Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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Updated: 8:56 AM CDT, October 24

1. Former Trump VA Secretary blasts the Biden Administration for surrendering to the government employees’ union, and letting down American veterans and taxpayers.

2. Thelma Mothershed Wair of the Little Rock Nine passes due to complications with MS.

3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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November 14, 2022

Thanks to all the readers who offered comments on the viability of another Trump run for the presidency in response to our piece, “An erratic Trump needs to clear his head and assess his role.” Hundreds of responses came in; we’ll have results and a follow-up possibly as early as tomorrow. In the meantime, here’s a piece at TOWNHALL you might like to see.


President Trump has continued interjecting himself, posting about the senatorial election in Arizona.


This EPOCH TIMES piece is subscription-only, but we’ll summarize. Trump said in a post on Truth Social that “possibly corrupt” officials had “lost control of the tainted Election in Arizona” after the Senate race was called for Democrat incumbent Sen. Mark Kelly. “This is a scam and voter fraud, no different than stuffing the ballot boxes,” he said. “They stole the election from Blake Masters. Do election over again!”

Trump complained about the long lines at the polls due to machine malfunctions and a judge’s refusal to extend voting hours. “People were forced to wait for hours,” he correctly said, “then got exhausted or had other things to do and left the voting lines by the thousands.” That last part was an assumption, but it does seem that when Democrats want the polls kept open later for one reason or another, judges typically rubber-stamp their request rather than risk being accused of disenfranchising them. Why do they not do the same when it’s the Republicans being disenfranchised?

At this writing, Masters still has not conceded the race, saying there were hundreds of thousands of pro-Republican ballots left to count. We shall see, but we know how these extended vote counts mysteriously tend to go in the end.

Masters himself said:

“If, at the end, Senator Kelly has more of them than I do, then I will congratulate him on a hard-fought victory. But voters decide, not the media; let’s count the votes,”
“For my people who knocked doors in the 115 degree heat, and for the million+ Arizonans who put their faith in me, we are going to make sure that every legal vote is counted,”

As votes continue dribbling in for the Arizona governor’s race, the impressive GOP candidate Kari Lake is so far not pushing ahead the way it had been thought she might. As of late Sunday night, victory is looking less likely. Katie Hobbs’ campaign is essentially declaring victory. You remember Katie Hobbs, the Arizona secretary of state who is in charge of...say it with me now...ELECTIONS?

“This one hurts,” says Bonchie at REDSTATE. “...Arizona would have been lucky to have a governor with a backbone who isn’t afraid to protect her constituents. Instead, they are going to get Katie Hobbs, a cowardly do-nothing whose top concerns seem to be abortion and avoiding questions...There are going to have to be questions asked about why this happened while other GOP candidates in Arizona prevailed.”


And this brings us to the main focus for today: the loss of trust in the outcomes of our elections. Leftists maintain that “saving democracy” and maintaining faith in elections means prohibiting anyone from questioning or challenging them in any way. Right...we’ll have more trust in elections by making them LESS transparent. That is so off the mark that one has to wonder if their attitude stems not from the desire to protect democracy but from the need to hide their, um, cheating.

We can do postmortems and try to come up with explanations that don’t involve fraud, but that involves a good bit of reaching. (Remember our talk about Occam’s Razor, the simplest and most obvious explanation usually being the correct one?) The explanations that are given to us don’t make sense, given everything we see. And that’s just what Wayne Allen Root says in a new column, called “You’ve been gaslighted --- Democrats just stole another election.”

Word to Google or anyone else who wants to flag this as “misinformation”: By doing the Democrat Party’s bidding, you might think you’re “saving democracy” or “preserving trust in our elections,” but you’re doing just the opposite. You need to quit with the so-called “content moderation” and just let everybody talk about this. That’s because much of what we’re seeing really does NOT makes sense, just as it didn’t in 2020. All you’re doing, Google, is taking a side, and the side you’ve taken is likely the real source of the misinformation.

