Today's News Stories

June 2, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • The NY POST story about "the dinner" was TRUE. Wanna see the picture?
  • Morality Lesson from MSNBC
  • Iranian warship catches fire
  • "Smart Diplomacy"
  • This isn't education, it is indoctrination
  • Ominous
  • RIP Arlene Golonka
  • A Reader Writes...


Mike Huckabee


But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

James 3:17 KJV


The NY POST story about "the dinner" was TRUE. Wanna see the picture?

By Mike Huckabee

Last week, Miranda Devine broke the news in the NEW YORK POST that emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop confirm that then-Vice President Joe Biden dined with his son and a number of foreign business associates at a Washington, DC, restaurant. The dinner had been arranged by Hunter three weeks before. Invited guests included a now-deceased former mayor of Moscow famous for his corruption and also his wife, who happens to be the Russian woman who wired Hunter’s business $3.5 million for...well, something.

In case you didn’t see our report, here it is.

Since then, the story has gotten worse. Again, I want you to imagine how this would be reported if it involved Donald Trump and any of his offspring. There’s no need to tell you --- you know exactly how it would be.

In a follow-up report, the NY POST said that Joe Biden was a “regular” at Cafe Milano, the Georgetown restaurant where he dined with Hunter’s associates and which bills itself as the place “where the world’s most powerful people go.”

President Biden has repeatedly said that he's never even had a conversation with Hunter about his foreign business dealings, that there was “a wall” and that he knew nothing about them.

In an update, there’s actually a photograph that was taken of part of this group --- Joe Biden included --- and the background matches other interior shots of Cafe Milano. The image was posted in 2019, with no word on where or when it was shot, but the April 16, 2015, dinner Hunter arranged is almost certainly it. The photo shows a smiling then-VP Biden, flanked by Kazakhstani oligarch Kenes Rakishev and Karim Massimov, former prime minister of Kazakhstan. According to the DAILY MAIL, Hunter worked with Rakishev to find U.S. investments for his $300 million-plus fortune between 2012 and 2014.

Here’s the story, with the photo. (Note: the story says the “Bidens” are in the picture, but do you see Dr. Jill Biden, Ph.D? I don’t.)

Anyway, the media have ignored this story just as we knew they would. Over the weekend, Judge Jeanine Pirro slammed the media for failing to pick up on the NY POST report. “Joe Biden lied to the American people again and again,” she said. “He told us that he never talked to his brother, never talked to his son about their businesses, and yet now we have photographs of him, now we have that laptop. And, by the way, they never denied the authenticity of that laptop. And so now Big Tech comes in, along with the media, to say we’re not gonna let the American people hear about this. I mean, can you imagine if it were a Trump that went over there and then they brought back a $1.5 billion from China or $3 million from the widow of the Russia?"

That's the question I've been asking, but, again, we all know the answer. FOX & FRIENDS WEEKEND host Will Cain also sounded a lot like me when he compared the media's blatant lies about this to the lies they've perpetuated about the Wuhan lab and COVID-19. Recall that Twitter even suspended the account of the NY POST over its Hunter Biden laptop story, because they dared to suggest that Hunter’s dad knew more than he let on about his son’s foreign business activity.

But now it’s clear that the hyper-politicized social media “fact”-checkers were wrong, not the NY POST. Even so, those “fact”-checkers have the power to determine which accounts are going to be demonetized, frozen, or otherwise given black marks. Time after time, reality turns out to be diametrically opposed to what they tell us it is. As far as I’m concerned, the only thing they should be looking into at this point is their own nether regions. They’re not qualified to check anything else. I wouldn’t ask them to check my oil.

An excellent interview segment featuring Harris Faulkner and guest Will Cain is at the link. It includes a video montage of the times Biden has denied knowing anything about Hunter’s business.

“I think every single one of us would have to our television screens and ask ourselves, what is our appetite for manipulation and lies? Because you have been manipulated and lied [to] blatantly --- not even...surreptitiously, but blatantly --- for more than a year. And...the Hunter Biden laptop story arc, follows very neatly, Harris, with the ‘COVID came from the Wuhan lab’ as a conspiracy theorist idea.”

This is from their playbook, he said, the way they call these ideas “crazy talk” and “Russian disinformation” (which I would add is really getting old) even though they’re true. Cain asserted that the way both of these stories –- Hunter’s laptop and COVID –- were dealt with by the media actually manipulated a Presidential election.

Oh, no, he just gave the “fact”-checkers something else to call crazy. But it's true.

EPOCH TV has put together an outstanding video called “Hunter Biden Is Back in the News: A Look at the Media’s Cover-Up of His Laptop Scandal.” It’s a great refresher on the whole story, and it also looks specifically at the impact of the media’s coverage (or, I would say, lack of coverage, and outright censorship) on the 2020 election. It runs just under 17 minutes and is well worth your time.

As you’ll see in the video, NPR’s Managing Director for News Terence Samuels said of the Hunter story, “We don’t waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don’t want to waste our listeners’ and our readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions.”

I wonder, how many times on NPR over the past five years have they pushed stories somehow linking Donald Trump, and/or Trump’s family, and Russia? How much of their listeners’ time has been wasted on story after story that turned out not to be true?

