Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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Updated: 8:56 AM CDT, October 24

1. Former Trump VA Secretary blasts the Biden Administration for surrendering to the government employees’ union, and letting down American veterans and taxpayers.

2. Thelma Mothershed Wair of the Little Rock Nine passes due to complications with MS.

3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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August 23, 2021

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! 

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Matthew 5:44
  • We Should All Be Outraged By The Incompetent Failure Of The Biden Administration
  • If only we COULD court-martial President Biden
  • America The Beautiful
  • Recent Developments In Afghanistan
  • White House Messaging Trouble


Mike Huckabee


44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Matthew 5:44

We Should All Be Outraged By The Incompetent Failure Of The Biden Administration

By Mike Huckabee

This week President Joe Biden, Sec of Defense Austin Lloyd and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley should do our nation a favor and resign and let us replace them with Moe, Larry and Curly. Forgive my bluntness, but our nation stands in humiliation and dishonor before the world for the inept, incompetent, and disastrous manner in which this administration exited our 20 year involvement in Afghanistan and allowed the Taliban to take full control in a matter of mere hours. Getting out of there wasn’t the controversy. Most Americans felt 20 years of war there were more than enough and all 4 Presidents who oversaw our involvement wanted to bring the troops home. But this week, our exit from Afghanistan was a goat rodeo. The worst wasn’t that the ill-prepared Biden team embarrassed us; it’s that the sloppy way in which they did it put thousands of Americans’ lives at risk, and created an almost certain death sentence to the Afghans who fought alongside of us these 20 years and who were promised safe passage to America only to be betrayed in spectacular fashion and left behind like worn out shoes. But it’s not all we left behind. Over $83 BILLION worth of US taxpayer funded Blackhawk helicopters, airplanes, Humvees, and every kind of weapon and ammunition imaginable weren’t brought back to the taxpayers or even left in the hands of the Afghan freedom fighters. It was hurriedly abandoned and fell into the hands of the Taliban. It would be bad enough if they had actually defeated us to win such prizes, but it’s much worse. We just gathered it up and left it under the Christmas tree, wrapped and with a ribbon!

We betrayed the trust of more than the Afghans in spectacular fashion. We betrayed the trust of our NATO partners and signaled to our adversaries like China, Russia, Iran and North Korea that with Joe Biden in the White House, our word is dirt.

Did you see President Biden’s speech that he came out of hiding to deliver? After pointing fingers at the Afghan army, the Afghan people, and of course Donald Trump, he pretended to take responsibility for the messed up mission but you can’t blame everyone BUT yourself and then say “the buck stops here,” after you’ve passed the buck to everyone and anyone in sight.

Most disgusting was his flippant response to a question as to what he felt when he saw people lose their grip on the outside of a C-17 who were so desperate to get to the American safety and freedom they had been promised that they physically held on to the plane’s fuselage as it took off only to plunge helplessly to the earth. When asked what he felt when he saw those pitiful souls beg for passage out only to die a gruesome death of spiraling to the ground, he angrily retorted that that was 3 or 4 days ago. As if time will erase those images of human beings risking death to escape the brutality of the Taliban.

Sadly, no one has been fired for the dumpster fire that substituted for diplomacy in this Biden bungling. And probably no one will. But I hope whether you’re a Democrat, Republican or Independent, you will objectively be outraged by the incompetent failure of those entrusted to protect our nation and in whose hands our young servicemen and women live or die. We are a better nation than this. We can elect better leaders than these. And it’s time we purpose that we’ll repent of our sins against the civilized world and never let something so inexcusable disgrace our nation again.

If only we COULD court-martial President Biden

By Mike Huckabee

“President Biden humiliated the United States [and] the United States Army. In my opinion --- and I don’t say this lightly and I’ve never said it about anybody else, any other leader in this position –- people have been talking about impeaching President Biden. I don’t believe President Biden should be impeached. He’s the Commander-In-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces who’s just essentially surrendered to the Taliban. He shouldn’t be impeached; he should be court-martialed for betraying the United States of America and the United States Armed Forces.”

That was Ret. Col. Richard Kemp, former chairman of the Cobra Intelligence Group and commander of British forces in Afghanistan and other terrorist hotbeds, in an appearance on LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN Sunday night. He might not be aware that under our Constitution, a U.S. President cannot be court-martialed, as he is a civilian. That’s not to say he doesn’t deserve to be. We can joke all we want about taking the keys away from Grandpa, but it’s too late for that. He has already crashed the car.


