Today's News Stories

August 20, 2021

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Proverbs 3:6
  • Joe Biden: "The man who wasn't there"
  • Rhode Island Inspiration
  • Buyer's Remorse Has Started
  • COVID Numbers
  • America The Beautiful
  • Interesting Election Result
  • Salute To Iowa State Students


Mike Huckabee


6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Proverbs 3:6

Joe Biden: "The man who wasn't there"

By Mike Huckabee

Yesterday upon the stair
I met a man who wasn’t there
He wasn’t there again today
I wish, I wish he’d go away!

The Man Who Wasn’t There. The Invisible Man. Or maybe we should call him the Incredible Shrinking Man, as he seems to get smaller in stature every time we see him. On those increasingly rare occasions, he seems to be a diminished person, a shell of a human being. The light isn’t on, and nobody is home.

And now, as Bryan Preston reports at PJ MEDIA, his aides have “called a lid” on all appearances indefinitely.

The expression "putting a lid on it" is nothing new; his campaign employed it to take him out of the spotlight even before he was made President, so don't say we weren't warned. As his administration wears on, it’s becoming plain why they did that.

As Preston points out, Biden headed for the hills --- just an expression; it was Camp David --- right before Afghanistan fell to the Taliban and was silent during the fall of Kabul. His absence must have been planned to coincide with the chaos, because we now know that he anticipated chaos. He told George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday that he knew of no way for us to leave WITHOUT chaos.

Biden waited more than 24 hours after the fall of Kabul to make any public remarks. He came back to the White House on Monday to read a speech off the teleprompter and then left again, without taking any questions. Tuesday, unbelievably, was a silent day; then on Wednesday, he read off the teleprompter again to talk about vaccine booster shots and such. No questions taken then, either.

Preston expressed it well in another piece: Biden causes catastrophes and then walks away from them.

The interview with Stephanopoulos was dreadful, and I think the big take-away for most of us, Republicans and Democrats alike, is that if they ever thought Biden was the kindly, grandfatherly man he was made out to be during the campaign, that impression was shown to be false. Even in an interview conducted by a partisan ally who was arguably there to help him (as always), he just came off as a prickly old man.

The details of that interview are in Preston’s piece, but I have to say, the low point had to be when Biden was asked what he thought when seeing the images of Afghan men clinging to the U.S.military plane taking off from Kabul and, inevitably, plunging to their deaths. (We’ve all seen those images, so reminiscent of the ones from the Twin Towers on 9/11 as people jumped to their deaths to end their certain agony.) Biden tersely interrupted the question with “That was four days ago, five days ago.”

At that time it had been two days, but who’s counting? Come on, man! The important thing is that, to Biden, it was old news and shouldn’t have been brought up at all. Either Joe Biden is the most callous person in American politics today –- and that’s saying something –- or his mind truly is not working right. Either deliberately or helplessly, the man gets lost in an irrelevant detail.

So, which is it –- callousness or feeblemindedness? Perhaps it really is pure callousness, as Biden didn’t show compassion during the fall of Saigon, either. That was in 1975, when he was a young U.S. Senator, presumably in possession of whatever meager cognitive faculties nature had parceled out to hm. It was a similar nightmare scene, and he showed a similar lack of compassion. He didn’t want to help evacuate people then, either.

And this time, in the interview with Stephanopoulos, he never spoke about the tragedy of the lives lost, and certainly never linked it with the insane course of action he has taken. There was no sign of reflection or sympathy in his empty eyes. The horror of those tiny specks falling from high in the sky –- that’s on him, but he seems capable of 100 percent denial about that. That would explain how he avoids feeling any regret.

The only emotion he showed was irritation at being asked about it.

“No one’s being killed right now,” he said lightly, knocking on wood. I am not kidding.

The irony is enormous. One major reason Democrats had for opposing Trump was the perception of him not caring about people, especially “those” foreign people, those immigrants. Recall that at the 2016 Democratic Convention, their recurring and outrageously false claim was that “Donald Trump has never done anything good for anyone but himself his whole life.” They chose to believe their own phony-baloney, focus-group-tested lies about “selfish, uncaring” Trump and elected Biden, who benefited from his own phony-baloney focus-group-tested lies about being good ol’ Uncle Joe. Good ol’ Uncle Joe now shows a stunning lack of compassion for these desperate people who fought with us on the other side of the globe.

Even the estimated 15-16,000 Americans still in Afghanistan will be lucky to get out. They’re spread out, technically behind enemy lines, and while the British are reportedly focused on getting their people out, there’s no plan for evacuating Americans unless they can get to the airfield. This is unconscionable. According to the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan, “The United States Government cannot ensure safe passage to the Hamid Karzai International Airport.”

Sure enough, planes leaving Kabul are reportedly almost half empty. CNN footage shows the airport surrounded by hopped-up Taliban fighters. Nobody gets through check points around the airport without Taliban permission. It’s hard to imagine being in a situation more frightening.

Sean Hannity showed video from Kabul, outside the airport, on his TV show Thursday night.

Oliver North also appeared on Hannity’s show with some unfortunate news for any Afghan who made the ill-fated choice to help us. Now that the U.S. Embassy is abandoned, the Taliban have obtained detailed lists of every Afghan who ever worked for America, plus identifying information and where they live. Here’s the must-see video.

Biden was the Invisible Man again on Thursday, with nothing on his schedule in the way of press briefings or public remarks. The plan apparently was for him to head for his home state of Delaware and hide out. Can you imagine the response if this were President Trump? But, of course, it wouldn’t be Trump, because it’s impossible to imagine him being in this situation. He would have found the best way, logistically and militarily, to wind down in Afghanistan, not the backwards way. And he’s not known for “putting a lid” on his schedule, either.

