Today's News Stories

May 24, 2022


Blessings on you and your family and from all the Huckabee staff! Today's newsletter includes:

  • Sussmann trial, Day 6: How did Mueller not know the truth?
  • Primary Day
  • White House Emergency Hazmat crew is deployed
  • And much more...


Mike Huckabee


Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. 

John 14:27

If you have a favorite Bible Verse you want to see in one of our newsletters, please email [email protected].

2. Sussmann trial, Day 6: How did Mueller not know the truth?

Monday marked the beginning of Week 2 (Day 6) of the Michael Sussmann trial. As you know, last week ended dramatically, when Robby Mook, Clinton’s own campaign manager, said she’d personally signed off on releasing the (phony) Alfa Bank story to the media, even though her campaign people told her it hadn’t been verified. Two CIA staffers also testified Friday, saying that Sussmann had lied to them, too, about not representing any client.

Also on Friday, a now-retired CIA station chief described meeting Sussmann earlier and being told a variation of the lie; namely, that he did have a client, but it was a Republican. The idea of Perkins Coie representing Republicans is almost as crazy as Trump colluding with Russians.

One thing seemed odd to us on Friday, but we found the explanation later. The prosecution was still presenting its case, but Mook was called as a defense witness. Turns out, Mook had planned to vacation in Spain, and the court ruled he could testify out of order so he could go. (Nice! One hopes prosecution witnesses would have received similar dispensation from this judge.) As it happens, Mook was helpful to Durham, so much so that the defense probably wishes they’d just let him go to Spain.

Anyway, Monday might not have been quite as eventful as last Friday, but there were interesting developments, with Bill Priestap –- Peter Strzok’s supervisor –- called to the stand. Trump attorney Alina Habba and her team were there today, as they have been every day, and in an appearance on HANNITY said Priestap seemed unable to recall much of anything, even with his own notes in front of him. He seems to have taken a cue from Hillary herself, who is known for coming up with almost countless versions of “I don’t recall.”

Two other FBI officials, Ryan Gaynor and Allison Sands, testified. Sands said she’d received a memo the day Sussmann met with Baker about a referral on the case from the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. (!!!) It didn’t mention Sussmann as the source. This document was circulated to Peter Strzok as well.

Gaynor testified that top FBI leadership had decided to keep Sussmann’s identity on “close hold.” The Chicago field office wanted access to the source but couldn’t get it. He told the court that had he known the source had a political interest or one that overlapped with the Bureau’s, he might not have ever volunteered to be point person at headquarters.

So, when did the ‘Justice’ Department decide to jump in? The DOJ was even mentioned as the source for the “white papers,” when we know that none of them came from there and at least one came from Fusion GPS, creator of the likewise phony “dossier.”

Gregg Jarrett said on Monday’s HANNITY “that the FBI, James Comey and his minions, were lying to their own field agents, and [Gaynor] said, ‘Had we known the truth, had they been honest with us, it would have changed the equation dramatically. We would’ve recognized the hoax for what it was, a political smear invented by Hillary Clinton, and funded and disseminated by her personally, by the way, as well as her many confederates.’”

Jarrett also noted what we’ve said about the timeline: that by the time Trump had been sworn in as President, the FBI had already debunked both the “dossier” and the Alfa Bank story. Yet Sussmann kept on pushing it, and within the FBI, Comey, Strzok and McCabe went right on investigating Trump, treating the hoax as seriously as ever. They used it, Jarrett said, as a “pretext, to escalate their investigation of Donald Trump, to drive him from office.” Comey even stole government documents when Trump fired him, to trigger the appointment of a special counsel, “who just happened to be his longtime friend and colleague, Bob Mueller.”

Either Mueller and his huge team of lawyers and investigators didn’t know this was a hoax that traced back to Hillary, he said, or “they knew it, and they covered it up.”

So, assuming Mueller didn’t know, how could it be that he didn’t find out? We’ve known Trump-Russia “collusion” was a fabrication since early 2017, when then-House Intel Committee chair Devin Nunes and his lead investigator Kash Patel connected the dots to Hillary’s campaign. Jonathan Turley calls Hillary’s involvement “Washington’s worst-kept but least -acknowledged secret.” A must-read:

Turley reminds us that then-CIA Director John Brennan actually told President Obama that Hillary planned to tar Trump as a Russia “colluder” to distract from her own use of a private email server for classified State Department business. Brennan told Obama this three days BEFORE “Crossfire Hurricane” was opened by the FBI. Turley’s report sums it all up nicely and will make you wish everyone involved in this scheme could be confined to, if not jail, then a very, very hot place for all eternity.

That’s especially true after reading that Hillary tweeted, “it’s now clear that so-called ‘fake news’ can have real-world consequences.” It’s time for the Queen Of Fake News to experience some real-world consequences firsthand.

Of course, it’s not just Hillary. As Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse put it, “The DC politicians, institutions of the DOJ and FBI, and the entire corporate media world have been pretending not to know the truth for almost six years. Now they are in a pretending pickle.”

He asks the question everyone should be asking now: “How did Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann spend 2 years investigating Trump-Russia; with a team of 19 lawyers, $40 million in resources; 40 FBI agents; 2,800 subpoenas; 500 search warrants and 500 witnesses; and not find out that Hillary Clinton created the hoax they were investigating?”

As Turley points out, Mueller’s team originally consisted of the very FBI officials who were given Sussmann’s Alfa Bank “evidence.” But, believe it or not, they apparently never talked to any Clinton campaign people, or Fusion GPS, or Rodney Joffe, or Marc Elias, or...Michael Sussmann.

Finally, we’re gong to make fun of Hillary now, because she deserves it. Victoria Taft has some video of Hillary from a 2019 interview with NBC’s Jane Pauley. Seeing it now gives new meaning to what Hillary said so disingenuously at the time: “I don’t know we’ll ever know everything that happened," she told Pauley, "but clearly we know a lot and are learning more every day...I know that [Trump] knows this wasn’t on the level.”

Indeed, Hillary, Trump has always known it wasn’t on the level, but not in the way you were trying to make people believe. He knew YOU weren’t on the level. You assumed we would never "know everything that happened," but, the reality is that “clearly we know a lot [about what YOU DID] and are learning more every day.”
Still, what we know must barely scratch the surface of your dishonesty. As bad as things are in our country right now, we can only get down on our knees and give thanks to God that you were not elected President.

3. Primary Day

Today is Primary Election day in Georgia, Arkansas and Alabama, plus there’s a House Special Election in Minnesota and primary runoff elections in Texas. Be sure to vote, and I’ll have a roundup of the results tomorrow (at least, those that are in by tomorrow.)