“I think I would say that I’ve never heard such a disgraceful speech from the President of the United States of America as I heard the other day,” Kemp said earlier in the interview, “when he said ‘the buck stops with me,’ but he then went on to explain how the buck actually stopped with everybody else --- it wasn’t him to blame; it was everybody else, starting from President Trump. And suggesting for one moment that he was bound or was forced to carry out a policy because of President Trump’s policy is simply laughable, a pitiful excuse for what he did and what he’s now being humiliated [for].”

“It’s the greatest foreign policy disaster that I have seen in my lifetime,” he said, “of any nature, from any Western country.” Probably since World War II. It has “unbelievable strategic consequences,” he said, much more so than our withdrawal from Vietnam.

Col. Kemp pointed out that Biden focused in the first seven months of his presidency on reversing so many other Trump policies. When he came into office he was presented with various options; he did not have to do this. “It is not anyone else’s fault,” he said. “It is the fault of the President of the United States of America.”

It was in accusing Afghan forces of cowardice that Biden --- “a man who’s never fought himself, I should add” --- committed “a national disgrace,” Col. Kemp said. Fifty thousand Afghan fighters have been killed in action against the Taliban over the past seven years. That’s about two-thirds the size of the current British army, he said. Those fighters were doing most of the dying in Afghanistan.

He accused Biden of “pulling the rug out from under the feet” of the Afghan soldiers. They had depended on our air and logistic support. Biden abandoned them, and that was a devastating blow to their morale. They knew at that point that they would never prevail. It was after doing this to them that Biden accused them of cowardice. As a former fighter himself, Kemp said he was “horrified” by that.

He sees the consequences of what Biden has done as “absolutely devastating for the whole of the Western world," singlehandedly destroying the credibility of NATO at a time when the terrorist threat is greater than it was at 9/11. “Jihadists around the world have been celebrating,” he said, adding that includes the president of Pakistan, “who SHOULD be celebrating, because Pakistan significantly funded the Taliban throughout the conflict, while at the same time being paid vast amounts of money by America and Britain.”

They are reinvigorated by this, he said, and will launch attacks around the world. “They know there’s no fear of Western intervention now,” he said. “That’s finished; that’s history...They know that, and so they’ll be even bolder than before.”

Col. Kemp also noted two other powers who are celebrating: Russia and China. They’ll be emboldened, too. “They will see that they’ve got pretty much an open field to do almost whatever they like.” As for other nations we might want to bring to our side, he said they would see us as “fair-weather-friends.” Tragically, they’ll see Russia and China as more reliable allies than we are. He said the president of Taiwan has reacted by saying they need to look at strengthening their own defenses. They should, of course, but they’re not capable of defending themselves against China unaided. Ukraine and Israel are also in grave circumstances.

Col. Kemp noted the irony that one reason Biden has given for pulling out of Afghanistan is that he needed to focus more on China and Russia. “This is completely the reverse of what he expected to happen.” China, Russia, Pakistan and Iran will be more demanding now, to enrich themselves and “to use what they have there to hit against the West.”

It’s not America alone who brought this about, he said; there are European nations, including Britain, who could have done more to try to influence Biden in his decision. But America bears most of the blame. He also made it clear that he meant no disrespect whatsoever toward the American fighting forces, just the leadership.

The stability we’ve grown used to has been shaken by the actions of the United States, he said, in a way that’s “far more consequential” than threats from covid and climate change. He sees the U.S. going into “deep decline” after this. China will be more dominant. “Our world just became vastly more dangerous.”

Col. Kemp does believe the situation can and must be righted, though it might take several decades. He believes that America is the greatest country in the world. And here’s one final quote for all those young Americans being taught in American schools that America is evil:

“The world cannot afford for that status [of the United States], and that position of leadership, and all the good it’s done around the world, decade after decade, I don’t think we can allow it to go, so...I, as a Brit, would certainly encourage the people of the United States of America to turn the situation around, and you ‘ain’t’ gonna turn it ‘round with the people at the helm who are there now.”

Court-martialing Biden would be a great start, and I wish we could do it. But it’s that whole disreputable crew –- the Democrat leadership –- that is responsible for getting Biden (and Kamala) nominated, for knowingly covering up his cognitive inadequacy, for changing rules to make it easier to elect him (I won’t even go into the various means of suspected cheating), and to essentially run his administration. As far as I’m concerned, they have all betrayed America and need to go.