Another great point: Joe Biden himself tried to rely on the “Russian disinformation” story as a cover during two of the presidential debates when Trump brought up Hunter’s laptop. He had to be well aware that this was a fabrication.

Finally, Matt Taibbi has a great piece about the media’s suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story, calling it even a bigger scandal than the actual story.

Taibbi shows exactly what the social media “fact”-checkers are up to, how they scrub or de-rank the real information in favor of the slanted “explainers,” which are pure propaganda. For when you have time (it’s long), his piece is one of the best choices of reading material you could make on the the subject. Aside from this, of course.

Morality Lesson from MSNBC

By Mike Huckabee

It’s okay to mock people who are in wheelchairs, as long as they’re Republicans.

Iranian warship catches fire

By Mike Huckabee

Tuesday, Iran’s largest warship, the Kharg, caught fire under mysterious circumstances and sank in the Gulf of Oman. Photos posted on social media showed the sailors evacuating the ship as thick clouds of black smoke rose behind them.

No word yet as to what might have caused it, but let’s hope that whatever it was, it happens a lot more often.

"Smart Diplomacy"

By Mike Huckabee

In case you missed it, and no, there’s nothing funny about this story: Iran will soon be getting a new President. The nation President Biden thinks is reasonable enough that we can deal with them and send them piles of our money that won’t be spent on funding terrorism and advancing their nuclear weapons ambitions has decided that its next President will be Ebrahim Raisi, a hardline Muslim cleric who took part in the mass murder of more than 30,000 dissidents in 1988 and who opposes conciliation with the West. He’s currently the Chief Justice who recently sentenced Iranian wrestling champion Navid Afkari to be executed, like many others, for peaceful protest of the clerics’ regime.

Before you ask how the Iranian people could elect such a person as their leader, note that they had no say over it. Raisi is the choice of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the unelected members of the Guardian Council. As the linked story notes, they fear the rising opposition of the people to their brutal reign and want to make sure they keep the suppression turned up to 11.

I wish America were doing more to help the good people of Iran overthrow these murderous monsters, but that would require having an American President who recognizes Iran’s illegitimate leaders for what they are and who puts sanctions and pressure on them instead of trying to bribe and appease them into acting like civilized human beings with billions of dollars that they will undoubtedly use for more suppression of their own people and terrorism against Israel and throughout the world.

Or as the Democrats call that, “smart diplomacy.”

Heck of a job, experts!

This isn't education, it is indoctrination

By Mike Huckabee

Last night, I was on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News, to comment on a cartoon lesson shown to first graders as young as four at an elite prep school in New York City.

I should warn you before you click that if you watch that clip, you will see the cartoon, which is about sexual subjects you might find quite inappropriate. It's a real conundrum: I hate linking to it because it’s too adult, but I have to report what's being shown to FOUR-YEAR-OLDS! At a school that charges parents $55,000 a year.

Why was I not surprised to learn that back in the 1970s, notorious pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was a teacher at that very school?

Sadly, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Schools are replacing education with indoctrination. It’s no wonder kids are doing so badly at math, science and reading. When you’re spending most of your day being taught to hate America, sexually pleasure yourself, celebrate the LBBTQ+ agenda and judge people by their skin color, who has time to learn anything else?

Parents have to become proactive and start speaking up against this, even if they’re afraid it will cause them to be ostracized by other, liberal parents. They might be surprised to discover how many other parents agree and would welcome someone taking the lead in speaking up. Even if they don’t, it’s better to take your kids out of these schools than to stay quiet and leave them there. Find a better school (that shouldn’t be hard), home-school them, or for $55,000 a year, I bet you could find a pretty decent tutor. Leaving them in these schools is tantamount to child abuse.

And as if children aren’t getting enough of this inappropriate indoctrination in schools, when they come home and turn on the TV, they get even more of it. To celebrate Pride Month, Nickelodeon is airing an episode of the young children’s cartoon show “Blue’s Clues and You” that includes a “Pride Parade” hosted by an animated version of drag performer Nina West of “RuPaul’s Drag Race.” It features cute, colorful animals representing every sexual identity group, including “queer,” “bi,” “pan,” “ace” and “trans” (a cartoon beaver with scars on its chest, apparently from having its breasts surgically removed.) This is aimed at kindergarten children. I’ll bet some of you who are adults have never even heard of some of those particular sexual designations.

I’m linking to the Christian Post write-up of this because it was one of the few media outlets that has the video posted but that points out the shocking inappropriateness of it. Virtually every mainstream media write-up of it is overwhelmingly positive, with no concerns at all about how damaging it can be to push sexually explicit ideas at children who are too young and innocent to comprehend them.


By Mike Huckabee

Anyone who argues that President Biden isn’t embarking on a more radical third term of Obama should take it up with someone who obviously believes that: Barack Obama.

Obama pointed out that Biden is appointing people from his Administration, reinstating his policies and essentially, “finishing the job.” Considering that Obama vowed to “fundamentally transform” America, and that many people were horrified at what he was transforming it into, the phrase "finishing the job" carries ominous echoes of "The Godfather." Anyone who bought the line that Biden was going to be a moderate centrist working across the aisle was conned worse than Bernie Madoff’s clients.