For a list of my Arkansas endorsements through my political organization, Huck PAC, go here.

For my Georgia endorsements, go here.

For my Alabama endorsements, go here.

A couple of races of particular note: In the Texas Attorney General run-off, incumbent Ken Paxton is facing George P. Bush in a race that’s being framed as a test of the Bush dynasty’s ability to survive in the MAGA era. And in Georgia, Gov. Brian Kemp is being challenged by David Perdue, who is backed by Donald Trump because Trump thinks Kemp didn’t do enough to challenge the 2020 vote. 

Here’s some more info on these and other races in these states, plus the potential impact of Trump’s endorsements.

Sadly for Georgia Democrats, they have no choice in the Governor’s race because Stacey Abrams is running unopposed. Just think of that: Stacey Abrams is literally the best the Democrats could do!

Today would be a great time for her to face a challenger because last week, she publicly griped that she was sick of hearing about how Georgia is the best state to do business when it’s the worst state to live in (I guess all the New Yorkers who are fleeing there must be masochists.) Also, as I previously reported, the massive surge in early voting has proven that Abrams’ claims about Georgia’s new election integrity laws being Jim Crow-style racist voter suppression – a claim echoed by the media, President Biden, and major corporations and that cost Georgians hundreds of millions of dollars in lost revenues – was, as I've said from day one, a scurrilous and very expensive lie.

As of the end of early voting on Friday, over 850,000 Georgians had cast early or absentee ballots, which is more than triple the number in 2018.

And it’s not just white Republicans who are finding it easy to vote. One 70-year-old black woman told the Washington Post, "I had heard that they were going to try to deter us in any way possible because of the fact that we didn’t go Republican on the last election, when Trump didn’t win. To go in there and vote as easily as I did and to be treated with the respect that I knew I deserved as an American citizen — I was really thrown back." Shame on the people who made her believe that about her fellow Georgians.

In summation, Stacey Abrams told a “Big Lie” that the 2018 election she lost was rigged; she intentionally inflamed racial divisions; and she frightened the public and undermined our democracy by shattering the people’s faith in the integrity of their elections. Aren’t those all the same charges that the Democrats are falsely making against Trump as an argument for banning him from office for life? Yet Abrams has done them all openly for nearly four years, and it made her wealthy, a Democrat Party/Hollywood celebrity, and now they want her to be Governor of Georgia. Once again, if it weren’t for double standards, they’d have no standards at all.

I just hope that in November, Georgians will use their new system of easier but more transparent voting to deliver a well-deserved heavy loss to Stacey Abrams. Maybe if it’s a crushing landslide defeat, it will finally be enough to make her go away – or at least stop claiming she actually won.


4. White House Emergency Hazmat crew is deployed

The White House Emergency Hazmat Crew that rushes to clean up President Biden’s toxic verbal spills works harder than firefighters at an arsonists’ convention. Their latest five-alarm call came after Biden flatly stated that the US would intervene militarily if China attacked Taiwan. Having already hauled him back from the brink of starting World War III with Russia, his handlers had to scurry to prevent him from doing it in Asia.

Aides said that Biden meant only that the US would provide military equipment to Taiwan, not that he’d send US troops. For the record, here’s the exchange that upset China:

Reporter: “You didn’t want to get involved in the Ukraine conflict militarily for obvious reasons. Are you willing to get involved militarily to defend Taiwan, if it comes to that?”

Biden: “Yes. That’s the commitment we made. That’s the commitment we made. We agree with the One China policy; we’ve signed on to it and all the attendant agreements made from there. But the idea that — that it can be taken by force — just taken by force — is just not a — is just not appropriate. It will dislocate the entire region and be another action similar to what happened in — in Ukraine. And so, it’s a burden that is even stronger.”

Obviously, when he said yes to whether he was willing to get involved militarily to defend Taiwan, he didn’t mean he was willing to get involved militarily to defend Taiwan. Are we all clear now? Good.

You know, one of the main tricks of diplomacy is to learn not to say some things out loud. Maybe America should help defend our free ally Taiwan against communist aggression, which is a stance you could at least make an argument for. It’s just that saying it out loud before there is a reason for it is more likely to enrage China and make them think that if they’re going to attack, they’d be better off doing it soon while Biden’s still in office. Probably a thought that also crossed Putin’s mind as he was deciding what to do about Ukraine.

Remember when we were told that we needed the experienced, seasoned adult Joe Biden in charge because Trump was going to destroy the economy, crash the stock market and say something stupid, that would set off World War III? So glad we don’t have an ignoramus like that in charge!

5. Inadvertent Admission

Speaking of President Biden opening his mouth and letting the cat out of the bag, here’s an inadvertent admission that unaffordable gas prices are not an unfortunate, unavoidable problem or an unintended side effect of his incompetence. They’re part of a longtime deliberate leftist plan to force Americans to “transition” to electric vehicles. However, the fact that Biden has no clue how we’ll be able to charge millions of electric cars from “green energy sources” when we’re already suffering blackouts can, I believe, safely be attributed to incompetence.

6. One reason why students are leaving NYC Public Schools

It seems that New York City school officials have finally found a situation under which they will allow references to Jesus in public schools. They’re stocking school libraries with a children’s book called “What You Don’t Know: A Story of Liberated Childhood.” In it, a gay black child doesn’t like church because he feels shamed there until Jesus (who is apparently a Democrat) appears to tell him that “everyone is invited to love and be loved,” even Mitch McConnell, who is depicted in the book.

The kid asks Jesus, “Are you gonna punish the people of Earth who hate me and blame it on you?” The book promises that “we will rewrite the rules we live by and love the world into balance.” It ends “happily” with the child and his parents watching the radical socialist “Squad” on TV. I wonder how Jesus feels about that, considering He was Jewish and some of the “Squad” members are blatant anti-Semites.

As Alex Parker at notes, the messages of the book appear to be that religion is mean, God’s Son encourages homosexuality, opposing someone’s beliefs is hatred, and “AOC should control your destiny.”

Again, I’ll point out that the New York City school system has lost 1.2 million pupils over the past few years, and school officials claim that they’re baffled as to why.

Click the link to read more about this book and others in the curriculum that’s called “Mosaic.” But I warn you: before you do, take your blood pressure medicine, or at least a couple of Rolaids.

