave w/o consequences! Was that okay or was it okay because a Democrat (LBJ) was the POTUS?!
    Now that Biden, Pelosi & Schumer are trying to kick Trump out via 25th amendment & threatening another wasteful impeachment, the embers of ANGER & DIVISION will NOT DIE DOWN! Their pious condemnation is sickening when, during the summer of riots, theft, destruction & MURDER, they didn't utter a word! When they did speak, they ENCOURAGED it!
    They have hounded our President & his supporters baselessly for almost 5 years! Trump NEVER told anyone to be violent or to breech the capital!
    Dems can't even allow the man 2 weeks of PEACE or DIGNITY until the faux "President-elect" is sworn in.
    No, Biden will not & can not Unite the States with his own pious indignation & name calling of Republicans. The chasm of division in this country has only grown deeper & wider with Biden's words yesterday!
    I can only PRAY God has mercy on our nation & socialism never takes a firm hold before we can vote some of the swamp out in 2 yrs. Thanks for reading & praying for us.

  • Peter Knope

    01/07/2021 11:47 PM

    Isn't it an amazing coincidence that the one thing that could derail the debate in Congress over voting fraud just happened to occur at the absolutely most inopportune time? What exactly is the probability of that happening?

  • Raymond Settle

    01/07/2021 11:45 PM

    Here is what I just sent to our newspaper:
    On November 6, 1860 there was a presidential election.  The US House of Representatives was controlled by northern Republicans because of the larger population of the northern states.  The southern Democrats lost several seats in the US Senate leaving the Senate in the hands of northern Republicans.  The new President was Abraham Lincoln, a Republican from Illinois.  Not only had the southern Democrats lost all their power in the federal government but the US House of Representatives passed the Morrill Tariff prior to the 1860 election that would double the taxes on the southern states.  It was signed into law March 2, 1861.  In the 2020 election the Democrats retained their majority in the House of Representatives.  They gained a controlling majority in the Senate by virtue of a 50-50 tie with a Democrat Vice President to break any tie votes.  And we have a Democrat President-elect from Delaware who promises a substantial tax increase for working families.

    On December 20, 1860 South Carolina officially seceded from the Union followed by Mississippi on January 9, 1861 and then 9 other southern states by June 8, 1861.  Will we quietly submit to liberal Democrats replacing our freedom with socialism or will we fight for our freedom?  May God help us to do the right thing in a way that does not cost 750,000 American lives this time.

  • Sonny McCutcheon

    01/07/2021 10:46 PM

    So where do conservatives go from here? Certainly not to the Republican RINO party, ever again. It can never be trusted.

  • CJ Hou

    01/07/2021 10:34 PM

    Trump only played along as to transitioning. You're not keeping up with him, Mr. Governor. He's put out the "announcement" necessary to do before invocation of a more military maneuver. THAT is why Twitter took it down. Because its required protocol to inform the masses.....there are??'s to come, figuratively speaking-!!!

  • Merle Joyce Largent

    01/07/2021 10:10 PM

    I am in total agreement with you. I have been exercising my voting rights for over 60 years. Although I felt there was fraud, I didn't give up. We have to stand firm and search for ways to force integrity in those who are supposed to be representing us. I never miss you on the Saturday night Huckabee show.

  • Heather Harrell

    01/07/2021 10:02 PM

    You say "unconfirmed" reports about Antifa being involved in the violence- WHO will confirm? Not the FBI, not the media- and whoever organized that banked on that. The weak Security was Highly Suspicious - am I the only one to wonder if someone on the inside helped? Psalm 37

  • Joanne Tellez Giron

    01/07/2021 09:53 PM

    It is impossible for this to be over. The election was rigged and impossible to unknow that. There is hard evidence but nobody wants to see it. There is no way that Joe Biden won. The man is mentally unfit and under criminal investigation. Joe was just a stand-in for Kamala Harris that nobody voted for, to step in after Joe is certified. We may have just lost the Republic.

  • Wayne Settle

    01/07/2021 09:47 PM

    Your article sucks. You explain what they did and bash the protesters. Do you think it was a false flag ( ANTIFA) to keep the evidence from being presented? And the spineless republicans folded and didn’t present the evidence. You cowardly republicans have folded again and failed the country. In fact you point out how you have destroyed it with what Dems will do. You fail to consider what do the people do when no authority will listen to them. You protest in the Capitol. And all you republican representatives of the people condemn the people like the spineless weasels that you are. You spineless acceptance has done nothing but hasten the civil war. It could have been avoided if you republicans had learned how to fight from Trump. You republicans are disgusting and a disgrace.

  • Edie Lacy

    01/07/2021 09:38 PM

    VP Pence is a traitor to the American people. He had an “Esther” moment to do the right thing & chose to betray those of us who trusted him. The same goes for those Republicans who didn’t stand up for us. I’m leaving the Republican Party & will join the new Patriot party when it is formed. I’m done with these hateful evil shameful government officials I helped to elect. I will work very hard to get rid of them.
    Trump is still the best President we ever had & he loved this country. God bless him & God bless America

  • Kathleen M Milligan

    01/07/2021 09:18 PM

    So how long do you think it will take the democrats to criminalize Christians and Jews. And allow to kill babies and children on their altar's to satan, witches and warlocks?

  • Loren Bowman, Sr

    01/07/2021 09:12 PM

    Governor, OAN reported today that there were Antifi protestors imbedded in the Trump protest group and was identified by facial recognition software. These were most of the people who broke out the total group and stormed the Capital. This now makes more sense.

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