Latest examples: say goodbye to small hometown banks and Alaskan oil…

RIP Arlene Golonka

By “Huckabee” writer/pop culture guru Pat Reeder (

We’ve lost another of those beloved, omnipresent actors that generations of Americans grew up watching on TV. Arlene Golonka died Monday in West Hollywood at 85 after a long struggle with Alzheimers.

The bubbly blonde comic actress was best known as bakery shop clerk Millie Swanson, Ken Berry’s girlfriend on “Mayberry RFD” (she’d earlier appeared on “The Andy Griffith Show” as the same character, only named Millie Hutchins, who was engaged to stuffy county clerk Howard Sprague until they realized they had nothing in common and broke up.) But that was only the most famous of her countless roles.

After working on stage, the Chicago-born actress moved to Los Angeles, and was soon making appearances on virtually every TV show of the ‘60s and ‘70s, from the early days of “Naked City” and “Car 54, Where Are You?” through “That Girl,” “The Flying Nun” and “Get Smart,” and post-“Mayberry,” in “M*A*S*H,” “All in the Family,” “Maude,” “The Love Boat,” “Matlock,” “Murder She Wrote” and many more.

She also made a number of movie appearances, including “Hang ‘Em High,” “Airport ’77,” “The In-Laws” (hilarious, you should see it), “Love At First Bite” and “The Age of Innocence.” Her last TV appearance was in “The King of Queens” in 2005. By that time, she was mostly retired from the screen and teaching acting.

Arlene Golonka brightened every show she appeared in for many years. Fans of “The Andy Griffith Show” who have seen all the reruns a million times might want to check out the spin-off, “Mayberry RFD,” that was killed by CBS’ “rural purge” while it was still a hit, but it’s very hard to find. There is no DVD box set, and at the moment, it doesn’t appear to be on any streaming services. However, I recently watched all the episodes, in varying quality, on the video streaming site, so give it a try. You might find it relaxing, in this trying age, to spend a little time with Sam, Millie, Howard, Emmitt and Goober.

A Reader Writes Back... 

Love your analyses! You cover all the bases and?I am always happy to read you Bible verse if the day. It carries me through the whole day. Thank you!

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More Stories

Evening Edition: Not Even Texas Is Safe

Evening Edition: Kudos to Senator Cruz

Comments 11-15 of 15

  • Paul Kern

    06/03/2021 12:31 AM

    So now we have Obama on steroids. At this rate there will be no Republic by the next election Too many RINOs.
    The Church has failed it's job to be salt and light. Now we have Ba'als priests who control the federal government on all levels!

  • William Jakovac

    06/02/2021 11:26 PM

    Concerning the rural purge that got rid of Green Acres, Beverly Hillbillies and all, I just don’t remember who their replacements were.

  • Floyd A Unger

    06/02/2021 10:28 PM

    Scary times

  • Prayer Warrior

    06/02/2021 10:11 PM

    “I wish America were doing more to help the good people of Iran overthrow these murderous monsters, but that would require having an American President who recognizes Iran’s illegitimate leaders for what they are and who puts sanctions and pressure on them instead of trying to bribe and appease them into acting like civilized human beings with billions of dollars that they will undoubtedly use for more suppression of their own people and terrorism against Israel and throughout the world“
    I wish I could talk to you face to face and tell you all the reasons why I agree with you!

  • Adele Colvin

    06/02/2021 10:05 PM

    Where is the picture?

Election 2024 Coverage

June 2, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • The NY POST story about "the dinner" was TRUE. Wanna see the picture?
  • Morality Lesson from MSNBC
  • Iranian warship catches fire
  • "Smart Diplomacy"
  • This isn't education, it is indoctrination
  • Ominous
  • RIP Arlene Golonka
  • A Reader Writes...


Mike Huckabee


But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

James 3:17 KJV


The NY POST story about "the dinner" was TRUE. Wanna see the picture?

By Mike Huckabee

Last week, Miranda Devine broke the news in the NEW YORK POST that emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop confirm that then-Vice President Joe Biden dined with his son and a number of foreign business associates at a Washington, DC, restaurant. The dinner had been arranged by Hunter three weeks before. Invited guests included a now-deceased former mayor of Moscow famous for his corruption and also his wife, who happens to be the Russian woman who wired Hunter’s business $3.5 million for...well, something.

In case you didn’t see our report, here it is.

Since then, the story has gotten worse. Again, I want you to imagine how this would be reported if it involved Donald Trump and any of his offspring. There’s no need to tell you --- you know exactly how it would be.

In a follow-up report, the NY POST said that Joe Biden was a “regular” at Cafe Milano, the Georgetown restaurant where he dined with Hunter’s associates and which bills itself as the place “where the world’s most powerful people go.”

President Biden has repeatedly said that he's never even had a conversation with Hunter about his foreign business dealings, that there was “a wall” and that he knew nothing about them.

In an update, there’s actually a photograph that was taken of part of this group --- Joe Biden included --- and the background matches other interior shots of Cafe Milano. The image was posted in 2019, with no word on where or when it was shot, but the April 16, 2015, dinner Hunter arranged is almost certainly it. The photo shows a smiling then-VP Biden, flanked by Kazakhstani oligarch Kenes Rakishev and Karim Massimov, former prime minister of Kazakhstan. According to the DAILY MAIL, Hunter worked with Rakishev to find U.S. investments for his $300 million-plus fortune between 2012 and 2014.