7. Take a lot of notes Disney 

Speaking of large organizations that want to go around parents to indoctrinate small children, State Farm’s “Corporate Responsibility Analyst” (and boy, does he have the wrong job title) put out a memo touting the insurance giant’s partnership with a group called the “GenderCool Project.” It was to have 500 State Farm agents and employees donate a three-book bundle about Being Transgender, Inclusive and Non-Binary to their “local teacher, community center or library of their choice.” The goal was to “increase representation of LGBTQ+ books and support our communities in having challenging, empowering, and important conversations with children Age 5+.” Yes, that’s correct: AGE FIVE and up.

The news sparked predictable outrage not only from parents and State Farm customers but from many agents and employees who didn’t appreciate being turned into spreaders of radical LGBTQ propaganda. The story hit the news like a shovelful of manure hitting a ceiling fan, and not desiring to “get woke and go broke,” State Farm rushed to do damage control. They announced that the memo came from “a mid-to-lower level employee in Florida” who doesn’t speak for the company, adding:

Conversations about gender and identity should happen at home with parents. We don’t support requiring curriculum in schools on this topic. We support organizations providing resources for parents to have these conversations. We will no longer support that program.”

Pretty simple, isn’t it? Companies that want to stay in business concentrate on their corporate mission, stay out of radical political and social issues, and let parents raise their own kids.

Take note, Disney Corp. In fact, take a lot of notes.

I Just Wanted to Say

Thank you for reading my newsletter. 

For more news, visit my website here.

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Comments 11-14 of 14

  • Jai Montgomery

    05/24/2022 01:40 PM

    Does the Sussman situation may have another weird link. Halyna Hutchins, the Ukraine born and Soviet raised Iinvestigative Reporter and Movie Camera Operator shot to death by Alec Baldwin was married to a **Perkins Coie attorney** assigned to the Sussman case.
    Ms. Hutchins as investigative reporter on the day of her death is known to have Tweeted, "I have enough information on Hillary Clinton to put her away for life."
    However the tweet was quickly deleted after she was shot and killed by Alec Baldwin who had appeared on one or more of Hillary Clinton's podcasts where he appeared to support her candidacy and make a thinly veiled appeal for a high level foreign assignment when she was elected President.
    Mr. Baldwin's story appears to change with each telling, but he now appears to claim the single shot pistol that he admittedly shot Helanya to death with which was designed specifically to prevent accidental firing accidentally fired killing Ms. Hutchins.
    The possuble connections between Ms. Hutchin's shooting death, any "information" she may have discovered in her investigative reporter role that she viewed as adequate to "put Hillary Clinton away for life," her husband's involvement with the Perkins Coie law firm as attorney assigned to the defense of Hillary Clinton's employee, Muchael Sussman, Alwc Baldwin's apparent support of Hillary Clinton's campaign and perhaps even Ms. Hutchin's Ukraine/Soviet upbringing might be coincidental enough to justify further investigation.

  • Norman

    05/24/2022 01:00 PM

    Hope you bother to read this mike.
    Just wanted you to know that this morning I voted for your daughter Sarah to be be the next governor of Arkansas.

  • Anne Turner

    05/24/2022 12:30 PM

    Thank you. Governor, for alerting me to the State Farm debacle. I have a call into my agent now. Our families, my late husband, and I, have been clients of the company for, probably 70 plus years. I am appalled. Low level or not, this person should have been fired. How dare they? Of all the companies, I would not have have expected this from them. Disney, etal, are insane. Nothing else explains their lack of judgement. Why would anyone think it healthy to present intimate subjects to small children. Why would we want to confuse young children who are just forming their identities? If you tell a very young child that a red light means go, that is what they will believe. If you tell a little boy who likes to play house with his older sisters that he must want to be a girl, that could ruin his life. I’m tired of all this make believe. Like it or not, most people are clearly born a male or a female. When a doctor has to perform major surgery to cosmetically alter appearance and give powerful hormones, to “change “ one’s sex, there is something grossly wrong with our culture. Homosexuality is a wholly different thing. That has to do with attraction and that is not clear until puberty or after. The only thing we need to tell young children is to be kind to all, even if they have different characteristics. It’s really quite simple. As to CRT, why are we creating racism? They will say there is already racism. Of course, there is among some, but this is no way to cure it and it is not nearly as wide spread as lefties would want us to believe. If there is no crisis, let’s create a few.

  • Sharon Faulkner

    05/24/2022 10:59 AM

    The garbage pushed in the blasphemous "school book" is disgusting enough but even worse is the woke progressive ( translation: apostate) " churches" that endorse it.

Election 2024 Coverage

May 24, 2022


Blessings on you and your family and from all the Huckabee staff! Today's newsletter includes:

  • Sussmann trial, Day 6: How did Mueller not know the truth?
  • Primary Day
  • White House Emergency Hazmat crew is deployed
  • And much more...


Mike Huckabee


Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. 

John 14:27

If you have a favorite Bible Verse you want to see in one of our newsletters, please email [email protected].

2. Sussmann trial, Day 6: How did Mueller not know the truth?

Monday marked the beginning of Week 2 (Day 6) of the Michael Sussmann trial. As you know, last week ended dramatically, when Robby Mook, Clinton’s own campaign manager, said she’d personally signed off on releasing the (phony) Alfa Bank story to the media, even though her campaign people told her it hadn’t been verified. Two CIA staffers also testified Friday, saying that Sussmann had lied to them, too, about not representing any client.

Also on Friday, a now-retired CIA station chief described meeting Sussmann earlier and being told a variation of the lie; namely, that he did have a client, but it was a Republican. The idea of Perkins Coie representing Republicans is almost as crazy as Trump colluding with Russians.

One thing seemed odd to us on Friday, but we found the explanation later. The prosecution was still presenting its case, but Mook was called as a defense witness. Turns out, Mook had planned to vacation in Spain, and the court ruled he could testify out of order so he could go. (Nice! One hopes prosecution witnesses would have received similar dispensation from this judge.) As it happens, Mook was helpful to Durham, so much so that the defense probably wishes they’d just let him go to Spain.

Anyway, Monday might not have been quite as eventful as last Friday, but there were interesting developments, with Bill Priestap –- Peter Strzok’s supervisor –- called to the stand. Trump attorney Alina Habba and her team were there today, as they have been every day, and in an appearance on HANNITY said Priestap seemed unable to recall much of anything, even with his own notes in front of him. He seems to have taken a cue from Hillary herself, who is known for coming up with almost countless versions of “I don’t recall.”

Two other FBI officials, Ryan Gaynor and Allison Sands, testified. Sands said she’d received a memo the day Sussmann met with Baker about a referral on the case from the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. (!!!) It didn’t mention Sussmann as the source. This document was circulated to Peter Strzok as well.