Vice President Kamala Harris knows how to disappear, too, though no one will miss her. There’s no leadership at all. As Biden becomes The Invisible Man, Kamala stars in The Lady Vanishes.

Rhode Island Inspiration

By Mike Huckabee

You might remember the story I told you, about Rhode Island mom Nicole Solas, who tried to exercise her right to find out what kind of race and gender propaganda her daughter was being taught in kindergarten. When the school tried to block her, she filed Freedom of Information Act requests. Then the teachers’ union sued her and sought a restraining order against her for trying to obtain what should be public information. Her response to them was, “Game on.” Well, here’s the latest on that game, and it’s not looking good for the teachers’ union.

Her attorneys from the Goldwater Institute filed a reply to the lawsuit that eviscerates the union. It calls the suit an extraordinary and unprecedented attempt to stop citizens from obtaining public information, “brought by a party without standing, (that) disregards the entire statutory scheme under the APRA, and is an affront to parents’ rights to open and transparent government under state law.” It also demands that the court dismiss the suit and require the union to pay not only their legal fees and costs but also “compensatory and punitive damages” to the mom for violating the state’s anti-SLAPP (strategic lawsuit against public participation) law. That bars using legal threats to try to intimidate people into not exercising their rights.

If you’re a parent who’s trying to get your local school board to come clean on what it’s teaching, and you’re receiving resistance, insults and intimidation, let Nicole Solas be your inspiration.

Buyer's Remorse Has Started

By Mike Huckabee

It’s official: the honeymoon is over and the buyer’s remorse period has started. The latest Rasmussen Survey found that if the 2020 election were held again today, Trump would win. Even after months of the media demonizing him and his supporters, Trump would get more support from a number of groups, including blacks and women. We were told in 2020 that Biden got more votes than any candidate ever and was the most popular candidate in US history (and if you found that hard to swallow, you’re a conspiracy theorist and an insurrectionist.)

Well, the new poll shows that today, he would get only 37% of the vote, and frankly, I’m stunned that it’s that much. I guess some people really like open borders, runaway spending, rising inflation, high gas prices, racial divisiveness, out of control crime and humiliating military defeats. 43% say they’d vote for Trump and the rest for an unnamed third candidate.

Other findings: 9% of Democrats regret their 2020 vote, as do 12% of moderates, 14% of black voters, and 11% of 18-39-year-olds. 13% of Democrats say they would vote for Trump today. Also, while 55% of Americans thought the country was on the right track in March, that’s now plummeted to only 31%.

Obviously Related: The University of Michigan consumer sentiment index dropped from 81.2 in July to 70.2, the lowest level of consumer optimism since 2011.

It’s being blamed on the surge in Delta variant cases, but notice that consumer confidence never fell that low even during the height of the pandemic when cases and deaths were far higher. Hmm, I wonder what changed between then and now to make consumers less confident in the future of the economy?...

COVID Numbers

By Mike Huckabee

If you listen to the media hysteria, you’d think that the Delta variant of COVID is the deadliest disease since the Black Plague, and we’ll soon require people coming around with carts and calling, “Bring out your dead!” Governments are using this as grounds to impose ever-greater restrictions and mandates. But here are some facts to give a little perspective.

Yes, Delta is more contagious than the original disease, but it’s not killing more people. Vaccinated people can get it, but in most cases, infected vaccinated people have mild or no symptoms. Even all the hateful wishes of leftist Twitter trolls couldn’t harm Sen. Lindsay Graham or Texas Gov. Greg Abbott when they got COVID because they’d been vaccinated, and they didn’t get sick.

The media are whipping up panic by trumpeting rising case numbers. But notice that they’re not focusing on the death numbers. They’re just implying that rising cases means we’re in for a tidal wave of deaths. Maybe they think it wouldn’t be as newsworthy if they told you the real numbers. But here they are:

As of Monday, the average number of cases in the US was 406 per million, and the number of deaths was 2.13 per million. Of course, every death is tragic, but that’s a death rate of 0.66%, which is the lowest fatality rate since the pandemic began. It’s not exactly good news, but it’s a trend in the right direction. Touting it might convince more people to get vaccinated and lower the death rate even more. But panic and hysteria drive clicks more than positive real numbers.

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Redwood National Park, visit its website here.

Interesting Election Result

By Mike Huckabee

Don’t get cocky or complacent, but the Republicans just flipped the first legislative seat of 2021, and in a deep blue state and district. In a special election for a state Senate seat in Connecticut, Republican Ryan Fazio defeated liberal Democrat Alex Gevanter 50.1-47.6%. That looks close, but it’s a district that Biden won by over 25% in 2020. The state government of Connecticut is still heavily Democrat, but maybe this is a sign that the blinders are finally dropping from the voters’ eyes.

Salute To Iowa State Students

By Mike Huckabee

A salute to the Iowa State University students who had the courage to publicly call out the school for its student orientation materials that they call an attempt to shove indoctrination and propaganda down the throats of new students. More student protesters like this, please!

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Comments 11-20 of 33

  • Mark Mittelstaedt

    08/20/2021 01:03 PM

    .1% percent of 1 million is 1,000. Gotta be a typo in those death numbers somewhere.

  • Jerry

    08/20/2021 01:01 PM

    As I said in January this country will feel the effects of Biden’s policies taking effect in September well disaster is coming early Biden the buffoon is delivering destruction on every aspect of America’s foundation I had a strong feeling Biden was a hideous person and with out scruples ;as an person without any traits of hope, moral civilities and capable of governing and Biden has proven and beyond a doubt Biden is nothing more than a modern grim reaper

  • Steve

    08/20/2021 12:59 PM

    Mr. Huckabee,
    It seems to me that the Government of the United States of America has been overthrown by our own government, by those who are supposedly in charge.