Here’s the story, with the photo. (Note: the story says the “Bidens” are in the picture, but do you see Dr. Jill Biden, Ph.D? I don’t.)

Anyway, the media have ignored this story just as we knew they would. Over the weekend, Judge Jeanine Pirro slammed the media for failing to pick up on the NY POST report. “Joe Biden lied to the American people again and again,” she said. “He told us that he never talked to his brother, never talked to his son about their businesses, and yet now we have photographs of him, now we have that laptop. And, by the way, they never denied the authenticity of that laptop. And so now Big Tech comes in, along with the media, to say we’re not gonna let the American people hear about this. I mean, can you imagine if it were a Trump that went over there and then they brought back a $1.5 billion from China or $3 million from the widow of the Russia?"

That's the question I've been asking, but, again, we all know the answer. FOX & FRIENDS WEEKEND host Will Cain also sounded a lot like me when he compared the media's blatant lies about this to the lies they've perpetuated about the Wuhan lab and COVID-19. Recall that Twitter even suspended the account of the NY POST over its Hunter Biden laptop story, because they dared to suggest that Hunter’s dad knew more than he let on about his son’s foreign business activity.

But now it’s clear that the hyper-politicized social media “fact”-checkers were wrong, not the NY POST. Even so, those “fact”-checkers have the power to determine which accounts are going to be demonetized, frozen, or otherwise given black marks. Time after time, reality turns out to be diametrically opposed to what they tell us it is. As far as I’m concerned, the only thing they should be looking into at this point is their own nether regions. They’re not qualified to check anything else. I wouldn’t ask them to check my oil.

An excellent interview segment featuring Harris Faulkner and guest Will Cain is at the link. It includes a video montage of the times Biden has denied knowing anything about Hunter’s business.

“I think every single one of us would have to our television screens and ask ourselves, what is our appetite for manipulation and lies? Because you have been manipulated and lied [to] blatantly --- not even...surreptitiously, but blatantly --- for more than a year. And...the Hunter Biden laptop story arc, follows very neatly, Harris, with the ‘COVID came from the Wuhan lab’ as a conspiracy theorist idea.”

This is from their playbook, he said, the way they call these ideas “crazy talk” and “Russian disinformation” (which I would add is really getting old) even though they’re true. Cain asserted that the way both of these stories –- Hunter’s laptop and COVID –- were dealt with by the media actually manipulated a Presidential election.

Oh, no, he just gave the “fact”-checkers something else to call crazy. But it's true.

EPOCH TV has put together an outstanding video called “Hunter Biden Is Back in the News: A Look at the Media’s Cover-Up of His Laptop Scandal.” It’s a great refresher on the whole story, and it also looks specifically at the impact of the media’s coverage (or, I would say, lack of coverage, and outright censorship) on the 2020 election. It runs just under 17 minutes and is well worth your time.

As you’ll see in the video, NPR’s Managing Director for News Terence Samuels said of the Hunter story, “We don’t waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don’t want to waste our listeners’ and our readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions.”

I wonder, how many times on NPR over the past five years have they pushed stories somehow linking Donald Trump, and/or Trump’s family, and Russia? How much of their listeners’ time has been wasted on story after story that turned out not to be true?

Another great point: Joe Biden himself tried to rely on the “Russian disinformation” story as a cover during two of the presidential debates when Trump brought up Hunter’s laptop. He had to be well aware that this was a fabrication.

Finally, Matt Taibbi has a great piece about the media’s suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story, calling it even a bigger scandal than the actual story.

Taibbi shows exactly what the social media “fact”-checkers are up to, how they scrub or de-rank the real information in favor of the slanted “explainers,” which are pure propaganda. For when you have time (it’s long), his piece is one of the best choices of reading material you could make on the the subject. Aside from this, of course.

Morality Lesson from MSNBC

By Mike Huckabee

It’s okay to mock people who are in wheelchairs, as long as they’re Republicans.

Iranian warship catches fire

By Mike Huckabee

Tuesday, Iran’s largest warship, the Kharg, caught fire under mysterious circumstances and sank in the Gulf of Oman. Photos posted on social media showed the sailors evacuating the ship as thick clouds of black smoke rose behind them.

No word yet as to what might have caused it, but let’s hope that whatever it was, it happens a lot more often.

"Smart Diplomacy"

By Mike Huckabee

In case you missed it, and no, there’s nothing funny about this story: Iran will soon be getting a new President. The nation President Biden thinks is reasonable enough that we can deal with them and send them piles of our money that won’t be spent on funding terrorism and advancing their nuclear weapons ambitions has decided that its next President will be Ebrahim Raisi, a hardline Muslim cleric who took part in the mass murder of more than 30,000 dissidents in 1988 and who opposes conciliation with the West. He’s currently the Chief Justice who recently sentenced Iranian wrestling champion Navid Afkari to be executed, like many others, for peaceful protest of the clerics’ regime.