Gaynor testified that top FBI leadership had decided to keep Sussmann’s identity on “close hold.” The Chicago field office wanted access to the source but couldn’t get it. He told the court that had he known the source had a political interest or one that overlapped with the Bureau’s, he might not have ever volunteered to be point person at headquarters.

So, when did the ‘Justice’ Department decide to jump in? The DOJ was even mentioned as the source for the “white papers,” when we know that none of them came from there and at least one came from Fusion GPS, creator of the likewise phony “dossier.”

Gregg Jarrett said on Monday’s HANNITY “that the FBI, James Comey and his minions, were lying to their own field agents, and [Gaynor] said, ‘Had we known the truth, had they been honest with us, it would have changed the equation dramatically. We would’ve recognized the hoax for what it was, a political smear invented by Hillary Clinton, and funded and disseminated by her personally, by the way, as well as her many confederates.’”

Jarrett also noted what we’ve said about the timeline: that by the time Trump had been sworn in as President, the FBI had already debunked both the “dossier” and the Alfa Bank story. Yet Sussmann kept on pushing it, and within the FBI, Comey, Strzok and McCabe went right on investigating Trump, treating the hoax as seriously as ever. They used it, Jarrett said, as a “pretext, to escalate their investigation of Donald Trump, to drive him from office.” Comey even stole government documents when Trump fired him, to trigger the appointment of a special counsel, “who just happened to be his longtime friend and colleague, Bob Mueller.”

Either Mueller and his huge team of lawyers and investigators didn’t know this was a hoax that traced back to Hillary, he said, or “they knew it, and they covered it up.”

So, assuming Mueller didn’t know, how could it be that he didn’t find out? We’ve known Trump-Russia “collusion” was a fabrication since early 2017, when then-House Intel Committee chair Devin Nunes and his lead investigator Kash Patel connected the dots to Hillary’s campaign. Jonathan Turley calls Hillary’s involvement “Washington’s worst-kept but least -acknowledged secret.” A must-read:

Turley reminds us that then-CIA Director John Brennan actually told President Obama that Hillary planned to tar Trump as a Russia “colluder” to distract from her own use of a private email server for classified State Department business. Brennan told Obama this three days BEFORE “Crossfire Hurricane” was opened by the FBI. Turley’s report sums it all up nicely and will make you wish everyone involved in this scheme could be confined to, if not jail, then a very, very hot place for all eternity.

That’s especially true after reading that Hillary tweeted, “it’s now clear that so-called ‘fake news’ can have real-world consequences.” It’s time for the Queen Of Fake News to experience some real-world consequences firsthand.

Of course, it’s not just Hillary. As Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse put it, “The DC politicians, institutions of the DOJ and FBI, and the entire corporate media world have been pretending not to know the truth for almost six years. Now they are in a pretending pickle.”

He asks the question everyone should be asking now: “How did Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann spend 2 years investigating Trump-Russia; with a team of 19 lawyers, $40 million in resources; 40 FBI agents; 2,800 subpoenas; 500 search warrants and 500 witnesses; and not find out that Hillary Clinton created the hoax they were investigating?”

As Turley points out, Mueller’s team originally consisted of the very FBI officials who were given Sussmann’s Alfa Bank “evidence.” But, believe it or not, they apparently never talked to any Clinton campaign people, or Fusion GPS, or Rodney Joffe, or Marc Elias, or...Michael Sussmann.

Finally, we’re gong to make fun of Hillary now, because she deserves it. Victoria Taft has some video of Hillary from a 2019 interview with NBC’s Jane Pauley. Seeing it now gives new meaning to what Hillary said so disingenuously at the time: “I don’t know we’ll ever know everything that happened," she told Pauley, "but clearly we know a lot and are learning more every day...I know that [Trump] knows this wasn’t on the level.”

Indeed, Hillary, Trump has always known it wasn’t on the level, but not in the way you were trying to make people believe. He knew YOU weren’t on the level. You assumed we would never "know everything that happened," but, the reality is that “clearly we know a lot [about what YOU DID] and are learning more every day.”
Still, what we know must barely scratch the surface of your dishonesty. As bad as things are in our country right now, we can only get down on our knees and give thanks to God that you were not elected President.

3. Primary Day

Today is Primary Election day in Georgia, Arkansas and Alabama, plus there’s a House Special Election in Minnesota and primary runoff elections in Texas. Be sure to vote, and I’ll have a roundup of the results tomorrow (at least, those that are in by tomorrow.)

For a list of my Arkansas endorsements through my political organization, Huck PAC, go here.

For my Georgia endorsements, go here.

For my Alabama endorsements, go here.

A couple of races of particular note: In the Texas Attorney General run-off, incumbent Ken Paxton is facing George P. Bush in a race that’s being framed as a test of the Bush dynasty’s ability to survive in the MAGA era. And in Georgia, Gov. Brian Kemp is being challenged by David Perdue, who is backed by Donald Trump because Trump thinks Kemp didn’t do enough to challenge the 2020 vote. 

Here’s some more info on these and other races in these states, plus the potential impact of Trump’s endorsements.

Sadly for Georgia Democrats, they have no choice in the Governor’s race because Stacey Abrams is running unopposed. Just think of that: Stacey Abrams is literally the best the Democrats could do!

Today would be a great time for her to face a challenger because last week, she publicly griped that she was sick of hearing about how Georgia is the best state to do business when it’s the worst state to live in (I guess all the New Yorkers who are fleeing there must be masochists.) Also, as I previously reported, the massive surge in early voting has proven that Abrams’ claims about Georgia’s new election integrity laws being Jim Crow-style racist voter suppression – a claim echoed by the media, President Biden, and major corporations and that cost Georgians hundreds of millions of dollars in lost revenues – was, as I've said from day one, a scurrilous and very expensive lie.

As of the end of early voting on Friday, over 850,000 Georgians had cast early or absentee ballots, which is more than triple the number in 2018.

And it’s not just white Republicans who are finding it easy to vote. One 70-year-old black woman told the Washington Post, "I had heard that they were going to try to deter us in any way possible because of the fact that we didn’t go Republican on the last election, when Trump didn’t win. To go in there and vote as easily as I did and to be treated with the respect that I knew I deserved as an American citizen — I was really thrown back." Shame on the people who made her believe that about her fellow Georgians.

In summation, Stacey Abrams told a “Big Lie” that the 2018 election she lost was rigged; she intentionally inflamed racial divisions; and she frightened the public and undermined our democracy by shattering the people’s faith in the integrity of their elections. Aren’t those all the same charges that the Democrats are falsely making against Trump as an argument for banning him from office for life? Yet Abrams has done them all openly for nearly four years, and it made her wealthy, a Democrat Party/Hollywood celebrity, and now they want her to be Governor of Georgia. Once again, if it weren’t for double standards, they’d have no standards at all.

