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October 27, 2021

Who thinks Nancy Pelosi’s “9/11-style commission” to investigate what happened on Capitol Hill last January 6 is actually there to fact-find? Me, neither. But I’ll tell you who's doing some first-rate investigation and reporting on the security breach at the Capitol building, and it’s not congressional Democrats or this administration’s Department of “Justice.”

It’s REVOLVER NEWS. But what they seem to be uncovering does not fit with the narrative Democrats want to maintain. In fact, it’s what they want to hide.

An Arizona man named Ray Epps, a Marine sergeant allegedly involved in the group the Oath Keepers, clearly was acting as a provocateur the evening before the rally. According to the REVOLVER report, “...Epps was insistent that everyone stay focused on a common mission: storming the Capitol. On multiple livestreams, Epps moves from group to group throughout the plaza barging in and insisting everyone ‘stay focused’ on ‘what we’re here for’ --- which he would then explain meant going inside the U.S. Capitol building. When asked to give a reason for his crazy plot, Epps would continually fall back on his catch-all rationale: ‘It’s about the Constitution.’” People in a couple of the groups he gave his little pep talk to even suggested that he might be “a Fed.”

You’d think that if the FBI were rounding up suspects to hold them for many months without bail, essentially as political prisoners, one person very close to the top of their list, if not THE top, would be this guy. But no. They had him on their “most wanted” list for a while, but when REVOLVER NEWS came out with their first big story, he was dropped off the list.

Not only did the FBI do that, but the day after REVOLVER ran another story on Stuart Rhodes, also of the Oath Keepers, they scrubbed Epps’ face from their database. Rhodes, like Epps, remains unindicted to this day, while others who might have just walked into the Capitol Building to take a selfie are languishing in solitary, some reportedly unable even to talk with their attorneys.

The videos of Epps, seen pretty widely on Twitter, show him talking with Trump supporters the evening of January 5, repeatedly encouraging them to enter the Capitol Building the day of the rally. He’s saying in a voice that cuts through the background noise, “I don’t even like to say it because I’ll be arrested. I’ll say it. We need to go into the Capitol.”

And now, the irony is that Epps seems to be one of relatively few people identified as having been involved in the security breach who WEREN’T arrested. But also unindicted are people who worked with him the day of the rally to, in the words of the REVOLVER team, “carry out a breach of the police barricades that induced a subsequent flood of unsuspecting MAGA protesters to unwittingly trespass on Capitol restricted grounds and place themselves in legal jeopardy.”

To give a little perspective, Epps was not even arrested, while another Oath Keeper, a Green Beret veteran named Jeremy Brown, is even now behind bars, bail denied until trial, simply for standing 100 feet too close to the Capitol steps. It hardly seems possible that the government isn’t protecting Epps.

Republican Rep. Thomas Massie asked Attorney General Merrick Garland about Epps’ activities during Garland’s recent hearing before the House Judiciary Committee, playing some of the video for him of Epps talking up the idea of going inside the Capitol. Unfortunately, it was played on a very small screen that Rep, Massie was holding, but the audio of Epps telling people they need to go inside the Capitol the next day is unmistakable.

Massie informed Garland that the same person who was doing this the night before the rally was actually directing people to the Capitol during the rally. Then he asked Garland if he –- after “one of the most sweeping investigations in history,” as Garland had called it –- had seen this video. Garland avoided the question with the old “we don’t comment on pending investigations” dodge. His deflection did have an extra dash of creativity, though, with Garland also saying it’s one of the “norms” of the Justice Department not to comment on “particular scenes or particular individuals.”

“I was hoping today to give you an opportunity to put to rest the concerns that people have that there were federal agents or assets of the federal government present on January 5 and January 6,” Massie said to Garland. “Can you tell us without talking about particular videos how many agents or assets of the government were present on January 6? Whether they agitated to go into the Capitol? And if any of them did?”

Garland would not address this at all. “I’m not going to violate this norm of the rule of law,” he said. “I’m not going to comment on investigation that’s ongoing.”

If Garland had wanted to allay Republicans’ concerns that the feds might have actively encouraged Trump supporters to breach the Capitol building, this would have been the perfect time to do it, with a denial. On the other hand, if Epps and others actually were working undercover as agents to make sure the “insurrection” happened, the excuse Garland cited would be a very convenient “norm” indeed.

For when you have time, REVOLVER NEWS has put together an amazing piece of investigative journalism. It’s quite long and detailed, but highly recommended. (If it’s too exhaustive, at least skip down to the conclusion.) I’ll just tell you that Ray Epps is not the only one who played an extremely active role in the breach but was mysteriously never arrested. To cite another striking example, another Marine veteran, still unidentified but called “MaroonPB,” was going around using the same “It’s about the Constitution” line as Epps did. He also removed barricades and entered Senate offices during the breach itself, armed with bear mace. No arrest for him. Not even an identification, though he is maskless and beautifully photographed, in such a way that shows off his distinctive knuckle tattoos.