Before you ask how the Iranian people could elect such a person as their leader, note that they had no say over it. Raisi is the choice of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the unelected members of the Guardian Council. As the linked story notes, they fear the rising opposition of the people to their brutal reign and want to make sure they keep the suppression turned up to 11.

I wish America were doing more to help the good people of Iran overthrow these murderous monsters, but that would require having an American President who recognizes Iran’s illegitimate leaders for what they are and who puts sanctions and pressure on them instead of trying to bribe and appease them into acting like civilized human beings with billions of dollars that they will undoubtedly use for more suppression of their own people and terrorism against Israel and throughout the world.

Or as the Democrats call that, “smart diplomacy.”

Heck of a job, experts!

This isn't education, it is indoctrination

By Mike Huckabee

Last night, I was on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News, to comment on a cartoon lesson shown to first graders as young as four at an elite prep school in New York City.

I should warn you before you click that if you watch that clip, you will see the cartoon, which is about sexual subjects you might find quite inappropriate. It's a real conundrum: I hate linking to it because it’s too adult, but I have to report what's being shown to FOUR-YEAR-OLDS! At a school that charges parents $55,000 a year.

Why was I not surprised to learn that back in the 1970s, notorious pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was a teacher at that very school?

Sadly, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Schools are replacing education with indoctrination. It’s no wonder kids are doing so badly at math, science and reading. When you’re spending most of your day being taught to hate America, sexually pleasure yourself, celebrate the LBBTQ+ agenda and judge people by their skin color, who has time to learn anything else?

Parents have to become proactive and start speaking up against this, even if they’re afraid it will cause them to be ostracized by other, liberal parents. They might be surprised to discover how many other parents agree and would welcome someone taking the lead in speaking up. Even if they don’t, it’s better to take your kids out of these schools than to stay quiet and leave them there. Find a better school (that shouldn’t be hard), home-school them, or for $55,000 a year, I bet you could find a pretty decent tutor. Leaving them in these schools is tantamount to child abuse.

And as if children aren’t getting enough of this inappropriate indoctrination in schools, when they come home and turn on the TV, they get even more of it. To celebrate Pride Month, Nickelodeon is airing an episode of the young children’s cartoon show “Blue’s Clues and You” that includes a “Pride Parade” hosted by an animated version of drag performer Nina West of “RuPaul’s Drag Race.” It features cute, colorful animals representing every sexual identity group, including “queer,” “bi,” “pan,” “ace” and “trans” (a cartoon beaver with scars on its chest, apparently from having its breasts surgically removed.) This is aimed at kindergarten children. I’ll bet some of you who are adults have never even heard of some of those particular sexual designations.

I’m linking to the Christian Post write-up of this because it was one of the few media outlets that has the video posted but that points out the shocking inappropriateness of it. Virtually every mainstream media write-up of it is overwhelmingly positive, with no concerns at all about how damaging it can be to push sexually explicit ideas at children who are too young and innocent to comprehend them.


By Mike Huckabee

Anyone who argues that President Biden isn’t embarking on a more radical third term of Obama should take it up with someone who obviously believes that: Barack Obama.

Obama pointed out that Biden is appointing people from his Administration, reinstating his policies and essentially, “finishing the job.” Considering that Obama vowed to “fundamentally transform” America, and that many people were horrified at what he was transforming it into, the phrase "finishing the job" carries ominous echoes of "The Godfather." Anyone who bought the line that Biden was going to be a moderate centrist working across the aisle was conned worse than Bernie Madoff’s clients.

Latest examples: say goodbye to small hometown banks and Alaskan oil…

RIP Arlene Golonka

By “Huckabee” writer/pop culture guru Pat Reeder (

We’ve lost another of those beloved, omnipresent actors that generations of Americans grew up watching on TV. Arlene Golonka died Monday in West Hollywood at 85 after a long struggle with Alzheimers.

The bubbly blonde comic actress was best known as bakery shop clerk Millie Swanson, Ken Berry’s girlfriend on “Mayberry RFD” (she’d earlier appeared on “The Andy Griffith Show” as the same character, only named Millie Hutchins, who was engaged to stuffy county clerk Howard Sprague until they realized they had nothing in common and broke up.) But that was only the most famous of her countless roles.

After working on stage, the Chicago-born actress moved to Los Angeles, and was soon making appearances on virtually every TV show of the ‘60s and ‘70s, from the early days of “Naked City” and “Car 54, Where Are You?” through “That Girl,” “The Flying Nun” and “Get Smart,” and post-“Mayberry,” in “M*A*S*H,” “All in the Family,” “Maude,” “The Love Boat,” “Matlock,” “Murder She Wrote” and many more.

She also made a number of movie appearances, including “Hang ‘Em High,” “Airport ’77,” “The In-Laws” (hilarious, you should see it), “Love At First Bite” and “The Age of Innocence.” Her last TV appearance was in “The King of Queens” in 2005. By that time, she was mostly retired from the screen and teaching acting.

Arlene Golonka brightened every show she appeared in for many years. Fans of “The Andy Griffith Show” who have seen all the reruns a million times might want to check out the spin-off, “Mayberry RFD,” that was killed by CBS’ “rural purge” while it was still a hit, but it’s very hard to find. There is no DVD box set, and at the moment, it doesn’t appear to be on any streaming services. However, I recently watched all the episodes, in varying quality, on the video streaming site, so give it a try. You might find it relaxing, in this trying age, to spend a little time with Sam, Millie, Howard, Emmitt and Goober.