I just hope that in November, Georgians will use their new system of easier but more transparent voting to deliver a well-deserved heavy loss to Stacey Abrams. Maybe if it’s a crushing landslide defeat, it will finally be enough to make her go away – or at least stop claiming she actually won.


4. White House Emergency Hazmat crew is deployed

The White House Emergency Hazmat Crew that rushes to clean up President Biden’s toxic verbal spills works harder than firefighters at an arsonists’ convention. Their latest five-alarm call came after Biden flatly stated that the US would intervene militarily if China attacked Taiwan. Having already hauled him back from the brink of starting World War III with Russia, his handlers had to scurry to prevent him from doing it in Asia.

Aides said that Biden meant only that the US would provide military equipment to Taiwan, not that he’d send US troops. For the record, here’s the exchange that upset China:

Reporter: “You didn’t want to get involved in the Ukraine conflict militarily for obvious reasons. Are you willing to get involved militarily to defend Taiwan, if it comes to that?”

Biden: “Yes. That’s the commitment we made. That’s the commitment we made. We agree with the One China policy; we’ve signed on to it and all the attendant agreements made from there. But the idea that — that it can be taken by force — just taken by force — is just not a — is just not appropriate. It will dislocate the entire region and be another action similar to what happened in — in Ukraine. And so, it’s a burden that is even stronger.”

Obviously, when he said yes to whether he was willing to get involved militarily to defend Taiwan, he didn’t mean he was willing to get involved militarily to defend Taiwan. Are we all clear now? Good.

You know, one of the main tricks of diplomacy is to learn not to say some things out loud. Maybe America should help defend our free ally Taiwan against communist aggression, which is a stance you could at least make an argument for. It’s just that saying it out loud before there is a reason for it is more likely to enrage China and make them think that if they’re going to attack, they’d be better off doing it soon while Biden’s still in office. Probably a thought that also crossed Putin’s mind as he was deciding what to do about Ukraine.

Remember when we were told that we needed the experienced, seasoned adult Joe Biden in charge because Trump was going to destroy the economy, crash the stock market and say something stupid, that would set off World War III? So glad we don’t have an ignoramus like that in charge!

5. Inadvertent Admission

Speaking of President Biden opening his mouth and letting the cat out of the bag, here’s an inadvertent admission that unaffordable gas prices are not an unfortunate, unavoidable problem or an unintended side effect of his incompetence. They’re part of a longtime deliberate leftist plan to force Americans to “transition” to electric vehicles. However, the fact that Biden has no clue how we’ll be able to charge millions of electric cars from “green energy sources” when we’re already suffering blackouts can, I believe, safely be attributed to incompetence.

6. One reason why students are leaving NYC Public Schools

It seems that New York City school officials have finally found a situation under which they will allow references to Jesus in public schools. They’re stocking school libraries with a children’s book called “What You Don’t Know: A Story of Liberated Childhood.” In it, a gay black child doesn’t like church because he feels shamed there until Jesus (who is apparently a Democrat) appears to tell him that “everyone is invited to love and be loved,” even Mitch McConnell, who is depicted in the book.

The kid asks Jesus, “Are you gonna punish the people of Earth who hate me and blame it on you?” The book promises that “we will rewrite the rules we live by and love the world into balance.” It ends “happily” with the child and his parents watching the radical socialist “Squad” on TV. I wonder how Jesus feels about that, considering He was Jewish and some of the “Squad” members are blatant anti-Semites.

As Alex Parker at notes, the messages of the book appear to be that religion is mean, God’s Son encourages homosexuality, opposing someone’s beliefs is hatred, and “AOC should control your destiny.”

Again, I’ll point out that the New York City school system has lost 1.2 million pupils over the past few years, and school officials claim that they’re baffled as to why.

Click the link to read more about this book and others in the curriculum that’s called “Mosaic.” But I warn you: before you do, take your blood pressure medicine, or at least a couple of Rolaids.

7. Take a lot of notes Disney 

Speaking of large organizations that want to go around parents to indoctrinate small children, State Farm’s “Corporate Responsibility Analyst” (and boy, does he have the wrong job title) put out a memo touting the insurance giant’s partnership with a group called the “GenderCool Project.” It was to have 500 State Farm agents and employees donate a three-book bundle about Being Transgender, Inclusive and Non-Binary to their “local teacher, community center or library of their choice.” The goal was to “increase representation of LGBTQ+ books and support our communities in having challenging, empowering, and important conversations with children Age 5+.” Yes, that’s correct: AGE FIVE and up.

The news sparked predictable outrage not only from parents and State Farm customers but from many agents and employees who didn’t appreciate being turned into spreaders of radical LGBTQ propaganda. The story hit the news like a shovelful of manure hitting a ceiling fan, and not desiring to “get woke and go broke,” State Farm rushed to do damage control. They announced that the memo came from “a mid-to-lower level employee in Florida” who doesn’t speak for the company, adding:

Conversations about gender and identity should happen at home with parents. We don’t support requiring curriculum in schools on this topic. We support organizations providing resources for parents to have these conversations. We will no longer support that program.”

Pretty simple, isn’t it? Companies that want to stay in business concentrate on their corporate mission, stay out of radical political and social issues, and let parents raise their own kids.

Take note, Disney Corp. In fact, take a lot of notes.

I Just Wanted to Say

Thank you for reading my newsletter. 

For more news, visit my website here.

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Comments 11-14 of 14

  • Jai Montgomery

    05/24/2022 01:40 PM

    Does the Sussman situation may have another weird link. Halyna Hutchins, the Ukraine born and Soviet raised Iinvestigative Reporter and Movie Camera Operator shot to death by Alec Baldwin was married to a **Perkins Coie attorney** assigned to the Sussman case.
    Ms. Hutchins as investigative reporter on the day of her death is known to have Tweeted, "I have enough information on Hillary Clinton to put her away for life."
    However the tweet was quickly deleted after she was shot and killed by Alec Baldwin who had appeared on one or more of Hillary Clinton's podcasts where he appeared to support her candidacy and make a thinly veiled appeal for a high level foreign assignment when she was elected President.
    Mr. Baldwin's story appears to change with each telling, but he now appears to claim the single shot pistol that he admittedly shot Helanya to death with which was designed specifically to prevent accidental firing accidentally fired killing Ms. Hutchins.
    The possuble connections between Ms. Hutchin's shooting death, any "information" she may have discovered in her investigative reporter role that she viewed as adequate to "put Hillary Clinton away for life," her husband's involvement with the Perkins Coie law firm as attorney assigned to the defense of Hillary Clinton's employee, Muchael Sussman, Alwc Baldwin's apparent support of Hillary Clinton's campaign and perhaps even Ms. Hutchin's Ukraine/Soviet upbringing might be coincidental enough to justify further investigation.