Anyway, I’ll quote an excerpt from this one paragraph, which touches on many issues we’ve talked about here:

Think of all the times in just the past few years you’ve been gaslighted. They lied to you about open borders…they lied about Hillary’s 30,000 deleted emails…they lied about spying on Trump…they lied about Russian Collusion…they lied about a perfectly fine Ukrainian phone call…they lied about massive Biden corruption in Ukraine and China… they lied about the Hunter Biden laptop…they lied about the origins of Covid…they lied about the need for lockdowns and masks…they lied about the need for Covid vaccines…they lied about the vaccines being “safe and effective”…”

It goes on. Congratulations, government! You’ve lied so much, you’re the reason we have so little confidence in what you say about the election. Why shouldn’t that be a lie, too? What’s to trust?

Root goes on to point out the huge disconnect between how people say they feel about the issues and the way they apparently voted. Because of all the government’s lies, it’s up to them to convince us that the results reflect the will of the voters. Just telling us we have to shut up and believe it doesn’t wash.

Pardon the cynicism, but millions of us feel just like Root when he says this:

“While also facing the worst economy in modern history…and the worst inflation in America’s history…and out of control crime…and open borders…and failing schools…and polls showing 75% of Americans believe the country is going in the wrong direction…Yet Biden beat all of that?

“If you believe Democrats made a miracle happen, without cheating, rigging and stealing…I have a bridge to sell you, over the Atlantic Ocean, in the Vegas desert.”

Root’s piece is a must-read. No matter how it is labeled, it’s not “misinformation” –- it’s one knowledgable person’s opinion, an opinion that millions of Americans share and have good reason to believe. The government, “colluding” closely with Big Tech as we now know, is working to silence this point of view. If our own commentary gets flagged, it’ll just prove my point.

Root goes on to show that, to his mind, the proof of a rigged election in a number of states simply comes from looking at Florida, which did it right. Florida has laws that discourage cheating: voter ID required, strict laws (prison time!) against voter fraud, no universal mail-in ballots sent out, no drop-boxes, no ballot harvesting, no ballots accepted days after Election Day, and “no counting for days until the desired results is achieved by the Democrat Party.”

Paul Simon wrote the song “50 Ways to Leave your Lover.” I’d say there might be 50 ways to rig an election. A little bit of this, a little bit of that. These don’t necessarily involve hacking voting machines –- although they could, as voting machines are demonstrably hackable. When the FBI hid the evidence of Hunter Biden’s highly incriminating laptop, assisted by 51 former intel officials who claimed the story had the “classic earmarks of Russian disinformation” (give me a break), it could be argued that that in itself was election-rigging. Similarly, when Democrats hid Pennsylvania Senator-elect John Fetterman’s cognitive issues by saying he was unimpaired and refusing to allow a debate until well after early voting had started, that was rigging an election, too. If they could be this dishonest, I don’t put anything past them.

And it’s not “conspiracy theory” to say so. Concerns about elections must be taken seriously. Whoever dismissively calls them "baseless" is the real threat to democracy.

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Comments 11-20 of 70

  • Becky Jantzen

    11/15/2022 09:51 AM

    In addition to the cheating, Trump-hating and gullible people who believe everything they hear from the media, you also have to factor in the rank stupidity of people like those in PA who voted for Fetterman even after the pathetic debate. As someone once said, "You can't fix stupid" and having lived in PA for many years, I can state with certainty that that's the main problem with the Dem voters here, which is why PA has been blue for decades. They really don't care who endorses what candidates - as long as they are PA natives, worship football, hunting and beer, they're in. It's as simple and terrifying as that despite the fact they consistently vote for leftist millionaires who have never worked a day in their life. Since thinking hurts, they're taught to vote for anything with a D behind its name and they do - generation after generation. For alot of scum, being able to murder their baby, stay on the dole and get free heroin is all that matters, but I don't think those people vote very often. This time the Dems had a leg up with the useful idiots who'd been promised student loan forgiveness and so obediently, mindlessly voted for the left only to learn they may not be off the hook after all so that fancy vacation will have to wait until the next Dem vote-buying scheme in 2024. It's a sad situation and one I never thot I'd see in my country, but this barely resembles my country anymore.

    On a happier note, congratulations to Sarah! I'm sure she'll be an excellent governor since she was a straight talking, kick-ass press secretary and that bodes well for the people of Arkansas.

  • Wallace Rowan

    11/15/2022 09:32 AM

    Dear Mike,

    The Party of Cain knows for the most part that it can't win on its ideology, so it has to cheat to get to the result it needs. However, with the mainstream propaganda machine, big tech, big pharma and the government colluding with them in a fascist regime, it makes it much easier.

