Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

Other Top Stories We Are Following


Updated: 8:56 AM CDT, October 24

1. Former Trump VA Secretary blasts the Biden Administration for surrendering to the government employees’ union, and letting down American veterans and taxpayers.

2. Thelma Mothershed Wair of the Little Rock Nine passes due to complications with MS.

3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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January 25, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • The Biggest News Around My House
  • Elections Have Dire Consequences
  • A New Gas Tax?!?
  • A Welcome Reminder
  • Heartening News
  • Democrat Tulsi Gabbard Shares Her Views
  • Daily Bible Verse


Mike Huckabee

The Biggest News Around My House

By Mike Huckabee

Okay, I know there’s a lot of national news out there, but this is the biggest news around our house, so pardon me for making it the top headline.

I hope you will get behind Sarah’s campaign and offer her your full support. I can’t think of anyone who is more knowledgeable on the workings of the Arkansas government, or who could possibly do a better job. And that’s not just her dad’s pride talking!

Here’s her announcement video and a link to support her campaign.

Elections Have Dire Consequences

By Mike Huckabee

It appears that not enough Americans subscribe to this newsletter, or else they would have no excuse for casting uninformed votes for Joe Biden and other Democrats and now be expressing shock and dismay at what they’re doing. The warnings were right here, every day for a year. And yet, getting rid of Trump’s mean tweets was all-important.

Now, buyer’s remorse is already setting in with a vengeance. A rising tide of complaints is coming from labor unions, entire states, other nations such as Canada, women (black women in particular, who benefit from sports scholarships that will now be dominated by “trans women”), and even an Indian tribe that’s accusing Biden of making “a direct attack on our economy, sovereignty, and our right to self-determination” with his 60-day moratorium on new oil and gas leases on federal land.

Texas has already filed a lawsuit to block one of Biden’s executive orders.

New Mexico voted for Biden by 10 points, and their economy is heavily dependent on oil and gas drilling, much of it on federal lands. Now, panic is striking New Mexico. Many of those fuel companies will just move directly east to Texas, where they can drill on non-federal land. A study by the University of Wyoming found that if Biden’s ban on new federal land fuel leases stays in effect throughout his four-year term, New Mexico would lose “36,217 jobs, $22.1 billion in GDP, $9.8 billion in wages and $6.3 billion in tax revenue.”

And here are a couple of stories about shocked Biden voters who thought they were getting a moderate centrist (or in some cases, a $2000 check), and instead are watching Biden sign one executive order after another that will destroy thousands of jobs, devastate the economy and end border security.

Here’s a typical post: “Jeremy just called and yelled at me. He said everyone on the job site are freaking out thinking they are going to lose their jobs. He’s blaming me for voting for Biden. You know I hated the way Trump acted. Is it true that Jeremy could lose his job?”

Yes, chances are he will, as will many other Americans. But at least he won’t have to read any mean Trump tweets while standing in the unemployment line.

Who else is kicking themselves for supporting Biden? How about all the unions whose members’ jobs will be wiped out by Biden’s executive orders?

Frankly, it’s too exhausting and depressing to try to keep up with all the economic carnage being wrecked so quickly, but Jeff Dunetz at The Lid blog is giving it a go. He estimates that in just his first 72 hours in office, Biden has killed over 70,000 jobs directly (he also quotes some of the howling from various union leaders who helped put him in office, prioritizing politics over the good of their members – something the members should remember come voting time.)

Of course, those are just the immediate, direct job losses. There will be many more, due to the snowball effect. Because of Biden’s war on domestic energy, fuel prices are already going up (one month ago, the average cost of a gallon of regular was $2.25; today it’s $2.40, and that’s only the beginning.) Higher costs of fuel and more regulations will make American products more expensive to produce and transport, which will make them less competitive in the market, which will lower sales and revenues, which means fewer jobs and lower wages. These are things you know if you’ve ever run a business, but not if you’ve drawn an always-increasing government paycheck for decades.

Finally, here’s Stephen Kruiser’s morning recap of the first five days of turning the White House over to the captain of the Titanic.


A New Gas Tax?!?

By Mike Huckabee

Just in case all the other Biden initiatives to cancel the Keystone Pipeline and clamp down on domestic fuel production don’t make it too expensive to drive, his pick for Transportation Secretary, former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, is worried that gas taxes aren’t high enough.