  • Norman

    05/24/2022 01:00 PM

    Hope you bother to read this mike.
    Just wanted you to know that this morning I voted for your daughter Sarah to be be the next governor of Arkansas.

  • Anne Turner

    05/24/2022 12:30 PM

    Thank you. Governor, for alerting me to the State Farm debacle. I have a call into my agent now. Our families, my late husband, and I, have been clients of the company for, probably 70 plus years. I am appalled. Low level or not, this person should have been fired. How dare they? Of all the companies, I would not have have expected this from them. Disney, etal, are insane. Nothing else explains their lack of judgement. Why would anyone think it healthy to present intimate subjects to small children. Why would we want to confuse young children who are just forming their identities? If you tell a very young child that a red light means go, that is what they will believe. If you tell a little boy who likes to play house with his older sisters that he must want to be a girl, that could ruin his life. I’m tired of all this make believe. Like it or not, most people are clearly born a male or a female. When a doctor has to perform major surgery to cosmetically alter appearance and give powerful hormones, to “change “ one’s sex, there is something grossly wrong with our culture. Homosexuality is a wholly different thing. That has to do with attraction and that is not clear until puberty or after. The only thing we need to tell young children is to be kind to all, even if they have different characteristics. It’s really quite simple. As to CRT, why are we creating racism? They will say there is already racism. Of course, there is among some, but this is no way to cure it and it is not nearly as wide spread as lefties would want us to believe. If there is no crisis, let’s create a few.

  • Sharon Faulkner

    05/24/2022 10:59 AM

    The garbage pushed in the blasphemous "school book" is disgusting enough but even worse is the woke progressive ( translation: apostate) " churches" that endorse it.

Message from Mike Huckabee

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    Latest News

    May 24, 2022


    Blessings on you and your family and from all the Huckabee staff! Today's newsletter includes:

    • Sussmann trial, Day 6: How did Mueller not know the truth?
    • Primary Day
    • White House Emergency Hazmat crew is deployed
    • And much more...


    Mike Huckabee


    Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. 

    John 14:27

    If you have a favorite Bible Verse you want to see in one of our newsletters, please email [email protected].

    2. Sussmann trial, Day 6: How did Mueller not know the truth?

    Monday marked the beginning of Week 2 (Day 6) of the Michael Sussmann trial. As you know, last week ended dramatically, when Robby Mook, Clinton’s own campaign manager, said she’d personally signed off on releasing the (phony) Alfa Bank story to the media, even though her campaign people told her it hadn’t been verified. Two CIA staffers also testified Friday, saying that Sussmann had lied to them, too, about not representing any client.

    Also on Friday, a now-retired CIA station chief described meeting Sussmann earlier and being told a variation of the lie; namely, that he did have a client, but it was a Republican. The idea of Perkins Coie representing Republicans is almost as crazy as Trump colluding with Russians.

    One thing seemed odd to us on Friday, but we found the explanation later. The prosecution was still presenting its case, but Mook was called as a defense witness. Turns out, Mook had planned to vacation in Spain, and the court ruled he could testify out of order so he could go. (Nice! One hopes prosecution witnesses would have received similar dispensation from this judge.) As it happens, Mook was helpful to Durham, so much so that the defense probably wishes they’d just let him go to Spain.

    Anyway, Monday might not have been quite as eventful as last Friday, but there were interesting developments, with Bill Priestap –- Peter Strzok’s supervisor –- called to the stand. Trump attorney Alina Habba and her team were there today, as they have been every day, and in an appearance on HANNITY said Priestap seemed unable to recall much of anything, even with his own notes in front of him. He seems to have taken a cue from Hillary herself, who is known for coming up with almost countless versions of “I don’t recall.”

    Two other FBI officials, Ryan Gaynor and Allison Sands, testified. Sands said she’d received a memo the day Sussmann met with Baker about a referral on the case from the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. (!!!) It didn’t mention Sussmann as the source. This document was circulated to Peter Strzok as well.

    Gaynor testified that top FBI leadership had decided to keep Sussmann’s identity on “close hold.” The Chicago field office wanted access to the source but couldn’t get it. He told the court that had he known the source had a political interest or one that overlapped with the Bureau’s, he might not have ever volunteered to be point person at headquarters.

    So, when did the ‘Justice’ Department decide to jump in? The DOJ was even mentioned as the source for the “white papers,” when we know that none of them came from there and at least one came from Fusion GPS, creator of the likewise phony “dossier.”

    Gregg Jarrett said on Monday’s HANNITY “that the FBI, James Comey and his minions, were lying to their own field agents, and [Gaynor] said, ‘Had we known the truth, had they been honest with us, it would have changed the equation dramatically. We would’ve recognized the hoax for what it was, a political smear invented by Hillary Clinton, and funded and disseminated by her personally, by the way, as well as her many confederates.’”

    Jarrett also noted what we’ve said about the timeline: that by the time Trump had been sworn in as President, the FBI had already debunked both the “dossier” and the Alfa Bank story. Yet Sussmann kept on pushing it, and within the FBI, Comey, Strzok and McCabe went right on investigating Trump, treating the hoax as seriously as ever. They used it, Jarrett said, as a “pretext, to escalate their investigation of Donald Trump, to drive him from office.” Comey even stole government documents when Trump fired him, to trigger the appointment of a special counsel, “who just happened to be his longtime friend and colleague, Bob Mueller.”

    Either Mueller and his huge team of lawyers and investigators didn’t know this was a hoax that traced back to Hillary, he said, or “they knew it, and they covered it up.”

    So, assuming Mueller didn’t know, how could it be that he didn’t find out? We’ve known Trump-Russia “collusion” was a fabrication since early 2017, when then-House Intel Committee chair Devin Nunes and his lead investigator Kash Patel connected the dots to Hillary’s campaign. Jonathan Turley calls Hillary’s involvement “Washington’s worst-kept but least -acknowledged secret.” A must-read:

    Turley reminds us that then-CIA Director John Brennan actually told President Obama that Hillary planned to tar Trump as a Russia “colluder” to distract from her own use of a private email server for classified State Department business. Brennan told Obama this three days BEFORE “Crossfire Hurricane” was opened by the FBI. Turley’s report sums it all up nicely and will make you wish everyone involved in this scheme could be confined to, if not jail, then a very, very hot place for all eternity.

