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October 11, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - John 13:35
  • Message to voters
  • Serious issues
  • Huge Iowa rally
  • Unbelievable
  • Columbus Day


Mike Huckabee


Message to voters

By Mike Huckabee

This is for Virginia voters, but readers in other states might want to ponder it when deciding how much stock to put into scare stories they hear from their own liberal politicians:

During a candidate forum, Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe declared that the state had 8,000 COVID cases and 1,142 children in ICU beds.

There are currently 443 people of all ages in ICU beds in Virginia, and 1,220 “confirmed” COVID cases plus 864 “probable” cases. Even at the worst time of the pandemic, the 7-day moving case average peaked at 5,904. McAuliffe also called his Republican opponent Glenn Youngkin an “anti-vaxxer.” He actually opposes mask and vaccine mandates, but he’s been vaccinated and airs ads promoting vaccination.

If McAuliffe were a Republican, I believe the media would call that “misinformation.”

Oh, wait! The editors of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary are rushing in to help McAuliffe and others like him win the argument in the only way leftists are able: by redefining words to give them new and different meanings. For instance, if you simply oppose the government forcing people to take a vaccine, that now means you’re an “anti-vaxxer.”

I guess that would make me an “anti-vaxxer,” too, which is weird considering I’m fully vaccinated.

Serious issues

By Mike Huckabee

With all the serious problems facing California (homelessness, illegal immigration, crime, drugs, power shortages, wildfires, lack of affordable housing, cargo ships backed up in the ports), and Elon Musk and Tesla being only the latest and most high-profile examples of successful people and businesses leaving the state, Gov. Gavin Newsom is leaping into action. Having already signed a bill to allow minors to obtain abortions and transgender surgeries without parental consent, he signed two more bills into law over the weekend.

One requires all high school students to take “ethnic studies” class (but don’t call it far-left, anti-American “Critical Race Theory,” no, no, no, perish the thought!)…

And the other mandates that all large retailers must have a “gender-neutral” toy section.

Reminder: Californians not only elected him, they rejected the chance to unelect him. Meanwhile in Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis is showing the world how a real Governor deals with problems: by turning them into opportunities. DeSantis is offering Florida’s ports to all those cargo ships that are unable to dock in California (a situation that’s even led to an offshore oil spill, undermining even Newsom’s claims to put the environment ahead of the economy, since he’s managing to screw up both.)

Moving all that shipping to Florida would be great for Florida, good for all Americans threatened by supply chain backups and bad for California’s economy. But we have to assume California’s voters are okay with that.

Huge Iowa rally

By Mike Huckabee

Former President Trump drew a huge crowd for a rally in Iowa Saturday. He ripped Biden’s agenda, the border crisis, Biden’s low approval ratings, his plans to greatly expand the IRS and more. This article sums up some of the major points.

And if you have the time, Trump’s entire speech is on Rumble.


By Mike Huckabee

You’ve got to hand it to Hunter Biden, the creativity he puts into old fashioned nepotistic political corruption is unprecedented. If you thought it was stunning for a President’s son to even think of selling his amateur artwork to undisclosed buyers for huge sums of money, then you were probably too blinded even to see this coming. The New York gallery that handles his “art” and that got a $150,000 COVID “disaster assistance loan” from the Small Business Administration last year reportedly just got another one for more than double that: $350,000!

According to the New York Post, the gallery hosting Hunter has received a total of $580,000 in taxpayer-funded COVID relief aid – and it has TWO employees!

For that much money, I think every taxpayer should get a free painting, preferably something whose colors match their couches.

Columbus Day

By Mike Huckabee

I don’t mind saying things that are controversial and get me a lot of hate on that great global cesspool known as Twitter. But this may be the most controversial, “triggering” thing I say all week:

Happy Columbus Day!

In some places, Columbus Day has been replaced with “Indigenous Peoples Day.” In others, they co-exist, or it’s still Columbus Day, but for how long? And why do so many woke leftists who "literally shake" at the idea of offending any ethnic group have no problem with offending Italian-Americans?

Personally, I see nothing wrong with having a day to honor Indigenous Peoples, but I don’t see why it has to obliterate Columbus Day. Honoring the achievements of Christopher Columbus doesn’t mean we’re saying he was perfect (we honor the only perfect person ever born on Christmas Day.) Shakespeare wrote, "The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones." He had no idea how accurate that would be in the "woke" age.

Yes, Columbus did some bad things, but he also had the courage and determination to launch a dangerous expedition that would lead to the opening of the New World and eventually, the greatest nation in history, the United States of America (I’m really making the leftists literally shake, now!)

It’s bizarre how those who seek to destroy Columbus’ legacy claim that they are teaching the “real” history of America, when they’re actually pushing a grotesque distortion. Rather than looking at history realistically, they want us to believe that Columbus was 100% evil and that nothing good came of Europeans coming to the Americas. They also want us to believe that all Native peoples were peaceful ecologists living at one with nature, like hippies in a giant unspoiled commune. The Americas were a perfect Garden of Eden before the evil invaders arrived. The Natives talked to the trees, and the trees talked back. They seem to have gotten their ideas of what life then was like entirely from Disney’s animated “Pocahontas” movie.