Say, remember when Joe Biden vowed that his tax increases wouldn’t cost a penny more to people making less than $400,000? Yeah, those were the days…

A Welcome Reminder

By Mike Huckabee

A hat tip to David Harsanyi at the New York Post for reminding us that while former CIA Director John Brennan is routinely given an unchallenged forum by liberal cable news outlets to give hypocritical moral lectures about Trump supporters being an “insidious threat to democracy,” he is actually “a congenital liar” who “deserves to be in prison.”

At the link, a few reminders of why Brennan, not conservatives or Libertarians, is the one who should be residing in a federal correctional facility.


Heartening News

By Mike Huckabee

After a number of big cities foolishly elected George Soros-backed district attorneys whose idea of “criminal justice reform” was throwing open all the jail doors and not prosecuting anyone for breaking the law, a backlash finally appears to be rising. Even in Los Angeles, where their new county prosecutor George Gascon only took office in December, his dangerous policies are sparking rebellion among local prosecutors.

Of course, it will be that much harder to do anything about it because he’ll now have a Biden DOJ backing up his radical “social justice over justice” practices. You see – and I guess I have to keep pointing this out – the only way to keep these leftist idiots from sowing havoc to turn out at the polls and vote to keep them out of power in the first place. It’s like lung cancer: if you want to avoid it, the first and best step is to not start buying cigarettes.

Democrat Tulsi Gabbard Shares Her Views

By Mike Huckabee

I’ve called former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard a “unicorn” because she is that rarest of creatures: a sensible Democrat who’s alarmed by the demonization of conservatives, Christians and Trump voters, and the attempt to weaponize government power to silence, persecute and even arrest people who don’t express the “right” (that is, left) views.

This article by Tyler O’Neill takes off from some of Gabbard’s comments for a wider look at how this branding of people guilty of “wrongthink” has spread from the slanderous activities of the Southern Poverty Law Center, once a noble organization that fought for civil rights, but now a corrupt racket that gins up donations by branding mainstream conservative and religious organizations as “hate groups.”

If you missed “Huckabee” this weekend on TBN (and seriously, there’s no excuse), she was one of my guests. Watch that interview here, and I’ll forgive you.




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Comments 26-46 of 46

  • Leopoldo R Gutierrez

    01/26/2021 12:23 AM

    Dear Mike, I am glad that your daughter is posting her for the Governors position in Arkansas, I know she is got the complete qualifications to be an extraordinary governor.
    Also, I don't see any comments here anymore, What is going on?
    I have posted several and hoped to receive an answer.

  • Marsha Gratto

    01/25/2021 11:39 PM

    Thank you so much for your insight, integrity and commitment to reporting the truth. I look forward to reading your newsletters. Also, best wishes for Sarah's campaign for Governor. She was a great Presidental press secretary. I so hated to see the abuse she took day in and day out from the rabid MSM hacks. She handled her responsibilities with integrity and professionalism.

    I would so love to shout at the Dems experiencing remorse for voting for Biden. Unfortunately the whole country must bear the burden of their foolishness and Biden's harmful administration!

  • D Kurtz

    01/25/2021 11:20 PM

    Looking forward to her successful election! America's favorite daughter presented her candidacy honestly with dignity as most of us believe she has constantly delivered. Blessings for Sarah and her beautiful family including you and Janet.

  • Renee Kendrick

    01/25/2021 10:49 PM

    The demonization is in the democratic party with some RINOs following. These are people who think the world revolves around them!!! The DIMS, RINOs, MSM, the "Elite", etc.

    They are right about such because this world and the things in it are all they have! They are empty souls that need Jesus! Unfortunately, they have sold out to the devil. They are now demon possessed! You can see it in their eyes!

    I have more important things to do than listen to the radical left and their "deprogramming news"!!! Haven't watched MSM leftist news in many years!

    Little do they realize that what they try to cover, God will uncover! Luke 12:1-5.

    Fearing (respecting) God is what brings knowledge, wisdom, and prolongs days! HE will make HIS presence known in HIS time and they will not know what hit them. Reaping is far greater than the sowing!