  • Donna L Cornell

    08/20/2021 12:56 PM

    It is OUTRAGEOUS AND UNCONSCIENABLE the way this 'fraudulent/incompetent' Administration in our White House is behaving but NOT surprising!
    Also, ALL 'executive orders' of Biden MUST BE REVERSED IMMEDIATELY.

    All this will and is coming to pass in our 'present' time in Jesus' Name because it IS Truth!
    We give ALL the 'credit/honor/glory' to our Heavenly Father-God for this, thank You Abba-God, so BE IT!

  • Lynn M LaMar

    08/20/2021 12:51 PM

    We truly need that Biden administration mess out of the White House...yesterday.

  • Pat J Green

    08/20/2021 12:51 PM

    I just don't understand how anybody can and could have voted for Biden and Harris. I'm not an educated person just a HS but I do have a 24 year military career, so I have seen what socialism is and I do know I don't want it. How anybody could even vote for anyone remotely connected with that is just beyond me

  • Rexford O. Ames

    08/20/2021 12:41 PM

    If I may, Sir. Disaster after Disaster appears to be the norm for this administration. The reality is another whole ball game( Metaphor) intended.
    # 1. Oil-Pipeline-Alaska. Shut down?
    # 2. Afghanistan: The white house and the Pentagon knew; this was in the offering back in Jun / July of 2021. It is a disaster of a magnitude that will change : Not only that country but many others , ours as well.
    # 3. The Taliban now have all of our Military equipment there and will use it.
    Do not misunderstand the situation. It will take a while for the new government to take hold. During that process. They have a multitude of Americans, Civilian and Military as well as Contract Agencies, still there.
    Not only has this Government placed our Men and Women in peril. The Pentagon knew and did nothing. That's when one puts Politics over Country. This Controlling Party has done irreparable damage on many, many levels.
    China and Russia as well as the EU, are laughing their heads off. We have become a joke and it looks like, it will be a long, long struggle, if any. To be what we used to be.
    Note: Does one think that any newly elected Democrat ( Freshman/ Women) , have any idea what their financial supporters have in store for them.
    I do not see President Biden, Vice-President Harris , will survive! Now comes the real issue. If? Biden Resigns as well as Harris. Whom do you think will be the new ( Temp President?
    Democrats are no longer addressed as Americans! Nor are Republicans. The landscape sure has changed.

  • Guy Hicklin

    08/20/2021 12:39 PM

    Yes, our government is a disgrace, but what can we do about it now? There was a recent news article speculating on "will the congress after 2022 and a shift to republican control attempt to impeach Biden". What would that accomplish other than put an incompetent Harris in charge and potentially give her a "push" towards the 2024 election. Would it not be better to leave Biden alone and simply do everything possible to tie his hands for the remainder of his term? Recall only works when you have viable alternative, and we don't at this time.

  • susan satava

    08/20/2021 12:29 PM

    Re: The man who isn't there: But Gov. Huckabee, Trump GAVE Biden a plan; the plan was to have Americans, equipment, and then military OUT by May 1, in that order! What'd Biden do? Canceled it! Then jockeyed back and forth, finally ordering the military OUT by August 31,!

  • Thomas Roper

    08/20/2021 12:28 PM

    I believe Biden needs to be impeached but what would we gain? Harris would be president. Would that be an improvement? If she is removed then it would be Pelosi unless she is removed from the House before then.

Election 2024 Coverage

August 20, 2021

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Proverbs 3:6
  • Joe Biden: "The man who wasn't there"
  • Rhode Island Inspiration
  • Buyer's Remorse Has Started
  • COVID Numbers
  • America The Beautiful
  • Interesting Election Result
  • Salute To Iowa State Students


Mike Huckabee


6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Proverbs 3:6

Joe Biden: "The man who wasn't there"

By Mike Huckabee

Yesterday upon the stair
I met a man who wasn’t there
He wasn’t there again today
I wish, I wish he’d go away!

The Man Who Wasn’t There. The Invisible Man. Or maybe we should call him the Incredible Shrinking Man, as he seems to get smaller in stature every time we see him. On those increasingly rare occasions, he seems to be a diminished person, a shell of a human being. The light isn’t on, and nobody is home.

And now, as Bryan Preston reports at PJ MEDIA, his aides have “called a lid” on all appearances indefinitely.

The expression "putting a lid on it" is nothing new; his campaign employed it to take him out of the spotlight even before he was made President, so don't say we weren't warned. As his administration wears on, it’s becoming plain why they did that.

As Preston points out, Biden headed for the hills --- just an expression; it was Camp David --- right before Afghanistan fell to the Taliban and was silent during the fall of Kabul. His absence must have been planned to coincide with the chaos, because we now know that he anticipated chaos. He told George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday that he knew of no way for us to leave WITHOUT chaos.

Biden waited more than 24 hours after the fall of Kabul to make any public remarks. He came back to the White House on Monday to read a speech off the teleprompter and then left again, without taking any questions. Tuesday, unbelievably, was a silent day; then on Wednesday, he read off the teleprompter again to talk about vaccine booster shots and such. No questions taken then, either.

Preston expressed it well in another piece: Biden causes catastrophes and then walks away from them.

The interview with Stephanopoulos was dreadful, and I think the big take-away for most of us, Republicans and Democrats alike, is that if they ever thought Biden was the kindly, grandfatherly man he was made out to be during the campaign, that impression was shown to be false. Even in an interview conducted by a partisan ally who was arguably there to help him (as always), he just came off as a prickly old man.