As John Hinderaker at the Powerline blog reminds us, both sides reflected the good and bad that were part of all humanity, particularly in earlier, less enlightened times. For instance, slavery wasn’t introduced to North America by Europeans: many tribes waged war on other tribes and tortured and enslaved those they conquered. Conquest is hardly unique to this continent or to white Europeans: it’s gone on since the dawn of time. If we gave back all the land that was ever taken by force, then we’d all have to commit suicide and hope there were still a few Neanderthals around to take possession of the planet (I have a few relatives who might qualify.)

Wealthy liberals these days love to badmouth Columbus and rail about how this land was stolen from the Native Americans. Yet none of them ever want to give their mansions and estates back. To cite just one example, at the recent Tony Awards (which I’m sure you missed), someone made an impassioned statement about them all standing on land stolen from Native Americans, and the audience fervently applauded. But for what? For their own self-aggrandizing virtual signaling.

Nobody declared that they would never work on Broadway again until the deeds to the theaters were signed over to the descendants of the tribes that lived on Manhattan Island. They like being well-paid actors too much. They like that what was once a wilderness is now, thanks to American capitalism (which they also badmouth) a great city where people can earn enough money to pay $1000 a ticket to see “Hamilton.” But they’ll make an empty statement deploring all that on TV and applaud themselves for it. I’m sure Native Americans appreciated them doing literally the very least that they could possibly do.

Meanwhile, President Biden issued proclamations for both holidays, the one for Columbus Day more grudging, but both filled with plenty of revisionist rhetoric about America’s horrible, shameful history. John Hinderaker had a terrific observation about that:

“It is often said that groveling statements like those issued by Joe Biden reflect self-hatred, but I do not think that is correct. I don’t think liberals hate themselves. On the contrary, I think they are puffed up with unmerited self-regard. I think they hate you. And they associate you–not themselves–with the United States of America.”

That’s it in a nutshell: they hate this nation, set themselves apart from it, and want to “fundamentally transform it.” But they also love living large off the same system they condemn. And even more, they love applauding themselves while they parade their hypocrisy in public. It’s become the biggest Columbus Day parade in America.

For more news of my news coverage, visit my website here.

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Comments 11-20 of 30

  • Stephen Russell

    10/12/2021 10:14 AM

    Border Wall materials reuse:

    Mini Wall?
    Ramps, platforms
    supports other miscl reuse
    Local for TX area


    10/12/2021 10:04 AM

    One can only ask WHY Hunter Biden's art galley received $580k in covid relief funds courtesy of the US taxpayer. Especially when there are only 2 employees????? NO CORRUPTION HERE!

  • Jerry

    10/12/2021 09:48 AM

    Has the Biden administration hired SNL or the Romper Room kids show to run the US White House and create policies. democratic leadership an oxymoron for sure has to led by unelected idiots the citizens can really be this stupid to elect the moronic Biden people are now wondering about the election of 2020

  • Jerry

    10/12/2021 09:19 AM

    The country is celebrating the build back better biden slogan with a top hit chant F Joe Biden I would think most of the country are saying or thinking that slogan or something similar while Joe is oblivious to the country’s dismal conditions Obama is behind the curtain laughing his skinny behind off while biden licks his ice cream cone while practicing his build back better slogan

  • Mark Brian Swart

    10/12/2021 08:59 AM

    Hello, Governor.... I have been following your newsletters and posting for a good while now, and I must say that you are SPOT-ON with your statements, observations, and assessments. It is absolutely disgusting what is going on with these leftists / liberals / morons; this country has degenerated into a cesspool of wickedness and imbecility. I am appalled at what has become "acceptable" and "truth" and "business as usual"..... I am a retired disabled Vet and I say again - in no uncertain terms! - that I did NOT sign up to protect and defend THIS bloody nightmare! I hold little hope that there will be any improvements on the current situation in which Biden and his deranged minions have placed us..... There is no such thing as FREEDOM in this country anymore. I just take heart that this planet is NOT our home and we are only passing through on our way to A Better Place and our TRUE Home with God Almighty and His son Jesus.

  • Jerry

    10/12/2021 08:57 AM

    The government’s VP is overmatched by 11 year old children’s intelligence while being programmed by Willie brown Harris forgot to become educated in in space exploration or how to be a warm human being Willie brown took every once of dignity from Harris and she has never recovered Willie left Kamala a hollow unlikeable woman with nothing left a person without compassion for anyone with the exception of herself Harris is lost in any room any setting with the exception of some one taking her dignity that is where she is most comfortable

  • Jerry Korba

    10/12/2021 07:24 AM

    Obama"s efforts to destroy the country as the Founders drew it up while in control for 8 years had taken off 4 years and drew the plans along with many helpers most of them enemies of the country to draw their own plans to destroy the country and using the dementia ridden former vice president that only has a reflex to his past, to rule the country. Biden may not know where the Southern border is or what military procedures are, biden has been incorrect about almost everything he has done, a failure in everything attempted, the perfect puppet to run Obama's revenge on America tour. Bidens' acts are criminal, look at the AG Garland the FBI Bray Homeland lack of Security Myorka and the rest of the department heads all unfit Americans, the US citizen are under attack by one of the most evil forces on the planet the US government.

  • James Drury Jr.

    10/12/2021 06:41 AM

    Thanks Mike & Staff!

  • Lois St. Germain

    10/12/2021 05:01 AM

    I love your newsletters. Thanks so much for emailing them to me.

  • Joseph Orsini

    10/12/2021 01:13 AM

    ILLEGAL Immigrants = 2 MILLION of them, come over our border this year.


    Can we sue to find out?

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