A Reader Writes Back... 

Love your analyses! You cover all the bases and?I am always happy to read you Bible verse if the day. It carries me through the whole day. Thank you!

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More Stories

Evening Edition: Not Even Texas Is Safe

Evening Edition: Kudos to Senator Cruz

Comments 11-15 of 15

  • Paul Kern

    06/03/2021 12:31 AM

    So now we have Obama on steroids. At this rate there will be no Republic by the next election Too many RINOs.
    The Church has failed it's job to be salt and light. Now we have Ba'als priests who control the federal government on all levels!

  • William Jakovac

    06/02/2021 11:26 PM

    Concerning the rural purge that got rid of Green Acres, Beverly Hillbillies and all, I just don’t remember who their replacements were.

  • Floyd A Unger

    06/02/2021 10:28 PM

    Scary times

  • Prayer Warrior

    06/02/2021 10:11 PM

    “I wish America were doing more to help the good people of Iran overthrow these murderous monsters, but that would require having an American President who recognizes Iran’s illegitimate leaders for what they are and who puts sanctions and pressure on them instead of trying to bribe and appease them into acting like civilized human beings with billions of dollars that they will undoubtedly use for more suppression of their own people and terrorism against Israel and throughout the world“
    I wish I could talk to you face to face and tell you all the reasons why I agree with you!

  • Adele Colvin

    06/02/2021 10:05 PM

    Where is the picture?

Message from Mike Huckabee

    Help me fight back against Big Tech censorship. If you would like to subscribe to the daily, advertisement-free version of my newsletter for $5 monthly or $36 annually, on Substack, go here.

    Latest News

    June 2, 2021

    Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

    • Daily Bible Verse
    • The NY POST story about "the dinner" was TRUE. Wanna see the picture?
    • Morality Lesson from MSNBC
    • Iranian warship catches fire
    • "Smart Diplomacy"
    • This isn't education, it is indoctrination
    • Ominous
    • RIP Arlene Golonka
    • A Reader Writes...


    Mike Huckabee


    But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

    James 3:17 KJV


    The NY POST story about "the dinner" was TRUE. Wanna see the picture?

    By Mike Huckabee

    Last week, Miranda Devine broke the news in the NEW YORK POST that emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop confirm that then-Vice President Joe Biden dined with his son and a number of foreign business associates at a Washington, DC, restaurant. The dinner had been arranged by Hunter three weeks before. Invited guests included a now-deceased former mayor of Moscow famous for his corruption and also his wife, who happens to be the Russian woman who wired Hunter’s business $3.5 million for...well, something.

    In case you didn’t see our report, here it is.

    Since then, the story has gotten worse. Again, I want you to imagine how this would be reported if it involved Donald Trump and any of his offspring. There’s no need to tell you --- you know exactly how it would be.

    In a follow-up report, the NY POST said that Joe Biden was a “regular” at Cafe Milano, the Georgetown restaurant where he dined with Hunter’s associates and which bills itself as the place “where the world’s most powerful people go.”

    President Biden has repeatedly said that he's never even had a conversation with Hunter about his foreign business dealings, that there was “a wall” and that he knew nothing about them.

    In an update, there’s actually a photograph that was taken of part of this group --- Joe Biden included --- and the background matches other interior shots of Cafe Milano. The image was posted in 2019, with no word on where or when it was shot, but the April 16, 2015, dinner Hunter arranged is almost certainly it. The photo shows a smiling then-VP Biden, flanked by Kazakhstani oligarch Kenes Rakishev and Karim Massimov, former prime minister of Kazakhstan. According to the DAILY MAIL, Hunter worked with Rakishev to find U.S. investments for his $300 million-plus fortune between 2012 and 2014.

    Here’s the story, with the photo. (Note: the story says the “Bidens” are in the picture, but do you see Dr. Jill Biden, Ph.D? I don’t.)

    Anyway, the media have ignored this story just as we knew they would. Over the weekend, Judge Jeanine Pirro slammed the media for failing to pick up on the NY POST report. “Joe Biden lied to the American people again and again,” she said. “He told us that he never talked to his brother, never talked to his son about their businesses, and yet now we have photographs of him, now we have that laptop. And, by the way, they never denied the authenticity of that laptop. And so now Big Tech comes in, along with the media, to say we’re not gonna let the American people hear about this. I mean, can you imagine if it were a Trump that went over there and then they brought back a $1.5 billion from China or $3 million from the widow of the Russia?"

    That's the question I've been asking, but, again, we all know the answer. FOX & FRIENDS WEEKEND host Will Cain also sounded a lot like me when he compared the media's blatant lies about this to the lies they've perpetuated about the Wuhan lab and COVID-19. Recall that Twitter even suspended the account of the NY POST over its Hunter Biden laptop story, because they dared to suggest that Hunter’s dad knew more than he let on about his son’s foreign business activity.