    01/25/2021 09:13 PM

    Thank you for your news letter and the enjoyment of your TV show on TBN. GOD bless you and yours and I do hope your daughter make a new go at her run

  • William Fuhrer

    01/25/2021 09:06 PM

    Gingrich said Speaker Nancy Pelosi MOST DANGEROUS Speaker where Rand Paul called her MOST LAZIEST when she did not read Obama care BILL

  • George Reynolds

    01/25/2021 09:04 PM

    Hooray for Sarah! More power to her!
    Question: Why is Tulsi Gabbard a former Congresswoman? Did she choose to not run for re-election? Was she defeated in an election? Did she step down when she was a candidate for President? (Unlike Kamala Harris, who didn't relinquish her seat in the Senate until Inauguration Day.)

  • Lois Folla

    01/25/2021 09:03 PM

    Congratulations! If I could I would vote for Sarah. She's a smart, caring, wonderful Christian. God bless you and your family. I can't believe you make me laugh while reading not so good news. A heartfelt thank you!

  • Linda Kelley

    01/25/2021 08:49 PM

    Enjoy hearing from you always. A down to earth prospective. But how do we get rid of the out in left field people?? They are angry and mad people. No matter what you do they want to chop your head off??

  • Robin Rebhan

    01/25/2021 07:48 PM

    "Elections Have Dire Consequences" Those who supported and voted for Biden wanted change........ and they got it! And this is only Biden's first week. My gut feeling ( I hope I'm wrong ) it's going to get a much, much worse. Welcome to Socialism 101.

  • Joseph Orsini

    01/25/2021 07:41 PM

    I would say to those who voted for Biden "YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE". The trouble is, we "get it" too.

  • Garry Goldsmith

    01/25/2021 07:39 PM

    Congrats . We plan to donate. We know she will be amazing. A true gods child. God bless

  • James Drury Jr

    01/25/2021 07:36 PM

    Thanks Mike & Staff. Proud of Sarah!

  • Stephen K Lentz

    01/25/2021 07:26 PM

    I assume the jackasses with their hatred and fraud and with the HELP of the rinos they will be able to keep your daughter from winning ANY kind of election!! The rinos encouraged and ALLOWED the fraud to make creepy jo the "resident" of the white house so it should be a no brainer to keep your daughter out to ANY office!!!

  • Neal Adam

    01/25/2021 07:18 PM

    it seems to me that the fact that the Dems are pushing the impeachment fairly screams out their fear of being exposed (i.e. Deep State, etc) in the future. Why isn't this being thrown in their face, or am I missing something??

  • David Merrill Gill

    01/25/2021 07:07 PM

    Tulsi Gabbard, with her common sense, which the Leftist Democrats have none of at all, should seriously consider switching party affiliation to Republican.

  • Sanford Winnerman

    01/25/2021 06:51 PM

    When you talk about “buyer’s remorse” regarding Biden I assume you think he won fair and square. I don’t think it would have mattered if DJT got 100,000,000 votes and maybe he did. The fraud machine was geared to predetermine the outcome regardless.
    Sarah has my full support. Good luck counting the votes.

  • William Fuhrer

    01/25/2021 06:44 PM

    If you want an enjoyable break in your day. Take a look at George Stephanopoulos interview Ron Paul

  • Emily Yeatts

    01/25/2021 06:39 PM

    Congrats to your daughter if I were in Arkansas I would definitely vote for her on mother note how can we ever have a fair and honest election again with one of the corruption exposed and now congress is trying to take over federal elections and Joey releasing all illegals pending deportation and allowing pathway to citizenship to others and vote anywhere any time anyway just like abortion

  • Stephen Russell

    01/25/2021 06:30 PM

    Hey Pete come to CA for gas taxes the whole nation DONT need them fool

  • Gladys Hizer

    01/25/2021 06:29 PM

    Saw the news about your daughter before your morning newsletter and smiled. I also read of those who are going to oppose her. Didn't know that when she stepped down from Trump's administration, it was because he was backing her bid for governor. 74 million of us or more will be voting for Sarah, I'm sure. Really worried about Biden/Harris administration which is worse than anyone thought except for you and your newsletters. Fred Upton in my state(MI) defended his vote for impeachment in his letter from his 'kitchen' this evening. He won't be getting my vote again! Others complained to him in letters.

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