For when you have time for more in-depth reading, I highly recommend this piece by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. It offers a historical perspective and is very much in keeping with what Col. Kemp has said.


America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Great Sand Dunes National Park, visit its website here.

Recent Developments In Afghanistan

By Mike Huckabee

Things are happening so quickly in Afghanistan, it’s impossible to stay up to the minute in our newsletter, but Fox News has a page with regular updates:


A couple of recent developments, as of early Monday: US military flights evacuated about 10,400 people from Kabul in the previous 24 hours, bringing the total of US evacuations to around 37,000. But there are still many people who are trapped there and afraid to try to come out and get to the airport. And there are continuing stories of atrocities that I fear are only the beginning, like this report of Taliban members setting a woman on fire because they didn’t like what she cooked for them, and death squads searching the countryside for people who helped the US or the Afghan government.


Taliban leaders claimed they would respect women’s rights and not seek vengeance on those who helped the US, but this would seem to suggest that maybe their word isn’t worth a handful of sand. Who could’ve foreseen that? Obviously not President Biden, since he’s still trying to appeal to their better angels by urging the Taliban to “unite and provide for the well-being of the people of Afghanistan.” Sort of like begging a wolf to be kind to sheep.


Meanwhile, the weakness and incompetence of our leadership has greatly emboldened our enemies. China accused the US of being “the root cause and biggest external factor in the Afghan issue.” And the Taliban again made clear that they have zero regard for President Biden. Sunday, he said of the August 31st deadline for Western troops to leave, “Our hope is we will not have to extend, but there are going to be discussions, I suspect, on how far along we are in the process.” The Taliban replied that they won’t accept any extension.

Since it’s obvious that nobody around Biden is giving him decent advice, Derek Hunter of Townhall.com wrote an open letter to him, telling him how to respond. Step one: remember you’re the Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful military on Earth, so start acting like it and stop letting a bunch of terrorists give you orders and ultimatums.


This is the type of advice Trump wouldn’t have needed, but Biden desperately does -- not that he’ll listen, since he seems convinced that he’s absolutely right about everything, even as Afghanistan collapses, innocent people beg for help, his poll numbers crater, our allies roundly condemn him, and most shocking of all, even CNN is calling this a disaster.

White House Messaging Trouble

By Mike Huckabee

Over the weekend, President Biden gave another press briefing, and it went about like the others earlier this week. I confess, I’m tired of having to recount and correct all the obvious lies, infuriating blame-shifting, glaring contradictions and uncomfortable word salad and senior moments. So I’ll direct you to Nick Arama’s account at RedState.com that hits all the low points.


While much of it was the same-old/same-old (no, the only alternatives were not either chaotically bugging out or fighting a full-out war for another 20 years – I thought Democrats didn’t believe in “binary” choices.) And no, this tragic result was not inevitable. He inherited a security plan and a contingency bureau from Trump, but threw them both away. But one new wrinkle was when Biden praised “veterans’ groups, refugee settlement agencies, religious organizations and so many others” who are working to save our Afghan allies, adding, “It exemplifies the best of America.”

Yes, except they wouldn’t have to be risking their lives to save those people if (A.) Biden had done his job competently before, or (B.) he would start doing it competently now. And bear in mind that while he’s praising those private groups for saving the people he put in danger, his Administration was contacting companies whose people are stranded in Afghanistan to tell them not to try to do anything to get them out.


I’ve seen mixed messages before, but the White House’s messaging sounds like they’re putting it through a blender before it goes to the Teleprompters.


Speaking of people who are ignoring Biden and doing what’s right, Glenn Beck’s Nazarene Fund raised $22 million in three days to help rescue Christians trapped in Afghanistan.


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Comments 11-20 of 32

  • Elizabeth Murray

    08/23/2021 02:30 PM

    Yes, it's really sickening to sit by and watch your country go down the tubes, and not much at all you can do about it.