    Meanwhile, the old adage that’s been around since before I was voting age was that “stupid people vote democrat.”

    We can append this to “the stupid, the misinformed, the uninformed, the brainwashed and the delusional vote democrat.”

    Only those and the ones harboring pure evil in their hearts could re-up for the myriad miseries being foisted upon our country by the Party of Cain.


    Wallace Rowan

  • Karen Mitchell

    11/15/2022 09:10 AM

    I agree whole heart with every thing Root said, but seems there is nothing we can do to stop the Democrats, they are in control now and no matter what the American people want government stop us at the voting polls. I said way before the election when republicans and all were saying we are going to take the house and senate back no problem well the saying goes dont count your chickens before they hatch, and guess what Democrats fixed the election again and dont count on 2024 either, it will be fixed again. I dont think Trump should run, most people still dont like him and would rather vote democrat then vote for him. He thinks he is better than anyone else and I have heard him say he considers himself God. That does it for me. there is only One God and Trump is NOT him. If he runs he will keep a good republican like DeSantis from winning for the American people. thank you

  • Martha Layman

    11/15/2022 08:31 AM

    GOV. Huckabee you are definitely "spot on" with your comments about this recent election. I have no trust in our government. Only wish ALL Americans could here your commentary!!

  • John Forman

    11/15/2022 07:04 AM

    Your article on “Root’s” article is a great summarization! Thank you for always informing your audience with clear, logical and simple to follow input.

    I’m blown away with both the 2020 & 2022 elections… how is it that multiple states across the nation could have a predominantly Republican outcome with Senatorial & Congressional positions winning in large numbers, but the outcome of the presidency was democrat?

    Or take the many states this go around with predominantly republican senators and congressmen winning, but lose the Governorship? Who votes like that? “Yes, please, I’d like 2 republicans to help run the state, but would really like a democrat sprinkled on top.”

    The obvious is so overwhelming but still the propaganda team is hard at it. And propaganda is a powerful tool… when a nation is so duped by it… they end up believing that one race (their own) is far superior to all others (especially Jewish)… so much so, that they berate, beat down, beat up, smash in their skulls, shoot point blank, dump in massive graves, bulldoze so many mutilated bodies, cram in by the thousands (into places meant for only a hundred), poison them, burn them and then try to hide all the evidence? If it was all for good, why hide the evidence?

    It is pure evil, to say the least… in murdering a race of people (by the millions), all because you believe you are superior to them. But therein lies the foundational problem…

    Believing one is superior to another human being is this world’s mindset. The enemy is prowling around devouring the innocent and upright. Believing you are far better destroying an innocent life, to enable you to have the freedoms you possessed prior to having sex… is an insane mindset.

    It took small steps for Hitler to become so powerful and adored that many of the surrounding nations never saw it coming. I fear the same with America (open borders, climate control debacle, free abortions to women up until the moment of birth, an economy that has tanked, prices for everything have soared up like a rocket)… and somehow more people believe this is such a good position for America that they voted more of the same politicians into office (again)?

    Common sense says otherwise. But I have that aching fear that the those with the power to pull the levers are far more in control (than we want to believe), that it will be a rare win for the future opposition party.

  • Grant Dowdy

    11/15/2022 06:41 AM

    They figured out which states were necessary to cheat in in2020. They then went after congressional house seats in 2022 with precision. The stars of Arizona and Pennsylvania can’t be stopped from cheating. Georgia is going to present another win for democrats in senate. This country is gone! Remember the cia and fbi saidcheating wasn’t significant in 2020. How ya gonna beat that?

  • Michele Rhona Flicker

    11/15/2022 02:11 AM

    Governor, thank you so much for having the courage to champion this opinion. Recent comments by WSJ readers show that they all badly need to read your summary and Root's recent discussion, but may be too far down into Trump Derangement Syndrome to reach. You give us hope.
    Michele Flicker

  • Carla Whalen

    11/15/2022 01:28 AM

    We could talk until blue in the face, but until steps are taken to make elections much more fraud proof, the results are not going to change. For example, I voted in California. I took my mail-in ballot to the poll so I could exchange it for an in-person vote. This year, instead of exchanging the ballot, they just let me take the mail-in ballot to the stand, fill it out, and drop it in the box. There was no signature needed anywhere, no ID requested. I didn't even see any register where they would look up my name and have me sign as has always been the case in the past. I had also received my son's ballot in the mail. He no longer lives at the house. With no signature needed, I could have easily filled out his ballot and dropped it at another polling place, no questions asked. Conceivably, I could have gone to my polling place and voted, then gone to another polling place and used my mail-in ballot, then gone to another polling place and used my son's mail-in ballot. I didn't see any signature registers sitting out on the table. If no one had to sign in, who's to say that anyone voted only once, or maybe 10 times or more? This is crazy! This mass mailing of ballots and no voter IDs, or at the very minimum a signature required has got to stop!!!