    But now it’s clear that the hyper-politicized social media “fact”-checkers were wrong, not the NY POST. Even so, those “fact”-checkers have the power to determine which accounts are going to be demonetized, frozen, or otherwise given black marks. Time after time, reality turns out to be diametrically opposed to what they tell us it is. As far as I’m concerned, the only thing they should be looking into at this point is their own nether regions. They’re not qualified to check anything else. I wouldn’t ask them to check my oil.

    An excellent interview segment featuring Harris Faulkner and guest Will Cain is at the link. It includes a video montage of the times Biden has denied knowing anything about Hunter’s business.

    “I think every single one of us would have to our television screens and ask ourselves, what is our appetite for manipulation and lies? Because you have been manipulated and lied [to] blatantly --- not even...surreptitiously, but blatantly --- for more than a year. And...the Hunter Biden laptop story arc, follows very neatly, Harris, with the ‘COVID came from the Wuhan lab’ as a conspiracy theorist idea.”

    This is from their playbook, he said, the way they call these ideas “crazy talk” and “Russian disinformation” (which I would add is really getting old) even though they’re true. Cain asserted that the way both of these stories –- Hunter’s laptop and COVID –- were dealt with by the media actually manipulated a Presidential election.

    Oh, no, he just gave the “fact”-checkers something else to call crazy. But it's true.

    EPOCH TV has put together an outstanding video called “Hunter Biden Is Back in the News: A Look at the Media’s Cover-Up of His Laptop Scandal.” It’s a great refresher on the whole story, and it also looks specifically at the impact of the media’s coverage (or, I would say, lack of coverage, and outright censorship) on the 2020 election. It runs just under 17 minutes and is well worth your time.

    As you’ll see in the video, NPR’s Managing Director for News Terence Samuels said of the Hunter story, “We don’t waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don’t want to waste our listeners’ and our readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions.”

    I wonder, how many times on NPR over the past five years have they pushed stories somehow linking Donald Trump, and/or Trump’s family, and Russia? How much of their listeners’ time has been wasted on story after story that turned out not to be true?

    Another great point: Joe Biden himself tried to rely on the “Russian disinformation” story as a cover during two of the presidential debates when Trump brought up Hunter’s laptop. He had to be well aware that this was a fabrication.

    Finally, Matt Taibbi has a great piece about the media’s suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story, calling it even a bigger scandal than the actual story.

    Taibbi shows exactly what the social media “fact”-checkers are up to, how they scrub or de-rank the real information in favor of the slanted “explainers,” which are pure propaganda. For when you have time (it’s long), his piece is one of the best choices of reading material you could make on the the subject. Aside from this, of course.

    Morality Lesson from MSNBC

    By Mike Huckabee

    It’s okay to mock people who are in wheelchairs, as long as they’re Republicans.

    Iranian warship catches fire

    By Mike Huckabee

    Tuesday, Iran’s largest warship, the Kharg, caught fire under mysterious circumstances and sank in the Gulf of Oman. Photos posted on social media showed the sailors evacuating the ship as thick clouds of black smoke rose behind them.

    No word yet as to what might have caused it, but let’s hope that whatever it was, it happens a lot more often.

    "Smart Diplomacy"

    By Mike Huckabee

    In case you missed it, and no, there’s nothing funny about this story: Iran will soon be getting a new President. The nation President Biden thinks is reasonable enough that we can deal with them and send them piles of our money that won’t be spent on funding terrorism and advancing their nuclear weapons ambitions has decided that its next President will be Ebrahim Raisi, a hardline Muslim cleric who took part in the mass murder of more than 30,000 dissidents in 1988 and who opposes conciliation with the West. He’s currently the Chief Justice who recently sentenced Iranian wrestling champion Navid Afkari to be executed, like many others, for peaceful protest of the clerics’ regime.

    Before you ask how the Iranian people could elect such a person as their leader, note that they had no say over it. Raisi is the choice of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the unelected members of the Guardian Council. As the linked story notes, they fear the rising opposition of the people to their brutal reign and want to make sure they keep the suppression turned up to 11.

    I wish America were doing more to help the good people of Iran overthrow these murderous monsters, but that would require having an American President who recognizes Iran’s illegitimate leaders for what they are and who puts sanctions and pressure on them instead of trying to bribe and appease them into acting like civilized human beings with billions of dollars that they will undoubtedly use for more suppression of their own people and terrorism against Israel and throughout the world.

    Or as the Democrats call that, “smart diplomacy.”

    Heck of a job, experts!

    This isn't education, it is indoctrination

    By Mike Huckabee

    Last night, I was on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News, to comment on a cartoon lesson shown to first graders as young as four at an elite prep school in New York City.

    I should warn you before you click that if you watch that clip, you will see the cartoon, which is about sexual subjects you might find quite inappropriate. It's a real conundrum: I hate linking to it because it’s too adult, but I have to report what's being shown to FOUR-YEAR-OLDS! At a school that charges parents $55,000 a year.

    Why was I not surprised to learn that back in the 1970s, notorious pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was a teacher at that very school?

    Sadly, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Schools are replacing education with indoctrination. It’s no wonder kids are doing so badly at math, science and reading. When you’re spending most of your day being taught to hate America, sexually pleasure yourself, celebrate the LBBTQ+ agenda and judge people by their skin color, who has time to learn anything else?