  • Jerry

    08/23/2021 02:29 PM

    although as an older veteran and retiree I have seen guys like that General Taylor, Milly in our army in the late 60's and the 70's with their character they would be lucky to be a PFC after 10 years of service believe it or not guys like him were a minority thats not to say their were not more of them as they showed their colors the mass would let them know their character will not be tolerated. Guys from the era know what i am talking about. With Obama and Biden they allowed people like these Generals without manly genes to exist in our military and the guys before me probably said the same thing about us the men of the Greatest Generation I learned from and have tried to measure up to that standard today I am in the minority to that standard and at times I feel alone watching the TV outlets makes me feel so bad for my Grand Children however when I see a biden supporter i will tell it to pound sand back away till I know it can't stab me in the back; I guess I miss Donald Trump.

  • Mike Manoogian

    08/23/2021 02:11 PM

    I believe that the President should be impeached by members of both parties as a signal to the world that the American people do not approve of his actions. Once articles of impeachment are drawn by the Congress, the President, VP, the national security and diplomatic senior teams should resign. Note a great interview of Lara Logan by Tucker Carlson last week on Fox Nation. It provides unique insight into our experiences in Afghanistan.

  • Joseph Orsini

    08/23/2021 02:02 PM

    We seem to be so busy VETTING those coming in from Afghanistan, but seem to have no trouble just letting those Illegals coming in over the southern border just melt into the rest of the country.

  • Reba Barfield

    08/23/2021 01:46 PM

    Best first line for a story I've ever read.(Moe, Larry, and Curly probably would not be flattered by the comparison, btw.)
    BUT my outrage card is about filled. I've been outraged for months and it's done no good. I'm sure this debacle will make no difference. Whoever replaces these jokers will probably be just as bad but sneakier.

  • Paul Kern

    08/23/2021 01:32 PM

    As a Vietnam vet and a Christian I am deeply ashamed and angry at our government and church NGOs. They made millions of dollars off funneling immigrants and terrorists from Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern terrorist nations
    Now it is up to true believers and other patriots to do what is right.
    The left caused this chaos. Determined to destroy all that is good
    As a counselor I had one position. You lie to me once you have to work twice as as hard to regain my trust
    First the federal government needs a deep cleansing. Remove all involved in this, including the sleeper in Chief. Vet thoroughly any new appointees, including all three branches of government.
    It has to go down as far as state and local governments.
    Rebuild the military!
    Churches must wake up. Drop kick all ministers up to the Pope who advocate woke culture and globalism. Hard times necessitate hard measures!

  • Ronda Wells

    08/23/2021 01:28 PM

    Instead of Curly, Moe and Larry, I suggest "Larry, Daryl and my other brother Daryl."!!

  • Ken Lawyer

    08/23/2021 01:28 PM

    Surely, the founding fathers who wrote supposedly the most incredible constitution in history foresaw possible treachery that we are presently experiencing with the Biden Administration and the Democratic Party. From the stolen election to all of Biden's misguided orders of rescinding previous policy is there "something" the majority of the American people can do to reverse this true "insurrection" that is going on? With all of the great "legal scholars" who have been elected to represent us one would think they would be motivated to stop this coup that is killing this country!

  • Anne Turner

    08/23/2021 01:23 PM

    I knew when Biden was elected and Harris was made VP, even though there where better candidates available, that things would not be run well and the people of this country would suffer. I never thought, no matter how much I dislike woke policies, that they really meant to totally destroy us, weaken maybe, but not destroy. Obviously, I was wrong. Like many people in the early stages of age related dementia, Biden probably does not recognize the limitations on his abilities. If Pelosi/ Schumer have any sense of responsibility they will start the process of invoking the 25th amendment. I would prefer impeachment but that would take longer and be messier. It does not mean I have any confidence in Harris but she may realize she must temper her leftist agenda.

    Please tell me why, when we had a withdrawal date, the contractors where not told to withdraw their people weeks ago, the Afghan interpreters, etal , where not vetted and given visas with an orderly transit for them and their families. Why were the weapons not taken out. Above all, when it became obvious what the Taliban were doing, why did we not bomb the ……..out of them. They could have been stopped. At the first rape of young girls, beheadings, etc. game over as far as diplomacy. The idea that we could not do it is absurd. Shameful, shameful, shameful. Worst of all, my Lib friends will still defend him. It’s all Trumps fault.

  • Judy Nurkkala

    08/23/2021 01:04 PM

    What is really frightening right now is the open border where all nations are coming in. I'm sure the Taliban are among those entering as well. Does Congress realize these terrorists can take over our country just as they did Afghanistan? It would put our leaders in danger as well as us. Aren't they frightened enough to do something? What can be done to force them to close it? It needs to be done TODAY!

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