The details of that interview are in Preston’s piece, but I have to say, the low point had to be when Biden was asked what he thought when seeing the images of Afghan men clinging to the U.S.military plane taking off from Kabul and, inevitably, plunging to their deaths. (We’ve all seen those images, so reminiscent of the ones from the Twin Towers on 9/11 as people jumped to their deaths to end their certain agony.) Biden tersely interrupted the question with “That was four days ago, five days ago.”

At that time it had been two days, but who’s counting? Come on, man! The important thing is that, to Biden, it was old news and shouldn’t have been brought up at all. Either Joe Biden is the most callous person in American politics today –- and that’s saying something –- or his mind truly is not working right. Either deliberately or helplessly, the man gets lost in an irrelevant detail.

So, which is it –- callousness or feeblemindedness? Perhaps it really is pure callousness, as Biden didn’t show compassion during the fall of Saigon, either. That was in 1975, when he was a young U.S. Senator, presumably in possession of whatever meager cognitive faculties nature had parceled out to hm. It was a similar nightmare scene, and he showed a similar lack of compassion. He didn’t want to help evacuate people then, either.

And this time, in the interview with Stephanopoulos, he never spoke about the tragedy of the lives lost, and certainly never linked it with the insane course of action he has taken. There was no sign of reflection or sympathy in his empty eyes. The horror of those tiny specks falling from high in the sky –- that’s on him, but he seems capable of 100 percent denial about that. That would explain how he avoids feeling any regret.

The only emotion he showed was irritation at being asked about it.

“No one’s being killed right now,” he said lightly, knocking on wood. I am not kidding.

The irony is enormous. One major reason Democrats had for opposing Trump was the perception of him not caring about people, especially “those” foreign people, those immigrants. Recall that at the 2016 Democratic Convention, their recurring and outrageously false claim was that “Donald Trump has never done anything good for anyone but himself his whole life.” They chose to believe their own phony-baloney, focus-group-tested lies about “selfish, uncaring” Trump and elected Biden, who benefited from his own phony-baloney focus-group-tested lies about being good ol’ Uncle Joe. Good ol’ Uncle Joe now shows a stunning lack of compassion for these desperate people who fought with us on the other side of the globe.

Even the estimated 15-16,000 Americans still in Afghanistan will be lucky to get out. They’re spread out, technically behind enemy lines, and while the British are reportedly focused on getting their people out, there’s no plan for evacuating Americans unless they can get to the airfield. This is unconscionable. According to the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan, “The United States Government cannot ensure safe passage to the Hamid Karzai International Airport.”

Sure enough, planes leaving Kabul are reportedly almost half empty. CNN footage shows the airport surrounded by hopped-up Taliban fighters. Nobody gets through check points around the airport without Taliban permission. It’s hard to imagine being in a situation more frightening.

Sean Hannity showed video from Kabul, outside the airport, on his TV show Thursday night.

Oliver North also appeared on Hannity’s show with some unfortunate news for any Afghan who made the ill-fated choice to help us. Now that the U.S. Embassy is abandoned, the Taliban have obtained detailed lists of every Afghan who ever worked for America, plus identifying information and where they live. Here’s the must-see video.

Biden was the Invisible Man again on Thursday, with nothing on his schedule in the way of press briefings or public remarks. The plan apparently was for him to head for his home state of Delaware and hide out. Can you imagine the response if this were President Trump? But, of course, it wouldn’t be Trump, because it’s impossible to imagine him being in this situation. He would have found the best way, logistically and militarily, to wind down in Afghanistan, not the backwards way. And he’s not known for “putting a lid” on his schedule, either.

Vice President Kamala Harris knows how to disappear, too, though no one will miss her. There’s no leadership at all. As Biden becomes The Invisible Man, Kamala stars in The Lady Vanishes.

Rhode Island Inspiration

By Mike Huckabee

You might remember the story I told you, about Rhode Island mom Nicole Solas, who tried to exercise her right to find out what kind of race and gender propaganda her daughter was being taught in kindergarten. When the school tried to block her, she filed Freedom of Information Act requests. Then the teachers’ union sued her and sought a restraining order against her for trying to obtain what should be public information. Her response to them was, “Game on.” Well, here’s the latest on that game, and it’s not looking good for the teachers’ union.

Her attorneys from the Goldwater Institute filed a reply to the lawsuit that eviscerates the union. It calls the suit an extraordinary and unprecedented attempt to stop citizens from obtaining public information, “brought by a party without standing, (that) disregards the entire statutory scheme under the APRA, and is an affront to parents’ rights to open and transparent government under state law.” It also demands that the court dismiss the suit and require the union to pay not only their legal fees and costs but also “compensatory and punitive damages” to the mom for violating the state’s anti-SLAPP (strategic lawsuit against public participation) law. That bars using legal threats to try to intimidate people into not exercising their rights.

If you’re a parent who’s trying to get your local school board to come clean on what it’s teaching, and you’re receiving resistance, insults and intimidation, let Nicole Solas be your inspiration.

Buyer's Remorse Has Started

By Mike Huckabee

It’s official: the honeymoon is over and the buyer’s remorse period has started. The latest Rasmussen Survey found that if the 2020 election were held again today, Trump would win. Even after months of the media demonizing him and his supporters, Trump would get more support from a number of groups, including blacks and women. We were told in 2020 that Biden got more votes than any candidate ever and was the most popular candidate in US history (and if you found that hard to swallow, you’re a conspiracy theorist and an insurrectionist.)