The team at REVOLVER NEWS say they're just getting started. Look at everything they’ve uncovered so far, and it suggests the FBI has a way of actually becoming the thing it purportedly hates. In this case, it might even have caused, or helped cause, the Trump “insurrection” narrative needed so desperately by leftists to prime Trump for impeachment #2 and tar his supporters as "domestic terrorists." (Note: that does NOT excuse the Trump supporters who got swept into it and caused incalculable damage to the conservative cause.) We know the FBI helped fake the Russia Hoax; who knows what else they might have faked?

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Comments 11-20 of 53

  • Ruth Ferraro

    11/01/2021 11:01 AM

    Thank you for sharing this information. It seems the Democrats are continuing to discredit President Trump as they don't want him to run AND win the next election. Although many "die hard" Democrats see how everything in the country is deteriorating, they will continue turning a blind eye due to their hatred of Donald Trump. May God intervene and save this nation!

  • Darlene Mitchell

    10/31/2021 01:46 PM

    Since Pelosi waited until the Capitol riot was out of control instead of acting immediately for more police support, that tells me right away she was stirring a toxic pot to blame Trump. Interesting they investigate things to death to keep the blame elsewhere! And so sad for the USA to imprison innocent people there on January 6th without a lawyer or trial! Shame on the Democrats.

  • Bob Warakomsky

    10/31/2021 08:30 AM

    This is explosive! What is Revolver News's game plan with this report? Will anybody believe it and do something or will it be ignored? Who can they go to that will see justice done? DOJ is not the answer.

  • Stephen Ernest Mitchell

    10/30/2021 10:36 PM

    This method of placing instigators into a rally or demonstration has been done for decades . The Teamsters Union did it all the time , as most Unions do . Nothing is going to happen here . It'll be swept under the rug .

  • Dusty

    10/30/2021 08:56 PM

    Who is this GUY? If shown in many areas starting to get the group to do things that were not a good idea WHY ? There were thousands just there to support TRUMP not to get in trouble are crash into the Capitol. Even WRAY head of FBI before Congress said no guns just per security who killed the one woman a military and she had no weapons. No one arrested for just gunning her down. WHY? I think, I may have commented on this and you Gov may have covered? I cannot get to all of your daily messages. Story on Tucker this Retired Navy man was arrested dragged from his home older as being possibly head of a group to go into the Capitol in Prison for 49 days WHY? Then released and said no he had not led anyone but cost him big money and he needs help per might lose his farm over this. Want to help Go to Save Our . This is scary people on using this to try to attack and condemn even more of Pres TRUMP . TheRussia Scam still not settled but not his set up Pres TRUMP we all endure for 4 yr WHY? HOW? His two Impeach and one of the Ukraine farce also a scam WHY? See Glenn Beck on what he had for evidence on this mess per Biden and son there? Main Media is not for us the people for their owners and corporations not freedom of thoughts but control ? Pretty sad? See the millions put in this last Pres millions per Big TECH and Hollyweird WHY? Get ready the best is yet to come.

  • Jeanne Weller

    10/30/2021 07:30 PM

    I have been saying all along that Pelosi is behind it, she hated Pres. Trump sooooo MUCH that she would have done anything to get rid of him! You will never convince me otherwise. Also .. she had a phone call wasn't it two days before the attack on the Capitol.. at one time they were investigating what was said during that exchange when asked about more protection and she said NO.. whatever happened to get that shut down?

  • Ed Thompson

    10/30/2021 06:32 PM

    I went grocery shopping today—- and it was definitely not good—- went to a big national box— bulk— store and stuff was two to five dollars more than it was just a month ago! We go there maybe once a month to stock up on favorites and go to our local grocery store through out the week as we run out or low on everyday items, but today was not what we expected. And the place was crowded with people thinking like we were. I’ve never seen prices on meat or even beans as high as it is now. Where is this going? Retired and so far my pension is good enough for us but I can see if this keeps going it’s not going to be easy to live like we do at the time. Winter heating bills are already a worrisome issue and so is electric bills along with gasoline for the vehicles. Handing out cash to people who broke our laws by illegally coming into our country is absolutely ridiculous and as stupid as it can get! Yup. Joe is doing really good now! But don’t blame me— I and my Wife and family voted for Trump—- Dont ya wish everyone else did now??!!!

  • Linda Lawler

    10/30/2021 06:11 PM

    I agree with this story. I also believe that others were involved such as Pelosi and security/police including the mayor of DC. This was a coordinated effort.

  • Floyd A Unger

    10/30/2021 05:24 PM

    Thank you. We know that the left supported by the Federal Government will do anything possible to increase and retain power.

  • Frances Schroeder

    10/30/2021 05:24 PM

    Why can't the honest people in congress do anything to correct this grave injustice to true patriots? One innocent person put in jail has already died (may be due to lack of medical care). This is against all that America used to stand for. Our current government is not following the Constitution and there appears to be nothing that real Americans can do about this. Our Supreme Court is also not doing its job adequately, in my opinion.

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