    Parents have to become proactive and start speaking up against this, even if they’re afraid it will cause them to be ostracized by other, liberal parents. They might be surprised to discover how many other parents agree and would welcome someone taking the lead in speaking up. Even if they don’t, it’s better to take your kids out of these schools than to stay quiet and leave them there. Find a better school (that shouldn’t be hard), home-school them, or for $55,000 a year, I bet you could find a pretty decent tutor. Leaving them in these schools is tantamount to child abuse.

    And as if children aren’t getting enough of this inappropriate indoctrination in schools, when they come home and turn on the TV, they get even more of it. To celebrate Pride Month, Nickelodeon is airing an episode of the young children’s cartoon show “Blue’s Clues and You” that includes a “Pride Parade” hosted by an animated version of drag performer Nina West of “RuPaul’s Drag Race.” It features cute, colorful animals representing every sexual identity group, including “queer,” “bi,” “pan,” “ace” and “trans” (a cartoon beaver with scars on its chest, apparently from having its breasts surgically removed.) This is aimed at kindergarten children. I’ll bet some of you who are adults have never even heard of some of those particular sexual designations.

    I’m linking to the Christian Post write-up of this because it was one of the few media outlets that has the video posted but that points out the shocking inappropriateness of it. Virtually every mainstream media write-up of it is overwhelmingly positive, with no concerns at all about how damaging it can be to push sexually explicit ideas at children who are too young and innocent to comprehend them.


    By Mike Huckabee

    Anyone who argues that President Biden isn’t embarking on a more radical third term of Obama should take it up with someone who obviously believes that: Barack Obama.

    Obama pointed out that Biden is appointing people from his Administration, reinstating his policies and essentially, “finishing the job.” Considering that Obama vowed to “fundamentally transform” America, and that many people were horrified at what he was transforming it into, the phrase "finishing the job" carries ominous echoes of "The Godfather." Anyone who bought the line that Biden was going to be a moderate centrist working across the aisle was conned worse than Bernie Madoff’s clients.

    Latest examples: say goodbye to small hometown banks and Alaskan oil…

    RIP Arlene Golonka

    By “Huckabee” writer/pop culture guru Pat Reeder (

    We’ve lost another of those beloved, omnipresent actors that generations of Americans grew up watching on TV. Arlene Golonka died Monday in West Hollywood at 85 after a long struggle with Alzheimers.

    The bubbly blonde comic actress was best known as bakery shop clerk Millie Swanson, Ken Berry’s girlfriend on “Mayberry RFD” (she’d earlier appeared on “The Andy Griffith Show” as the same character, only named Millie Hutchins, who was engaged to stuffy county clerk Howard Sprague until they realized they had nothing in common and broke up.) But that was only the most famous of her countless roles.

    After working on stage, the Chicago-born actress moved to Los Angeles, and was soon making appearances on virtually every TV show of the ‘60s and ‘70s, from the early days of “Naked City” and “Car 54, Where Are You?” through “That Girl,” “The Flying Nun” and “Get Smart,” and post-“Mayberry,” in “M*A*S*H,” “All in the Family,” “Maude,” “The Love Boat,” “Matlock,” “Murder She Wrote” and many more.

    She also made a number of movie appearances, including “Hang ‘Em High,” “Airport ’77,” “The In-Laws” (hilarious, you should see it), “Love At First Bite” and “The Age of Innocence.” Her last TV appearance was in “The King of Queens” in 2005. By that time, she was mostly retired from the screen and teaching acting.

    Arlene Golonka brightened every show she appeared in for many years. Fans of “The Andy Griffith Show” who have seen all the reruns a million times might want to check out the spin-off, “Mayberry RFD,” that was killed by CBS’ “rural purge” while it was still a hit, but it’s very hard to find. There is no DVD box set, and at the moment, it doesn’t appear to be on any streaming services. However, I recently watched all the episodes, in varying quality, on the video streaming site, so give it a try. You might find it relaxing, in this trying age, to spend a little time with Sam, Millie, Howard, Emmitt and Goober.

    A Reader Writes Back... 

    Love your analyses! You cover all the bases and?I am always happy to read you Bible verse if the day. It carries me through the whole day. Thank you!

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    Comments 11-15 of 15

    • Paul Kern

      06/03/2021 12:31 AM

      So now we have Obama on steroids. At this rate there will be no Republic by the next election Too many RINOs.
      The Church has failed it's job to be salt and light. Now we have Ba'als priests who control the federal government on all levels!

    • William Jakovac

      06/02/2021 11:26 PM

      Concerning the rural purge that got rid of Green Acres, Beverly Hillbillies and all, I just don’t remember who their replacements were.

    • Floyd A Unger

      06/02/2021 10:28 PM

      Scary times

    • Prayer Warrior

      06/02/2021 10:11 PM

      “I wish America were doing more to help the good people of Iran overthrow these murderous monsters, but that would require having an American President who recognizes Iran’s illegitimate leaders for what they are and who puts sanctions and pressure on them instead of trying to bribe and appease them into acting like civilized human beings with billions of dollars that they will undoubtedly use for more suppression of their own people and terrorism against Israel and throughout the world“
      I wish I could talk to you face to face and tell you all the reasons why I agree with you!

    • Adele Colvin

      06/02/2021 10:05 PM

      Where is the picture?