Well, the new poll shows that today, he would get only 37% of the vote, and frankly, I’m stunned that it’s that much. I guess some people really like open borders, runaway spending, rising inflation, high gas prices, racial divisiveness, out of control crime and humiliating military defeats. 43% say they’d vote for Trump and the rest for an unnamed third candidate.

Other findings: 9% of Democrats regret their 2020 vote, as do 12% of moderates, 14% of black voters, and 11% of 18-39-year-olds. 13% of Democrats say they would vote for Trump today. Also, while 55% of Americans thought the country was on the right track in March, that’s now plummeted to only 31%.

Obviously Related: The University of Michigan consumer sentiment index dropped from 81.2 in July to 70.2, the lowest level of consumer optimism since 2011.

It’s being blamed on the surge in Delta variant cases, but notice that consumer confidence never fell that low even during the height of the pandemic when cases and deaths were far higher. Hmm, I wonder what changed between then and now to make consumers less confident in the future of the economy?...

COVID Numbers

By Mike Huckabee

If you listen to the media hysteria, you’d think that the Delta variant of COVID is the deadliest disease since the Black Plague, and we’ll soon require people coming around with carts and calling, “Bring out your dead!” Governments are using this as grounds to impose ever-greater restrictions and mandates. But here are some facts to give a little perspective.

Yes, Delta is more contagious than the original disease, but it’s not killing more people. Vaccinated people can get it, but in most cases, infected vaccinated people have mild or no symptoms. Even all the hateful wishes of leftist Twitter trolls couldn’t harm Sen. Lindsay Graham or Texas Gov. Greg Abbott when they got COVID because they’d been vaccinated, and they didn’t get sick.

The media are whipping up panic by trumpeting rising case numbers. But notice that they’re not focusing on the death numbers. They’re just implying that rising cases means we’re in for a tidal wave of deaths. Maybe they think it wouldn’t be as newsworthy if they told you the real numbers. But here they are:

As of Monday, the average number of cases in the US was 406 per million, and the number of deaths was 2.13 per million. Of course, every death is tragic, but that’s a death rate of 0.66%, which is the lowest fatality rate since the pandemic began. It’s not exactly good news, but it’s a trend in the right direction. Touting it might convince more people to get vaccinated and lower the death rate even more. But panic and hysteria drive clicks more than positive real numbers.

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Redwood National Park, visit its website here.

Interesting Election Result

By Mike Huckabee

Don’t get cocky or complacent, but the Republicans just flipped the first legislative seat of 2021, and in a deep blue state and district. In a special election for a state Senate seat in Connecticut, Republican Ryan Fazio defeated liberal Democrat Alex Gevanter 50.1-47.6%. That looks close, but it’s a district that Biden won by over 25% in 2020. The state government of Connecticut is still heavily Democrat, but maybe this is a sign that the blinders are finally dropping from the voters’ eyes.

Salute To Iowa State Students

By Mike Huckabee

A salute to the Iowa State University students who had the courage to publicly call out the school for its student orientation materials that they call an attempt to shove indoctrination and propaganda down the throats of new students. More student protesters like this, please!

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Comments 11-20 of 33

  • Mark Mittelstaedt

    08/20/2021 01:03 PM

    .1% percent of 1 million is 1,000. Gotta be a typo in those death numbers somewhere.

  • Jerry

    08/20/2021 01:01 PM

    As I said in January this country will feel the effects of Biden’s policies taking effect in September well disaster is coming early Biden the buffoon is delivering destruction on every aspect of America’s foundation I had a strong feeling Biden was a hideous person and with out scruples ;as an person without any traits of hope, moral civilities and capable of governing and Biden has proven and beyond a doubt Biden is nothing more than a modern grim reaper

  • Steve

    08/20/2021 12:59 PM

    Mr. Huckabee,
    It seems to me that the Government of the United States of America has been overthrown by our own government, by those who are supposedly in charge.

  • Donna L Cornell

    08/20/2021 12:56 PM

    It is OUTRAGEOUS AND UNCONSCIENABLE the way this 'fraudulent/incompetent' Administration in our White House is behaving but NOT surprising!
    Also, ALL 'executive orders' of Biden MUST BE REVERSED IMMEDIATELY.

    All this will and is coming to pass in our 'present' time in Jesus' Name because it IS Truth!
    We give ALL the 'credit/honor/glory' to our Heavenly Father-God for this, thank You Abba-God, so BE IT!

  • Lynn M LaMar

    08/20/2021 12:51 PM

    We truly need that Biden administration mess out of the White House...yesterday.

  • Pat J Green

    08/20/2021 12:51 PM

    I just don't understand how anybody can and could have voted for Biden and Harris. I'm not an educated person just a HS but I do have a 24 year military career, so I have seen what socialism is and I do know I don't want it. How anybody could even vote for anyone remotely connected with that is just beyond me

  • Rexford O. Ames

    08/20/2021 12:41 PM

    If I may, Sir. Disaster after Disaster appears to be the norm for this administration. The reality is another whole ball game( Metaphor) intended.
    # 1. Oil-Pipeline-Alaska. Shut down?
    # 2. Afghanistan: The white house and the Pentagon knew; this was in the offering back in Jun / July of 2021. It is a disaster of a magnitude that will change : Not only that country but many others , ours as well.
    # 3. The Taliban now have all of our Military equipment there and will use it.
    Do not misunderstand the situation. It will take a while for the new government to take hold. During that process. They have a multitude of Americans, Civilian and Military as well as Contract Agencies, still there.
    Not only has this Government placed our Men and Women in peril. The Pentagon knew and did nothing. That's when one puts Politics over Country. This Controlling Party has done irreparable damage on many, many levels.
    China and Russia as well as the EU, are laughing their heads off. We have become a joke and it looks like, it will be a long, long struggle, if any. To be what we used to be.
    Note: Does one think that any newly elected Democrat ( Freshman/ Women) , have any idea what their financial supporters have in store for them.
    I do not see President Biden, Vice-President Harris , will survive! Now comes the real issue. If? Biden Resigns as well as Harris. Whom do you think will be the new ( Temp President?
    Democrats are no longer addressed as Americans! Nor are Republicans. The landscape sure has changed.