    That’s especially true after reading that Hillary tweeted, “it’s now clear that so-called ‘fake news’ can have real-world consequences.” It’s time for the Queen Of Fake News to experience some real-world consequences firsthand.

    Of course, it’s not just Hillary. As Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse put it, “The DC politicians, institutions of the DOJ and FBI, and the entire corporate media world have been pretending not to know the truth for almost six years. Now they are in a pretending pickle.”

    He asks the question everyone should be asking now: “How did Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann spend 2 years investigating Trump-Russia; with a team of 19 lawyers, $40 million in resources; 40 FBI agents; 2,800 subpoenas; 500 search warrants and 500 witnesses; and not find out that Hillary Clinton created the hoax they were investigating?”

    As Turley points out, Mueller’s team originally consisted of the very FBI officials who were given Sussmann’s Alfa Bank “evidence.” But, believe it or not, they apparently never talked to any Clinton campaign people, or Fusion GPS, or Rodney Joffe, or Marc Elias, or...Michael Sussmann.

    Finally, we’re gong to make fun of Hillary now, because she deserves it. Victoria Taft has some video of Hillary from a 2019 interview with NBC’s Jane Pauley. Seeing it now gives new meaning to what Hillary said so disingenuously at the time: “I don’t know we’ll ever know everything that happened," she told Pauley, "but clearly we know a lot and are learning more every day...I know that [Trump] knows this wasn’t on the level.”

    Indeed, Hillary, Trump has always known it wasn’t on the level, but not in the way you were trying to make people believe. He knew YOU weren’t on the level. You assumed we would never "know everything that happened," but, the reality is that “clearly we know a lot [about what YOU DID] and are learning more every day.”
    Still, what we know must barely scratch the surface of your dishonesty. As bad as things are in our country right now, we can only get down on our knees and give thanks to God that you were not elected President.

    3. Primary Day

    Today is Primary Election day in Georgia, Arkansas and Alabama, plus there’s a House Special Election in Minnesota and primary runoff elections in Texas. Be sure to vote, and I’ll have a roundup of the results tomorrow (at least, those that are in by tomorrow.)

    For a list of my Arkansas endorsements through my political organization, Huck PAC, go here.

    For my Georgia endorsements, go here.

    For my Alabama endorsements, go here.

    A couple of races of particular note: In the Texas Attorney General run-off, incumbent Ken Paxton is facing George P. Bush in a race that’s being framed as a test of the Bush dynasty’s ability to survive in the MAGA era. And in Georgia, Gov. Brian Kemp is being challenged by David Perdue, who is backed by Donald Trump because Trump thinks Kemp didn’t do enough to challenge the 2020 vote. 

    Here’s some more info on these and other races in these states, plus the potential impact of Trump’s endorsements.

    Sadly for Georgia Democrats, they have no choice in the Governor’s race because Stacey Abrams is running unopposed. Just think of that: Stacey Abrams is literally the best the Democrats could do!

    Today would be a great time for her to face a challenger because last week, she publicly griped that she was sick of hearing about how Georgia is the best state to do business when it’s the worst state to live in (I guess all the New Yorkers who are fleeing there must be masochists.) Also, as I previously reported, the massive surge in early voting has proven that Abrams’ claims about Georgia’s new election integrity laws being Jim Crow-style racist voter suppression – a claim echoed by the media, President Biden, and major corporations and that cost Georgians hundreds of millions of dollars in lost revenues – was, as I've said from day one, a scurrilous and very expensive lie.

    As of the end of early voting on Friday, over 850,000 Georgians had cast early or absentee ballots, which is more than triple the number in 2018.

    And it’s not just white Republicans who are finding it easy to vote. One 70-year-old black woman told the Washington Post, "I had heard that they were going to try to deter us in any way possible because of the fact that we didn’t go Republican on the last election, when Trump didn’t win. To go in there and vote as easily as I did and to be treated with the respect that I knew I deserved as an American citizen — I was really thrown back." Shame on the people who made her believe that about her fellow Georgians.

    In summation, Stacey Abrams told a “Big Lie” that the 2018 election she lost was rigged; she intentionally inflamed racial divisions; and she frightened the public and undermined our democracy by shattering the people’s faith in the integrity of their elections. Aren’t those all the same charges that the Democrats are falsely making against Trump as an argument for banning him from office for life? Yet Abrams has done them all openly for nearly four years, and it made her wealthy, a Democrat Party/Hollywood celebrity, and now they want her to be Governor of Georgia. Once again, if it weren’t for double standards, they’d have no standards at all.

    I just hope that in November, Georgians will use their new system of easier but more transparent voting to deliver a well-deserved heavy loss to Stacey Abrams. Maybe if it’s a crushing landslide defeat, it will finally be enough to make her go away – or at least stop claiming she actually won.


    4. White House Emergency Hazmat crew is deployed

    The White House Emergency Hazmat Crew that rushes to clean up President Biden’s toxic verbal spills works harder than firefighters at an arsonists’ convention. Their latest five-alarm call came after Biden flatly stated that the US would intervene militarily if China attacked Taiwan. Having already hauled him back from the brink of starting World War III with Russia, his handlers had to scurry to prevent him from doing it in Asia.

    Aides said that Biden meant only that the US would provide military equipment to Taiwan, not that he’d send US troops. For the record, here’s the exchange that upset China:

    Reporter: “You didn’t want to get involved in the Ukraine conflict militarily for obvious reasons. Are you willing to get involved militarily to defend Taiwan, if it comes to that?”

    Biden: “Yes. That’s the commitment we made. That’s the commitment we made. We agree with the One China policy; we’ve signed on to it and all the attendant agreements made from there. But the idea that — that it can be taken by force — just taken by force — is just not a — is just not appropriate. It will dislocate the entire region and be another action similar to what happened in — in Ukraine. And so, it’s a burden that is even stronger.”

    Obviously, when he said yes to whether he was willing to get involved militarily to defend Taiwan, he didn’t mean he was willing to get involved militarily to defend Taiwan. Are we all clear now? Good.

    You know, one of the main tricks of diplomacy is to learn not to say some things out loud. Maybe America should help defend our free ally Taiwan against communist aggression, which is a stance you could at least make an argument for. It’s just that saying it out loud before there is a reason for it is more likely to enrage China and make them think that if they’re going to attack, they’d be better off doing it soon while Biden’s still in office. Probably a thought that also crossed Putin’s mind as he was deciding what to do about Ukraine.