    Also, the Republicans need to really counter-point when the democrats flat out lie about such things as "Republicans will destroy our democracy" or that "Republicans want to defund the police," etc. People voted with "destroy our democracy" in mind and it was nothing but a big fat lie! Keep pushing the "Commitment to America," but don't just sit by idly while the President (complete with flaming red behind him) flat out lies to the American people about who we are and what we represent. Let the American people know who the real threat to our democracy is!

    One more thing: how are we going to "adapt" when there really is voter fraud happening before our eyes? You correctly stated that it doesn't make one bit of sense when everything is going so poorly, 75% of the people say we are going in the wrong direction, the president's ratings are in the toilet and yet the democrats win. It doesn't make sense when the voting drags out and every democrat seems to come from behind and win. It doesn't make sense to allow voting by hackable, non-accountable machines. It doesn't make sense to have machines break down and not allow extra time to vote. It doesn't make sense to allow voting before any debate has been held. It doesn't make sense to not be able to get the "Commitment to America" message out because of propaganda and silencing of free speech. No voter ID required? fine! No signatures required? fine! This is so out of control it's got to be criminal!

    I firmly believe that Trump won in 2020. I firmly believe that there was mass voter fraud. He had more votes than he had when he won in 2016, had mass amounts of people at every rally compared to Biden's paltry 30, 40, maybe 200 on a really good day, had 100-mile-long "Trump trains," (including even the Amish!), had more Hispanic and Black votes than previous Republicans. In addition to this, there is a significant list of suspicious, unexplained happenings. If Trump couldn't win when he really did win, what is going to happen when De Santis wins? Is he going to really win? Or is he going to be attacked as viciously as Trump has been? With pulling off the fraud, and the FBI and DOJ weaponized, I would be surprised if they DIDN'T viciously attack any Republican who runs and especially if he wins.

    Yes, President Trump is calling voter fraud in Arizona. Why wouldn't he? There are a lot of others thinking the same thing, but, of course, are afraid to voice it. I realize a lot of people are saying it is time to move on from Trump and I understand. However, I would certainly vote for him again. He did a lot for our Country, even with so much adversity attacking him. Are we going to believe that the democrats aren't going to viciously attack the next person we put forth?
    They are already starting to smear De Santis with lies. What about Kavanaugh? The stupid story went from sexually assaulting a girl in high school to an outright orgy with people standing in line! Now we are being told that Clarence Thomas is so corrupt he has got to go! And, people believe it! They soak it up! (I know this because my parents are brainwashed daily by the media propaganda and soak up every lie!) I would suggest that moving on from Trump is not going to give us any better edge if we don't attack the voter fraud and wicked lies. Period! Learn how to adapt: i.e. vote early, go into the schools, drum up votes, but we MUST address the voter fraud and smears. Also, we MUST receive mercy from the Lord! He really is our only hope. As the Bible says:

    Lord, give us help against the enemy, for deliverance by man is in vain!

  • Dolores Mendez

    11/15/2022 12:12 AM

    I haven’t trusted our elections in Colorado since 2012, when the Denver Post reported that there were three precincts in Colorado where not a single vote was recorded for Mitt Romney. This seems statistically impossible. Tina Peters is not being allowed to present her findings of corruption in the voting booth and has been arrested. I remember talking to my grandmother in her kitchen about rigged elections….in Mexico! I’m sad that we are now talking about rigged elections in America and fearful that our own government is as corrupt as what we emigrated away from.

  • Timothy Tabor

    11/14/2022 10:11 PM

    I am in total agreement with you on all of this Bro. Mike, But what can we do as freedom loving Americans to help stop this INSANITY before it totally destroys our great country???

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