  • Guy Hicklin

    08/20/2021 12:39 PM

    Yes, our government is a disgrace, but what can we do about it now? There was a recent news article speculating on "will the congress after 2022 and a shift to republican control attempt to impeach Biden". What would that accomplish other than put an incompetent Harris in charge and potentially give her a "push" towards the 2024 election. Would it not be better to leave Biden alone and simply do everything possible to tie his hands for the remainder of his term? Recall only works when you have viable alternative, and we don't at this time.

  • susan satava

    08/20/2021 12:29 PM

    Re: The man who isn't there: But Gov. Huckabee, Trump GAVE Biden a plan; the plan was to have Americans, equipment, and then military OUT by May 1, in that order! What'd Biden do? Canceled it! Then jockeyed back and forth, finally ordering the military OUT by August 31,!

  • Thomas Roper

    08/20/2021 12:28 PM

    I believe Biden needs to be impeached but what would we gain? Harris would be president. Would that be an improvement? If she is removed then it would be Pelosi unless she is removed from the House before then.

Message from Mike Huckabee

    Help me fight back against Big Tech censorship. If you would like to subscribe to the daily, advertisement-free version of my newsletter for $5 monthly or $36 annually, on Substack, go here.

    Latest News

    August 20, 2021

    Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

    Today's newsletter includes:

    • Bible Verse of the Day - Proverbs 3:6
    • Joe Biden: "The man who wasn't there"
    • Rhode Island Inspiration
    • Buyer's Remorse Has Started
    • COVID Numbers
    • America The Beautiful
    • Interesting Election Result
    • Salute To Iowa State Students


    Mike Huckabee


    6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

    Proverbs 3:6

    Joe Biden: "The man who wasn't there"

    By Mike Huckabee

    Yesterday upon the stair
    I met a man who wasn’t there
    He wasn’t there again today
    I wish, I wish he’d go away!

    The Man Who Wasn’t There. The Invisible Man. Or maybe we should call him the Incredible Shrinking Man, as he seems to get smaller in stature every time we see him. On those increasingly rare occasions, he seems to be a diminished person, a shell of a human being. The light isn’t on, and nobody is home.

    And now, as Bryan Preston reports at PJ MEDIA, his aides have “called a lid” on all appearances indefinitely.

    The expression "putting a lid on it" is nothing new; his campaign employed it to take him out of the spotlight even before he was made President, so don't say we weren't warned. As his administration wears on, it’s becoming plain why they did that.

    As Preston points out, Biden headed for the hills --- just an expression; it was Camp David --- right before Afghanistan fell to the Taliban and was silent during the fall of Kabul. His absence must have been planned to coincide with the chaos, because we now know that he anticipated chaos. He told George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday that he knew of no way for us to leave WITHOUT chaos.

    Biden waited more than 24 hours after the fall of Kabul to make any public remarks. He came back to the White House on Monday to read a speech off the teleprompter and then left again, without taking any questions. Tuesday, unbelievably, was a silent day; then on Wednesday, he read off the teleprompter again to talk about vaccine booster shots and such. No questions taken then, either.

    Preston expressed it well in another piece: Biden causes catastrophes and then walks away from them.

    The interview with Stephanopoulos was dreadful, and I think the big take-away for most of us, Republicans and Democrats alike, is that if they ever thought Biden was the kindly, grandfatherly man he was made out to be during the campaign, that impression was shown to be false. Even in an interview conducted by a partisan ally who was arguably there to help him (as always), he just came off as a prickly old man.

    The details of that interview are in Preston’s piece, but I have to say, the low point had to be when Biden was asked what he thought when seeing the images of Afghan men clinging to the U.S.military plane taking off from Kabul and, inevitably, plunging to their deaths. (We’ve all seen those images, so reminiscent of the ones from the Twin Towers on 9/11 as people jumped to their deaths to end their certain agony.) Biden tersely interrupted the question with “That was four days ago, five days ago.”

    At that time it had been two days, but who’s counting? Come on, man! The important thing is that, to Biden, it was old news and shouldn’t have been brought up at all. Either Joe Biden is the most callous person in American politics today –- and that’s saying something –- or his mind truly is not working right. Either deliberately or helplessly, the man gets lost in an irrelevant detail.

    So, which is it –- callousness or feeblemindedness? Perhaps it really is pure callousness, as Biden didn’t show compassion during the fall of Saigon, either. That was in 1975, when he was a young U.S. Senator, presumably in possession of whatever meager cognitive faculties nature had parceled out to hm. It was a similar nightmare scene, and he showed a similar lack of compassion. He didn’t want to help evacuate people then, either.

    And this time, in the interview with Stephanopoulos, he never spoke about the tragedy of the lives lost, and certainly never linked it with the insane course of action he has taken. There was no sign of reflection or sympathy in his empty eyes. The horror of those tiny specks falling from high in the sky –- that’s on him, but he seems capable of 100 percent denial about that. That would explain how he avoids feeling any regret.

    The only emotion he showed was irritation at being asked about it.

    “No one’s being killed right now,” he said lightly, knocking on wood. I am not kidding.