    Remember when we were told that we needed the experienced, seasoned adult Joe Biden in charge because Trump was going to destroy the economy, crash the stock market and say something stupid, that would set off World War III? So glad we don’t have an ignoramus like that in charge!

    5. Inadvertent Admission

    Speaking of President Biden opening his mouth and letting the cat out of the bag, here’s an inadvertent admission that unaffordable gas prices are not an unfortunate, unavoidable problem or an unintended side effect of his incompetence. They’re part of a longtime deliberate leftist plan to force Americans to “transition” to electric vehicles. However, the fact that Biden has no clue how we’ll be able to charge millions of electric cars from “green energy sources” when we’re already suffering blackouts can, I believe, safely be attributed to incompetence.

    6. One reason why students are leaving NYC Public Schools

    It seems that New York City school officials have finally found a situation under which they will allow references to Jesus in public schools. They’re stocking school libraries with a children’s book called “What You Don’t Know: A Story of Liberated Childhood.” In it, a gay black child doesn’t like church because he feels shamed there until Jesus (who is apparently a Democrat) appears to tell him that “everyone is invited to love and be loved,” even Mitch McConnell, who is depicted in the book.

    The kid asks Jesus, “Are you gonna punish the people of Earth who hate me and blame it on you?” The book promises that “we will rewrite the rules we live by and love the world into balance.” It ends “happily” with the child and his parents watching the radical socialist “Squad” on TV. I wonder how Jesus feels about that, considering He was Jewish and some of the “Squad” members are blatant anti-Semites.

    As Alex Parker at notes, the messages of the book appear to be that religion is mean, God’s Son encourages homosexuality, opposing someone’s beliefs is hatred, and “AOC should control your destiny.”

    Again, I’ll point out that the New York City school system has lost 1.2 million pupils over the past few years, and school officials claim that they’re baffled as to why.

    Click the link to read more about this book and others in the curriculum that’s called “Mosaic.” But I warn you: before you do, take your blood pressure medicine, or at least a couple of Rolaids.

    7. Take a lot of notes Disney 

    Speaking of large organizations that want to go around parents to indoctrinate small children, State Farm’s “Corporate Responsibility Analyst” (and boy, does he have the wrong job title) put out a memo touting the insurance giant’s partnership with a group called the “GenderCool Project.” It was to have 500 State Farm agents and employees donate a three-book bundle about Being Transgender, Inclusive and Non-Binary to their “local teacher, community center or library of their choice.” The goal was to “increase representation of LGBTQ+ books and support our communities in having challenging, empowering, and important conversations with children Age 5+.” Yes, that’s correct: AGE FIVE and up.

    The news sparked predictable outrage not only from parents and State Farm customers but from many agents and employees who didn’t appreciate being turned into spreaders of radical LGBTQ propaganda. The story hit the news like a shovelful of manure hitting a ceiling fan, and not desiring to “get woke and go broke,” State Farm rushed to do damage control. They announced that the memo came from “a mid-to-lower level employee in Florida” who doesn’t speak for the company, adding:

    Conversations about gender and identity should happen at home with parents. We don’t support requiring curriculum in schools on this topic. We support organizations providing resources for parents to have these conversations. We will no longer support that program.”

    Pretty simple, isn’t it? Companies that want to stay in business concentrate on their corporate mission, stay out of radical political and social issues, and let parents raise their own kids.

    Take note, Disney Corp. In fact, take a lot of notes.

    I Just Wanted to Say

    Thank you for reading my newsletter. 

    For more news, visit my website here.

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    Comments 11-14 of 14

    • Jai Montgomery

      05/24/2022 01:40 PM

      Does the Sussman situation may have another weird link. Halyna Hutchins, the Ukraine born and Soviet raised Iinvestigative Reporter and Movie Camera Operator shot to death by Alec Baldwin was married to a **Perkins Coie attorney** assigned to the Sussman case.
      Ms. Hutchins as investigative reporter on the day of her death is known to have Tweeted, "I have enough information on Hillary Clinton to put her away for life."
      However the tweet was quickly deleted after she was shot and killed by Alec Baldwin who had appeared on one or more of Hillary Clinton's podcasts where he appeared to support her candidacy and make a thinly veiled appeal for a high level foreign assignment when she was elected President.
      Mr. Baldwin's story appears to change with each telling, but he now appears to claim the single shot pistol that he admittedly shot Helanya to death with which was designed specifically to prevent accidental firing accidentally fired killing Ms. Hutchins.
      The possuble connections between Ms. Hutchin's shooting death, any "information" she may have discovered in her investigative reporter role that she viewed as adequate to "put Hillary Clinton away for life," her husband's involvement with the Perkins Coie law firm as attorney assigned to the defense of Hillary Clinton's employee, Muchael Sussman, Alwc Baldwin's apparent support of Hillary Clinton's campaign and perhaps even Ms. Hutchin's Ukraine/Soviet upbringing might be coincidental enough to justify further investigation.

    • Norman

      05/24/2022 01:00 PM

      Hope you bother to read this mike.
      Just wanted you to know that this morning I voted for your daughter Sarah to be be the next governor of Arkansas.

    • Anne Turner

      05/24/2022 12:30 PM

      Thank you. Governor, for alerting me to the State Farm debacle. I have a call into my agent now. Our families, my late husband, and I, have been clients of the company for, probably 70 plus years. I am appalled. Low level or not, this person should have been fired. How dare they? Of all the companies, I would not have have expected this from them. Disney, etal, are insane. Nothing else explains their lack of judgement. Why would anyone think it healthy to present intimate subjects to small children. Why would we want to confuse young children who are just forming their identities? If you tell a very young child that a red light means go, that is what they will believe. If you tell a little boy who likes to play house with his older sisters that he must want to be a girl, that could ruin his life. I’m tired of all this make believe. Like it or not, most people are clearly born a male or a female. When a doctor has to perform major surgery to cosmetically alter appearance and give powerful hormones, to “change “ one’s sex, there is something grossly wrong with our culture. Homosexuality is a wholly different thing. That has to do with attraction and that is not clear until puberty or after. The only thing we need to tell young children is to be kind to all, even if they have different characteristics. It’s really quite simple. As to CRT, why are we creating racism? They will say there is already racism. Of course, there is among some, but this is no way to cure it and it is not nearly as wide spread as lefties would want us to believe. If there is no crisis, let’s create a few.

    • Sharon Faulkner

      05/24/2022 10:59 AM

      The garbage pushed in the blasphemous "school book" is disgusting enough but even worse is the woke progressive ( translation: apostate) " churches" that endorse it.