    The irony is enormous. One major reason Democrats had for opposing Trump was the perception of him not caring about people, especially “those” foreign people, those immigrants. Recall that at the 2016 Democratic Convention, their recurring and outrageously false claim was that “Donald Trump has never done anything good for anyone but himself his whole life.” They chose to believe their own phony-baloney, focus-group-tested lies about “selfish, uncaring” Trump and elected Biden, who benefited from his own phony-baloney focus-group-tested lies about being good ol’ Uncle Joe. Good ol’ Uncle Joe now shows a stunning lack of compassion for these desperate people who fought with us on the other side of the globe.

    Even the estimated 15-16,000 Americans still in Afghanistan will be lucky to get out. They’re spread out, technically behind enemy lines, and while the British are reportedly focused on getting their people out, there’s no plan for evacuating Americans unless they can get to the airfield. This is unconscionable. According to the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan, “The United States Government cannot ensure safe passage to the Hamid Karzai International Airport.”

    Sure enough, planes leaving Kabul are reportedly almost half empty. CNN footage shows the airport surrounded by hopped-up Taliban fighters. Nobody gets through check points around the airport without Taliban permission. It’s hard to imagine being in a situation more frightening.

    Sean Hannity showed video from Kabul, outside the airport, on his TV show Thursday night.

    Oliver North also appeared on Hannity’s show with some unfortunate news for any Afghan who made the ill-fated choice to help us. Now that the U.S. Embassy is abandoned, the Taliban have obtained detailed lists of every Afghan who ever worked for America, plus identifying information and where they live. Here’s the must-see video.

    Biden was the Invisible Man again on Thursday, with nothing on his schedule in the way of press briefings or public remarks. The plan apparently was for him to head for his home state of Delaware and hide out. Can you imagine the response if this were President Trump? But, of course, it wouldn’t be Trump, because it’s impossible to imagine him being in this situation. He would have found the best way, logistically and militarily, to wind down in Afghanistan, not the backwards way. And he’s not known for “putting a lid” on his schedule, either.

    Vice President Kamala Harris knows how to disappear, too, though no one will miss her. There’s no leadership at all. As Biden becomes The Invisible Man, Kamala stars in The Lady Vanishes.

    Rhode Island Inspiration

    By Mike Huckabee

    You might remember the story I told you, about Rhode Island mom Nicole Solas, who tried to exercise her right to find out what kind of race and gender propaganda her daughter was being taught in kindergarten. When the school tried to block her, she filed Freedom of Information Act requests. Then the teachers’ union sued her and sought a restraining order against her for trying to obtain what should be public information. Her response to them was, “Game on.” Well, here’s the latest on that game, and it’s not looking good for the teachers’ union.

    Her attorneys from the Goldwater Institute filed a reply to the lawsuit that eviscerates the union. It calls the suit an extraordinary and unprecedented attempt to stop citizens from obtaining public information, “brought by a party without standing, (that) disregards the entire statutory scheme under the APRA, and is an affront to parents’ rights to open and transparent government under state law.” It also demands that the court dismiss the suit and require the union to pay not only their legal fees and costs but also “compensatory and punitive damages” to the mom for violating the state’s anti-SLAPP (strategic lawsuit against public participation) law. That bars using legal threats to try to intimidate people into not exercising their rights.

    If you’re a parent who’s trying to get your local school board to come clean on what it’s teaching, and you’re receiving resistance, insults and intimidation, let Nicole Solas be your inspiration.

    Buyer's Remorse Has Started

    By Mike Huckabee

    It’s official: the honeymoon is over and the buyer’s remorse period has started. The latest Rasmussen Survey found that if the 2020 election were held again today, Trump would win. Even after months of the media demonizing him and his supporters, Trump would get more support from a number of groups, including blacks and women. We were told in 2020 that Biden got more votes than any candidate ever and was the most popular candidate in US history (and if you found that hard to swallow, you’re a conspiracy theorist and an insurrectionist.)

    Well, the new poll shows that today, he would get only 37% of the vote, and frankly, I’m stunned that it’s that much. I guess some people really like open borders, runaway spending, rising inflation, high gas prices, racial divisiveness, out of control crime and humiliating military defeats. 43% say they’d vote for Trump and the rest for an unnamed third candidate.

    Other findings: 9% of Democrats regret their 2020 vote, as do 12% of moderates, 14% of black voters, and 11% of 18-39-year-olds. 13% of Democrats say they would vote for Trump today. Also, while 55% of Americans thought the country was on the right track in March, that’s now plummeted to only 31%.

    Obviously Related: The University of Michigan consumer sentiment index dropped from 81.2 in July to 70.2, the lowest level of consumer optimism since 2011.

    It’s being blamed on the surge in Delta variant cases, but notice that consumer confidence never fell that low even during the height of the pandemic when cases and deaths were far higher. Hmm, I wonder what changed between then and now to make consumers less confident in the future of the economy?...

    COVID Numbers

    By Mike Huckabee

    If you listen to the media hysteria, you’d think that the Delta variant of COVID is the deadliest disease since the Black Plague, and we’ll soon require people coming around with carts and calling, “Bring out your dead!” Governments are using this as grounds to impose ever-greater restrictions and mandates. But here are some facts to give a little perspective.

    Yes, Delta is more contagious than the original disease, but it’s not killing more people. Vaccinated people can get it, but in most cases, infected vaccinated people have mild or no symptoms. Even all the hateful wishes of leftist Twitter trolls couldn’t harm Sen. Lindsay Graham or Texas Gov. Greg Abbott when they got COVID because they’d been vaccinated, and they didn’t get sick.

    The media are whipping up panic by trumpeting rising case numbers. But notice that they’re not focusing on the death numbers. They’re just implying that rising cases means we’re in for a tidal wave of deaths. Maybe they think it wouldn’t be as newsworthy if they told you the real numbers. But here they are:

    As of Monday, the average number of cases in the US was 406 per million, and the number of deaths was 2.13 per million. Of course, every death is tragic, but that’s a death rate of 0.66%, which is the lowest fatality rate since the pandemic began. It’s not exactly good news, but it’s a trend in the right direction. Touting it might convince more people to get vaccinated and lower the death rate even more. But panic and hysteria drive clicks more than positive real numbers.

    America The Beautiful

    God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Redwood National Park, visit its website here.

    Interesting Election Result

    By Mike Huckabee

    Don’t get cocky or complacent, but the Republicans just flipped the first legislative seat of 2021, and in a deep blue state and district. In a special election for a state Senate seat in Connecticut, Republican Ryan Fazio defeated liberal Democrat Alex Gevanter 50.1-47.6%. That looks close, but it’s a district that Biden won by over 25% in 2020. The state government of Connecticut is still heavily Democrat, but maybe this is a sign that the blinders are finally dropping from the voters’ eyes.

    Salute To Iowa State Students

    By Mike Huckabee

    A salute to the Iowa State University students who had the courage to publicly call out the school for its student orientation materials that they call an attempt to shove indoctrination and propaganda down the throats of new students. More student protesters like this, please!

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    Comments 11-20 of 33

    • Mark Mittelstaedt

      08/20/2021 01:03 PM

      .1% percent of 1 million is 1,000. Gotta be a typo in those death numbers somewhere.

    • Jerry

      08/20/2021 01:01 PM

      As I said in January this country will feel the effects of Biden’s policies taking effect in September well disaster is coming early Biden the buffoon is delivering destruction on every aspect of America’s foundation I had a strong feeling Biden was a hideous person and with out scruples ;as an person without any traits of hope, moral civilities and capable of governing and Biden has proven and beyond a doubt Biden is nothing more than a modern grim reaper

    • Steve

      08/20/2021 12:59 PM

      Mr. Huckabee,
      It seems to me that the Government of the United States of America has been overthrown by our own government, by those who are supposedly in charge.

    • Donna L Cornell

      08/20/2021 12:56 PM

      It is OUTRAGEOUS AND UNCONSCIENABLE the way this 'fraudulent/incompetent' Administration in our White House is behaving but NOT surprising!
      Also, ALL 'executive orders' of Biden MUST BE REVERSED IMMEDIATELY.

      All this will and is coming to pass in our 'present' time in Jesus' Name because it IS Truth!
      We give ALL the 'credit/honor/glory' to our Heavenly Father-God for this, thank You Abba-God, so BE IT!

    • Lynn M LaMar

      08/20/2021 12:51 PM

      We truly need that Biden administration mess out of the White House...yesterday.

    • Pat J Green

      08/20/2021 12:51 PM

      I just don't understand how anybody can and could have voted for Biden and Harris. I'm not an educated person just a HS but I do have a 24 year military career, so I have seen what socialism is and I do know I don't want it. How anybody could even vote for anyone remotely connected with that is just beyond me

    • Rexford O. Ames

      08/20/2021 12:41 PM

      If I may, Sir. Disaster after Disaster appears to be the norm for this administration. The reality is another whole ball game( Metaphor) intended.
      # 1. Oil-Pipeline-Alaska. Shut down?
      # 2. Afghanistan: The white house and the Pentagon knew; this was in the offering back in Jun / July of 2021. It is a disaster of a magnitude that will change : Not only that country but many others , ours as well.
      # 3. The Taliban now have all of our Military equipment there and will use it.
      Do not misunderstand the situation. It will take a while for the new government to take hold. During that process. They have a multitude of Americans, Civilian and Military as well as Contract Agencies, still there.
      Not only has this Government placed our Men and Women in peril. The Pentagon knew and did nothing. That's when one puts Politics over Country. This Controlling Party has done irreparable damage on many, many levels.
      China and Russia as well as the EU, are laughing their heads off. We have become a joke and it looks like, it will be a long, long struggle, if any. To be what we used to be.
      Note: Does one think that any newly elected Democrat ( Freshman/ Women) , have any idea what their financial supporters have in store for them.
      I do not see President Biden, Vice-President Harris , will survive! Now comes the real issue. If? Biden Resigns as well as Harris. Whom do you think will be the new ( Temp President?
      Democrats are no longer addressed as Americans! Nor are Republicans. The landscape sure has changed.

    • Guy Hicklin

      08/20/2021 12:39 PM

      Yes, our government is a disgrace, but what can we do about it now? There was a recent news article speculating on "will the congress after 2022 and a shift to republican control attempt to impeach Biden". What would that accomplish other than put an incompetent Harris in charge and potentially give her a "push" towards the 2024 election. Would it not be better to leave Biden alone and simply do everything possible to tie his hands for the remainder of his term? Recall only works when you have viable alternative, and we don't at this time.

    • susan satava

      08/20/2021 12:29 PM

      Re: The man who isn't there: But Gov. Huckabee, Trump GAVE Biden a plan; the plan was to have Americans, equipment, and then military OUT by May 1, in that order! What'd Biden do? Canceled it! Then jockeyed back and forth, finally ordering the military OUT by August 31,!

    • Thomas Roper

      08/20/2021 12:28 PM

      I believe Biden needs to be impeached but what would we gain? Harris would be president. Would that be an improvement? If she is removed then it would be Pelosi unless she is removed from the House before then.